Originally from WikiWorld, copied to the Bibliotheca Anonoma for archival.
Japanese Yotsuba ("four leaves") Channel. Founded by moot; is a collection of English imageboards derived from the Japanese imageboard Futaba Channel (2chan).
- Beta test of /b/ in late September.
- 4chan opens on October 1.
- October 17, shut down due to lack of money for hosting.
- November 20, shut down due to lack of money for hosting.
- January, shut down due to lack of money for hosting.
- June 20, shut down due to lack of money for hosting.
- July 1, was a scare for the site's users, as the majority of boards were closed and a message from "moot's secretary" stating that site owner "moot" had abandoned the project and that the site would close in a few days by lack of funds was posted on the news page. It turned out this announcement had been made without moot's knowledge, and within a day all boards returned to normal.
- December, moot implemented "janitors", who can delete posts but cannot ban users, to reduce the workload of the moderators. Janitors are active on several, but not all boards. A full roll-out is expected to be complete around May, 2006.
- February, 4chan's "orz" server encountered a hard drive failure, while cgi's hosting was allowed to expire. Among the boards hosted by these servers were /gif/, /h/, /s/, and the secret /5/ board. On February 9, orz was restored; however, /5/ was not.
- February 17, the three servers purchased during the "Donate or Die 2005" campaign were successfully brought online, putting an end to slow page loads, broken images, and general latency issues.
- April 5, a new set of boards is created, including /co/ (Comics and Cartoons), the first board other than /b/ where Western cartoon pictures are allowed. Other new boards include /cgl/ (Cosplay and EGL), /ck/ (Cooking), /mu/ (Music), /n/ (News), /sp/ (Sports), and /tv/ (Television and Film).
- April 15/16, there appears to be some sort of wordfilter revolution going on. Almost all (like 90%) of the old wordfilters are gone, and some new were implemented.
- June 6, downtime in relation to 666 Day.
- June 7, 4chan returns after nearly a day of downtime. There has not been any honest answer in regards to the cause, some claim it was due to 4chan's bandwidth provider, Cogent, and the image flood to reach the 10000000 GET; to reports of the FBI seizing the hardware in search of CP.
- July 16, Moderators make a sticky of a girl known as Ban-Chan, knowing full well that it is CP, then request more, and recieve. Later that day, moderators inform 4chan that there will be less tolerance for posting illigal things, like CP.
- July 22, /v/ gets its 1 millionth post. While boards other than /b/ usually pay no attention to GETs, 1MGET's picture of Pong, the original video game, is considered by most /v/tards to be an ideal GET for /v/ a small group of users, however, believe that the GET was staged, citing an overload of Final Fantasy VII pics as the reasion.
- July 26, The exclusive premiere of The Ultimate Avengers 2 was set to play at 4:00 PST in the Theaterdome on habbo.com. /b/ found this to be the perfect target for a raid. When 4:00 came, /b/tards tried to flood the room, but found it was open to Habbo Club (meaning people that have paid to play on Habbo) members only. The /b/tards retaliated by flooding Rooftop Rumble.
- August 5, Habbo closes Rooftop Rumble due to flooding and blocking. /b/ celebrates the "Pool's Closed" meme becoming a self-fufilling prophecy.
- August 12, the :CODES: are released to the public causing mass spam on /b/. Images and .gifs of "eng101", "w00t", "SAGE" (the classic blue Sega image edited to spell sage), "owned", "iceburn", the classic flashing "5", the green 4chan "cone", "sweatdrop", and "Hard Gay" were posted in large amount, often causing threads to be derailed in seconds. Seen by many to be the Beginning of the End for 4chan.
- August 21, Mods fuck up 12M get and end up giving a deleted-file. 4chan unhappy, general agreement is that it should have been Snorlax or Buckethead.
- August 23, Moot and the mods enforce a blanket policy stating that starting or replying to ANY illegal content-related thread, including jailbait, CP, personal information, or even raid threads will lead to a global two week-ban. Such extreme measures taken to protect 4chan have never been seen anywhere before, especially on /b/. This event has been appropriately dubbed /b/-day.
- August 23, a sticky from a mod anounces anyone posting in a thread with illegal content will be banned. He warns of a new "ban this thread" option. Rage breaks out all around, CP/JB is posted, multiple "WTF IS THIS SHIT", Hitler references, and then there was a sudden universal reset, /b/ had no posts, and the sticky was gone. A new, softer sticky was posted, only to be destickified and a repetition of the previous sticky with new information re-stickied. This pattern continuted until 4Chan's crash.
- August 23, death of the /b/ forums. Everyone in /b/ is concerned by the fact a forum with leniant rules suddenly has much more stricter rules, the server is crashed after the sticky gets more than 1000 replies, and opening a new thread is almost impossible. And so the 4chan Civil War began: 4chan vs 4chan, /b/ vs /b/, Old Order vs New Order. Or some some stupid melo-dramatic shit like that.
- August 23, A mass exodus of /b/ begins to sites such as iichan, 2Chan and 2ch.ru, mostly being accepted with hesitant yet open arms.
- August 23, img.4chan.org is shut down. /a/, /an/, /b/, /c/, /cm/, /g/, /k/, /m/, /o/, /p/, /r/, /v/, /s/, /w/, and /t/ are inaccessable.
- August 23, /b/'s death is officially posted on /n/. Oficial statement says "jumbo.4chan will be down for the next day due to a disk failure. Expect things to come back online within 24-48 hours. If actual downtime exceeds the estimate, temporary boards will be put up.". This was probably triggered by the self-raid, or an excuse from the mods to shut down /b/ in hope that the conflictive people would not come back.
- August 25, /b/ returns, inciting floods by opposers of the mod's new policies. Later this day, www.anonib.com/invasions/ is flooded (presumably) by 4channers with desu and images of Suiseiseki, leading to the board crashing and all of the content being deleted. Debates and flamewars are sparked across 4chan /b/ between both opposing sides. In addition, /b/ in general had been divided into two factions of /b/tards with the original /b/ claiming the majority. Many /b/tards trolled both sides and managed to spark a few debates over which board was better. One side saying the other had gotten boring while the other side claiming the other weren't real /b/tards. Eventually the threads burned themselves out and the people went to bed.
- August 26, Despite all the internet drama, 4chan /b/ is online and back to running as normal. Floods by those angry with the more vigiliant enforcement of long-standing rules against illegal content have mostly subsided. The only remaining conflicts have led to meme wars and a competitive "Who's better than who?" flood war. However, it slowly calmed and the major populance of both 7chan and 4chan grew tired of it. What was left were threads developed with the hopes of cultivating peace, harmony, and friendship, but ultimately things ended in bitter separation.
- &
- There is a way to use the ampersand by using it with combinations of letters and shopping it on top of pictures to get words like "S&" on top of a desert or "L&" on top of a field. The most commonly used form of this combination is B&.
- ???????
- Goes in the form of "1. Do something, 2. ???????, 3. PROFIT". This joke originated with the comedy South Park in an episode in which the Underpants Gnomes are stealing everyone's underwear. When the main characters ask why the Gnomes are stealing everyone's underwear they show a chart of "1. Take all Underwear, 2. ?, 3. PROFIT". The quote was originally a large single red question mark, but somewhere in the process of becoming a meme, had multiple ?'s added to it.
- (number)GET
- Posted as the first reply of a post (2GET) or to mark milestone posts, especially in /b/ (10,000GET, 100,000GET, etc). Originated on 2chan and rapidly adopted by 4chan. When a new posting milestone is near, /b/'s already high rate of posting increases tremendously, as the /b/tards scramble to score a GET. GETs often create new memes, which is the primary reason that they are considered desirable (See below for milestone GETs). GETs of interesting number combinations are acknowledged on other boards depending on how busy the board is and how easy it is to get one, but not the way /b/ does.
- ¯\(º_o)/¯
- First appearence in 4chan was a post, "i dunno, lol ¯\(º_o)/¯", by Anonymous. While influenced by Japanese Shift_JIS emoticons, the special characters work even with ANSI encoding and are easily recreatable with Alt+0175 and Alt+0176.
- /*/ is that way.
- A more polite way of saying "gb2/*/".
- /5/ - Pictures of 5
- This was a secret board for the mod (ex-mod?) "5", that was hosted under the "orz" server at "http://orz.4chan.org/5/imgboard.html" and didn't appear anywhere in the frame menu. In that board, only pictures of that mod or pictures that were somehow connected to the number "5", as in, a picture of five ducks or with a total of 5 objects, could be posted. This was not a surefire way not to get banned though, as seen when 5 banned someone who posted a picture of some shitty band with 5 members and text similar to "5. Ha." The board now seems to be gone.
- /b/
- Random, insane, and easily the most active board on 4chan. If you add up all the posts to all the other boards on 4chan, the total still falls far short of /b/'s post count. Due to the massive volume, the number of pages on the board is locked at 10 in order to keep /b/ at a remotely sane size. Despite this, there are usually far more posts on /b/ than anywhere else at any given time. There are "no rules" on /b/. Populated by /b/tards.
- Note that despite the lack of rules, it is possible to be banned from /b/. There are "no rules" for the moderators too, so they can ban you just because they feel like it. This is used by moot to explain why child porn can be banned from /b/ even though there aren't any rules. Bans on /b/ tend to be very brief -- unless you post kiddie porn, then it's probably a permaban.
- /b/-Day
- On August 23, 2006; newer, stricter rules were enforced on /b/. Stating that anyone even replying to an illegal thread would be banned. Many members were enraged by these new rules, forcing many to leave. This "exodus" of /b/tards affected many other imageboards; from iichan, to the Russian equivalent of /b/ (these members are known as /b/olsheviks). The outraged members quickly formed faction groups determined to "bring back 4chan." The raids continued all thoughout the day. Though various hacks and scripts, the rouge members took down almost all of 4chan, allowing the admins to only allow a few boards open.
- /b/ Radio
- Relatively new feature of /b/, made by anonymous members of /b/ and so is technically "unofficial". It is a shoutcast server where listeners can upload what they want to hear. It's content can include anything from NES gaming music to Heavy Metal and Nigra Music. The same people who created it also created /b/TV, which inspired /h/TV. Winamp is the only thing that can be used to tune in. Its head DJ's are KnivesACE and Nougatcreme. It is currently being hosted by AnonymousDJ after the former owner whatapath left for the military.
- Listen
- Upload songs to play
- /b/tard
- Resident of /b/, troublemaker.
- /b/TV
- /b/'s very own internet TV channel. Shows various films and TV shows. As with /b/radio, everyone's free to upload what they want played. Winamp is required to view, as the VP6 codec is not widely supported.
- Watch (when online)
- Upload videos to play
- NSV encode guide
- /dis/
- "This and /sug/ were removed.
- /h/TV
- Another internet TV channel run by members of 4chan. /h/tv's playlist consists solely of hentai. Winamp is recommended for use with this stream, but not required.
- Watch
- Test Server
- 20 Minutes (Never Forget)
- Child pornography was posted on 4chan's /b/ and stayed there for 20 minutes before moderators got around to removing it. The thread rose like a rocket to over a hundred posts. It was common for child pornography posts to go on for 45 minutes or longer in the Spring and Summer of 2006. See "GMask".
- 2chan
- Futaba Channel (2ch, 2chan, Wikipedia entry), the famous Japanese image board from which 4chan is derived. Some of 4chan's memes are borrowed from 2chan. Affiliated with (and often confused with) the massive text-mode BBS 2channel; 2ch and Futaba share many of the same memes.
- A derivitive of "AERIS DIES" (see below), referencing the multiple "deaths" of 4chan (4 to date, plus at least 2 near-death experiences), and usually posted to imply that another death is impending.
- Exclimation that came from a famous eBay auction bid of a box of junk after the 4chan Panel of Otakon 2006 that ended on August 15th. Bidding on the box reached at $51,000,100, in which that the seller indicated that all money that was made from the auction would go to moot and 4chan.
- 4chan meme committee
- A thread started where a user in /b/ pasted the line "Hey guys, I'm from the 4chan meme committee, this image attached to this thread is going to be popular pretty soon, so you better save it now" with a random picture. The entire thread was replies in a similar fashion.
- 4Chan Party Van
- First seen in a MSPaint comic, Anonymous answers his door after the person knocking claims it's the "4chan Party Van", but unfortunately it turns out to be the FBI, who proceed to exclaim "LOL J/K" and beat up Anonymous. 4Chan Party Van is now used as a euphemism for "FBI", often posted during child pornography floods.
- 4channer
- A person that frequently visit 4chan.
- 420chan
- The latest 4chan imitator, this one with a heavy emphasis on illegal drugs. There was also a joke "/cp - Child Porn" board, which upon clicking revealed itself to be nothing but the the text "YOU ARE A FILTHY PEDOPHILE" written in white font over a black background, and some background music ("test.mp3" in the source code). In reality there is a hidden child model board which regularly contains real child pornography as does the /b/ section of the site.
- Down as of August 2006.
- 599US$
- Semi-popular /v/ meme used by Sony-haters, mainly in PS3 related threads. Came about after Sony's E3 2006 press conference, when the rather high price tag of Sony's console was unveiled. Often repeated many times in a single reply.
- 7chan
- The place of ultimate failure. You do not wish to post there, unless you are trolling. Originally revived from a year-long slumber, it should serve as a platform where /b/tards could seek refuge during the big crash of August 2006, it soon began to develop a life of its own. /b/tards who were disgusted by the rule enforcements went to 7chan and tried to build their own, new, better /b/ without rules and with enough jailbait and raids for everyone. Of course, they failed miserably. Their own memes (which were mostly made through "Let's make this a meme" threads) were mere shadows of something that might have once been a funny insider joke. While there are still 7chan user who believe their board will surpass 4chan's /b/ by time, the majority of their posts are either CP threads or troll posts from 4chan users. 7chan /b/'s 55555th post was a picture that showed 7chan's most embarrassing failures along with the text "7chan - Just die, please". The thread was stickied for a couple of minutes.
- 8U
- Meme on /b/, born from a screencap of Jessie from Pokemon with a similar expression. Based on her eyes and mouth, the emoticon 8U was born. It was originally derived from a picture of toast. It was thought to have Jesus on it. Some saw an 8U. Thus, a picture of Jessie was posted.
- 87
- Photo of an anonymous man wearing glasses, a headset and microphone. Known as "87" because the number resembles the man's glasses and microphone. Often edited to resemble characters from video and computer games; a well-known example being Jim Raynor of Starcraft fame, which is normally accompanied by comments such as "Raynor here" and "This is Jimmy." Many users incorrectly refer to the man in the photo as "Eurofag" -- the correct name is "87."
- From a Tsukihime doujin in which the main character, Shiki Tohno, decides to assault his succubus familiar, Ren. To escape, Ren turns herself into a cat; however, Shiki is undeterred and utters the line in question. Pops up in many Tsukihime or cat-related threads, and like many memes it gets altered to fit other threads as well ("AN AERIS IS DEAD TOO", etc). Sometimes typed vertically, especially on /b/. One of the most popular variant of this is 'A SABER IS FINE TOO' typed vertically, showing Saber at the door of a bath.
- Abicion
- Tripcode fag who earned himself the enmity of most of /a/ in the winter/spring of 2005 by complaining incessantly about the anime My HiME, going so far as to create multiple ytmnd pages comparing his favorite HiME, Akane, to the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers' Green Ranger. Eventually he was temporarily banned from /a/ and returned later under a different name, with his modus operandi shifted from complaining about My HiME to complaining about Gundam SEED Destiny and animes made by the Sunrise animation studio in general. Since Gundam SEED Destiny is generally acknowledged to suck, this doesn't really make him stand out from the crowd. Also known for posting borderline nonsensical photo sequences of his Gundam and HiME action figures posed in bizarre fighting scenes.
- The anime subforum of the Something Awful forums. Moot and a large majority of the founding 4chan team originally met here, and a few rules (such as "no furry") have been borrowed from it. There is an ongoing 4chan thread in ADTRW that is bumped every couple of weeks for apparently no reason at all.
- The infamous spoiler of Final Fantasy VII, now known to everyone other than a trio of monks in Tibet. Has resulted in a meme of "(person or group) DIES" image macros.
- Age
- (Japanese, pronounced "ah-gay", short for "ageru", meaning "to raise") The opposite of "sage". On both Futaba and 4chan, any ordinary reply is an "age", bumping it to the top of the page (at least until a large number of replies have been made). Placing "age" in the in the email field is unnecessary, but is sometimes done to signify a particularly enthusiastic "age".
- Aishiteruze Baby
- Anime series about an 18-year-old (or so) young man named Kippei who has to take care of his abandoned young female cousin, Yuzuyu. There are two memes from this show. The first shows Yuzuyu eating corn and saying "I like corm" (an intentional mispronounciation). The other is Yuzuyu holding up her fists with her cheeks puffed out. Yuzu is also featured on a famous NIGGA PLEASE 'shop in a dismissive pose.
- Akanishi Jin
- Pop artist and reverse trap from a Japanese group called 'KAT-TUN'. Pictures of Jin are usually posted by fans of said group and posts usually consist of text saying 'this is jin ____'. The first Jin thread was made on September 4th and lasted a good four hours before it was saged. Other resident /b/ tards believe it is a forced meme, while fans of the reverse trap state that those who dislike him are underage virgins. Jin is frequently associated with the word 'fag' (as he is posted ocassionally with his partner Kame) and is seen in a macro with the words 'WATCH OUT STEVE IRWIN, THERES STINGRAYS IN THE OCEAN'.
- All of Cosine's vaginas look horribly infected
- Usually posted by Anonymous when saging a picture thread of the Japanese artist Cosine in /d/ or /h/. Cosine is known for playing fast and loose with the feminine anatomy.
- A master is out
- Originally the caption to a picture of a dog shyly peeking out around a corner, implying in awkward grammar that the dog's master was out somewhere and thus the dog was waiting for them to return. The picture in question spawned several photoshops and the phrase was applied to several other pictures, eventually evolving on its own into phrases like "an insect is delicious" and "a photoshop is atrocious."
- Word that may look to the uninitiated like an obscure mineral, it is in fact short for "Am I right?". Usually added to the end of a post containing either a bad joke/play on words or a post with obvious sarcasm. Use it if you don't want your comment taken seriously.
- Andreus
- A fairly unpopular male furry BDSM-fetishist camwhore. Stirred drama when he supposedly "left" 4chan because of lotus seed. Moot then appended "ANDREUS WILL NOT LEAVE IF YOU STOP POSTING LOTUS SEED POD PRAISE JESUS!" to his post in huge red text, but by either mistake or design, he left the tags open, meaning that every post beneath Andreus' was rendered in massive red text. The presence of this text led many to believe 4chan was ending. Has since been shown not to have left 4chan, and still regularly camwhores on /b/. His leaving post has become copypasta (Snacks was particularly amused by it) and his "signature", consisting of "-Andreus (nerd-chan)" is very occasionally appended to pseudointellectual posts.
- Andy
- Andrew Stubbings, managing director of Noritake Itron UK. He had a webcamera in his office which /b/ used to watch until someone called him and asked to wave at the camera. After this it was moved to hallway. http://media.putfile.com/we-love-you-andy
- An Hero
- See Mitchell Henderson.
- anime_expert_(seen_334+_anime_completely)
- A person with "blue.text.for.VIPPERS.only" in his email field who started appearing in /a/ around summer 2006. Claimed that compared to most if not all /a/ users, he's seen the most amount of anime and that he uses his name simply to "state facts." These not-so-humble claims have been seen as pathetic attempts at e-peen stroking and has garnered this loser the hate of most of the /a/ community. His name has become an /a/ meme with variations such as cock_sucker_(sucked_344+_cocks_completely) or blade expert (have created over 1000 blades completely). Ever since becoming a meme, many people have used the name (some have even tripcoded it). As of August 2006, it remains unclear whether the original user still goes by the name or if he even posts at all.
- Anonyfag
- Disparaging term used mostly by tripcode fags. See "Anonymous". Not used anymore in /b/ due to forced anonymous. Currently the name of a tripcode user in /a/.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous posting is one of the staple features of the code behind 4chan. It allows anyone (who hasn't been banned) to post without having to register for an account or do much of anything else for that matter. Anonymous posting in theory allows a post to be judged solely on its own merit rather than the reputation of the poster. Some (particularly tripcode users) alledge that Anonymous simply prefers to hide behind anonymity when posting. Regardless, 4chan wouldn't be 4chan without Anonymous. See "lurk more" and "Forced Anonymous".
- Anonymous does not forgive
- This was started by a tripfag in response to a flame from a random Anonymous poster. The flame has been lost to time, but the response, "WATCH OUT FOR ANONYMOUS, HE DOES NOT FORGIVE" lived on. After being macroed several times over, it was shortened to "Anonymous does not forgive". It's become less popular these days (due to forced anonymous), but is still a part of any good /b/tard's vernacular.
- Anonymous hates Wikipedia
- Spawned when a /b/tard announced that he was going to rid this Wikipedia archive of anything and everything relevant to those who were not anonymous. This angered seemingly everyone else on /b/, causing Anonymous hates Wikipedia to be the second post. After half an hour of rampant trolling and guro porn floods in the topic, it vanished without a trace. Now, whenever such data is removed from this archive, that sentence is often posted somewhere on /b/, either as a warning or just because.
- AnonymousNow
- Deliberately annoying namefag on /b/ who is usually ignored, sometimes praised and often impersonated. Apparently resembles Ozzy Osbourne.
- AOL Police
- Believed to be related to the "I have reported you to AOL for stealing pictures, as it is a crime" meme (see below). Often used in phrases to sarcastically mock users who are taking the internet too seriously. "Oh shit, it's the AOL Police"
- April Furs Day
- April 1, 2005; Defying previous statements that no such board would ever exist on 4chan, moot created /fur/, a furry board. As the board was created on April 1, it was immediately assumed to be an April Fools joke. However, /fur/ was still up the next day, and the furfags began to believe /fur/ was for real. But the joke was truly on them, as everyone posting to /fur/ got banned (with redirection to an alternate "April Fools" ban page) and the board soon vanished forever.
- Are they still on Namek?
- This has become something of a catchphrase for disgruntled Bleach fans who feel the Soul Society arc has gone on for way too long and is becoming a second Namek Saga (a story arc from Dragon Ball Z which also had a large number of episodes). Several 4chan users have expanded this meme to encompass any and all anime that could be perceived as "dragging on". In this context, the phrase is interchangeable with "Are they still in Soul Society?"
- It is also worth noting that the moderators have begun banning users from /a/ for using this meme, presumably because its overuse has dragged it down from a tongue-in-cheek joke to an outright attack against anyone who enjoys the anime in question.
- After the last episode of the Soul Society arc aired on the 5th of January 2006, many people posted threads stating that the Namek meme had outstayed its welcome, however, many other users saw fit to draw comparisons between the latest (filler) arc and the Garlic Jr Arc of Dragonball Z. However, this didn't last and the meme slowly disappeared from /a/.
- A character from the anime Tsukihime named Arcueid Brunestud. In a "Goofus and Gallant" parody (wrong and right) in /w/, the wallpaper page, one of Goofus's wallpapers was a picture of her with the words: "YO DIS B ARCADE BUMSTEAD FROM TSUKIHIMAY I'D HIT IT." Also seen as Atari Dumbledore from Porkslope Turkeyhandle.
- Assdip-Chan
- Meme created when a regular in /b/ had written a detailed description of his homosexual sex at a party. The story goes that the flirty boy of Indian descent provoked unwanted sex by using the words "I dare you" and the act commenced using onion dip as lube. Most images made from the ass-dip story include a colored bronze Bridget, with a bindi on his head with a container of onion dip nearby.
- Avril Lavigne
- The Queen of Punk - Once a common face on /b/ and /s/, pictures of her are rarely posted nowadays. Like Rei, people seem to either love her or hate her. She smells like a combination of sweat and burning plastic according to several who have actually met her in person, this would be due to the fact that she is a dirty methhead who can't put together a full sentence.
- Atari Dumbledore
- A further bastardization of "Arcueid Brunestud" (See "Arcade Bumstead"). The original topic was first stickied and then locked; the moderator who did this claimed that the thread was "Pure /b/", and it had been locked to prevent other /b/-tards from tainting it. Variants of it are commonly used by /b/tards as wildcard images.
- Azumanga Daioh
- A comedy-drama anime (based on the comic strip/manga by Azuma Kiyohiko) about the lives of a group of Japanese high-school girls and their quirky adventures together, similar in tone to the old Peanuts specials or Calvin and Hobbes. Wildly popular on the Japanese BBSes, and the closest thing 4chan has to an official favorite (it was a huge hit on ADTRW as well). The girls from AD are reposted frequently on /b/, /c/ and /e/; Osaka is probably the most popular character, owing to her spacey manner and nearly constant smile (both of which many 4channers find irresistable; she's even considered a goddess by some /b/tards), followed by Yomi (whose matter-of-factness, glasses and more adult figure ("JELLY ROLLS") are usually cited) and Chiyo-chan (who's just plain cute). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azumanga_Daioh Wikipedia entry; See "Yotsuba".
- b&
- Banned. See "&" above.
- b7
- Intentional typo for "b&" (seeing as the & and 7 characters are the same key), not in common usage. It's possible that B7 is a genmay term that has carried over to most forums meaning "Banned for 7 days."
- Babelfish
- An online translator known for producing horribly mangled text. One fun thing to do with Babelfish is take perfectly good English text, translate it through as many languages as you can think of (e.g. English to Spanish, Spanish to German, German to Japanese), then translate what's left back to English. The results will be so scrambled, you'll just have to laugh at them. English that has been scrambled this way shows up as copipe on /b/ quite frequently.
- Backwards Time Universe
- During a discussion about Family Guy in /co/, someone kept insisting that the famous "Peanut Butter Jelly Time" Flash animation (featuring a dancing banana singing "It's Peanut Butter Jelly Time!" over and over) ripped off Family Guy by stealing a gag from it (there was a scene where Brian parodied the Flash -- created at least four years before the episode of Family Guy aired -- to try and cheer Peter up). Subsuquently, /co/ posters gave the poster a quick education on the history of the Flash cartoon, but the poster refused to succumb to the proof given. Later in the thread, he even said that it was possible that The B-52s ripped off Family Guy (in one scene in the show, Peter sings the song "Rock Lobster", which was written, performed, and recorded by The B-52s more than 25 years before Family Guy even came on the air). Other posters suggested that this delusional poster lived in "Backwards Time Universe". The term is now used in a non-sensical, random way on /co/.
- Bandwidth
- Always in short supply, and 4chan sadly runs only on donations, to the dismay of those who take it for granted.
- Bart, get out! I'm piss!
- Badly drawn pornography involving Bart and Lisa Simpson. (http://img70.imageshack.us/img70/6166/bartgetoutge0.jpg) Bart walks in on Lisa while she is urinating, to which she shouts "Bart, get out! I'm piss!" It is a popular catch-phrase, and is normally used when drawn-sex.com comics are flooded in /b/. Original source is drawn-sex.com.
- Barrel Roll
- An aerial combat maneuver in which a fighter plane spins clockwise or counterclockwise while still flying forward. Has a slight following on /b/, based on Peppy's line "Do a barrel roll" in the videogame Lylat wars, a remake of starfox for nintendo 64. In the game, your fighter is invincible while barrel rolling. "Do a barrel roll" is often used as a stock reply when someone posts mundane questions (usually with the tagline "What do I do, /b/?", a reference to the "IF THIS IS TRUE THEN HERE IS WHAT YOU DO" incident) on /b/.
- Battletoads
- From an amusing exchange over a game screenshot in the early days of /b/, this phrase is an decreasingly common reply to those who demand the "source" of a game (or even anime).
- Balloon Fight!!
- Once-semi popular /d/ meme concerning a body-inflation/enema fetish doujin of the same name. Highly sought after in 2005, requests for it began to fade when it was realised that even if one bought it from DLsite, it was stored in a format that was nearly impossible to crack, as well as the added trouble of the inability of the buyer to take screenshots. It was eventually cracked by an unknown user.
- From a panel in the babyfur comic, "Incontinent Student Bodies", where a rabbit that has wet himself begins crying ("BAWWWWWW!!"). See also ORCA STACKS.
- Become An Hero
- Synonymous with "kill yourself." See Mitchell.
- Bel-Air, Fresh Prince of
- Refers to the posting of the themesong from the popular 90's sitcom "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air". In mid-2006, posters began countering extremely long copy-pasta (see tl;dr) with a "Bel-Aired" version, in which, halfway through the copy-pasta, the main character's mom got scared, and said "You're moving with your auntie and uncle in Bel-Air." I whistled for a cab and when it came near, the license plate said "Fresh" and it had dice in the mirror. If anything I could say that this cab was weird, but I thought "Nah, forget it. Yo homes, to Bel-Air!" I pulled up to the house about seven or eight and I yelled to the cabby, "Yo homes, smell ya later!" I looked at my kingdom, I was finally there, to sit on my throne as the prince of Bel-Air.
- Bento Box
- Refers to a request for a Japanese lunchbox by a guy who had such insane and strict demands on its features that it crossed the border into pathetic. Was once a very common copipe on /b/, so much so that ErectileMaster filtered "porn" to "bento box" for fun one day (most likely in 2004, does anyone know for sure?).
- A picture of a person who doesn't know about the timer function of a camera taking a picture of themself wearing a shirt saying aforementioned phrase. Has been photoshopped to hell and back.
- From a racist cartoon found on resist.com featuring a black man speaking gibberish, ("Mup da doo didda po mo gub bidda be dat tum muhfugen bix nood cof bin dub ho muhfugga") two words of which are "BIX NOOD". Now used as a placeholder for any racist comment about blacks.
- A flash based avatar/icon creation program made the rounds in 4chan, and one of the submissions from it was a black vampire with this text. In true /b/tard fashion it became a new meme.
- Blackbob Niggerpants
- A gangster version of Spongebob Squarepants, made famous in a Flash movie where he's walking down a street with a mean attitude and "She Devil" from TECH N9NE blaring in the background. After being flooded Reidick-style for a long time and generating many complaints from /f/tards, the file was uploaded permanently to http://cgi.4chan.org/f/src/blackbob.swf /f/src/ by the mods. Regardless, edits, counteredits and other spinoffs still get posted to /f/ a lot, mostly to get a rise out of the /f/tards who cannot help but reply to such threads with their hatred and a lot of "zOMG SAGE".
- Blue Ozzy
- A seemingly random picture of what appeared to be blue bangs and silver spectacles with blue lenses was temporarily the talk of /b/ as it was quickly photoshopped onto the face of the woman in the picture of the thread's original post. Approximately three dozen picture edits including the hair and glasses plastered the front page of /b/ for the next day, with the poster of the original hair and glasses picture, upon being pressed for a name, stating that it was called Blue Ozzy, after Ozzy Osborne. Blue Ozzy is still used as a Photoshop-friendly item, along with the likes of Koffing and Evil Ambassador, though less commonly used. Some /b/tards argue that it more closely resembes John Lennon.
- Boatlights-chan
- Souseiseki from Rozen Maiden. Originally, this was a picture of a boat with two lights, the left green and right red, and a mouth and speech bubble containing the word "DESU" repeated photoshopped onto it. This image mistook Souseiseki for Suiseiseki, as both have heterochromic eyes, though this error is rarely pointed out. See Desu and Rule #41.
- Boromir
- Popular subject in altered pictures, the most popular meme being variations on "One does not simply walk into Mordor," with popular variations such as "one does not simply drive into Mordor" and "in Soviet Mordor, Boromir simply walks into you", occasionally accompanied by a speech bubble containing "wryyyy" Pictures often have to do with big gaping vaginas the size of hallways due to the wordfilter on "Mordor".
- Boxcutter
- /a/'s weapon of choice. See Kaede.
- Break the support disc
- When the fansub group No Name Losers completed their English patch for the H-game Wind -a breath of heart-, they initially wanted only legitimate owners of the game to obtain the patch, not people who pirated it. NNL is known to be staunchly anti-piracy, so for one to prove they were a legit owner, he or she had to answer a questionnaire based on contents in the game box and provide certain photographic evidence, including a picture of the support disc broken into pieces. This, NNL argued, was to ensure that the patch was used by the legit owner alone and no one else. This caused a furor in the fansub community and in a matter of days, spawned 4-5 threads on 4chan all reaching 100+ replies. People were unwilling to intentionally damage an expensive game they had to import, and NNL was criticized as being elitist and trying to get people to "jump hoops" for them with their "background checks." Ultimately, NNL completely retracted their statement and decided to publicly release their patch. As of July 2006, the patch is still pending. Since then, "break the support disc" has been used as a meme for discussions usually concerning internet piracy.
- Bridget
- Name of a character from the Guilty Gear fighting game series who looks a lot like a girl, minus the fact he has a penis. Has reached oustanding levels of fame, being associated with the phrases "Bridget will make you gay" and "Everyone is gay for Bridget". (Occassionally, other female-looking males are substituted for this phrase, such as crossdressing Gundam character Loran Cehack.) In addition, it has encouraged a slew of idiots to post nothing but their obsession over him. /b/ has no time nor tolerance for these posts and will usually respond to pleas for help from the Bridget-obsessed by spamming yaoi and shota pictures. Lately, Bridget has been compared to newcomer girly-boys Cuilan, Jun Watarase and Pico, but it remains to be seen whether they will possess the same staying power as the "British Bear Boy" (Pico in particular appears to be a complete clone of Bridget).
- Brotha, /b/rotha
- See "Nigra".
- Camwhore, Cam Whore
- People who post pictures of themselves on the internet using a webcam or some similar digital photographic device. Loathed and worshiped in equal measure on /b/, they leave flame wars and controversy in their wake. Good examples of /b/'s camwhores include Strifeheart, Era, Loli-chan, Cracky-chan, zeppy, and Fatty-tan.
- Several moot stickied threads encouraging users to post pictures of themselves in /b/ may be partially responsible for the increased appearance of cam whores.
- Most camwhores don't last long, primarily because the attention they get decreases as their novelty to the /b/tards wears off. Once they are no longer receiving the attention they seek, they will tend to disappear back into the ranks of Anonymous. Some camwhores have gained a small fanbase however, such as Togi-chan. Generally, camwhores are not seen on /b/ anymore, due to the threads either being simply unpopular, or if the camwhore is particularly disgusting or annoying, the thread is saged into oblivion.
- Candlejack
- A character from the mid-90's cartoon "Freakazoid!". Whenever someone says his name aloud, Candlejack will appear and abduct that person. Thus, when a /b/tard invokes Candlejack's name in a post, it will invariably get cu
- Captain Morgan
- 2004-era meme. Due to the way Captain Morgan appears to "rip through" the ads for the spiced rum which bears his name (http://img176.imageshack.us/img176/6218/captainmorgandh1.jpg), he was often cut-out and pasted into inappropriate photos or situations. Was also seen with the caption/comment "The Captain was here!" The meme was highly popular until the "new wave" of memes overtook /b/ as the year 2005 began.
- Casey & Friends
- Name of a jokedub of the anime Higurashi no Naku Koro ni. It parodies the possibility of what would happen if a localization company like 4Kids would do to a violent show like Higurashi, like completely editing a murder scene with a bat into a friendly game of hitting the pinata. On /a/, it's gained enough popularity that people have started referring to the anime as Casey & Friends.
- Cats
- Cats are generally loved on 4chan, despite the some people posting stuff like TortureCat and ZippoCat. Saturday is often Caturday, with cat-themed floods of pics. Pictures of cats, along with any other domesticated animals, were generally not welcome on /n/ (now defunct, merged with /an/), and are still too often a sore point among /an/ frequenters. See "A CAT IS FINE TOO".
- Catgirl
- Catgirls are largely mainstream in anime. Quite simply, A human female with cat ears and tail, sometimes oversized paws on their hands and feet. Catgirls are not considered furry in /b/, and similar lightly furred arthos are also considered "catgirls", such as the foxgirls.
- Centipedes, in my vagina?
- Originally derived from a pop-up ad http://macrochan.be/vjejkcep/get.py?sha1=DI3YM742Z5SEHBJL6TJXTVF72YKHLZZD for ContentWatch (An porn-blocking program) of a woman looking shocked, whick proclaimed ""Pornography? On my Computer?" It's more likely than you think!" Was quickly edited to refer to a variety of different memes (eg. "Furries? On my 4chan?"), and is often answered to with "It's more likely than you think!".
- Chii turns on, Chii turns off
- Refers to the main character of Chobits, an android who has an on-off switch located in her vagina. Commonly posted in /h/ in Chobits threads.
- Chikane Himemiya
- The most polarizing lesbian in anime. One of the two female leads in the yuri anime Kannazuki no Miko, Chikane rapes her female best friend/long lost love Himeko with a tanto in the course of the anime. The fact that she receives no comeuppance for her deed, and is in fact quite easily forgiven by Himeko, stuck in the craw of several /u/ and /a/ posters and led to her demonization on the boards. She has just as many fanatical defenders (whether for her supposedly noble reason for committing the rape [to] or just out of general desperation to see a lesbian couple in anime), and any thread featuring pictures of her inevitably descends into a flamewar arguing the morality of lesbian rape and double standards concerning rape committed by men vs. rape committed by women. Amusingly, Himeko's milksop personality and complicity in letting Chikane get away with it is typically neglected by those in the argument.
- (c)Jax, © Jax
- "Everything is copyright Jax." Phrase coined in response to a furry artist bringing his art to /b/; turned into the official reply to anything posted in /b/ one day in March of 2005. Continued on until later in the day, when either people got bored of it or W.T. Snacks did something. For a short time, "Jax" was wordfiltered into moot. Jax's personal website was hacked and deleted by a /b/ member, causing a stir on his LiveJournal. Jax prefers to be refered to as a man, but is actually a woman. However, since there are no women on the Internet, that is unlikely.
- Cockmongler
- The Cock Mongler originates from a photo of a redheaded man modeling his dinosaur T-shirt; hosted on the website for The World's Largest Dinosaur in Drumheller, Alberta. http://www.worldslargestdinosaur.com/old/funstuff.htm Due to its humorous appearance (stemming from the model's wide, toothy grin and bulging eyes) it was photoshopped into an image macro accordingly; the caption used was "I'll suck your cock", implying that the model was willing to perform fellatio (cock mongling). Ironically his large teeth assured unpleasant results. Despite being one of the older memes (originating from one of 4chan's earlier incarnations, at around June 2004) it is still often seen edited on to all manner of images. Along with "Happy Negro" (see below), Cock Mongler is seen by some, especially on /b/, as one of 4chan's mascots, and image macros involving both of their faces are somewhat common. Cockmongler is one of the oldest and popular memes on 4chan. See also GRINMAN.
- Cock goes where?
- Is usually photoshopped onto pictures of people with their mouths open. Was originally COCK GOES IN HERE, on pictures of people pointing to their open mouths. Later evolved into simply COCK GOES HERE and then Cock goes where?
- A mild kind of thread hijack where a flood is interupted by pictures relevant but inappropriate to the nature of the thread, usually to make fun of obsessive fans. A popular example is adding suggestive yaoi art to floods of cute girls, such as many Haruhi threads fall victim to. Original C-C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER is from the Arcade and SNES game Killer Instinct.
- Cool Dude
- From a /b/ thread in which posters used MSPaint stick figure comics to illustrate their relationship problems. The first poster in the thread posted a comic featuring the classic "nice guy" lament in which a nice guy is refused by a female friend who rejects him in favor of an asshole with a better body. The asshole in question, drawn with blocky arms and legs, a crude six-pack abdomen and a goofy-looking grin on his face pointing his fingers at the woman in a "Hey baby, how you doin'?" pose, was quickly copypasta'd and photoshopped into numerous other relationship comics in the thread and also began to appear shopped in other pictures as well. Originally known as "Buff Guy", he was rechristened "Cool Dude" and now appears out of nowhere to steal women from other guys. Occasionally he shows a benevolent side, appearing and exhorting wusses to become manly and claim their women, generally by giving them the Obi-Wan-esque command "USE THE POSE, LUKE."
- "copipe"; Usually a long story or memorable post told by someone in /b/ that gets reposted over and over again, by fans or to annoy people. These stories are usually from a first person perspective, and detail an event that happened to the original poster recently. Common examples are stories invovling a parent catching their son looking at 4chan, and what the parents do in response. A recent example is the infamous "Vicks Vaporub" one, where a man describes his experience rubbing vicks vaporub on his 12-year-old niece's bare chest; (full text here); other famous ones include Bento Box, orgasmGET, and the Yoshinoya Rant (one of a whole repertoire of copy-paste "rants" swiped from 2ch, where they're used to insult people who start stupid threads). Also refers to documents which hold the text itself.
- Cosmic T-Rex
- See "Excuse me wtf r u doin?"
- Cover-Tom
- A forced meme showing Tom from the "Tom and Jerry" cartoons with a cynical look on his face. Oft accompanied by an allegedly witty phrase, or "I see what you did there." Origins have been traced to zeppy (a tripfag troll and WTFux refugee).. Also inspired the phrase "IF I SEE THAT FUCKING CAT ONE MORE TIME..." (after Tom had been floodposted to /b/ for what seemed like days), and the practice of posting a picture of corrupt US Congressman Tom DeLay with a similar look on his face (delayclose.jpg) in response/competition. Cover-Tom was also the 9.2 millionth post on /b/, as well as the 9.3 millionth post, albeit in his "Lite Brite pieces" appearance.
- Cracky-Chan
- Popular meme featuring a disturbing little girl with black cat ears and badly applied makeup. So popular, the team set a filter to change cracky to other random words ending in -cky automatically (see word filters); now, when someone uses her name in a post, it gets changed to Jacky, Packy, Condracky or something similar. It is believed that Cracky-chan killed herself. However, this is just a rumour started by Cracky herself to get /b/ to lay off her. On Thursday, May 12th 2006 at around 9:30 central time US, someone using the name Trotsky Was a Jew began posting new pictures of a girl he believed to be Cracky-chan on /b/. The photos came from a livejournal, the url of which was revealed a little later in the same thread. Within a few hours, three threads with over 50 posts each had sprung up containing new photos and some personal information such as her general location and her first name. Some examination of the photos revealed that the girl was most likely the original cracky-chan, although we can never be certain. Later that same day, around early afternoon, the mods (or a mod) began deleting any and all threads containing the new pictures. People who re-posted the pictures were summarily banned, although the bans seem to have been temporary for at least some. Anonymous speculated that the reason for the bans was that some of the pictures were semi-nudes, and the mods were weary of child pornography being posted. Anonymous-mod later revealed however that cracky-chan had asked them to remove any pictures of her from the site, and not allow new ones to be posted. Why the mods chose to honor her request, how they were able to validate the person making the request and the girl in the photos were the same person, and what relationship cracky has with the mods is uncertain at this time. The unofficial ban on posting pictures of her remains in effect as of this writing, however enforcement has grown sporadic and may be reserved for repeat offenders.
- Part of the reason for the longevity of the cracky meme is that she took many well composed artistic photos, often featuring herself, and uploaded them to various online communities such as livejournal. These were inevitably found / shared by her fans, allegedly sometimes through dubious means such as password hacking, leading to a steady drip of new cracky content. Sometimes these photos contained clues as to where she lived, most notably the infamous "my house". Finding this content and more about cracky therefore became a sort of competitive game amongst particularly obsessed cracky fans, and some trolling was conducted via the posting of fake clues.
- From July 2005 to July 2006, a compiled collection of Cracky pictures and fan art appeared at CRACKYPEDIA, run by a 4chan /b/ tripfag known as Warchief Rend Niggerhand. The website closed on July 6th 2006, with the author posting a macro, the date of closure, the final number of hits, 17464, and the message, "Hope you enjoyed it folks, I told you it wouldn't last forever."
- On February 13, 2006, a person widely believed to be Cracky posted to the /cracky board on 420chan, asking for all her "stalkers" to please leave her alone. /cracky had reached what might be considered disturbingly stalkerish levels in its short life, with threads on such topics as trying to find her house in google earth, track her down through online doll communities / deviantart etc, and identify what school her schoolgirl skirt came from in one set. She updated her old "scarecrowmaiden" deadjournal to provide proof.
- Her identity as the real Cracky was supported by the livejournal update, independent confirmation by Kirtaner (site creator) of such things as originating IP and a new photo of her holding up a sign, asking for /cracky to be closed. The final photo does not show much of her face. However it is alleged to correspond to recent leaked photos of her. Whether this will truly end the cracky phenomenon remains to be seen; it may continue in some form since a few people claim to suspect this is another hoax.
- Creepy-chan (AKA Cute-chan, Tussin-chan, Alli)
- Creepy-chan, a non-self-posting camwhore, first appeared on /b/ in late 2005 under the name Tussin-chan, a reference to her tripped-out appearance. She was later renamed Creepy-chan when more pictures of her were posted and it became apparant that her distinctive appearance was mostly caused by a prediliction towards heavy eye makeup and her signature wide-eyed stare.
- Creepy faded into obscurity in early 2006 until Anonymous found her MySpace and the wealth of pictures it contained. It became apparant that Creepy-chan was not always or could not always be creepy, so her dual personality was born - Cute-chan. Cute-chan does not wear heavy eye makeup or wear pink dresses and stand on coffee tables; rather, she wears normal clothes and goes about her everyday business in a decidedly cute fashion.
- Several /b/tards claim to know Creepy-chan personally, but this is most likely false. One early picture of Creepy-chan has surfaced, however, leading some to believe that she may have /b/tard friends she doesn't know about. Her MySpace can be found here, and her DeviantArt page can be found here.
- Dash Billions
- The infamous male camwhore troll, and brother of the equally infamous Soviet Russia. Dash Billions is almost universally hated by the /b/tards, and has since been run off to WTFux after many bans.
- /d/ is for dickgirls
- In essence, /d/ exists in a state of cold war, divided between those who like futanari or dickgirls (women with penises) and those who do not. Each side has a valid argument; dickgirl opponents argue that because the official title of the board is "Hentai-Alternative" and is intended for the posting of general hentai fetish pictures that fall outside the social norms of /h/ and /e/, all fetishes should be given equal representation and dickgirl fans are in effect an oppressive majority. Dickgirl fans counter that the abbreviated title of the board is /d/, which does not relate to any of the other permitted fetishes (pregnancy, lactation, footjobs, bondage, submission, spanking, mind control, goo girls, latex, watersports, monster girls, tentacles, etc.), and that while pictures containing some of the above fetishes are occasionally considered acceptable on /h/, any posts of dickgirls outside /d/ or /b/ inevitably meet with flaming, mass saging and post deletion; therefore, theirs should be the preferred fetish for posting on the board. It is unlikely that this conflict will be resolved due to the fact that the board's overall traffic would plummet were dickgirls to be separated from other hentai fetishes (as they have been on Kochan and 6chan), as well as the precedent it would establish that would likely lead to future demands for further board segregation from other posting minorities, not to mention the perception by other boards that /d/ is a collection of sexual deviants regardless of what their specific fetish is.
- delayclose.jpg
- Spin off of Cover-Tom. Features a closeup of former Congressman Tom DeLay with a silly grin. Highly popular meme. delayclose is a reference to the file name of the image, or at least what the file name should be.
- Deliberately broken links
- Stops the linked site from knowing they've been linked to by 4chan. Many websites check the referring page ("HTTP_REFERER") and may block it; this workaround forces the viewer to copy and paste it. The most common method of breaking links is to remove the leading 'h' from the URL and replacing it with 'x' (xttp://google.com, for example). Amusingly, this is a futile gesture on 4chan, as the software doesn't create hyperlinks for any URL, except for links to other parts of 4chan; any message that does have live links in it (that do not lead to a 4chan page)was either posted or edited by a mod. Originated in the very, very early days of 4chan when hyperlinks WERE automatically created from URLs.
- Delicious Cake
- From a popular hentai image featuring a girl frantically devouring a piece of cake (photoshopped onto a penis), with the text replaced with "THIS IS DELICIOUS CAKE, I MUST EAT IT" (see Hawaiian Punch).
- Delicious Ron
- In the fury of users frantically attempting to grab the "2MILLION GET" for themselves (and coincidentally flooding the board with utter crap, even by /b/ standards), the two millionth post was a no-name camwhore who was attempting to "make a name for himself" by not only signing his post (a ridiculous practice, even when FORCED_ANON was enabled), but by posting a useless picture of himself holding up a notepad with the words "2,000,000 GET" on it . The post was signed "Delcious sic? Ironing". The post was immediately deleted, and three users began spreading the rumor that the "get" was actually an image of a middle-aged man, who signed his post asking about " adult fun" at his " country club". Photoshopping this image onto an actual screenshot of the get, and further doctoring the screenshot to read "Delicious Ron", managed to confuse newcomers and people who missed the actual post. The users who were spamming this disinformation held strongly to the belief that WTSnacks was "hiding the truth" from the posters and in retaliation Snacks modified the SQL database to automatically append all posts made by these individuals with a message displaying their IP addresses. Immediately the userbase realized that it was a mere three people spreading this "Delicious Ron" meme and completely disregarded it.
- Dental Plan, AKA Lenny Leonard, and Lisa Needs Braces
- Older image macro/meme originally started in 2004, and was resurrected in 2006. Is normally replied to with "Lisa Needs Braces" image macro. Comes from "The Simpsons" episode, "Last Exit to Springfield" (9F15), in which Homer's brain continually repeats "Dental plan! Lisa needs braces!"
- Desu (often pronounced "Dess", like "Yes")
- A word commonly added to the end of sentences in Japan, means "it is/be/are/am" and so on; it's considered more formal than usual and is mainly used when talking to people you don't know or to a superior. Inspired by Suiseiseki from the anime Rozen Maiden, who says it extremely frequently as a kind of catchphrase; she is often simply called DESU because her name is difficult for some people to spell. DESU is often a spam reply when an unwitting newcomer asks for the definition; this was probably inspired by the Dan Kim webcomic where she constantly repeats desu. It has recently waned in popularity after weeks of constant spamming of the forced meme. It is now banned on /b/. Used often as a spam word during /b/lockades on Habbo. Note that Suiseiseki pronounces the "u" in "desu."
- Rumoured to be both a rival and a former wordfilter of DESU.
- Devil Machine
- Meme started in /o/ when an anonymous posted a picture of his car, a GF8 Impreza wagon with a large sticker reading "SAFETY CAR" http://img99.imageshack.us/img99/38/11420343789184kc.jpg and the following post:
- 1995 Subaru Impreza WRX STI Type RA ver.2 (GF8 from Japan)
- 2000 cm^3 exhaust HKS Turbo ( IHI VF-22) 1,3 bar Redline 8500
- 1 - 100 km/h - 4.2
- 1/4 mile - 12.45
- ~ 350 h.p.
- I from Russia. I go by this devil machine on streets of Moscow
- 3 times successfully disappeared from police
- Basically I go accurately and on special lines.
- Diamond
- From a screenshot of a GameFAQs topic concerning car durability, in which one not-too-bright member mentioned that if a diamond car was crashed into an iron wall at 400mph, the car would be unharmed because:
- "Diamond is one of the hardest metals (If not THE hardest metal) known the man."
- Did you mean bane?
- New meme in /a/. See "Unlimited Essay Works".
- This began on Usenet in 1997 with a Transformers fan who used the name Dinobot. His .sig file was
- "Dinobot has spoken. My rigid grill structure is coming in on your unprotected cargo door- Tom Servo Riding with Death"
- Memory being what it is, the first line got associated with the first part of the MST3K quote and ended up becoming quite the meme in Transformers circles, ending up being used in several fan fics. At BotCon98 a group of fans even got the voice actor for Dinobot to say the line in a suggestive manner. Often when the origin of something is unclear it is assumed to be a sexual innuendo, and for a while this quote was no exception.
- DistantFred
- Tripcode fag on /co/ who was obnoxious. Eventually users began to use his name to mock him, which culminated in a huge thread in which all posters used a variation on DistantFred's name. The post has since been referred to as "Crisis on Infinite Freds", a nod to DC's "Crisis on Infinite Earths".
- Disaster Kid
- Originally a random image of a shirtless kid holding a guitar with an expression of triumph on his face and leaned back in a posture similar to that of the "WRYYYYYY" meme. The picture was shopped into images of disasters, usually the Twin Towers and explosions. This earned him the title "Disaster Kid".
- From bash.org, made pointless with the inception of forced anonymity; frequently after someone with a name but no tripcode posted something, the next post in that thread would consist of someone else posting "DISREGARD THAT, I SUCK COCKS" under the same name. Rarely, if ever, seen now that no one on /b/ can enter a name.
- Dividing by Zero
- A meme based off of the fact that dividing by zero is undefined (and causes an error on pretty much every computer there is). Dividing by zero is said to have dire consequences, such as opening black holes. Seen as "I DIVIDED BY ZERO OH SHI-". (See OH SHI-). Also, in FlyFF (Fly for Fun), if you use the ingame calculator (Trade/Shop window) and divide by zero, the game will crash. Fun activity. Try dividing by zero on Windows XP's calculator!
- A highly ambitious campaign started by moot on August 28, 2005 to collect $20,000 worth of donations in a single week, in order to buy new servers and forstall 4chan's dreaded 5th death for at least a year. One week later, 4chan had only reached 50% of the goal. In a bulletin three weeks later, on September 15, moot announced that he had used the $11,000 collected at that time to purchase three new servers, but that he lacked funds to colocate them, and set September 30th as the final day of donations. This announcement led many to believe that 30th was 'zero hour' and led to a flurry of new "4CHAN DIES" posts; the expected judgement day, however, did not materialize. In a news post on the 25th of October, moot revealed that although the target of $20,000 had not been reached, the donation drive was a limited success and things were looking up for 4chan. The end result of Donate or Die 2005 was that the servers were purchased and brought online in February 2006. Shortly there after in a blog post, Moot revealed that another donation drive would be forthcoming.
- Indication that the poster does not like the subject of the thread. Often found around camwhores, guro, scat, and other unpleasant and unfunny things. Acquired from a bootleg camcorder Hong Kong subtitling of the Chinese dub of Star Wars Episode III, in which Darth Vader's much-maligned "NO" scream is translated to Chinese and then back to English as "Do not want". A popular variation is an image macro of an Akita Inu being presented with a plate full of broccoli.
- Donut Penis
- A image of a manga scan where a man takes a donut and hangs it off his erect penis; the text was shopped to say "heh, welcome to 4chan /b/ / check this shizzle / ta-da donut penis". Was posted shortly after the 900,000 mark, in the flurry of activity that usually accompanies such milestones, and the image files were subsequently switched around so that 900,000 pointed to Donut Penis instead of Raptor Jesus. (See Raptor Jesus)
- Double Princess
- A rare hentai doujin featuring Peach and Zelda, that has been highly sought after by /h/ and /e/ for years. No images other than the cover have ever been posted. Some /b/tards jokingly claim to own it, but refuse to post it.
- Spinoff of "DO NOT WANT". Often used as a substitute for "MORE/MOAR".
- Seen in threads featuring art by the Japanese H-artist Yozora, all of whose girls are vampires, and most of whom sport an enormous penis. Also has drawn some guro of said vampire dickgirls being impaled with crosses or swords. The artist is frequently lambasted for the vast majority of the girls having the exact same facial expression (mouth wide open and displaying fangs, tongue sticking out, undersized and misproportioned eyes staring into space or at the camera). Interestingly, since /d/eviants first complained about it, most of the work produced by the artist has the girls with different facial expressions. Whether this is coincidence or word somehow got to Yozora, who then took it as constructive criticism, has not been determined.
- Drama
- Deactivated wordfilter for almost anything relating to furries, because according to moot and WT Snacks, "furries cause drama". Despite being inactive, furries are still occasionally referred to as "drama", and furry fans and artists are sometimes called "dramafags".
- This stems from the fact that furry fandom is a nebulous group; the only thing that really holds it together is "we like cartoon animals", and most fans belong to one or more subcultures inside the fandom that don't necessarily get along with each other. The "furvert" subculture, which is sexually driven and has a whole list of unique fetishes, grew up around the fact that a lot of furry art is pornographic. This caused one of the first major flame wars in the fandom, about whether it was about relatively harmless, kid-friendly "funny animals" (like you'd see in the Sunday comics or at a ball game), or about fetishism and partying with an animal theme (not unlike what happened with disco and porn in the late 1970s; see, for example, Boogie Nights). On top of that, being a fantasy-related culture, furry has its share of people who aren't exactly right in the head; depression, "teen angst"/hikikomori (even amongst people well into their 20s) and entitlement issues are common, and quite a few people use the fandom as a religion ("lifestylers") or a support group. This combination of issues make furry one of the biggest "don't talk about this" topics on many boards, since (given the right environment) a thread about it can spiral out of control easily; this wasn't helped when Something Awful and Portal of Evil, among others, discovered the furverts in the early 2000s, something many hardcore furries are still bitter about.
- DRR... DRR... DRR...
- Originated from a short story by famous horror manga artist Junji Ito called The Enigma of the Amigara Fault. The story is about two teenagers who visit the place where a huge fault in rge ground has been discovered after an earthquake. The walls of the fault are full with human shaped holes which seem to attract some people in a strange way. One after another, the people climb into "their" holes when they can't resist the temptation any more. The holes are in fact tunnels, which are shaped after the exact sillouette's of certain inviiduals. The people trapped in them can only go forward without being able to turn back. As they proceed further into the tunnel, the walls close in and deform the people over a long period of time. In the final page of the short story, we see two scientists investigating the other side of the holes (which aren't human shaped at all anymore). They look into one hole and see a horrible deformed and crushed (and maybe dead) creature coming at them, along with the famous DRR DRR DRR noise.
- Forced meme by the moderators. On April 10th 2006 numerous threads were stickied in which many people were banned for posting in, along with the original poster. One of these was the random selection of letters DSFARGEG, accompanied by an image of a monster riding a motorbike. During the next few days similar events took place, everytime with the post DSFARGEG being one of the topics stickied. Another recurring theme was that one unfortunate poster would receive a ridiculous amount of short term bans and/or warnings. For this time, posting DSFARGEG nearly always led to a sticky and/or a ban. This has often resulted in the front page of /b/ being almost completely full of stickies.
- In reality, the monsters depicted on the dsfargeg.jpg picture are the characters from the Japanese children's show Ponkikki. The episode pictured is a parody of another Japanese TV program, Kamen Rider, a sort of "Power Rangers on Bikes"-like show.
- Dyke Spies?
- Phonetic result of swapping the syllables in SPIKE DIES. Frequently used on /u/ to accompany threads featuring characters from the animes Dirty Pair and NOIR. See: SPIKE DIES.
- "Enough is enough, I've had it with these motherfucking snakes"
- A quote from the Snakes on a Plane trailer, said by the star of the movie, Samuel L. Jackson. Experienced a short boom of popularity when the trailer was first released (in many cases, "Snakes" was replaced to give new meaning to the quote, eg. "Enough is enough, I've had it with these DESUS"), but has since only been quoted on occasion.
- Emo
- Short for "Emotional", a subgenre of punk music created in the 1990s and popularized by bands such as Weezer, Simple Plan and Dashboard Confessional. The lyrics to emo songs are often dark, confessional and self-loathing in nature, and lacking in specific details; as a result, it is primarily listened to by depressed, traumatized and/or emotionally unbalanced teenagers and while emo bands often have huge cult followings they are generally derided by serious music fans as simplistic and whiny. A broader definition detaches from the musical origin and describes people who are more introspective over their feelings.
- More recently (noted though not exclusive to 4chan) it has become an adjective used to describe those who are overly depressive; angst ridden; dress in black; listen to Linkin Park, etc. In other words: the new Goth. Wordfiltered to "Bosnian" on /b/ (see wordfilters below). A more common use of the word is in the phrase "Cheer up, emo kid", in response to anyone who makes a post containing whining, overly emotional language, appeals for pity or sympathy, or complaints about the poster's own personal life. Note: Linkin Park is not actually emo, it's nu-metal, but both can be pretty whiny when they want to.
- Emotes
- For the low low price of five dollars, a user can activate a word filter that will make a small .gif appear on /b/. It works by placing your choice of text inside two colons (:cockbean: :eng101:) and then having that text filtered to the gif of the user's choosing. Popular examples include Professor Smilely, Ice Burn, and Pwned. Inspired by/borrowed from the SomethingAwful forums. The most well known of these was :zdx4875: which activated Professor Smiley. It was made public on /b/ in the Winter of 2005, and for about 24 hours before the mods de-activated it, /b/ was filled with the Professor.
- Enjoy your AIDS
- Another way of saying "You're a stupid faggot", due to the fact that AIDS has been historically considered a "gay" disease. Also used when the poster is talking about something sexually unwise, like sleeping with a strange girl (you might catch something from him/her/it) or engaging in rape or pedophilia (you'd go to "pound me in the ass" prison and catch something there). The original macro (in which the text is seen overwriting a screenshot of Heero Yuy) was the creation of "Rabbi Bob Hitler", a /b/tard whose disgust at its popularity would later lead him to stop posting altogether.
- E-penis
- Derisive term for online reputation, derived from the idea of guys equating their penis size to their manliness. The term is mainly used in reference to Tripfags. A poster who actively tries to establish a reputation is said to be making his e-penis bigger.
- Era-chan
- Era / Erin / Blackberry as she now likes to be called is a 19 (she claims 18) year old student at Rutgers who has posted pictures of herself on /b/. Era has her share of critics who alledge she is nothing more than a cam-whore. In reality, these /b/tards are probably just upset she won't show them her tits. Similarly, Era has a fair number of /b/tard fans, these /b/tards are probably just being nice to her in the hopes that she'll show them her tits. Some doubt the authenticity of her pictures because, as well all know, there are no girls on the interbutt. Era has also posted pictures of her sister, who many believe is considerably more attractive. Although she has stopped posting pictures of herself, Era continues to post on /b/ regularly. She claims not to take /b/ seriously.
- Evangelion
- A well known anime. Generates much drama, particularly on /a/, when mentioned. These drama sessions invariably degenerate into a massive hatefest.
- Excuse me wtf ur doin?
- A picture showing a transparent Tyrannosaurus Rex, called Cosmic T-Rex, in space behind a planet, with its mouth open and front leg pointing forwards, and a text saying "excuse me wtf ur doin".
- Every repost is a repost repost.
- A derivative of "Every day is a Repost Day."
- Fag, faggot
- Generic insult for anyone the poster doesn't like, especially if they're whining or trying to draw attention to themselves; similar in meaning to "asshole." Has little or nothing to do with the target's sexuality. Often used as a suffix to mock groups the poster thinks are troublemakers (tripfags, furfags, etc.) See "lurk more".
- Fail
- Used as a noun in the place of "failure".
- The standard response to a failed #GET attempt (such as posting 1000000GET on post number 9999999 of /b/, or 2GET as the 3rd post of a thread). Also sometimes used to to claim that a GET sucked, as some felt to be the case with most of /b/'s GETs from 5MGET onward.
- Fap
- Noise made during male masturbation. Fap fap fap fap Originated in a translation of the manga "Heartbreak Angels"; it was then popularised in the webcomic Sexy Losers by clay (contrary to popular belief, it did not originate there), and has since spread to the entire Internet.
- Fchan
- A Futaba-style furry hentai board, created in response to 4chan's ban on furry "art". On June 23 between 1:00 and 2:00 in the morning Fchan reportedly started posting derogatory things about 4chan, most notably Raptor Jesus (See Raptor Jesus). The /b/tards retaliated. It resulted in one of the most awesome board floods 4chan has ever seen. In reality it was a group of /b/tards themselves who had posted the furry pictures, claiming they were from Fchan in order to incite a war, and the rest of /b/ fell for it. No discussion or plan to flood /b/ was ever discussed on Fchan. Seen by /b/tard furries (a rare breed, but they exist) as crap, mainly because of their very long DNP (Do Not Post) list, which unfortunately includes most of the non-vomit-inducing furry artists on Earth. This leaves Fchan as the imageboard equivalent of a nursery school's art wall.
- fgsfds
- You could either say "figgis-fiddis" or "F-G-S-F-D-S", but however you say it, it is the one word that makes no sense whatsoever at all. It all started when someone on 4chan replied to a post with "fgsfds". Oryan, a 4chan user, soon shopped the phrase into a pic of German talk-show presenter Harald Schmidt with his index finger pointed into the air. When somebody confuses you by saying something that makes no sense, simply say "fgsfds". Now commonly photoshopped onto pictures of anyone pointing their index finger in the air.
- Final Fantasy VII
- /v/'s equivalent to Evangelion in /a/, in that discussion devolves into a flamefest regardless of original context.
- Fixed
- A reply that includes a quote of the original post that's been "corrected" in a way that partially or completely changes its meaning, followed by "Fixed." on the next line. For example, a post saying "Evangelion is the best anime ever" might be replaced with:
- >"Evangelion is the most overrated anime ever"
- Fixed.
- >"I love to suck meaty cocks in the morning"
- Fixed.
- A meme started in /o/ that is frequently used to tell off people obsessed with the Toyota Sprinter Trueno GT-Apex (AE86, the car driven by the main character Takumi Fujiwara in the popular anime Initial D) who think it is the greatest car in the world. Sometimes changed to tell off ricers who post pictures of their car in /o/ in the forms of "LEDS MAKE YOUR CAR GO FASTER", etc.
- Force Push
- An animated gif that begins with a scene from Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace, where Obi-Wan Kenobi is fighting battledroids, then turns and performs a force push towards the screen. The picture then cuts to another scene where a person or object suddenly falls or is sent flying. A newer meme usually found on /gif/.
- Forced Anonymous
- From roughly 7-21-05 to 7-29-05, the state of affairs on /b/. It would seem that the mods finally got sick of dealing with tripcodes and stolen identities and decided to disable names and tripcodes on /b/. The term "forced anonymous" is somewhat misleading because although no one gets to use a unique handle or tripcode, the nick Anonymous doesn't show up either. The change lasted about a week. What prompted the mods to return names and tripcodes to /b/ is unknown. Recently put back into effect as of 1-29-06, removed again on 2-25-06, and reinstated just a few hours later. Finally removed on 12 March 2006, only to be reinstated two days later.
- Thanks to the email field, namefags have survived. However, tripfags have lost thier tripcodes. To many, this is a good thing, but there are always those who oppose it.
- Forced Meme
- The opposite of a meme. Where as a meme is generally considered an esoteric in-joke that arises out of its own popularity or appeal, a forced meme is an attempt by someone (or a group of people) to get /b/ to adopt a meme by sheer repetition. By repeatedly posting or "forcing" the would-be meme, a single person or small group tries to give the impression that it has a large following, even though it actually hasn't gained the approval of other /b/tards. Some of the most notorious forced memes are Brian Wilson, Milhouse, and Delicious Ron. Most of the time, the /b/tards are pretty adept at sniffing out forced memes, but ocasionally one or two succeed. The most successful attempt at forcing a meme is Cover-Tom, which has been adopted as a true meme.
- Freehaven
- The former moderator/admininistrator of furry imageboard fchan, and one of /b/'s greatest foes due to his lack of caring about how much fun /b/ makes of him and his furry fetish. Is considered a major troll. Full name is Sage Freehaven.
- Fronzel
- hates everything. Stick around /a/ long enough and you'll realize why.
- Fuck Socks
- A picture from an H-game had a guy sticking his dick in a girl's thigh-high stocking while fingering her. Saying "I want to fuck her socks" is related to "I'd hit it". Not seen too often.
- Fucktard
- Short for "fucking retard".
- Used when a particularly awesome/funny/hot image is posted on /b/. Originates from the popular /b/ MSPaint comics. The one in question refers to the "20 minutes" facade on /b/, as well as WT Snack's relinquishing of his mod powers. WT Snacks is browsing /b/, and is at first shocked to see CP on the board. He then looks joyful as he saves the image and shouts in joy "FUKKEN SAVED"
- Furry
- Pictures of anthropomorphic animals, usually of a sexual nature. Despised by most 4chan posters and strictly forbidden on all boards except for /b/. Even on /b/ furry pictures are generally not well received; "Furry Friday" has become a fixture in spite of this, but still provokes arguments among /b/tards. Furry artists and fans are derisively known as "furfags", which has more to do with furries having an odd fetish (or simply begging for attention) and insisting on shoving it in peoples' faces than actually being gay. For no logical reason, a few characters have gotten exceptions for being "hot", cute or just plain nostalgic (Gadget from Rescue Rangers and Renamon from Digimon Tamers are examples). Some artists also have a small (note : VERY small) following on /b/, such as the eponymous Tojyo. See "Drama" for more on this.
- Furry Drama
- Copipe rant from a furry insisting he is, indeed, a fox and not a human. Describes almost everything bad about the furry fandom in just 7 sentences, and the combative tone makes it a highly effective troll even after being reposted hundreds of times. Versions depicting otaku, anime characters and /b/ memes have shown up as well, mostly to mock the original. The full text of the original is:
- "Yes, I am a fox. So? I dont see any problem. I embraced my animal soul long ago and I am happy together with my boyfriend (who is a cute b/w wolf). We have a fucking lot of friends in and outside of the fandom and I am pretty slim and good looking.
- But thanks anyway asshole. Go and watch your stupid anime shit while I have SEX with my boyfriend."
- Futaba/Yotsuba
- Futaba chan
2chan. Yotsuba chan
4chan. Futaba and Yotsuba mean "two leaves" and "four leaves", respectively.
- Futallaby
- 2chan image board software derivative used on 4chan. Maintained by terra.
- Gaijin 4koma
- AKA Gaijin Yonkoma. Gaijin being an impolite term for foriegner, translating literally to "outsider." Yonkoma (or 4koma) being a traditional 4 panel comic, usually reserved for gag strips (eg. Azumanga, Sexy Losers etc.)
- A gaijin yonkoma is usually interspersing 'good' and 'bad' images with two stock reactions. The reaction pictures used show four attendees at E³; a group of editors from IGN responding to Nintendo's E³ press conference. One picture has the four sitting in chairs, with little emotion, was taken at Nintendo's mediocre 2003 conference (in which the central point was the failed GBA-GC "connectivity" feature); the other shows a similar group cheering wildly, taken shortly before the 2004 conference (in which the Nintendo DS, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, and many other major projects were revealed). The editors are, from left to right, Matt Cassamassina (IGN 64/Cube/Wii), Craig Harris (IGN GBA/DS), Chadd Chambers (freelance; no longer with IGN), and Peer Schneider (pretty much most console sections; the head of IGN). A group of posters from NeoGAF asked Craig (now hairless :'( ), Matt (now skinnier and beardless), Peer (now less screaming), and new IGN Nintendo editor Mark Bozon to recreate the scene at the Kodak Theater during the 2006 conference.
- The images have also been used as models for anime characters drawn in the same poses, most notably Akane, Mitsuki and Haruka from Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien. An interesting thing to note is that, because the two pictures were taken nearly a year apart, some people have swapped seats and changed their clothing between photographs, whereas the comic form implies they're immediately sequential. A base image can be seen here.
- Likely orginated from a typo of a poster declaring he was 'gay for Archer', a character in the anime Fate Stay Night. Now used in /a/ to imply the poster has a ambigious admiration for a male character bordering on a crush. GAR FOR is distinct from GAY FOR in the former involves a clearly male character. (see IT'S A TRAP)
- Lately, this word is used to describe a character as being manly or badass, or simply awesome. Examples includes Kenshiro (Fist of the North Star), Char Aznable (Mobile Suit Gundam to Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack), and may more supposedly 'manly' characters. A variant of this called GARMOE supposedly existed, to describe certain characters of Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha and it's sequel, Nonoha A's, who, despite being supposedly cute, displayed heavy amounts of badass in the anime.
- Gaston
- A meme based off of the antagonist from Disney's animated film, The Beauty and the Beast. It began with images posted of a scene from the film wherein Belle is speaking to Gaston, and Gaston is looking sideways at a book that Belle was carrying. The humor of this image was enough to give Gaston footing as a meme, as shops of his face swapped with Belle's and others soon arose. Also, posts arose stating things like "NO ONE * LIKE GASTON," based off of lines from a song that shares Gaston's name, that shows high praise for him. Because Gaston achieved memehood shortly before the inception of the DESU meme, he was often shown in images to be fighting, killing, or otherwise menacing characters from Rozen Maiden, posted by users annoyed by the frequency of threads spamming the DESU meme.
- gb2/*/
- Short for "go back to" with "*" being the section of 4chan. ie: /b/ for Random. Not limited to 4chan/internet usage, e.g. "gb2/ytmnd/", "gb2/suicide/".
- George Zimmer
- A parody of the Men's Wearhouse commercials featuring George Zimmer, these posts are fully capitalized. They begin with, "HI, I'M GEORGE ZIMMER, FOUNDER AND CEO OF THE MEN'S WEARHOUSE.", end with, "I GUARANTEE IT.", and in the middle contain a short story detailing Zimmer's various sexual escapades, laden with colorful sexual terminology such as "MY MASSIVE YOGURT HOSE". The meme has been occasionally adapted to other characters such as Jared Fogle from the infamous Subway ads.
- Gendo Ikari
- Gendo is the father of Shinji in the popular anime series Neon Genesis Evangelion, which recieves both praise and criticism on /b/. As the head of NERV he is normally found with a uncaring expression on his face, amplified with his reflective glasses and steepled hands over his mouth. During the first forced-anon period someone posted Gendo arms and glasses (as well as eyebrows) on a manga scan. Shortly following a set of arms and glasses precut for shopping was posted. After that a rush of 300+ Gendo shops appeared on /b/. Recently on /b/, Gendo has had the nickname 'Evil Ambassador' placed unto him, as this spawned from an Anonymous poster asking for the arm and glasses from the Gendo meme, but not knowing what the meme was called and so he named it Evil Ambassador which /b/ found amusing and started to know Gendo as Evil Ambassador.
- ggmister
- "Leader" of the Habbo invasions during the months of February, March and June 2006. Last seen training nigras and coordinating experienced pool /b/lockers for the planned 9/11 raid, however after the hacking of poolsclosed.com his whereabouts are unknown. Known for his temporary lack of an afro, as the mods shaved it during 7/12/06. See POOL'S CLOSED
- Ghosts
- /b/tards hold some interest in paranormal phenomena. So-called "ghost pictures", which claim to point out spirits in photographs, are not taken too seriously, though. Images with red arrows pointing where the supposed "ghost" is are often ridiculed.
- Giant Enemy Crab
- A meme inspired by Sony's E3 2006 press conference, which produced many moments worthy of ridicule. One of them involved an upcoming PS3 game Genji 2, which was described as "based on famous battles that actually took place in ancient Japan". The gameplay scene shown involved a "giant enemy crab", which did not appear in any known historical battle.
- GMask
- Image masking tool used for often illicit purposes. GMasked text or mp3 files often contain CP.
- Gay Nigger Association of America. An infamous Internet troll group that has targetted 4chan on occassion. They seem to be connected with WTFux.org on many levels. Famously "got" All8GET, and once almost shut down 4chan through furious and unrepentant spamming. Some /b/tards consider them as allies - rumoured to have agreed to aid with the giant 9/11 Habbo raid.
- (I'm the) Goddamn Batman
- From a line in the craptacular "All-Star Batman and Robin" series: "What, are you dense? Are you retarded or something? Who the hell do you think I am? I'm the goddamn Batman." It quickly became one of /co/'s first and most successful memes, with the speech bubble containing the line being shopped onto many other comic book images.
- Good Naruto, you look kinda cool
- Picture of Sakura commenting Naruto from the anime of the same name, with his eyes facing opposite directions shows up on /a/ 2005-01-11 with the aforementioned line fansubbed, absorbed into the fold. Recently changed by /b/tards to reflect the licensing status of the series. The original fansub by ANBU-AonE contained this exact line and it is a correct translation. The scene is from the Chuunin exam when the team is battling Orochimaru in the forest, whose tongue also is featured in an additional edit of the image by the same maker as the original edit.
- Green Lantern
- Strange and humorous drawn image of Green Lantern's face -- Hal Jordan, specifically. Often posted at random, or used to express shock or suprise at other posts; due to the expression of the character's face. Was posted in great numbers in early 2006; a notable example being the "Night of 100 Lanterns," in which the same image of Green Lantern was posted one-hundred or more times in a single thread, and then spammed copiously across the entirety of /b/. Source of original image is unknown, but it was first posted in /b/ in early 2006.
- An extremely effective troll, in which a picture of Cockmongler, only with the caption 'GRINMAN LIKES TO GRIN' is posted. This is usually accompanied by a n00bish post, like 'Who's your favorite 4Chan character? Mine's Grinman!' This tends to anger many /b/tards, and flurries of 'LURK MOAR' and 'GTFO' are posted as replies. Its effectiveness has not diminished at all since its inception in August 2006. However, there are worries that an army of new /b/tards may take this as the true form of Cockmongler, and spread across the entirety of /b/. Older /b/tards fight hard to keep this at bay.
- GTA4chan
- A group of 4channers that played Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas online together with the tag [4chan] in front of their names. While this wasn't a clan it was more like a smaller community where 4channers gathered and played and had fun togheter. The community died after their allies [PWH] betrayed them and banned them from their shared server causing GTA4chans leader Rho to dissapear shortly thereafter. If you ever ran into another 4channer in the online gaming world you had to spell out the phrase "JESUS CHRIST IT'S A LION GET IN THE CAR!" followed by both 4channers running towards the nearest car to drive off.
- Also, "itty bitty baby, itty bitty boat" and "twinkie house". An attempt at a meme by photoshopping nonsense words into the speech bubbles on the page of a father/son incest comic; a good portion of /b/ ran with it, and anyone posting a comment that contains the words "I don't believe it" will likely get a few "Habeeb it!" replies. A few people are using "Habeeb it" instead of "believe it" in normal speech as well. Several attempts to cross-pollinate this with other memes have been made, though none of them have really caught on. Also sometimes shows up in Naruto threads, as the main character's catchphrase is "Believe it!"
- Oft used intentional misspelling of "hate". A /b/tard will never spell "hate" properly, instead preferring this intentional misspelling. Often seen in the phrase (Blank) HAET (Blank), mostly seen as, but not restricted to, "LOLI HAET PIZZA", but seen in variants all over the board.
- As far as is known, it started when an Annonymous mistyped 'Lol I hate pizza' (or 'lol I ate pizza') into 'Loli haet pizza'.
- Originates from a two panel cartoon of Captain Haddock from the comic "The Adventures of Tintin". In the first panel he is laughing, while in the second is wiping his tears and having another drink. Often used to express humor and disbelief at the same time.
- Happy Negro
- AKA Santino Lee. Famous for a Bangbus appearance, he has appeared in various photoshopped pictures from Something Awful and other sources. One picture of him groping an Olsen Twin grabbed the attention of the /b/tards on 3/26/04 and a mass flood of photoshops of his head on every picture that passed through /b/ continued until 3/28/04 where moot himself intervened to stop the flood count at over 350+, a number remarkable at that early stage in /b/'s life. Along with Cockmongler, he is one of the most well known /b/ memes, though he rarely appears these days. He did, however, make a cameo appearance in the "4Chan city" flash.
- Harbl
- A codeword used when /z/ was attempting to overthrow /b/; said to be a distortion of "Habbo" (as in Habbo Hotel, a teen-oriented avatar-chat site that many /b/tards consider silly). Is often used as a synonym of 'penis'. See also Soviet Russia, /z/. Its exact origins came well before the populatirty of Habbo Hotel raids and has been a long standing meme in 4chan, though its use fluctuates regularly and has diminished quite a bit since the word was once filtered to a 2chan style emoticon. More often than not, the word is used to refer to genitalia, but its complete use is varied. Harbl.
- Hard Gay
- A Japanese celebrity who is infamous for playing the common gay man stereotype and being hugely popular in Japan for it. On August 12th, 2006, a picture of Hard Gay pelvic thrusting became the bane of many who visted the /b/ forum on a day called "Saturgay", as he, along with other GIF files such as Sage and Ice Burn got spammed over and over, causing the /b/ board to be slowed down.
- Hawaiian Punch
- On the Something Awful forums, there was a thread called "Make Porn Worksafe", and it consisted of people photoshopping, you guessed it, porn so as to make it "safe for work." Penetrations were covered, the nude were clothed, and penises were replaced with numerous things, the most popular being cans of Hawaiian Punch.
- Meme on /co/ posted with or about pictures of characters who were supposed to be Magneto but were later retconned into being someone else, such as a Magneto Robot, the young Magneto clone Joseph, or Xorn.
- A common post that appears randomly in threads most of the time, but it's used humorously in threads which contain a flood of images, a serious debate, or any thread which generates an obvious amount of attention.
- The slogan of an anti-headache medicine called Head On, which, unsurprsingly, is applied to the forehead to take effect. Spammed furiously on /b/ on 17th July 2006, probably by one or two people. A good example of an unsuccessful forced meme.
- Headsigh
- Copipe ascii portraying a man resting his head in his hands, seemingly agonized; based on an older "Aww jeez, not this shit again" image macro featuring a real-life man making the same gesture. Copiped endlessly from 5 to 8 January 2006, when it finally began to taper off. Usually posted with the Ackbar ascii, or posted to express frusturation and disbelief. Another variant involves Captain Jean-Luc Picard in the same position.
- Healthy Girl
- A girl who seems to have the libido of a teenage male. Prime example is Tamaki from the anime and H-game "To Hearts".
- Heather
- The name of a young girl linked on Mitchell's memorial page on Myspace. Because some /b/tards are interested in much younger (illegal) girls, pictures of Heather and her friends are posted disturbingly often on /b/ (usually in jailbait threads). Posts of Heather can often spawn into entire threads, as her Myspace contains enough photos to fuel a rather large thread.
- A meme that was taken from te introductary text to any fight in Guilty Gear. Made especially popular by Keiichi and Rena's rooftop battle in Tsumihoroboshi-hen, the last answer arc to Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni.
- Hen fap
- Hoodpins
- Meme that started in /o/. A frequent user, GSX, had his mother purchase hoodpins for his car (Mitsubishi Ecplise GSX). Versions of this are "hoodpinz, hoodpinz, lol" or "hoodpins give you 50 horsepower each". Once /o/'s favorite meme, it is rarely reposted anymore.
- hope u got 10bux
- From the Something Awful forums, refers to the cost of reregistering a banned account. Used to mean "you're about to get banned", usually ironically. See "lurk more".
- Hopkin Green Frog
- A 16 year old boy with Autism passed out flyers notifiying people that he lost his stuffed frog. This flyer ended up on the internet, and was duly shopped into parodies involving nearly anything you can think of, like "The Sims", Michael Jackson, Peanuts, and such.
- Horror-chan
- A collection of close-ups of the skin of an unknown sickly person, characterized by wan skin covered with an abundance of gaping sores.
- How do I shot web
- Phrase started by Natural Selection players; in NS, one of the alien races can actually shoot spider webs as a weapon. One day, some goons were playing NS when a lot of newbies and clueless people were on the server, and "how do i shot web" was one of the questions that kept coming up. Someone took a screenshot, posted it to FYAD, and it went from there. Most commonly seen on /b/ as an image macro, featuring Spider-Man holding out his arms in an "I dunno..." gesture; this later inspired a series of shopped images, including one with a Japanese newscaster holding out his arms in the same gesture (along with Spider-Man and a number of anime characters), and a meme where a picture of a falling person is shopped to say "Hey Spider-Man, how do I shot web?" (with Spider-Man replying "dunno, lol"). Juliet Nao Zhang from the anime My Otome, who has spider-themed powers and a robe which bears a passing resemblance to Spidey's costume, has also been spotted in shopped screenshots asking the question. When Mitchell became an hero, his faced was also shopped over spiderman's, with the text "How do i shot self?" See also "¯\(°_o)/¯" (below).
- How can you bitch about something you can't see?
- moot's words when he made /b/'s images and text invisible for the day. We found a way.
- i am a nigra
- A random comment with an attached webcam photo of a young black man smiling happily, which was mass-posted in late 2005 and eventually became a popular meme. The specific use of the word "nigra" is notable, as the word itself seemed to replace "nigger" and the much more common and popular "bix nood" as the 4chan userbase's chosen term for black people. It was also the inspiration for the name Habbo Hotel raiders call themselves by. See "Nigra."
- I came
- Past tense of "I'm cumming". Originated from the 2ch "Kita!" meme.
- I'd hit it.
- Describes something as "fuckable". Occassionally substituted with "I'd tap it". Incorrectly used in a famous McDonald's advertising campaign in the US.
- I'd break her nanomachines
- Specialized version of "I'd hit it" originally used specifically to describe women in the anime My Otome, in which Otome women must abstain from sex with men or lose their super powers, but occasionally used to describe other girls. Basically an /a/ and /e/ inside joke. See also "o noes her nanomachines!!11"
- An unpopular meme featuring the image of a NYC fireman with a seemingly oversized hat, accompanied by the caption "I DEMAND A SMALLER HAT," first posted in late December 2005. At first this attempt at a forced meme was ridiculed, but soon additional images of people with big hats were being posted. Variations of the caption included "MY HAT IS TOO SMALL" and "I DEMAND A SHORTER HAT," the latter accompanying a picture of Napoleon Bonaparte. The ephemeral craze was over in less than a day's time, but the original image is still occasionally posted.
- I have reported you to AOL for stealing pictures, as it is a crime.
- Old meme, long story, still slightly funny. Think of it as if a 3 year old screamed that he was going to sue you for copying his unintelligible scribbles.
- I hope to see you in fall semester, Mike.
- New meme in /a/. See "Unlimited Essay Works".
- I like where this thread is going.
- Usually a sarcastic comment directed at threads that are about to degenerate into flamewars, or which already have. A related image macro shows a cargo ship sailing toward a massive storm. Occasionally used in a positive sense, particularly when hot porn is posted or camwhores have shared their TITS rather than GTFOing.
- I LOL'd
- Minor meme based on the common Internet acronym LOL (laugh out loud). Related to an image macro of He-Man villain Skeletor, with his head thrown back in laughter. Spread to the O RLY owl and Agent Smith among others. Some thought it hit a new low with a shop of coffins from Iraq with " I LOL'D" copiped on it.
- I Really Like Beer
- Completely tangental phrase in Wolverine thought bubble during a fight in an Xmen comic following a long pause in the narration. Posters in /co/ frequently shop the phrase into panoramic shots or scenes with no dialogue.
- A quote from the movie Ultraviolet which was once popular on /b/ for a while. See "ONE TOOT OF THIS WHISTLE WILL SEND YOU TO A WORLD YOU MAY NO UNDERSTAND".
- After a 4channer got banned from a GTA:San Andreas online server for the use of the tag [4chan] in front of his nick with the (ignorant and wrongly accused) reason "All 4channers are cheaters and you've stolen your clan name from a Ventrilo clan! I wish to converse with your leader". The rest of 4chans GTA community thought this was funny and a smaller meme was born. When the server admin refused to lift the ban and said that would he ever see any 4channers on his server again he wouldn't hesitate to ban them too, along with several insults towards 4chan. When the news hit /b/ an invasion was imminent on the GTA:SA server and it's forum. This caused them both to be closed down for a smaller time.
- I work in comic book shop so I know things.
- An attempt by a poster in /co/ to lend added credibility to his predictions about comic book events. Soon spawned an image macro of Layla Miller, a comic book character who describes her power as "knowing things".
- One day in the spring of 2005, someone came to /b/ looking for help with their bloody nose. One of the first replies had "IF THIS IS TRUE THEN HERE IS WHAT YOU DO", in all caps, as the subject; the reply was sincere advice, a rarity on /b/. The rest of /b/ thought this was hilarious, and a flood of shopped pictures and reposts featuring the phrase ensued. It was used as a stock response through out the summer and into the fall, and still shows up from time to time.
- Originated October 2005, when a Canadian sex-offender was convicted of owning Lolikon hentai, charged with Child Pornography. Traditionally, there had been a barrier between drawn media depicting children and real photographic or video child pornography. Virtual images were considered to not be child pornography and thus not illegal material. ILLEGAL IN CANADA became a catch-phrase to describe loli art, poking fun at the Canadian ruling, which many legal experts described as an extreme case with extenuating circumstances. This may be true, especially since the man convicted had been charged multiple times with various forms of sexual misconduct with minors. Also seen as "BANNED/B& IN CANADA" early in its life, especially if someone posted real CP or a lolikon pic graphic enough to look traced.
- I'm in ur base killin ur d00ds
- Originated on battle.net. In the Games forum, someone posted a thread about a Warcraft 3 game (this was shortly after the release of WC3, when it was still a very hot topic) in which he had totally owned some poor b.net sod. There was a screenshot of the goon saying "where are you?" and the b.net guy replying "im in ur base, killin ur doodz". The gist of the thread is that the guy who said it ended up losing or something, so it was poetic justice, or whatnot.
- Image Macro
- A picture with "witty" text added via Photoshop or other image editors. They often use text from existing memes, and in some cases cause the creation of new ones. Image macros became so prevalent that they are now banned from all boards except /b/.
- Interbutt, Intraweb, Internets, etc
- Sarcastic terms for the Internet. Created in reference to various n00bish mistakes.
- Internet. Serious Business.
- A highly popular meme. Evolved from "The Internet is serious business." and has since transformed into any word or phrase followed by "Serious business.", or even just "Serious Business" with no preceding phrase. Comes from the belief that what happens on Internet forums (message boards, lists, Usenet, etc.) is usually inconsequential and not worth dwelling on; used as a sarcastic observation on an overheated thread, or as a hint to the original poster that they should drop the subject and move on.
- I really do hope you're trolling and not actually that fucking retarded.
- Minor (anti)meme on /dis/ started by the same fuck who flooded /b/ with Kurt Cobain images. Usually replied to with "I really do hope you're retarded and not fucking a troll." Used in /dis/ posts when the postee thinks the thread-starter is an unintentional troll.
- I see what you did there.
- Common response to posts that are meant to be clever or funny, but are too obviously derived from something else (usually whatever forced meme is making the rounds at the time) and thus not as amusing. Various derivatives occasionally pop up. Often used in reply to photoshops which are particularly obvious.
- Is this a dancing anime?
- Inevitably posted in any Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya thread. Comes from an article in Newtype magazine that mistakenly said it was about dancing. 4chan found this humorous.
- Is this loli?
- A meme that presumably originated from people posting pictures of hot chicks who might be a bit on the lower end of legal. This was of course, seized and made fun of mercilessly. Loli is no longer wordfiltered, but the last active filter was duck (formerly Thomas Jefferson) on /b/. Duck is still used by old-timers for nostaligia's sake, or to just establish you've been around for a while.
- Is this Mecca?
- A joke that gets posted occassionally in /m/. The text is accompanied by a picture of the Kaaba, Islam's holiest shrine, which is located in the center of Mecca. The joke comes from Mecca having the same pronunciation as "mecha", the subject of /m/. A variant of this joke has cropped up in /v/, using the character V from "V For Vendetta".
- Quote from a manga by notorious guro (gore) artist Waita Uziga. The page in question apparently originates from the manga "Mai-chan's Daily Life", a collection of stories about a girl who can regenerate limbs and cannot die (quite handy for the mutilation she endures in the manga). Mai -chan has had her baby ripped from her womb by a large man, who exclaims "I'M HUGE, I'M HUGE", and proceeds to fuck the baby, screaming "IT'S AWWWWWRIGHT!" Also seen as "BABY FUCK BABY FUCK".
- Fun fact - the man who fucks the baby is actually, in the manga, The President of the United States.
- It's 25 posts away.
- The famous post that was 6.2M GET. It was in answer to a question posed by another user as to when 6.2M GET was. Many users said that this was a TIME PARADOX and labelled it a meme. Many people have requested "Desu" to be wordfiltered to "Its 25 posts away."
- Meme based on the line by Admiral Ackbar in Return of the Jedi; started on Fark around 2002, and spread to the rest of the Web from there over a period of years before ending up on /b/. Often used in response to pictures of men who appear to be women. Degenerated into "IT'S A TARP", which is basically the same thing. Gave rise to the term REVERSE TRAP, refering to a female crossdresser.
- Catchphrase derived from a terrible commercial for Everquest Adventures Online, the Playstation version of the MMORPG Everquest. In the commercial, a cool looking white guy who appears to be an executive calls a large breasted Asian girl, who then in turn calls a cool looking black guy who responds, "LET'S DO DIS THING."
- Posted on 4chan any time someone posts dragon porn on Furry Friday, MMORPG references, or just any time at all. The original image macro features a picture of a classing painting, "St. George and the Dragon", but the knight on horseback is holding an AWP sniper rifle from Counterstrike -- though other image macros with this phrase exist. 4channers can sometimes be seen /shouting this catchprase on Final Fantasy XI, World of Warcraft, or any number of other MMORPGs. Sometimes also purposely misspelled as, "TIEM TO SLAY TEH DARGON".
- It's over. [Insert] is finished.
- /v/ meme that is often used when flaw is found in a console, more often than not negligible or easily avoided. Often said after posting negative articles towards a certain console. Like the PS3 not being able to play used games and the Wii not having recharchable batteries out of the box. Was once the easist way to rile up fanboys before they caught on.
- Jack Sparrow
- One day, someone posted a picture in /b/ of a cartoon Jack Sparrow saying, "ALL RIGHT, FUCK THIS SHIT MATEYS, I'M OUTTA HERE". The next two posts beneath it showed the picture of Jack Sparrow sliding out of the image box, leaving a blank white image. Three more posts followed with the blank white box. Then a picture of Jack Sparrow facing the other way was posted next with, "WHOOPS, FORGOT MY HAT". This was widely accepted as one of the funniest posts on 4chan in a long time, and "WHOOPS, FORGOT MY HAT" has been repeated numerous times, though some /b/tards see these repeats as derivative and worn-out. Jack has been seen dueling with Barbossa, running from the Kraken, and marrying a Mudkip.
- Jack Sparrow Dies
- Another popular death to spoil for /b/tards, following in the tradition of Aeries Dies, Spike Dies, and Dumbledore dies. Anytime a character from a popular franchise is killed, you can count on b/tards to spoil it for the world. Since the Habbo raids (see Pool's Closed) coincided with the opening weekend of Pirates of the Caribbean 2, the phrase was seen almost as much as the phrase "Pool's Closed" during the raids.
- Janitors
- In December 2005, moot decided to add "janitors" to /a/, /k/ and /v/ to help stem the flow of crappy posts without having to bring in more mods. Janitors can delete posts for violating the rules, but unlike mods they can't ban people. Due to the obvious impossibility of nominating Anonymous, only Tripcode users could be nominated to be janitors. Obviously, not found on /b/.
- Common catch-phrase in discussions of anime in which a Japanese character is for no logical reason stronger, faster, or smarter than other, non-Japanese characters, or in which Japan or a fictional nation clearly derived from it is inexplicably the dominant power in the world. Basically, every anime ever made.
- Jelly Rolls
- Common response to a thread featuring Yomi from the anime Azumanga Daioh. Yomi, slightly pudgy, is highly self conscious about her weight and is teased by her friend Tomo for being fat despite her having a normal enough body shape; the full version of the meme is "JELLY ROLLS (line break) JELLY ROLLS (line break) NOBODY LOVES YOU". Since Yomi is a fan favorite, especially in /e/, this is occasionally adapted by her fans from "NOBODY LOVES YOU" to "EVERYBODY LOVES YOU". See also: Azumanga Daioh, Yomi Is Erotic.
- Jesus, lol
- /b/ appears to have an obsession of taking images of Jesus and Photoshopping speech bubbles onto them. It is only funny when Jesus ends his sentence with "lol". An example of one such image is a picture of Jesus knocking on a door and the guy behind the door going "who is it?" and Jesus going "It's Jesus, lol". There is also an image of Jesus decked out in bling. See also "Raptor Jesus".
- (I'm the) Juggernaut, Bitch
- A popular Internet meme which originated as a fan-edited video of the 1990s X-Men cartoon, which largely revolves around the character Juggernaut saying "I'm the Juggernaut bitch!" The meme exploded in popularity when the line was included in the new movie X-Men: The Last Stand. Rumors that the line would be included circulated in the days prior to the movie's release, causing the meme to take hold in /co/.
- Jun Watarase
- Voted "The Best Trap" by /a/. A character in the ero-game (and upcoming anime) Happiness!. Even girlier than Bridget, Jun looks, acts and sounds just like a waifish schoolgirl, and yet freely and cheerfully admits he's a boy (it's never a secret). Despite being a minor character in the game (you can't date or have sex with him in the original version), his popularity exploded on the internet, helped by his cute face, flirty personality and tendency to wear female lingerie convincingly. A considerable portion of /a/ is completely obsessed with him; any thread about him features dozens of guys unabashedly declaring their lust, and any thread attempting to discuss other aspects of Happiness! inevitably gets sidetracked into a "gay for Jun" thread. In fact, most of /a/ would be hard pressed to name a single female character from the game. Interestingly, the shame and self-loathing from the posters that seems to be apparent in most "gay for a trap" threads is generally absent when Jun is the subject.
- Currently the 'in thing' for traps, Jun has proved so popular in both the Japanese and American fan audience that a fan disc remake of the game, Happiness! Re-Lucks was released recently; in the new version, you can date (and bed) Jun. For those not willing to completely abandon their heterosexuality, Jun's story path gives you the option to turn him into a girl with magic and have sex with him in either boy or girl form. In terms of overall confusing men about their sexuality, Jun has a long way to go to catch up to Bridget, but he's made considerable inroads in a short period of time and stands a good chance to do so.
- Kaede
- A character from the harem anime Shuffle which is based on a hentai game of the same name. Suddenly exploded in popularity on /a/, /e/, and /h/ when she was revealed to be psychotic in episode 19 (some time after her childhood male friend 'ditched' her for Asa). Pics shopped to include her holding a boxcutter became commonplace for a few days. Her psychosis proved to be brief and disappeared after episode 21, making her popularity a relative flash in the pan. Still holds a special place in many 4channers' hearts, due to her charming and 'perfect housewife' personality.
- Kansai-ben
- A Japanese dialect spoken in Kansai prefecture, a south central area of Japan which includes major cities such as Kyoto, Osaka and Kobe. The dialect is impossible to describe without hearing it, but is basically a rougher, more relaxed and informal manner of speaking than textbook Japanese. The two variants of the dialect are identified as "Kyoto-ben" and "Osaka-ben". In anime, especially those produced in Tokyo, Kyoto-ben is generally associated with refined, high-class and elegant characters, while Osaka-ben is associated with stupid, rude, wise-ass or lazy characters, reflecting the two cities' status as the ancient seat of Japanese culture and the country's collective armpit, respectively. Anime examples of the Kyoto accent include Shizuru Fujino from My HiME and Motoko Aoyama from Love Hina, while examples of the Osaka dialect include Sorata Arisugawa from X/1999, Mitsune "Kitsune" Konno from Love Hina and of course Ayumu "Osaka" Kasuga from Azumanga Daioh. Real-life Kansaiben speakers include musicians Miyavi and Chachamaru.
- While the Kansai dialect can be considered roughly analogous to the American Texan accent, the general consensus of anime fans is that attempting to convey this cultural distinction by dubbing Kansai characters into English with southern U.S. accents sounds incredibly phony and is a very, very stupid idea. Despite this, they keep doing it. Ironically, the grating brooklynese voice of Naru Osaka from Sailormoon is more accurate.
- Keef Richards
- The king of all memes. Originates from a mediocre post which read "Gentlemen please observe these facts:" and subsequently listed three random opinions about an anime. During the thread, someone inquired for some reason who Mick Jagger was, which was replied with a simple "I am Mick Jagger", with a photo of the singer attached. Soon after, a creepy looking picture of Keith Richards was posted with text lampooning the original post and stating that "also, I am Mick Jagger". Most commonly seen now as "GENTLEMEN, PLEASE OBSERVE THESE FACTS: 1. I AM THE KING OF ALL MEMES. 2. /B/ SHALL HOLD NO MEMES AS SUPERIOR TO ME. 3. COCKS. Also, I am [random]."
- Speculated to be one of many "trip-fags" in /b/, mostly because of the presense of an e-mail as a username. Forced mercilessly since June of 2006.
- The King
- Meme involving Burger King's mascot. Usually posted with "Where is your God now?" or "YOU GONNA GET RAPED", since the King looks like he's insane and may well try to have it HIS way.
- ksqueeks
- A female 4channer who originally gained notoriety posting pictures of herself in /s/ with "donate 2 4chan" written across her chest in an aid to "DONATE OR DIE WEEK 2005". As with other females doing the same, her thread got stickied and she since became a much loved/hated figure among the citizens of /s/ as she continues to provide them with new pictures. On the 15th, the sticky was deleted and a ban on all camwhores in /s/, included ksqueeks, was issued. Although later rescinded, this led to the establishment of ksqueeks's website (now closed) making her the only 4chan camwhore with a real website. Lives with her cats Marvin, Beecher, David and Gary in her flat full of anime/video game stuff.
- Kill it with fire
- An expression of outrage, especially appropriate where furry porn or hideously ugly people are involved.
- Old meme originally involving the eating of felines by our Korean friends. Later, overused and worn out, it transformed into any three word phrase with "eat" in it. BANDWIDTH EAT 4CHAN. It is worth noting that Koreans actually do eat dog regularly, cat is not as popular (although it tastes similar to pork). Also the name of a band on soundclick.com.
- Lamprey mouth
- Lampreys are worms which, when viewed close-up, show a mouth filled with razor-sharp teeth. Lamprey mouths were Photoshopped onto fingers, and were displayed together with Lotus Boobs (below) as part of a double-pack of images intended to make the viewer squirm. Still one of the creepiest images ever posted on /b/.
- Let's Order Linguini
- A small meme originating from an Australian episode of "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?" where one of the first questions was to define the commonly used internet acronym "LOL". Let's Order Linguini was the most ridiculous and therefore memorable of the false options. Furthermore, it should be noted that the contestant in question had to use his 'ask the audience' lifeline to answer the question - and while over 60% of the audience steered him true, there was in fact a portion that thought Linguini was the way to go. Silly Australians.
- A white circle with a right side up >:3 in it and a speech bubble with the caption "RAWR I'M A LION!." Lion showed up in early 2006 with the lion image and it went with the saying "JESUS CHRIST IT'S A LION GET IN THE CAR!" and the very first thread was very popular among /b/ with many shops of the lion face on 4chan memes, lion pictures, and other stuff. Lion was posted many more times in the following months and eventually lion and JESUS CHRIST IT'S A LION GET IN THE CAR! became a part of /b/ and you'll never look at a lion or >:3 the same way ever again.
- Loli-chan
- lolicatgirls.swf
- /f/ meme. The file does not actually contain loli cat girls at all, but nonetheless is posted under the [H] tag. The music used in the file is "I Wish (Skazi Remix)" by Infected Mushroom/Skazi.
- Is usually said to be based on a typo of "LOL I hate pizza", though it probably spawned from an earlier image macro that said "Loli hate (or possibly haet) PENIS". Was immediately shopped into an image macro and has persisted as a meme. Variations now abound, including LOEV (love) replacing HAET when necessary. Also spawned "LOLI LOEV PEDO", which seems to be more prevalent.
- lol internet
- The 100,000th post of /b/. Completely off topic and in some useless thread, it foiled the plans of bt to gain the 100,000th post. He attempted with an image of "100,000" but received post number 99,999. After calling himself a failure at the internet, he said he was going to commit suicide. "LOL Internet" (capitalization optional) however, has become a popular meme. http://img234.imageshack.us/my.php?image=1000005hl.jpg
- Lol-Fang-Tan
- /a/ nickname for Tsuruya, the constantly laughing fanged green-haired girl from the anime The Melancholy Of Haruhi Suzumiya and one of /a/'s current obsessions. Strangely, she is more acceptable by /a/ compared to Haruhi, due to the amount of Haruhi reposts that seems to be annoying, even by normal standards.
- Longcat
- A picture of a white cat being held up so as to stand on its back feet, showing off its unusually long body. Longcat became a fairly popular meme on /b/, and predictably has been Photoshopped to hell and back by /b/tards. At first, it was known as Patriot Cat or "Pat Cat" and simply photoshopped in front of the World Trade Center Towers, protecting them from attacking airplanes. It was somehow forgotten and then dug up again with the now common name.
- A graphic of Longcat was used as 4chan's donation meter, as part of the latest and most ambitious "DONATE TO 4CHAN" campaign; see "DONATE OR DIE 2005". Most modern Longcat images now feature the cartoon donation Longcat rather than the original. Longcat's real name is Nobiiru, which is Japanese for "Stretch".
- Lotus seed
- A genre of shock images wherein a picture of a human or part of the human anatomy is photoshopped to appear riddled with pits or holes containing seeds of the lotus flower. The original and most famous is "Lotus Tit"/"Lotus Boob". See also "Lamprey".
- lurk more
- The userbase of 4chan has grown tremendously since its original incarnation in October of 2003. Once being comprised solely of goons and friends-of-goons, it branched out almost immediately to take on a life of its own. However, after it was resurrected from death in August of 2004, the drastically increased userbase showed signs of decay. Users preferred to use names and tripcodes rather than post anonymously, causing unneeded drama over identity theft when the value of the stolen identities was debatable to begin with; the perceived median age of the average poster dropped from college-age to high-school freshman; spelling and grammar became intolerably atrocious; users started to openly defy the rules and begin posting invitations to invade other forums or harass users over instant messenger; basically, users ceased to lurk and began to wrongly assert that they "mattered" or that they had unique identities which were more important than the traditional insitution of posting as Anonymous. People began to regard the name of the poster to be of more value than the content of his posts, and the idea of always posting with a name was wrongly practiced-- the exact problem that spurred the creation of 2ch and Futaba in the first place.
- True to /b/ form, the phrase has transformed into a somewhat overused meme in and of itself. Any user who is not 100% familiar with the most obscure 4chan in-jokes and asks for an explanation is often told to lurk more, regardless of how reasonable an expectation that might be. Worse still are those who advise people to lurk more and then proceed to offer inaccurate explanations for memes, meaning they themselves ought to take their own advice (see "NO U"). This is becoming more and more common as /b/ grows in popularity. In a sort of perverse retaliation, longtime /b/ posters are beginning to deliberately spread misinformation to further muddy the waters.
- Also the name of a website featuring various 4chan (and other) cam whores. http://lurkmore.com/chanchan chanchan
- Matthew Graves
- An insane revolutionary cloned many times beyond reason. He was born out of a possible trolling of a post from /f/ featuring a picture of Tifa with huge stars over her tits. What started as an idiotic request for the uncensoring of the flash grew into an overnight revolution, with many Anonymouses converting to the Matthew Graves cult. During late hours he and his clones would rant about the evils of censorship, the virtues of Tifa, or the status of his rocket ship that he is building with his brother (Frances Graves). This caused widespread anarchy across /b/, forcing the censor technicians to ban him and his followers.
- Meatspin.com
- All aspiring members of 4chan, especially /b/, are required to sit through at least 35 seconds of meatspin.com. Or, if said aspirant prefers something else, he can either Google image search for "goatse" or go to lemonparty.org.
- Medieval Macros
- Olde English image macros of existing memes created using the Historical Tale Construction Kit. New medieval macros show up from time to time as new memes and in-jokes appear, though nothing has yet matched the original flood when /b/ first discovered them. Stolen by YTMND.
- Meme
- Anything on 4chan that is used and reused beyond it's life expectancy. Formal meaning for meme is "A unit of cultural information, such as a cultural practice or idea, that is transmitted verbally or by repeated action from one mind to another." There are continued disputes that the idea of memes on 4chan is no more, but the continuing proliferation of old memes and creation of new ones makes this claim dubious at best. Some memes are deliberately created (these are often called forced memes, especially if they fail to catch on) and some are borrowed from other sources (usually 2chan and 2ch), but many come about entirely by accident. Major "GETs" on /b/ are a common source of memes, and the vast majority of 4chan's new memes originate from /b/. Despite 4chan's memes being a defining element of the board's culture (such as it is), the mods seem to find them annoying. More info is availiable at Wikipedia.
- The term itself was coined by the evolutionist Richard Dawkins, and its correct pronunication rhymes with "gene" ("meem").
- Meme Money
- A "real life" meme in which members of 4chan's /b/ write common mems or "sup /b/" on their local currency before putting it back into circulation. Most members of 4chan agree that it does not matter what country the meme money is from. Recent controversy arose due to some members writing the actual url for /b/. Some members of /b/ feel that this contribution to meme money will attract unwanted members and/or get 4chan unwanted attention by some goverments.
- Midnight Snacks
- An Internet radio show produced by W.T. Snacks, which airs on Tuesday nights starting at midnight US Eastern time. Snacks plays music from his collection of odd digital music and Japanese imports, while people on /b/ discuss the show on the announcement thread (which was typically stickied when Snacks was a mod, and often isn't now).
- A forced meme created by flooding of a pic of Silvio Santos, the owner of a brazillian television network, called SBT, holding a wallet, writed MILHÃO on the top. Milhão means "million" in portuguese, and the pic is from "Show do Milhão", a brazillian clone of "Who wants to be a Millionaire?" game show. "MILHAO is not a meme!" also is a meme.
- Milhouse
- The character Milhouse Van Houten from The Simpsons. An older meme which is actually not considered -- jokingly -- to be a meme. First posted in early 2004, and is one of /b/'s "token memes." See also "Milhouse is not a meme."
- Milhouse is not a meme.
- True, Milhouse is not a meme. But "Milhouse is not a meme" IS a meme. If you fully understand this you have reached /b/ enlightenment.
- Mitchell Henderson
- A boy who committed suicide by shooting himself in the head because of issues in school, true causes unknown to even his family. A typical rumor is that he killed himself over an iPod. His family posted about him to MySpace under the account "ripmitchell". Soon, a parody site with the name "mitchthezombie" appeared. The most often parodied part of the original MySpace account was a repeated grammatical error, "an hero".
- A request for more of whatever has been posted. The typo seems to be mandatory. Occasionally the opposite "LESS" is seen, equivalent to "DO NOT WANT".
- Mods
- They are GOD. Bow down and worship. moot is the head mod, WTSnacks was his bitch until recently, when Snacks was de-modded for reasons which remain unclear. There is also 5, who uses a "rocker" title in blue after his name but claims not to be a mod, and probably others. They rarely post under their true names, preferring to go under "Anonymous##Mod", which is in purple. Mods can also bypass wordfilters and do a variety of things with the futaba script, such as post .swf files to embed music.
- An extremely ugly picture of the character KOS-MOS from Xenosaga, almost inevitably posted in any Xenosaga thread large enough to be noticed. Most have never seen it, and those who have would like to forget it.
- Monar
- A catlike ShiftJIS art creature invented on 2ch. Name is derived from his standard comment, "Omae monaa" (You too!). Has many other ShiftJIS friends such as "Shii" and "Giko Cat". Monar and his catchphrase are used on 2ch in much the same way that "NO U" is used on 4chan.
- Moonspeak
- Japanese, originally. Has since been used to mean any language that isn't English, especially if it uses lots of special characters (like umlauts) or, as with Japanese, a different character set entirely (which is even worse if you don't have the fonts installed). The most common examples on /b/ are Scandinavian languages like Swedish and Finnish, owing to the relatively large number of /b/tards in those countries; other European languages have also been called moonspeak, usually German and Russian. Korean has also shown up on /b/ from time to time, usually in pictures.
- moot
- The owner of 4chan. He claims that he is a 16 year old hermaphrodite, which would make him too young to be viewing the porn that is often posted. moot's true identity remains a mystery, and he loves all furries with great passion, a passion surpassed only by his love of the lolis and weird jokes. He is represented in 3 "forms" : "Real Moot", or what Moot actually looks like; "Meximoot", a black haired bespectacled man whos photographs Moot used famously on the front page in news updates; and "M<3<3t", an anime girl in a pink t-shirt who wears a cat mask / a cat-like creature often wearing a pink dress.
- mootxico
- Frequent jokes, especially when donation drives (see "DONATE OR DIE 2005") are active, have been made about moot taking all the money for himself and fleeing to Mexico. As a result, Mexico is now known as mootxico.
- Dio Brando's other battle cry from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, japanese word which translates to "USELESS". Usually posted in response to jojo related threads or to pictures depicting multiple punchings.
- Muddy dicks
- Derived from a post on a Naruto forum after a few /b/tards decided to join up. Some members opted to ignore the havoc caused, whereupon another user cried "BUT THERE POSTING MUDDY DICKS". It wasn't mud.
- Multi Track Drifting
- A phrase taken from the Initial D spinoff manga Densha De D, which involves racing subway cars rather than regular cars. As would be expected, the main character uses a train model that is considered almost antique. Near the end of the first volume, in order to take his subway car through a turn at high speed without flipping over, he increases the speed of his train, causing the front end of the train to lift up and set itself down on the set of tracks next to it as it slid through the curve in a manner similar to drifting. The antagonist immediately shouts, with bulging eyes, "MULTI-TRACK DRIFTING" Several pages of the manga were posted on /b/, and in true /b/tard fashion, they went to school with it. Just like so many other phrases, it has taken a life of its own.
- Frequently accompanies posting of the character Fate Testarossa, one of the stars of the magical girl anime Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha and its sequel, Nanoha A's. Ironically, the fact that Fate is less than ambiguously lesbian for Nanoha herself both endears her to her fanboys and simultaneously makes the goal of putting one's penis in her impossible. The fact that she isn't real is also an obstacle. Often spun off into MUST PUT INTO.
- MySQL Connection Failure
- An annoying event involving some of 4chan's software that occassionally prevents replying to posts. In an earlier incarnation of 4chan, MySQL connection failures also prevented the viewing of threads. At one point, it was so prevalent that one of 4chan's title banners references the phenomenon. The MySQL Connection Error banner is still in the rotation, though the problem is neither as common nor as long-lasting as it used to be. On 9/3/05, the problem came back with a vengeance but has since subsided. Current failures usually involve missing HTML tags, though this has diminished significantly since the server upgrade was completed. Struck again right before 6 MIL Get, annoying everyone.
- Natsuki Orsiko
- A supposed "manga-ka" (manga artist) who, according to her DeviantArt profile, lived on a chicken farm in Japan. However, her "art" was actually images from various HCG games, with a "pencil drawn" effect applied, most likely with Photoshop. The images that weren't from HCG games were pathetically bad MSPaint jobs, her reason for them being so bad being that they were drawn "really quickly". /b/, being the patriotic art fans that they are, exposed her as a fraud by compiling a large amount of evidence, comparing her "drawings" to the original CG images from the game companies' sites. This was promptly posted on her DA account, which was deleted, as well as her second account, apparently created after the first one was deleted. It also turned out she didn't live in Japan, and most certainly not Japanese. Orsiko isn't actually a Japanese word, for one.
- Namefag
- Formerly derogatory term for someone who posts with a name (though not necessarily with a tripcode), it has recently become more neutral. Thanks to Forced Anonymous and the email field, it is the closest that tripfags can get to reliving thier "glory days", something that has angered pure namefags.
- Negers
- A crudely drawn cartoon of a black man with a pained expression ejaculating in a white woman's face; in the usual fashion, the man is often photoshopped into opportune locations. Never caught on as much as some other memes. Original negers made by _bnu.
- Nigga
- A reference to the infamous underground "Tokyo Breakfast" comedy sketch. Google for it, but don't watch it at work or in front of kids.
- Nigga please
- Meme involving photoshopping just about anyone saying said meme. Notable pictures include the Pope and cute anime girls. The meme probably originates from a skit on The Chris Rock Show featuring an advertisement for "Nigga Please" cereal, where the phrase is repeated multiple times with a funny tone of voice.
- Nigger Jesus Ban
- A meme in refrence to a flame war on "Biblocality", a christian forum board. One 4chan user was banned and given the reason: "Called Jesus A Nigger"
- Nigra
- A name for /b/tards who are in Habbo Hotel in the usual afro/suit getup. Also known as brothas. They often dance in front of doorways and access points to various functions of the room (such as the ladder of the pool) and are identified by their characteristic afros and business suits.
- No More *
- Panel from Marvel's infamous house of M story arc in which Wanda says "No more mutants." Often the image is edited to replace "mutants" with words like "4chan" or "Beer". Rarely seen outside /co/.
- NO U
- Usually accompanied by a picture of someone pointing, NO U is slang for No, you. The comment simply implies that a particular poster ought to apply his suggestion to himself. That is, if Anonymous says "Your statement is stupid and you're an idiot" and Anonymous replies "NO U" he is telling the first Anonymous his statement is stupid and he's an idiot. This is mostly a sarcastic way of pointing out how internet debates all too often end up. Most frequently accompained by a picture of a yelling asian man with his pointing hand shopped into various places. Origin unknown; similar in spirit (but not related to) "Omae mo naa!" (see Monar).
- not4chan
- An imageboard that, although it holds the boards that 4chan had to get rid of (/l/ and others) due to legal issues, is not related to 4chan in any way. Has been down indefinetely since August 2006.
- Apparent warcry of the namefag AnonymousNow. References Chaos 0, the apparently unstoppable God of destruction from the videogame Sonic Adventure.
- nyoro~n
- Using an anime image coupled with a program, one user created a series of images that consisted of this anime character leaning over the left side of the frame, with text (copied or relevant) in the middle ending with "nyoro~n". With the posting of a link to the program download site, hundreds of copies were made and plastered /b/ on September 1st. Claims were made that this person had actually made 80% of the flooding force.
- o noes her nanomachines!!11
- Commonly posted in /h/ or /d/ in threads involving characters from the anime My Otome. In the show, the super-powered Otome lose their powers if they have sex with a man because a protein found in semen (PSA or prostate-specific antigen, whose most common real life use is to be examined to help test men for prostate cancer) causes their bodies to generate antibodies that destroy the nanomachines implanted in them that supply their powers. For this reason, they must either engage in lesbian relationships only or remain virgins until they "retire" from their duties. The exact mechanics of how this happens (why the nanomachines cannot be made resistant to PSA, whether semen entering the body through other mucous membranes such as oral or anal sex will destroy the nanomachines, whether it's possible to retire an Otome just by spraying her with semen or why they don't just use condoms) remains a mystery and seems unlikely to be explained. In a nutshell, any time hentai of an Otome having sex with a man appears, she's just been retired, thus the alarmed cry of "o noes her nanomachines!!11" (sic). See also "I'd break her nanomachines".
- O RLY?
- Another phrase, short for "Oh, really?". Usually it implies a sarcastic sense of disbelief that belies the cynicism typical of 4chan users. The comment has since taken on a life of its own after being shopped onto a snowy owl that is now inextricably linked to "O RLY?". Sometimes replied to with "YA RLY." ("YA RLY" has a serious-looking brown and gray horned owl associated with it.)
- The textual phrase "oh really?" was first popularized on the SomethingAwful forums. The phrase was initially one of many used during the FYAD sub forum's fad of compressing words by removing unnecessary letters. While "O RLY?" is simply shorthand for "Oh, Really?", the most common image macro came from 4chan in the spring of 2005; in those days, people were reposting pictures of owls over and over with the phrase "everyday is owl" attached. Someone combined the two, and the image macro and its attached phrase then spread to Fark and YTMND (among many otherss), then from there to the rest of the Web; it's now considered horribly overused and not really that funny anymore, though new variations on the theme show up on /b/ from time to time.
- At some point, "ysrly" was used instead of "yarly", lost in translation somewhere between SA, Fark, 4chan, the WoW forums, and the rest of the everloving internet armpits. If you look closely enough, you can still see the photoshopped cartridge of the SNES game "Ys" into "Ys Rly", much like the "NintendoDSFARGEG" macro (see DSFARGEG)
- Refers to the heroine of the anime Shakugan no Shana. Shana's badass personality and habit of yelling "Shut up, shut up, shut up!", along with a propensity of the animators to draw her in swimsuits, endeared her to fanboys on /a, although the fact that she clearly fits into the loli category precludes the meme from spreading into /e/ or /h/. Has also been used to refer to other anime heroines drawn by Noizi Itoh, such as Louise from Zero no Tsukaima and Haruhi from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.
- From the movie trailer (Running Scared) cliche of cutting away just before someone finishes saying "Oh shit", usually to a scene of something blowing up. Always used sarcastically. Often seen with the phrases "I BROKE 4CHAN" with an accompanying screenshot of MySQL failure, "I LEFT 4CHAN ON AT HOME" in an image macro of a young boy with a scared expression, or "I DIVIDED BY ZERO" in an image featuring a 3D rendering of a black hole.
- What happens to you when you let your guard down playing a Korean at Starcraft. Has a moderate following. Sometimes followed by "KEKEKEKEKEKEKE!"
- Taken from Super Mario Land 3, in which magic whistles can be used to warp ahead to new worlds. Caught on in /b/.
- Combination of above sentence and "I WAS BORN INTO A WORLD YOU MAY NOT UNDERSTAND".
- Onpu is a whore
- Seen on /a/ and /c/ in threads featuring the character Onpu Segawa, from the anime Ojamajo Doremi. Despite the show's utterly innocent magical-girl nature, the insinuation is that Onpu is a whore because she is a child model and pop singer despite still being in elementary school, as well as her flirtatious nature around the boys in the series. Rarely used in not4chan's /l/ despite frequent posting of her there, perhaps because some /l/ denizens consider a ten year old girl being a whore to be a virtue.
- Optimized .gif Dude
- Originally just a crudely drawn MS Paint stick figure in .gif format, it became a fairly popular meme to edit the "Dude" to resemble other memes such as Happy Negro, WRYYYYYY and basically every other meme on 4chan. Nobody knows how many .gif Dudes exist out there.
- Uttured by Jotaro Kujo's Stand Star Platinum from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure as it does battle. Unlike the similar MUDA MUDA MUDA, ORA does not translate, as it is not a word. Usually posted in response to jojo related threads or to pictures depicting multiple punchings. More correctly, in Japanese it may be written as HORA HORA HORA, most likely an esortation. Joe Higashi from King of Fighters and Fatal Fury uses it too, during his super/special combo moves.
- Inspired by the furry comic "Incontinent Student Bodies". "Orca stacks" refers to some horrible adult diaper contraption worn by an orca to prevent leakage.
- orgasmGET
- 1 millionth post to /b/. Earned its name based on the content of the picture posted with it: A doujinshi image of Sae Sawanoguchi from the anime Magic Users Club (Mahou Tsukai Tai) in the process of getting her rocks off. It has been archived for historical purposes and can be seen at: http://img150.exs.cx/img150/9740/fortehhorde7br.png (NSFW). The text in the picture was a popular copipe in /b/ for a long time, especially when used with pictures that didn't match the text.
- Party Hard
- This meme consists of a 2-frame animated .gif with the words PARTY HARD edited into it. The .gif is edited to flash these frames very quickly, as if they are trying to induce a seizure in the viewer. This meme originated from the video to Andrew W. K.'s song 'Party Hard', where Mr. W. K. is headbanging to the music in front of the words PARTY HARD, while strobe lights flash making his movements look jerky. The earliest known .gif to use this meme consisted of a 2-frame scene from the anime Azumanga Daioh, where Chiyo Mihama, dressed in a penguin costume, is doing her stretches. This meme was most likely inspired by an anime music video of the same title. Even though it is a multi-creator video, the one "responsible" for this particular part is Jesmaster of Something Awful forums. While this meme does occasionally appear on /b/, it's main home has been the /gif/ board, as one of the most controversial memes on that board. When asked about it, users either reply with "needs more party hard" or "nothing needs more party hard". This extreme variation of opinions was further exacerbated by night-long Flame Wars between tripcoders Sempai's Pleasurous Nutrients and DammitQ. To show their contempt, other users would edit party hard .gifs to show a picture of a Penis or Harlequin Fetus as shock material. Supporters of the meme would edit almost any .gif file they could find into a party hard .gif. As of February, though, the meme has all but disappeared, although it made a brief, glorious reappearance as a counter-flood during the "gay /gif/" flood.
- Pedo Bear
- Another ASCII art creature. This one, predictably, looks like a bear and is often sighted with lolis. Spawned the Pedo Bear Seal of Approval shopped from old Nintendo games. Originally "Kuma" from 2ch, who is not a pedophile at all, is a nature lover, and supposedly hates Ronald McDonald.
- A few users started an in-joke whereby one would post Osakaphone saying something, and the other would post Kuma with a response. As the posts began getting more and more sexually oriented, paired with the innocence and widely-held immaturity of Osaka, led some to dub Kuma as being "pedo" for her. Now Pedobear is placed after pictures of underage girls.
- Picture Related
- This phrase speaks for itself. Other variants include "picture somewhat related", "picture very related", and the opposite, "picture unrelated". "Picture unrelated" posts are frowned on by the mods, because they're usually done as filler images for requests outside of /r/.
- Photoshop
- The most popular image editing program, to the point that "photoshopping" or "shopping" has become another word for image editing in general. Image macros and other crap in /b/ are usually created with Photoshop, though Microsoft Paint (specifically the JPEG-capable Windows 2000/XP version) is often used as well; a common joke on /b/ is that a picture took "X hours in Paint" to "make".
- Pip Pip
- A British term. The iichan oekaki board spawned something of a mascot character: a dog with a top hat, monocle, and a cane, who was saying "Pip pip". Often found with a funny mustache, and badly edited onto different images.
- Pool Dyke
- An unpopular forced meme of what might be a woman playing pool. Confirmed to be a (lesbian) woman named Paula Metz on myspace.
- Pool's Closed
- Standard battle cry of the Habbo Hotel /b/lockades. /b/tards, or "nigras" (otherwise "brothas") as they call themselves on Habbo Hotel (all dressed in Black Tuxedos, pants and with Afros) would enter the Habbosphere Pool Deck en mass and proceed to stand in front of the entrance, changing rooms, and the pool ladders, so that no one could get in. Upset Habbo users will beg /b/lockers to move, only to be told that "Pool's closed. It's full of AIDS and Fail."
- On July 6, 2006 in the wee hours of the morning, a massive coordinated Habbo invasion of over 10 nations world-wide commenced, effectivly closing down Habbo pools all over the planet for one glorious night. This event is now known as Pool's Closed : World Tour. http://f10.putfile.com/7/18610025240.jpg The acronym for this, if it is not obvious, is PCWT. http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j245/visionarydarkness/1152176900038.jpg
- On July 12, 2006, at 10:00 EST, the largest organized Habbo raid, or rather, the largest organized raid in its history by /b/ took place. Because the pool area filled up so quickly, /b/lockers spread to all areas of the Habbosphere. There were so many /b/lockers that every single public room was blocked and many private rooms were invaded as well. Due to the efforts of the /b/lockers, the entire Hotel was effectively shut down. As an after-effect of the huge raid, the word AIDS is now banned on Habbo.
- Also, the Habbo Hotel forums temporarly shut down it's registering feature (required so you can actually post and view the forums) and the error message that was put up (and we kid you not) was "Sorry, Pool's closed. :("
- After the massive success of the raid, many /b/tards are attempting to spread the meme wider. These include mass /b/tard gatherings at the "Snakes On A Plane" premiere, where the traditional nigra get-up is required, a "Pool's Closed" spraypaint stencil, an anonymous poster cellotaping a "Pool's Closed" poster onto a swimming pool entrance gate. On 7-14-2006 at at Ikasucon, two 4channers named Bakasama32 and tripcoder Sempai's Pleasurous Nutrients became the first reported Habbo cosplayers, blocking Artists Alley, rest rooms, and several other events. Though small, it is the first real life /b/lockade. A much larger one is in the works for Otakon 2006 as well as Sugoicon 2006.http://f10.putfile.com/main/7/20103243994.jpg
- Although some find the meme childish and futile, it is generally considered one of the funniest and most successful memes of 4chan. However, the recent moderator crackdown on invasion threads is likely to impede the planning of future Pool's Closed events.
- Poonmaster
- "Heh, sorry, man, but w/e. I don't go looking, and I don't pick up trash from the gutter. I don't even try to get with girls, man, they're just attracted to me. I don't mean to sound cliche, but it's kind of a curse. I really snare more poon than I know what to do with.
- I've even hooked up with a couple girls from this site, though I'm sure you'll just repeat that "No girls on the Internets" crap again, which is okay with me, cuz that just sends them all right on over to me, heh."
- Created on 4chan around 2005 after a picture of 10 Jap girls holding pictures was posted in /b/. The pictures they were holding were shopped to contain pictures of diseased vaginas. After a few comments by Anonymous a person dubbed "Poonmaster" posted that the vaginas in the pictures are "healthy" and the rest of 4chan hasn't seen a real vagina to know this. Classic quotes like the one above made him into a meme for a few days before no one thought about him again. You can find the original thread saved at LURKMORE. The entire thread lasted approx 2h45m with an unknown amount of unique posters. There were also a large amount of pictures made in honour of Poonmaster posted afterwards in a handful of threads. http://www.lurkmore.com/$rand/KIDSWITHGUNS/Poonmaster/poonmaster1.jpg
- Pork Slope
- A nonsense meme created by tripfag Sempai's Pleasurous Nutrients, consisting of a pig inside a right triangle. Rarely seen meme, created one night for no apparent reason, as it applies to nothing other then Pork Slope. Other incarnations include a pork delivery truck driving up a snow covered mountain slope. Usually seen in text form as a response to junk threads or to simply post in legendary threads.
- Protip:
- Taken from the North American video game magazine "Gamepro", in which during reviews of new games, the editor of the article will randomly place "protip:" through the article followed by seemingly obvious advice on the game. One particular "protip" was funny enough to become a re-occuring theme on /b/ and /v/ in early 2005. A long time ago, Gamepro issued a special edition magazing of just Protips. One of the protips for The original "Doom" game was how to defeat the Cyberdemon. PROTIP: To defeat the Cyberdemon, shoot at it until it dies. Protip is used on various Internet forums/boards and is often used on /b/ to either state the obvious or use as a cunning ruse.
- Probably /n/'s first meme. It started out as a troll who posted anonymously but included a signature of "--PROUD CONSERVATIVE" on his posts around the time of the August 23 /b/ downtime (when /b/tards took over /n/ as a temporary home while the rest of the site was down). He was noticable mostly for expressing slightly over the top arguments in favor of conservative politics and making nonsensical insults against liberals such as "moonbat". Replies by others using his signature soon followed, from the classic "DISREGARD THAT, I SUCK COCKS" to slightly more subtle mockery.
- pupu
- Legendary saint of /c/. pupu never posts with a tripcode, and every thread posted is filled without exception with exceptionally beautiful, high-resolution art of cute anime girls, often culled from 2chan. It is unknown whether pupu is male or female, or even if pupu is one person or a group of people, as pupu never posts a word in any thread, and responds to requests for sources only with the url needed to fulfill the request. Worshipped with nearly god-like status on /c/ and /e/.
- pushrods
- A /o/ meme that was started due to a eurofag anonymous in a thread about Corvettes. The original poster said "Why do you Americans like to use outdated technology?", then the eurofag anonymous mentioned above posted "pushrods, pushrods, lol". It once rivaled hoodpins as /o/'s most posted meme, and likewise was often combined with the hoodpins meme in the form of "hoodrods, pushpins, lol", or photoshopping the VTEC logo on an overhead valve engine.
- Push Button Receive Bacon
- An altered version of the instructions on a typical restroom hand dryer. The image consists of two pictures: a hand pushing a round button (labelled "PUSH BUTTON") followed by a pair of hands held out under some thick wavy red lines (labelled "RECEIVE BACON"). Has been edited so that the button-pusher receives many other things.
- Pyramid Head
- Name of the appropriately named monsterfucker from Silent Hill 2, has a wide fanbase on /b/. As of the release of the Silent Hill movie, GIFs have spread their way around 4chan, showing the popular monster's antics in the movie. Also shopped as "Pussy Head".
- /r/
- Request board. Aside from /b/, /r/ is the least restrictive board on 4chan. As a result, /r/ is largely a cesspool, and it is well known any request not directly related to porn will be ignored completely and even porn requests are unlikely to get a satisfactory response. As a result, it has become a common practice to instead make requests in other boards. The mods have recently begun to crack down on requests outside of /r/ and to enforce some semblance of rules in /r/, so there's a very slight chance that /r/ will become a worthwhile board.
- Also used as slang for the word "request" or "requesting"; e.g. "/r/ xyz" = "requesting xyz"
- Radio Free 4chan
- One day WT Snacks stickied a thread about his podcasting show, Midnight Snacks, which was featuring moderator "5" at the day. It was apparently un-stickied by Moot, only to be stickied again by Snacks, or possibly 5. At /b/, all of this led to many calls of "BRING BACK SNACKS", and rumors of mod wars circulated. Snacks and 5 responded to this by calling the show "Radio Free 4chan" for the night, in a revolutionary/underground/subversive manner. Episode may have caused 5 to lose his moderator powers, that is, if he has ever had any. IT'S ALL VERY UNCERTAIN.
- Rage
- Occassionally used as a "false" sage, usually in a failed attempt at humor. Basically, any word rhyming with "sage" can be used...which of course completely disregards the fact that "sage" is actually pronounced "sah-gay". Wordfiltered on /b/ to "rape". Also the term used to describe the actions of the myg0t CounterStrike clan when they attack websites.
- Raptor Jesus
- Photoshopping of a velociraptor dinosaur's head on Jesus. This picture was posted by an anonymous user in /b/ to become the 900,000th post. As usual, whenever a "big number" milestone post such as this is reached, there are two factions of people: one side takes the stance of "Jesus Christ, I can't believe this retarded picture got to be 900,000"; the other usually says "Shut up, this picture is awesome". The resulting flamewars have therefore led the moderators to delete the momentous posts as soon as they are discovered. In the flurry of activity as everyone rushes at once to claim the big-number post, few people actually witness the post before it is deleted by the mods. In a clever move, the image file of Raptor Jesus was replaced by a photoshop of a manga scan that showed a man with a donut on his penis, thus creating the illusion of Donut Penis being the real 900,000th post to /b/. As of this writing there are a number of users who claim to worship the faith of Raptor Jesus, as well as a Raptor Jesus Bible.
- At Ikasucon 2006, a group of cosplayers led by Raptor Jesus invaded the Church of Scientolgy down the block from the con. No pictures were allowed inside the building by threat of legal action, but outside the church was fair game. Their tale is told here;
- Rei-chan
- Rei Ayanami from Neon Genesis Evangelion. The girls of Evangelion have numerous fans and critics. Pictures of Rei were banned for a month after 4channers frustrated with all the pictures of her being flooded started to counterflood with pictures of Rei's hair on various people and objects with the now famous "BLUE HAIR = REI", "ZOMG REI" or "IT'S REI FAP FAP FAP". Eventually the flooding stopped, but the quotes and their mutations pop up from time to time. Sometime in 2004, Reidick (a scan of a penis with blue "hair" and the caption "TEH REI" drawn in MS Paint) was created and endlessly spamposted to /b/ by Rei-Chan, with the message 'She is cute, that is why she is called Rei Chan.' This message has become a meme in itself. Reidick was also floodposted to /f/ in a Flash movie with the chant "Internet FUCK" in the background, which predictably got saged mercilessly as fast as it was reposted. Reidick has also appeared in more legitimate Flash movies, notably "Sage Man" by Okk, and the /b/ version makes a surprise appearance in Disaster Labs' "8-Bitch Fyve: Evil on the Attack".
- Relevant to my interests
- Used on /u/ to describe any thread featuring characters from the anime Maria-sama Ga Miteru or "Marimite". Since the Marimite girls are often posted in non-sexual or non-romantic pictures, which is technically off-topic, the pictures can be explained away by the poster or respondants as "this is relevant to my interests"; this is because the show itself is so full of lesbian undertones that just posting pictures of the girls automatically makes the thread lesbian, even if the girls are not even looking at each other. Occasionally used to describe threads from other animes with yuri undertones such as Mai HiME and Kannazuki no Miko.
- Remember Remember the cocks of November
- The text included with the 6666666GET. This was in reference to the poem about Guy Fawkes which was featured prominently in the V for Vendetta comic and film.
- Rena
- The main heroine from the horror/suspense anime Higurashi no Naku Koro ni which is based on a "sound novel" series of the same name. Gained popularity on /a/ and /c/ when she is revealed to be murderous in Episode 2. Pics with Rena swinging a huge cleaver became popular for period of time, often with a quote "USODA".
- Rest in peace, old friend...
- The only text that accompanies a picture of a celebrity with an image macro stating their birth and death years. A majority of these are fake and result in people fighting over the status of the celebrity. Also seen frequently as "Goodnight, sweet prince."
- /r/etard
- Term for people who post requests outside of /r/.
- Ricer
- Derogatory term for the owner of an excessively modified stock car for street racing purposes, usually a car of Asian manufacture.
- Another /v/ meme derived from the Sony E3 2006 press conference, and also technically from the title screen of Ridge Racer itself.. Kaz Hirai unveiled the original Ridge Racer for the PSP, and said "It's Ridge Racer! RIIIIIIIIIIIIDGE RACER!", provoking ridicule from Sony haters. Often spammed along with $599 and Giant Enemy Crab.
- Rinrin
- Unofficial mascot of /w/, whose mediocre photoshopping powers are to be feared internationally. Originally from the Sister Princess series of games and anime.
- Rita Hanson
- Rita was once a semi-popular camwhore who posted her images on /b/, mainly of her feet in the early stages. She has her own Deviant Art page, LiveJournal, and her own myspace.com profile. Rita occasionally browses /b/, but it seems she has put her camwhoring to rest. Rita is 16 years old, a keen Christian, likes rave music, and wears a lot of plastic bracelets which she refers to as kandie.
- Robotech
- The standard answer in /a/ to n00b requests to identify an anime; more often than not when asking about a picture of Sanada-san from UFO Princess Valkyrie.
- Rob Liefeld
- A famous comic book artist who is able to remain employed despite an utter lack of talent. Liefeld is a subject of nearly universal derision on /co/ for his lack of any understanding of human anatomy (which often results in laughably misproportioned characters), his tendency to blatantly plagarize other artists' work, and his predeliction toward ludicrously large guns and costumes consisting predominately of pouches.
- An attempt at starting a catchphrase by an anonymous poster. The phrase is posted in threads of almost all recognizable instances of art by Poyoyon Rock, an artist most well-known for his work in Popotan and Nurse Witch Komugi-chan Magikarte. Nobody seems to know exactly why he has to be stopped, though.
- Rotating Title Banners
- 300 pixel by 100 pixel images displayed at the top of each 4chan page. A large number of these banners have been made, often referencing popular memes. A script is used to periodically rotate from one randomly-chosen banner to the next.
- Rule #34
- From an image occasionally posted in /b/, stating basically there is porn for everything on the internet, eg. as stated in the image, Calvin and Hobbes. Extremely popular at first, but is experiencing a backlash due to people using it as an excuse to request porn for every single cartoon character they can think of (and a few non-cartoons as well). now word filter'd on /b/ to rule x where x is a random, 10-digit number.
- Rule #35
- A corollary to the aforementioned Rule #34. In the event that a perceived discrepancy in Rule #34 occurs, it is the job of the userbase of /b/ to create porn in relation to the failure. Usually takes the form of intentionally poor MS Paint edits.
- Rule #41
- From an image posted in /b/ in which Suiseiseki, a main character in the anime Rozen Maiden which adds the meaningless word "Desu" to the end of virtually every sentence, states that the thread "Needs more Desu, no exceptions" followed by "Suiseiseki, spamming your 4chan since 2006". This image is often followed by the spamming of "Desu" over and over again.
- Sage
- (Japanese, pronounced "sah-geh", short for "sageru", meaning "to lower") On both Futaba and 4chan, placing "sage" in the email field when posting prevents a reply from moving a post to the top of a page. As posts stop being bumped when a certain number of replies is reached, "sage" can sometimes prevent crappy posts from ever returning to the top of the page. But it usually doesn't. This has spawned a visual pun involving the herb sage (whose name is spelled the same way, but pronounced /seij/); people will sometimes post pictures of the herb itself or a canister of ground/rubbed sage with a saged post for emphasis. There are also a few "sage" image macros featuring buses; this dates from early 2005, when "sage" was wordfiltered to "bus" on /b/. Occassionally pictures of characters classified as sages, or on rare occassions a comic book character named Sage, are also used. recently, a respelling of the famous SEGA logo into SAGE was spammmed along with Seizure 5 and Hard Gay on August 12th, 2005 as a part of "Saturgay" on the /b/ board.
- Sakura
- An image of Sakura Kinomoto of CardCaptors fame with a mocking expression, 'shopped to say "Your dick is tiny" or "I laugh at your dick!". Often image-replied to pictures of men with small penises in /b/. Sakura also frequents /b/, with her friends Tomoyo, Mint, Yuki, and Pedobear. SAKURA IS A GOOD GIRL (at making Anonymous horny.)
- Relatively popular meme used mainly in Family Guy hate threads. Comes from episode 1004 (season 10 episode 4) of South Park, "Cartoon Wars Part II". The episode's subplot explores the much-mocked "remember that time when I..." humour of Family Guy, as well as the very random humour also used on the show. A perfect example of both of these types of humour is exhibited in a part near the end of the episode, where Peter Griffin remembers the time where he received a salmon helmet from Mohammed while wearing a toga. This sketch is used often to ridicule Family Guy fans as well as the show itself.
- Same person
- A very common response to multiple posts by Anonymous users that express similar opinions, claiming that it's actually a single person trying to make his opinion seem more popular than it really is.
- Sauce
- An old /b/ wordfilter for "source". As such it is usually a request for the source of a picture. Often seen in image macros usually featuring hot chili sauce, ketchup, or other savory fluid condiments. Associated with the set phrases "ZOMG SAUCE" or "SAUCE PLZ"
- Schlick
- The noise made during female masturbation, the feminine equivalent of "fap". "Schlick Schlick". Popularized on the webcomic sexylosers.com. Also "scrunch scrunch" or "squish squish". Try it today
- Sega
- The original "false sage" word, from the name of the Japanese console maker turned 3rd-party developer. "Sega" was once a wordfilter for "sage" on /b/, and probably the origin of the false sage concept.
- Seizure 5
- Seizure 5 was a GIF file of a number 5 that. of done in succession, would induce a seizure. Was posted alongside pictures of Sage and Hard Gay on August 12th, 2005 as a part of "Saturgay".
- Serenity
- /b/'s new favorite blue-haired girl, the protagonist of a Christian-themed Amerimanga. The anti-sex plot of the manga combined with Serenity's bad-girl attitude and stunning good looks made her an easy target for lewd Photoshops and original porn, which /b/ did not fail to deliver on. The scientific term for Serenity porn is "serenity porns".
- Shiny Pidgey
- A rare variation of the flying Pokemon, Pidgey. Unlike normal Pokemon, the "shiny" variety have a 1/8192 chance to appear in the games. The shiny Pidgey was used in a copypasta where an unfortunate man has his Nintendo DS thrown against the wall by his girlfriend when he encountered said Pokemon. With his DS broken (this causes some speculation towards the truth of the story, as Nintendo products can normally endure much worse abuse and still be functional), he was unable to catch the shiny Pidgey, becomes enraged and hits his girlfriend by "accident", which causes her to leave him. This copypasta usually becomes an issue of debate because some /b/tards argue that the loss of a shiny Pokemon is a greater loss than losing a girlfriend.
- Shiny Kyogre
- After trading his shiny Kyogre to a friend for a regular Groudon, thinking that it was nothing special, the sight of his friend jumping about for joy resulted in one man asking /b/ what the big deal was. Needless to say, /b/ did not break the news that he had just thrown away an incredibly rare creature lightly. The result was that this Anonymous demanded the Kyogre back or would recall several years of loans. Last he was heard of, he had sold this digital critter for $100.
- Shiznat
- Shorthand for the yuri coupling of Shizuru Fujino and Natsuki Kuga, two of the heroines of the anime My HiME and the closest thing to an actual canon lesbian couple in the show. Reposted on /u/ in greater numbers than any other couple, yet detested by many users who either harbor a personal dislike for Shizuru due to her being an "insane homicidal molestor dyke" or think Natsuki should be with another girl such as Mai or Nao. Many also simply dislike the name for the coupling as it inevitably draws comparisons to lame wannabe-gangsta speak. If Bridget makes you gay, Shizuru makes you lez.
- Bizarre picture of Cell, a villain from Dragonball Z, which began to sweep /b/ during July 2006. Cell's face is blacked out, googly eyes and big red lips are MS Painted in (turning him into NIGRA CELL), and his wide open mouth from the original is left in, along with one of three captions: "SHOOP DA WHOOP", "IMMA CHARGIN MAH LAZER" or "IMMA FIRIN MAH LAZER", the last of which shows energy being fired from Cell's mouth. Another picture is "OOPS, I SWALLOWED MAH LAZER", in which the face is placed on an image of Cell ballooning outwards as he is about to explode. Other characters are now being given the blackface treatment and have shouted that they are chargin' their lazers.
- Signed
- Expression of agreement with the post being replied to, often seen in /b/ as "FUCKING SIGNED". Basically a way of saying "me too" without looking like an AOL-using Internet newbie.
- Silvio Santos
- Brazillian forced meme about the owner of SBT, a television network. See MILHAO also.
- Simple lever
- Forced meme that swept /b/, consisting of a picture with the accompanying text "Look I created a simple lever!"
- Sky's The Limit
- Phrase accompanied by a picture with a blank space within to encourage a photoshop thread. One of the most famous 'templates' is Gendo Ikari (see 'Evil Ambassador')
- Snakes on a Plane
- The title of a film starring Samuel L. Jackson that was released on August 18, 2006. Spawned the catchphrase "WE GOT SNAKES ON A MOTHERFUCKING PLANE," from a faux movie poster created using MS Paint. Popular variations include, but are by no means limited to, "Snape on a Plane," "Snacks on a Plane," and "Snake's on a Plane.", referring to the hero of Metal Gear Solid, Solid Snake. The film is also infamous for Samuel Jackson's line "I have had it with these motherfucking snakes on this motherfucking plane!"
- Snape Kills Dumbledore
- Harry Potter spoilers flooded /b/ before the release of the sixth book. One topic about it got stickied, with an sound clip from the audio version of the book where Harry tells Hagrid the news, which played every time you refreshed /b/.
- So i herd u like mudkips
- Originally a DeviantArt comment inviting someone to join a Pokemon usergroup, introduced to /b/ with a flurry of Mudkip images. Used freely as "so i herd u like *"
- Something Awful
- 4chan was founded by a patron of Something Awful, a website featuring a large, pay-to-register forum. A few 4chan memes (e.g. Hawaiian Punch) originate from SA, but most are either from 2chan or are original.
- Source is 4chan. Every day is Repost Day.
- Response to source requests of an image that is reposted frequently, often to the point that no one knows where it came from prior to arriving at 4chan. See "Theme Days".
- Soviet Russia
- Dash Billions' brother, and the usermod of /z/ who lead to that board's demise. Like his brother, Soviet Russia is a much-hated troll who migrated to WTFux after being repeatedly banned. In early 2006 he made a brief return to 4chan, but one of the mods promptly banned him for "being Soviet Russia".
- Soviet Sunday
- Space Commie Naraku
- Chairman Gilbert Dullindal from the anime Gundam SEED Destiny, so called due to the nature of his Destiny Plan (basically space communism) and his resemblance to Naraku, the main villain of the anime Inuyasha. Originally used in response to "rest in peace, old friend" posts following the character's death.
- Speedycat
- Speedycat originated from the #4chan chatroom from "Speedchat" or "Speedychat", a term used to describe excess spamming in the chatroom, or people generally typing too fast at the same time, and the badly sung song "Speedycat" from the beatmaniaIIDX series which happens to be entirely in Engrish. From this, an idea to draw a new cat meme for 4chan was put forward. One member decided to take this idea further and created a short looping flash animation involving a bright yellow cat flying across the night sky with the song "Speedycat" playing in the background. Upon clicking the moon the cat would hit "Warp Speed" in which the cat would be seen flying through bright flashing lights to a sped up version of "Speedycat".
- Spicy Hot Loligasms
- Unknown first appearance on 4chan. Made popular by an animated gif of 4 loli cheerleaders with pompoms with this text. One source states that this is from Habanero-tan's comic where she rubs her nether regions with some habanero powder and collapses. Very frequent comment on pictures of the two main females from the magical girl series "Pretty Cure". On a side note: "Loligasms" is sometimes interchanged with "Bukigasms". Buki Buki himself is known for posting high quality images of mostly loli content on 4chan... and never using a tripcode. Some of his posts include exclamations such as "hot" so it's possible that his comments and his love of lolis were the inspiration for this meme.
- Cowboy Bebop spoiler, nearly as infamous in the world of anime as "AERIS DIES" is in the world of video games. A popular meme posted in response to most Cowboy Bebop threads and also an image macro that also appeared at ytmnd. Later resulted in the creation of a spinoff meme, DYKE SPIES, through phonetic juxtaposition. See: AERIS DIES.
- Spinoffs
- 4chan has inspired a number of spinoffs from its members and viewers. It should be noted that 4chan was inspired by Futaba Channel aka 2chan, the massive Japanese imageboard and affiliate of the even bigger 2ch BBS.
- Stealth Bumping
- Posting a reply to a thread in order to bump it to the top of the board, then immediately deleting the reply. This allows a thread to be bumped more times than would normally be possible, as the deleted reply is no longer counted toward its "age" limit.
- Steven Colbert
- Discussions arise regurlarly on /b/ as to whether or not he, or at least his writers, visit 4chan.
- Sticky
- Something mods and admins can do to a post that makes the post stay at the top of a given board and prevents it from expiring. A stickied post can be identified by the small blue tack next to the normal header. On most boards, posts get stickied because they are particularly interesting or relevant, or just as the mods' ephemeral whims see fit.
- TCC-tan (AKA TCC-chan)
- A drawing of a skinny scantly dressed pothead girl with dark green hair, a giant bong on her back, a utilitybelt of drugs, and a happy look on her face. TCC means "The Crackhead Clubhouse" which is part of the Something Awful message forum and TCC-tan was created and posted in the The Crackhead Clubhouse in early 2004 by Vanessie. The image was slightly altered and had the TCC on her shirt removed and Vanessie's name was removed also. TCC-tan was posted repeatedly on 4chan's /b/ by anonymous in late 2005 advertising a just starting out 4chan like imageboard 420chan. Whenever the altered TCC-tan image was posted on 4chan's /b/ it would go with "Dearest /b/ please visit 420chan.org." and harsh criticism would follow and sometimes posting attacks/floods of pictures, gifs, diaper fetish pictures, stupid sayings, and offensive remarks. But most of the time the floods consisted of child pornography on 420chan which made 420chan's /cp and /pedo boards come to be. In the months that followed the pothead girl was dubbed TCC-chan which is a slight variation of her original name TCC-tan but everybody in /b/ calls everyone and everything a "chan". Eventually TCC-tan became 420chan's adopted mascot and had many fans and fan art drawn by people from 4chan and 420chan and now whenever TCC-tan is posted on 4chan's /b/, it either goes with "Dearest /b/ please visit 420chan.org", CP FLOOD ON 420CHAN, talk about getting some flapjacks AKA pancakes (TCC-tan's favorite food), or TCC-tan fan art.
- Take It Slave
- Meme that originated in late 2004 as a photoshop of one of the 2chan characters with the text "TAKE IT SLAVE" written in the Halo font. The character's face was then photoshopped onto any image present on /b/, from previous memes or attempted memes (Reidick and Milhouse are two examples) to a photo of a young adult grimacing while taking a photo of himself in the mirror. This re-emerged a few times more a couple of weeks later, a resurgence caused by obnoxious /b/tards, before going underground.
- Test
- A Wrestler formerly with the World Wide Wrestling. Sometimes a post randomly occurs on many futaba style boards where the message body contains only the word "test". This is usually caused by a new user trying to understand how the board software works. The same is sometimes used by experienced users to convey general dissatisfaction to a thread, often with a disparaging image macro.
- Whenever artwork of Fuu from Samurai Champloo or Winry from FMA drawn by American H-Artist Prophet was uploaded, this phrase was used because of the way he drew their teeth. Sometimes phrased as TEEEEEEEETH.
- See 'Cover-Tom'
- That's a man baby!
- Image macro responding to threads featuring cross-dressing males, in reference to two scenes from the first Austin Powers movie in which Austin attempts to remove the mask from a male henchman masquerading as a woman, succeeding in the first one but failing spectacularly in the second when it becomes evident his victim actually is a woman. Since the ban on image macros was instituted, it has been supplanted by the more established and recognized "It's a trap" meme. Still somewhat popular on 6chan.
- Servers for the free online shockwave game 'Habbo Hotel' were populated by 4chan fans dressed as dark-skinned men in suits with 'afro' hairdos ("Nigras", "Brothas"). These pro-4chan 'bouncers' would stand at the entrance to the pool gates at almost every server, blocking entrance to Habbo players and denying them entry by shouting to the public that 'The pool is closed due to AIDS'. Even though the Nigras were constantly kicked and banned for this practice they continued to flood Habbo Hotel servers. A contender to their Habbo throne has arisen though; players dressed all in pink with pink dreadlocks and sandals caused an uproar amongst 4chan Nigras, causing an internet-war between the 'pinks' and the Nigras. Even YTMND got in on the action with its army of white rabbits (rabbit ears and white clothing).
- More recently, the Anonymous model has grown in popularity. This is an all-white, bald Habbo that is used in much the same way as the Nigra. There have even been some 4chan meme parodies created with the limitations of Habbo's avatar system - these tend to make great scouts.
- Theme Days
- While not universally followed throughout the 4chan population, certain themes were flooded during the different days of the week by some factions: Miko-Maid Monday, Rinrin Wednesday, Furry Friday, Cat Saturday (Caturday, sometimes Scaturday, or Faturday with pictures of fat people and BBW models) and Bunday, with pictures of bunnies, (or Guro Sunday, for the perverts) are observed by their small, but dedicated followings. An ongoing joke is that despite these themes, every day is Repost Day.
- There are no girls on the intarbutt
- meme based on the old assumption that no females go online, or that anyone claiming to be female is actually a man.
- This picture is shopped, I can tell from some of the pixels and from having seen quite a few shops in my time.
- Ironic yet often true reply to photoshopped pictures, or pictures that have an unbelievable nature about them. Subject of a number of image macros featuring corporate-looking stock photos. Has been seen in combination with Admiral Ackbar as "This is a trap, I can tell...". This meme started when a poster asked for the name and style of the anime included in the obviously shopped picture that featured several young girls sitting around a table with a sign that said "stfu dyke". Someone replied with the line "This isn't a real anime! They aren't allowed to do this. This picture is shopped, I can tell from some of the pixels and from having seen quite a few animes in my life.". People tought it was funny and the line was used many times with one or more words changed but "This picture is shopped, I can tell from some of the pixels and from having seen quite a few shops in my life." was the only one that lived on, for reasons unknown. Sometimes shortened versions such as "I see pixels." or just "Pixels" are used.
- This thread delivers
- Indicates that a thread is of high quality. A popular image macro is of a Dominos Pizza delivery guy. Often used sarcastically, in which case there is a related image macro of a UPS delivery truck crashing into a house.
- Thread hijack
- The act of taking over a thread by posting images unrelated to the original subject. Usually done when somebody thinks that a thread sucks.
- Comment from an anonymous poster in /p/ about the Lockheed F-22 Raptor fighter plane. The comment refers to the plane being able to change the direction of its exhaust for more maneuverability.
- TigerPumpage
- Late May-early June 2006, the /gif/ board was flooded with gifs of gay sex and pump fetish at a near constant rate. Accompanying the images, among other things, were replies of "GAY IT UP WITH TIGERPUMPAGE" over and over. This continued for over a week with no help from the mods. Saturday, June 3rd finally saw the end of it when trip user Sempai's Pleasurous Nutrients started a Party Hard counter-flood to assist the failing Counterflood Alliance. The Party Hard's stopped when SPN "HAD TO GO FRY PORKCHOPS", but Party Hard gifs already posted continued to be commented on to out-bump TigerPumpage. At this moment TigerPumpage has disappeared, it is unknown if it will return.
- As in /b/'s 3 millionth post, although this meme has been around for years prior (it's a staple of the time-travel movie genre). Originated in Metal Gear Solid 3; if the player kills a character that becomes important in the first two games or waits too long at the Game Over screen, the game ends and Colonel Campbell of MGS1 and MGS2 fame yells "Snake What have you done?! You've created a time paradox!" Sometimes used in reference to pictures containing two or more images of the same character. Also used when two people leave the same or similar comments at the same time. Often followed by "Oh shi-"
- Fairly obvious, commonly seen on /b/ or /s/ in response to pictures of girls that are not showing naked breasts, indicating that they can choose to show them or GTFO (get the fuck out). Often posted with an image depicting a multiple choice test with two boxes, "Tits" and "GTFO" labeled "The choice is yours." The same image is also sometimes posted with the "GTFO" box already checked, for subjects found to be boring or unattractive.
- tl;dr
- Too long, didn't read. Usually in response to a lengthy post or to news on the front page no one cares about.
- A request for a BitTorrent seed of the material in question. Often sarcastic. Often prefaced with "ZOMG"
- Toyama
- "One day,Toshiaki in Toyama uploaded with this message, 'I am in Toyama but we can use broadband. The picture is not broken.' (Perhaps,he said from his complex.) ... But the picture was broken like this." Thus on 2chan, broken / partially-uploaded images are often called Toyama. "Naro" (narrow) and "KonNARO" (pun on konoyaro) is often also seen on 2chan, but not 4chan.
- Tom
- The cat from the Tom & Jerry cartoon. See "Cover-tom"
- Towercat
- A picture of a cat seemingly towering over the person who took the picture, due to the camera angle. Towercat was 5 millionth post in /b/, and was immediately suggested to be either a rival or an ally of the more famous Longcat. http://macrochan.be/vjejkcep/get.py?sha1=XKA7BZV5XD4XFW6YCOWB2LMJNVKVXFJN
- Tom Green
- Washed out b-list celebrity who now hosts an internet show. Because of the uncencored call-in availability, /b/-tards have been known to call-in en mass and use frequent catchphrases or tell longwinded stories which then get bel-aired (consequently improving his show several orders of magnitude). Followed by the show Girl Talk in which 4 early-twenties girls answer a central ringing phone, and are usually rewarded with trolling. Proved to be quite popular pastime and likly to be continued until Tom gets wise and redoes his phone network.
- Tripcode Fag or Tripfag
- Derogatory (unlike the neutral namefag) term for anyone who uses a tripcode. Just as some tripcode users bash anonymous posting, so too do some anomymouses bash tripcode users. Anonymous's gripe stems from the perception that many (but not all) tripcode users try to use their posts to gain personal accolades, where anonymous prefers having the commentary directed at the post itself instead of the poster. Why anyone would actively seek out approval and flattery from a group so warped and twisted as the /b/tards is almost as unfathomable as why people bother arguing about tripcodes vs. anonymous in the first place. Flame wars over the merits (or lack thereof) of posting with a tripcode were growing increasingly common on /b/ prior to the institution of Forced Anonymous. The debate is now mostly irrelevant.
- Entering #faggot (moot's tripcode) as your tripcode activates a hidden, global auto-ban function. Try it today!
- Self-explanatory meme. Sometimes rendered as U FAIL IT or YOU FAIL IT. From Engrish in the Neo-Geo game "Blazing Star", where the whole phrase was "You fail it Your skill is not enough, see you next time, bye-bye!"
- Was quite popular in 2005 (though it may have been only one person trying to force it through the entire year); was usually added to the end of sex-related posts, more often than not in FULL CAPS.
- Underwater Ray Romano
- A meme in /a/ that became very popular during the summer of 2006. As the anime Utawarerumono entered its second season and increased in popularity on the board, the name 'Underwater Ray Romano' was given to it as a phonetic parody.
- Was later combined with the 'Utawarerumono: It's Popular In Australia' meme to become Down Under Water Ray Romano.
- Unlimited [Insert] Works
- After episode 14 of the anime Fate/Stay Night, this line becomes quite popular, because Rin Tohsaka's Servant, Archer, demonstrated a massive amount of badass by performing the Unlimited Blade Works, despite finally losing to Berserker. It is with the same episode that phrases such as 'GAR' came into prominence among /a/. Usually, a poster will insert a random name or word into the line, and finishes it with some image spam relating to the said word, or rather something having to do with the word. Non-spam examples includes 'Unlimited Maid Works', originated from a Fate/Stay Night doujin where Archer have some maid fetishes, and 'Unlimited Rin Works', from another doujin where Archer have used his Reality Marble in a way similar to the original UBW, but replaces all the weapons with...Rin.
- A variant of this, called Unlimited Essay Works (see below), is probably the first real application of this phrase off the Internet.
- Unlimited Essay Works
- Parody of Unlimited Blade Works that a resident of /a/ turned in to his English teacher as a final essay (he was allegedly failing the class anyway). Somehow managed a D+ on the essay (though he still got an F in the class), with the following comment by his teacher: "Most creative way I've seen to fail my class. I hope to see you in Fall semester, Mike."
- The paper reads (with several pieces of essay clipart surrounding the text):
- I am the bone of my essay. (Teacher's comment: "Did you mean bane?")
- Procrastination is my body and caffeine is my blood.
- I have ignored over a thousand deadlines.
- Unknown to MLA format, nor known to passing grades.
- Have withstood responsibility to fail many classes.
- Yet these classes will never teach anything. (Teacher's comment: :()
- So, as I hand in,
- The thread was later stickied, confirming that Unlimited Essay Works was, indeed, a win. An image has been made to commemorate this great day. From now on, 2nd of August 2006 will be considered a great day to be remembered by /a/.
- Ironically, on the same day the thread was stickied, posters claiming that they are the Tsukamoto sisters (from School Rumble anime/manga) created a thread asking for help for 'Tenma's English Test'. A lot of posters tried convincing them what happenned in the manga and anime to them, but within 2 hours the thread slowed down as the 'sisters' went off. Among the things posted are the 'Unlimited Essay Works', but 'Tenma' said that the test is not an essay. On the next day, they returned with 'Eri' and 'Harima' (other School Rumble characters), talking about the result of the English test.
- V
- The character V from the movie "V For Vendetta" became a fast growing meme shortly after the movie was released in the U.S. Usually involves "REMEMBER REMEMBER THE FIFTH OF NOVEMBER," other lines from the movie, pictures of V in the movie, and/or a picture of V's mask, sometimes on other memes.
- The thread was stickied, and reached over a thousand posts.
- A variant of the "Is this Mecca?" meme, using a picture of V's face, has also appeared in /v/.
- First started on /p/ (photo board) in response to a picture of a Honda, VTEC refers to Honda's variable valve timing system, which is used to increase horsepower at higher RPMs. Since many /p/ regulars didn't think highly of VTEC, this expression was used to negatively describe any souped up Asian car (see "Ricer). Was a huge meme back in the day.
- Waha
- Originally the character Suzuran from F&C's H-game "Suigetsu", she was adopted by a number of 2chan boards, namely the Nijigen (2D) and Nijiura boards in deformed ("chibi") style. This deformed Suzuran was dubbed "Waha", and eventually two additional (original) characters were created: her older sister Musu, and her pet human Choia. In the early days of 4chan, a number of posters decided to adopt Waha as a tribute to Futaba by making a number of Photoshops featuring the character. This quickly got out of hand. Additionally, some time in the spring of 2005, a flash file was posted featuring Waha in a maid's outfit brandishing a duster and flying through the air to the tune of Papaya's "Supergirl" highly highly sped up. It was accompanied by a background change to /b/ which depicted two small anime females wandering back and forth across the screen. As disturbing as it was catchy. Later a modified version was posted to /f/ featuring Waha's head set on fire, a mortified expression and sweatdrop replacing her original cheerful expression, and the song changed to Matthew Good Band's "Pony Boy", featuring the refrain "My head's on fire", also sped up. http://waha.nce.buttobi.net Information
- Wapanese
- Derogatory term for an American or European (usually white) who is obsessed with Japan to the point of wishing to be Japanese. Wapanese typically make statements about the superiority of Japanese culture to their own, that Japanese women are more attractive than anyone else, etc. The term is often used on 4chan when a moderator deletes fanart made by Americans or of American characters. Wordfiltered to "weeaboo" on /b/, this taken from a Perry Bible Fellowship strip of the same name; "weeaboo" has since taken on a life of its own, and is used by /b/tards who don't watch or like anime to taunt /b/tards who make more than passing mention of it, even if they're not obsessive otaku.
- Watson Wednesday
- Not as popular as CATurday, Furry Friday or Soviet Sunday, yet still acknowledged by many within /b/. Watson referes to the actress Emma Watson who plays the character Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter movies. Similar to other themed days on /b/, Every Wednesday, several threads are created where pictures of Emma Watson are posted. As you can imagine, many photoshop edits are also included within the postings (some of them pornographic or suggestive).
- We Can't Stop Here. This Is Bat Country.
- Considered by many to be the funniest post on /b/, ever. The single image macro features two cats in a car, one driving, and the other dressed as Hunter S. Thompson. The phrase comes from Thompson's novel and the movie translation "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas".
- A new forced meme in /b/ and /v/ started when someone playing Secret of Mana online with a friend (through ZSNES) sold his friend's power wrist (a stupidly weak piece of armor that his friend refused to remove because it gave a +5 to STR) to get a Golden Ring while his friend was AFK. When his friend came back and saw the news, he became irate and shouted "WE'RE GOING BACK TO POTATOS (he means Potos Village) TO GET MY FUKING POWER WRIST ASSHOLE", despite the fact that he could've just bought it from the shop they were at. Some people found it funny, and a plan to make it a "forced" meme was born. Despite lot of people saying that forced meme is fooooorced and giving this one 1 hour life max, it has been running for days, threads reach hundreds of replies and get to live for lots of hours (one of them for TEN hours!), dozens if not hundreds of images are already created bassed on it, and it might be the first sucessful forced meme EVER.
- What is a man?
- A miserable little pile of secrets.
- From Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, in a scene that includes several other lines that are only amusing because of the awful voice acting. Commonly posted whenever a picture of Dracula appears, especially his SotN character design. The predictable variants (substituting nearly any word for "man", and sometimes also for "secrets") often appear as well. /b/ used to be able to recite the whole dialogue once the first line (Die, monster. You don't belong in this world.) was posted. Here's the whole thing:
- Richter - Die, monster. You don't belong in this world.
- Dracula - It was not by my hand that I am once again given flesh. I was called here by humans who wished to pay me tribute.
- Richter - Tribute? You steal men's souls, and make them your slaves!
- Dracula - Perhaps the same could be said of all religions.
- Richter - Your words are as empty as your soul. Mankind ill needs a savior such as you.
- Dracula - What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets! But enough talk; have at you!
- And the actual in-game voice acting, at YTMND
- What is Love?
- Popular flash parody of the popular SNL parody (with Jim Carrey) of A Night at the Roxbury. Involves Will Ferrel, Cris Kattan, and Jim Carrey head-banging in their car to the song 'What is Love' by Haddaway.
- From "The Terminator". Usage on /b/ seems to be completely random. /b/tards have created the myth that some obscure word or phrase is wordfiltered into the phrase, but it was just made up to confuse newbies. Usually injected in the middle of a lowercase word, e.g. "I am not a furWHERE IS SARAH CONNOR".
- Where Is Sniper Island?
- Comes from the One Piece manga, where Ussop (who has taken to wearing a really transparent disguise) claims to be a mysterious person named Sogeking who hails from the island. His evasive answer to this question is 'it's in your heart'. This is sometimes a reply in /a/ to inquires about places, and often accompanied by a anatomical diagram of a heart. Ussop himself is a related meme, and posters will speak as if he and Sogeking are obviously different people.
- Implies that the something, usually to say an accompanying image or the one being replied to is so horrible that its very existance implies either the non-existence of God or that God has abandoned you (leaving you to the whims of whatever horrible thing is in the picture). Usually seen around "The King" or other creepy things; not as strong as "DO NOT WANT". See "The King".
- Where's the funny?
- A common response to jokes, webcomics, etc that aren't remotely humorous. Probably derived from the ancient "Where's the beef?" meme, which came from a famous string of Wendy's commercials from the early 1980s.
- A phrase once posted anonymously in response to a photos of a white woman in /s/. It, or variants of it (BLACK WOMAN, etc) is now often used to mock those who complain when an "ugly" non-Asian picture is posted in /s/.
- Whoops, can't show that in a Christian manga!
- Meme derived from the american-made religious-themed manga "Serenity". Used in the manga to censor something which, as stated, couldn't be shown in the family-friendly manga. Was shopped over porn, guro, etc.
- Wii
- The indescribably bizarre name Nintendo chose for its next console, previously known as the Revolution. Predictably, the very odd name resulted in a flood of posting on /v/, most of it negative. Jokes of dubious humor value relating to urine and penises were common, and the minority of posters who liked the new name were promptly labelled "Wiiaboo". The name was also mercilessly ridiculed on /b/. The hatred of its name was largely forgotten when the competing PlayStation 3's extremely high price was announced.
- Attempt at seeding a new meme. Self-explanatory. Commonly used along with "LURK MOAR". Not of much currency now that Wikipedia refers all discussion of 4chan memes to this page.
- Wordfilters
- The "team" put them in place a while back, apparently just for the hell of it. When submitting a post to /b/, any specific word or phrase (typically meme-related ones that are heavily overused) may be changed to something else. Examples: "Rei" is changed to "DONATE TO 4CHAN", "emo" is changed to "bosnian", "Mordor" into "A GAPING VAGINA THE SIZE OF A HALLWAY", and anything related to "furry" into "drama". Recently, some wordfilters have also been added to /v/. Wordfilters have also themselves developed into memes both on /b/ and elsewhere, some posters have taken to referring to furry as drama, loli as duck, etc.
- world2chan, world2ch
- Picture posting boards (similar to 2chan and 4chan) in multiple languages. The site is currently down.
- The battle cry of Dio Brando, the vampire nemesis of Joseph Joestar, star of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, made popular by a flash featuring a stick figure (assumed to be Dio Brando) dropping a steamroller on his victim. While the character and the noise originate in the Japanese manga, the stance of the stick figure, the use of vehicles as weapons, and the sound file itself were taken specifically from a Capcom fighting game based on the manga. Very popular cliche, especially on /f/. Pronounced "REEEEEEEE", NOT "Rye", as is the common misconception. Inspired a series of parody/tribute movies called "WRYYYYYYOWNED", where Dio uses his special moves to put the hurt on various overly-reposted Flash movies and characters. It's also been seen as "WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII", a reference to Nintendo's new console, but with Dio Brando replaced with Dark Samus from Metroid Prime 2 & 3, and the steamroller replaced with the Wii console.
- Sidenote: Dio actually does throw a steamroller on Jojo at the end of Part 3 of the manga.
- wtfux.org
- This imageboard is run and populated by pedophiles and cock eating faggots. Soviet Russia and his fat brother, Dash Billions, are big fans. It suffers from chronic leadership problems and bandwidth issues that often lead to sporadic site outages. It was rumored to be merging with Idlechan during a short period when it was being hosted there but the idea was never on the table.
- W. T. Snacks
- This former mod's face and distinctive haircut have been shopped onto several memes (...Around Snacks...Never Relax). Occasionally depicted in fanart as a small anime girl wielding a massive "Ban Hammer". Was de-modded, by reasons unknown to /b/ for a long time; many hypotheses were raised.
"I won't get into details, but one of the decision was that the Team (not the most important), which was an e-team of people randomly distributed all around the USA, was to move in together in a flat in NYC a la Friends so it would be easier to get the coding and the managing a lot easier. Plus it made sense as a lotta Teamsters were to start college the year after and NYC was definitely an option. So after the Con they all went to their parents (lol kids) and "came out" to their mom. The bottom line is Snacks' mom got scared and said youre moving with your aunte and uncle in bel-air. And that's all there is to it."
A transcript of an online conversation between Moot and Snacks that reveals the actual reason for his de-modding can be found at http://www.anonib.com/_snacks/index.php?t=36&g=0 (scroll down until you find a post by "Anonymous!##Admin##").
- His anime alter-ego has been seen cosplayed, most recently at AX 2006.
- This meme was formed on /b/ and has remained as a strong meme on 4chan for quite some time. The misspelling of "huge" is mandatory. Microsoft's Xbox video game console is larger than its immediate competitors, the Sony PlayStation 2 and Nintendo GameCube, and this size difference was often exaggerated by 4chan users with image macros involving gigantic Xboxes. One of most common Xbox images depicts an Xbox crashing into the Earth like a meteor, leaving a large impact crater (sometimes accompanied by text claiming that this was the event that caused the extinction of the dinosaurs). Another common Xbox image is a size comparison chart of the planets in the solar system, with an Xbox which is even larger than the sun. Word-of-mouth descriptions warned that the Xbox was capable of "crushing small children." Predictably, an image was created that depicted a large Xbox on top of and indeed crushing a little girl. Another incarnation of this meme is an image of a Weightlifter straining, trying to lift an Xbox.
- The meme is often photoshopped into comparison charts for objects of incredible size, such as a height chart for Japanese mecha or size chart showing colossal fictional spacecraft. The main form of this variant occurs as a small portion of the Xbox appearing on the chart, implying that the game system is far too large to be seen in its entirety. Any other large object might also be described as "hueg liek Xbox" or just "Xbox hueg" (misspelling optional). Recently, this meme has come under fire over the fact that the newest Xbox incarnation, the Xbox 360, is not hueg compared to its predecessor or one of its rivals, the PS3.
- Yaranaika
- From "Kuso Miso Technique", a yaoi (gay porn) manga which starts with a guy named Masaki getting hit on by a strange man in a jumpsuit while walking through a park; "yaranaika" translates as "Shall we do it?" and is Jumpsuit Guy's de facto catchphrase, and "Uho Ii otoko!" ('Whoa, nice guy!' or more loosely "Hey, good lookin'!") is the first thing he says to Masaki. One of its notable features is the highly exaggerated look of the protagonists' faces, especially while having sex, which made it a huge hit on 2chan; Masaki's and Jumpsuit Guy's faces (both normal and in various states of sexual arousal) were shopped onto just about everything imaginable. This, of course, spread to /b/ and became popular there as well. See wordfilters below.
- Yet Another X Thread
- Where X is whatever new anime of the season is making the rounds. /a/ typically adopts one popular show and makes multiple threads of the series. Tends to annoy anyone who dislikes the show, and complain it clutters up the board with no relevant discussion. Shows are usually considered fads if discussion and posting dies off very quickly after a show is over. (see also C-C-COMBO BREAKER!)
- Popular meme appearing in autumn of 2004, first seen photoshopped onto a picture of a person talking on a telephone with an exaggerated silly facial expression. Sometimes seen as Y HELO THAR BUTTSECKS? More popular format is Y HALO THAR - normally this is photoshopped onto a random image or a photo of Master Chief. Some popular examples feature an owl or Kryten from the UK TV series Red Dwarf.
- Y HALO 2 U
- An image macro of the halo 2 logo, with obvious changes to make the meme.
- Yomi is erotic
- Another frequent response to threads about Yomi from Azumanga Daioh, especially in /e/, /h/ and /u/. Occasionally adapted for other characters from the show, such as: Chiyo is cute, Sakaki is sexy, Kaorin is lesbo, etc. See also: Azumanga Daioh.
- Yotsuba
- The name of not only 4chan, but a myriad of people, fictional and otherwise. The favorite around 4chan is, of course, Yotsuba from Azuma Kiyohiko's "Yotsubato". http://www.yotuba.com More information
- You have destroyed most of a small galaxy. Please pick your words with greater care.
- Several paragraphs from the Infocom "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" text-adventure that detail the player's use of unknown commmands sparking an interstellar war, the full text of which follows. (Feel free to submit your favorite meme in place of "NO U".)
- "It is of course well known that careless talk costs lives, but the full scale of the problem is not always appreciated. For instance, at the exact moment you said "DESU" a freak wormhole opened in the fabric of the space-time continuum and carried your words far far back in time across almost infinite reaches of space to a distant galaxy where strange and warlike beings were poised on the brink of frightful interstellar battle.
- The two opposing leaders were meeting for the last time. A dreadful silence fell across the conference table as the commander of the Vl'Hurgs, resplendent in his black jewelled battle shorts, gazed levelly at the G'Gugvunt leader squatting opposite him in a cloud of green, sweet-smelling steam. As a million sleek and horribly beweaponed star cruisers poised to unleash electric death at his single word of command, the Vl'Hurg challenged his vile enemy to take back what it had said about his mother.
- The creature stirred in its sickly broiling vapour, and at that very moment the words "DESU" drifted across the conference table. Unfortunately, in the Vl'Hurg tongue this was the most dreadful insult imaginable, and there was nothing for it but to wage terrible war for centuries. Eventually the error was detected, but over two hundred and fifty thousand worlds, their peoples and cultures perished in the holocaust.
- You have destroyed most of a small galaxy. Please pick your words with greater care."
- Very self-explanatory. Almost always capitalized. Often accompanied by pics of freaky-looking older men, V, or "The King".
- Your resistance only makes my penis harder
- From the hentai anime Words Worth. Self-explanatory.
- You're The Man Now, Dog. Usually animated gifs on a tiled background with music, usually to point out something stupid. Often accused of stealing content from 4chan, the most notable being the "O Rly?" owl, which originated on 4chan as a meme. More recently, YTMND has become both the ally and rival of 4chan's Habbo Hotel raiders.
- Zero Hour
- Before 4chan died once again on June 20th, 2004, moot threatened to take down /b/ first, announcing this with a thread in /b/ (no stickies back then) which simply said something along the lines of "You have two hours. Enjoy" and the subject reading "ZERO HOUR". People then started to go nuts and post like crazy which was enjoyed by all, even more so as /b/ didn't get taken down at all (it just died a few weeks later with the rest of 4chan). To this day, "Zero Hour" strikes fear and joy in a strange mixture of excitement in the heart of all /b/tards.
- zer0kage
- A tripfag who has drawn the hatred of many of /v/'s residents for his obsession with "icy" girls to the point where he would sometimes spam a single thread with several pictures of his favorite icy girl, Blanc Neige (from the game "Shining Tears"). Another favorite of his was Celsius, in particular her Tales of Symphonia incarnation. This eventually gave birth to the minor meme "Shut up, zer0kage", a common response to an anonymous post believed to be by zer0kage posting anonymously to avoid detection. Has settled down a bit after the initial furor. Some people still parody zer0kage by posting under his username.
- Zippocat
- Series of Pictures potraying a real cat inquisitively exploring a shelf, and then being burned by zippo fluid. Much like Torturecat and other pictures of feline abuse, draws much hatred from catfags.
- Zoom
- Popular "meme", which involves pointing out an obvious grammatical error or spelling mistake in a post by screencapping the post, and posting images that slowly zoom into the error in question. Hilarity ensues. Can also be used on just about any image, making it funnier if used correctly.
- /z/
- In September-October, moot came upon the idea of creating a themed board whose mod was to be chosen from the userbase, similar to the concept of the IK in FYAD. At the end of a certain amount of time, the title of usermod would be rotated to another user. However, moot made the debatably unfortunate decision of appointing Soviet Russia to the title. Soviet Russia being a denizen of /b/, he immediately set into motion a series of events, including the institution of his brother Dash Billions as a "nigger", the creation of the nonsense word "harbl", the backgrounds which became progressively creepier, and random CSS changes. At some point /z/ degenerated into a cesspool of gay porn, and borrowed memes from iichan and SA, as well as instituting a few of its own (examples include Conan O'Brien, and the Pip Pip dog from iichan). A pseudo-rivalry came about between the /b/tards and the self-named /z/idiots, and new users, completely unversed in the proper ettiquette of 4chan (the beginning of the end of lurking -- see topic above), jumped into the fray, declaring Soviet Russia to be their personal Lord and Savior. After a period of time, Soviet Russia 'resigned' as /z/ usermod, and after a few usermod rotations, the board was deemed by the Team to be a failure. WTSnacks had already implemented the option to ban users to /z/-only, similar to the concept of the brand-new Fyad Jr. board on SA, and so the imageboard /z/ was removed, and the page was changed to display the image of the beecock with text saying "OH NO THE BOARD IS GONE"-- yet another reference to FYAD.
Every so often, /b/'s CSS is hacked by the mods, adding background music, weird graphics, or worse.
- November 2, 2005
- A camwhore named Xenon, who most likely appeared after a select fanbase started (re)posting his "art" to /f/, was challenged by moot. /b/'s theme was coloured mainly pink and contained the Power Puff Girls theme music. With the title of /b/ re-named to "All Hail Xenon", Moot proclaimed that this date would "be henceforth known as: The Day Of The Xenon."
- November 3, 2005
- Rednex cover of Cotton Eye Joe, released in 1995, was set to play on /b/ the day after 'The Day of Xenon'. "Cotton-Eye Joe" is country slang for moonshine, alluding to the potential damage it can cause to one's eyes. /b/'s background was set to flash yellow and white, while its title was re-named "ON A STEEL HORSE I RIDE.", a Bon Jovi reference. As with many other hacks, a thread was stickied at the top of /b/ for /b/tards to comment on the decorum, this particular one adorned with a multicolored flashing "5"; the thread featured well over a hundred different animated .gifs of anime characters dancing to the background music. Subsequently Kebinu, an /a/ tripcode fag, created a Flash-loop "tribute" to the day featuring around three dozen dancing .gifs crammed into a 1024 x 768 window with Cotton-Eye Joe playing in the background and the caption "11/3/05 NEVAR 4GET". The loop's file size prevented the full version from being posted on /f/, and the scaled-down versions subsequently submitted to /f/ were rightfully derided as lame; /f/ tripcode fag Amuro also pilloried the Flash loop for leaving out a particular Pretty Cure .gif that was generally acknowledged by /b/ to best fit the music. Some /b/tards still regard 11/3/05 as the greatest single day in the history of /b/.
- November 4, 2005
- At midnight the theme of /b/ changed once again, this time shifting to a pink background littered with McDonald's restaurant logos, moving Javascript Golden Arches pop-ups, and the background music changed to an insipid McDonald's TV jingle from the late 1980s ("Big Mac, Filet 'O Fish, Quarter Pounder, French Fries/ Icy Coke, Thick Shake, Sundaes, Apple Pies!") in a "corporate sellout" hack. Pleas to bring back Cotton-Eye Joe went unheeded, and the three-day continuous hack concluded with a whimper rather than a bang.
- Christmas weekend 2005
- /b/ goes Jewish just in time for Hanukkah, with "The Magic Dreidel" wallpaper, JavaScript falling dreidels, and "Dreidel Dreidel Dreidel" as the background music.
- March 15, 2006
- Tiny Tim theme containing music from the show as well as a background of falling flowers, possibly a reference to the assassination of Julius Caesar, which occurred on the same day.
- March 18, 2006
- A rave theme containing the music "DEVELOPERS DEVELOPERS" (taken from Microsoft exec Steve Ballmer's infamous conference warm-up chant from a few years back) with a black and white flashing background. Almost all words were wordfiltered to "DEVELOPERS."
- April 1, 2006
- tanasinn. Page given http://www.tanasinn.org this style with a voice repeating "Don't think. Feel and you'll be tanasinn" over and over. Letters randomly replaced with that 3 dot triangle. It was a very enjoyable hack. Page count went up to 32 at 1AM EST, possibly higher later on. People enjoyed it. ∴:( ・)∴∴.( ・)∵tanasinn∴∴∴∴
- April 25, 2006
- /b/ is renamed Workbench 1.3 (for the Amiga computer), and adopts that theme visually. Music is mod files.
- May 1, 2006
- /b/'s background and text colors were changed to red and yellow, respectively, in observation of May Day, a popular holiday among communist regimes. Hymns from the communist Russian Red Army played as background music, and an image of the 4chan leaves with the hammer and sickle were made into a tiled background for a while. Lasted only for May Day. A thread containing Azumanga Daioh hentai was stickied, due to the popularity of associating communists (and, ironically, Nazis) with Osaka.
- May 17, 2006
- The song "key motion - automatic love (disco dance mix)" autoplayed on repeat for (about 8 hours or so?) on /b/, and /b/'s normal title had the phrase "See me, feel me, hear me, love me, touch me" (from the song) added to it's title at the top of the page during this time.
- June 21, 2006
- The popular song "Take On Me" by A-Ha is played in the background of a stickied thread featuring two embedded inline pictures; the left picture was a hentai picture of Mai and Shiho from My HiME giving a handjob, and the right picture was an edited .gif of Tsuruya from The Melancholy Of Haruhi Suzumiya flinging her own head off. The music was heard in the thread reply page only and not on the main /b/ page. Similar to Cotton-Eye Joe, several dancing .gifs were posted in the thread, including the infamous Family Guy scene in which Chris gets pulled into the music video for the song.
- June 22, 2006
- For the most part a reprise of the earlier May Day hack, except that the background was merely a darker shade of red.
- July 4, 2006
- Again similar to the May Day hack.
- July 10, 2006
- The theme to "Bill Nye the Science Guy" plays in the background.
- July 15, 2006
- A sticky with the theme song to "2001: A Space Odyssey" plays in the background, accompanied by a picture of "Contacts-Dad" (a man with dialated eyes, later renamed Soul Mongler) post-hacked by a mod. Two people were "banned" for telling the mod's "secret."
- September 04, 2006
- (Not so much as a /b/ hack as a /b/ sticky-thread hack) The sticky thread mentioning the passing of Australian Wildlife enthusiast, Steve Irwin (AKA: The Crocodile Hunter), has a solom theme from Final Fantasy 6 playing in the background.
List previous GETS here, 10000 etc.
- 100K
- "lol internet" Possibly the most relevant GET of them all. http://macrochan.be/vjejkcep/get.py?sha1=BGGGMA5S7VLZYO5EB27E3ATAVGRLIDIB
- 500K
- "meh meh 500k or not?" Image of an blue LED, user was supposedly banned for this post.
- 900K
- "Raptor Jesus", though then switched by moderators to a picture of a man with a donut on his penis. http://img408.imageshack.us/img408/1858/11350075438787ej.jpg
- 1M
- "Female Orgasm" text with sketch of an anime woman in sexual bliss. http://macrochan.be/vjejkcep/get.py?sha1=EPQKDCVYAXXBMCZYWFKB64EOFXVBYINH
- 1.5M
- Image of the WTC burning with the Rampage videogame characters climbing the towers. http://www.fuckusama.com/pics/rampage-wtc.jpg
- 1.7M
- User Domokun posted "ahhh", no image. Considered a fail.
- 1.9M
- "19000 GET" text, with image of Waha looking under a girl's skirt http://macrochan.be/vjejkcep/get.py?sha1=VR63UTZITMRAOLTMPUTA6GPNELY346B3
- 2M
- "Delcious sic? Ironing"/Fake "Delicious Ron" post. http://img385.imageshack.us/img385/7016/11236838023627fk.png
- 2.1M
- Contained the text "Thanks b, I always change the background here to something cool on caturday." No image.
- 2.4M
- Contained an anonymous user replying to a gif of someone fucking a fleshlight with the text "I soooo want this now." Considered a failure.
- 2.6M
- Posted in a thread that had a picture of black Jesus, with the text "JESUS SAVES 4CHAN!" The get itself was the first responce in the thread, simply "lets hope".
- 3M
- "TIME PARADOX/What a lame GET/Surely you jest". Accompanied pic was Waha and Pedobear with an explanation of how they're seen in Japan and in America. The post had a file with a UNIX timestamp after the 3,000,001st, which has caused some users to believe it was faked.
- 3.3M
- Contained a screencap from a Japanese TV show, with the text "OH SHIT SO CLOSE LOL" in the post.
- 3.5M
- Logic puzzle blueprint with the word "FAIL" written in.
- 4M
- Picture of girl's volleyball team in very revealing briefs. There's a faint logo that says "Force Volley" Text: "If I see that duck 4m more times..." Stickied as the last post in /b/ for a short time. http://macrochan.be/vjejkcep/get.py?sha1=YHMZOVY44GD524U55VRSZVVV3TD274NE
- 4.5M
- A text post containing only the word "eee". There was no image. Widely considered a failed GET. The clamour to get the 4.5 millionth post caused a lengthy MySQL failure. -01/22/06
- 4.6M
- "I'll win this stupid GET-contest with perfect timing. You'll see" http://macrochan.be/vjejkcep/get.py?sha1=EAJ2U4L63TQRJW6JXXHAY4LCBIOUY54L
- 5M
- A picture of a cat taken at an angle that made the cat seem larger than it was. The post read, "Needs more towercat." -02/18/06(Sat)15:09
- 5.5M
- A picture of a duck about to get cut in two with scissors, captioned "LOVE IS OVER". The post read, "Your mother is a whore /b/".
- 5555555
- A .gif of Osaka from Azumanga Daioh. No text.
- 6M
- A picture of Senator Bill Frist holding up a card. The post read, "In after 6MGET." MySQL Connection Failures caused /b/ to hang at post 5997855 (a kid in a small hotrod flanked by two men with the thought bubble "Carborator?" and accompanied text: "Hey kid I'm a carborator.") The 6MGET was posted shortly after. -03/23/06(Thu)14:02:29 http://macrochan.be/vjejkcep/get.py?sha1=AOQZRSM37WNTHN3QM7C52NNPMNK5URRE
- 6.2M
- "It's 25 posts away", replying to someone asking what 6.2M get was. http://macrochan.be/vjejkcep/get.py?sha1=UWKLA3NSH5QDHFBY7HO6SSKDWRYFWEHX
- 6.5M
- A picture of a naked, sleeping pokemon. Mistaken to be furry. There was no text included. 4/7/06 (Friday) http://macrochan.be/vjejkcep/get.py?sha1=CHGV3UNTT4TYRYWGSWJVQ2GHNKGOBMNX
- 6.555M
- Elvis carrying a Jesus-Man cross and smiling.
- 6666666
- A Thai ladyboy named Love with the text "Remember Remember The cocks of November" (a reference to the poem about Guy Fawkes which was very relevant for the time). Dividely considered a failed GET, while others chuckle at it being the perfect GET. It was hated perhaps due to its usurping of the GET from the Desu~ and Gaston camps. This was followed by the board crashing. Can be seen at http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b321/dutchprincess/666get.jpg
- 6969696
- Image of a shota and a loli with not text. Deleted after a few minutes. April 20, 2006.
- 7M
- Initially "FILE DELETED", as a result of a spam script that quicky uploads and deletes pictures. Coda retrieved the info of the image from the database and its checksum was md5: d24e105e330f276be0e7bd56f95d4fdf, which corresponds to a picture of Chopper Dave from Sea Lab with the photoshopped text "UH OOOOOOOH" -04/20/06(Thu)16:17:38 http://macrochan.be/vjejkcep/get.py?sha1=OJFJ5LPAPF3SLIXUFHR23G2SO3WHRB4M
- 7.5M
- A picture of a cat, sitting in front of a table, pictured with an empty plate and a fork. The image read "Keep your fork: There's pie". The thread was deleted, but pictures of the thread were captured. Thursday, 5/4/06. http://macrochan.be/vjejkcep/get.py?sha1=HVP4YZY3UEXQDQP5F2NA5LJF2HYJ4FIV
- 7.7M
- A portrait of Captain Picard from Star Trek with the caption "CP", in response to a child porn post. Had a minor following for a while; "CPGET NEVER FORGET".
- 8M
- Was thought to be an autopost by moderators because it was instantly stickied. It was later revealed to be simply stickied automatically, as have most significant GETs since 7M. The image was a picture of George Zimmer with the text "HI, I'M GEORGE ZIMMER, FOUNDER AND CEO OF MEN'S WEARHOUSE. THIS IS 8000000 GET. I GUARANTEE IT". -05/18/06 http://img280.imageshack.us/img280/5255/8mget1qj.jpg
- 8.5M
- Text response "misfire" to a failget of Azumanga Daioh's Chiyo chan (No. 8499964). 05/31/06(Wed)19:59:35. http://macrochan.be/vjejkcep/get.py?sha1=LJOTTSRJQLKOAOY2QPKXFVEVY7SWUVR5
- 8.6M
- June 3, 2006 4:18. "Can't find shit in Piratebay anyway. ISO Hunt. silly canada." with The Nigra. http://macrochan.be/vjejkcep/get.py?sha1=DE6YR3LMOTBAMH4ZZJNR7ACDPYI7NKL4
- 8675309
- Number is from the hit 1982 song "Jenny (867-5309)" by Tommy Tutone. Post was a picture of a woman in a porno with testicles covering her eyes. Caption "SONG SUCKS". The GET was well received.
- 8888888
- Text "WCubTtenUdIi1sc", image deleted. Supposedly by a GNAA flood, but it could possibly have been a setup by the mods. http://macrochan.be/vjejkcep/get.py?sha1=SCGOZWTN4OJIILPFCSVFDLZWYDERKXO4]
- 8.9M
- "All I know is that Hitmonlee was a much better pokemon than Hitmonchan. Therefore, i'll wait for a 4Lee thank you very little." Copypasta taken from a random user on GaiaOnline in a thread discussing what 4chan is.
- 9M
- June 14, 2006. A picture of a fallen Haruhi Suzumiya, over the text "GAFLBLABLFABLGHAGLBLGHALBL". The picture was posted with no accompanying text. http://macrochan.be/vjejkcep/get.py?sha1=6OGNPRBZJBCEHAROQPCSP4C53BPTKLNR
- 9.1M
- June 16, 2006. A picture of a naked catgirl, leaning forwards and resting her breasts on her forearms, with the caption "BIG FAT CAT TATS". Accompanying text reads "Is it Caturday yet?" Since this was posted on a Friday, an argument immediately ensued about whether or not the GET was furry (and therefore a failget) or not (in which case it would be a successful GET). http://macrochan.be/vjejkcep/get.py?sha1=NZ2EO2ZZLJELSG5RKKY4Y6ZVOMHQSG5P
- 9.2M
- June 19 2006. Cover-Tom with no text.
- 9.3M
- June 22 2006. Lite-Brite rendition of Cover-Tom, accompanied by a USSR-themed hack (see above). Thread Archive
- 9.4M
- June 24 2006. A Picture of Meg (From Family Guy) with outstretched arms with caption, "EXCUSE ME WTF R U DOIN". It was not well received and the original poster deleted it 20 minutes afterwards. http://img243.imageshack.us/img243/9137/get94mrn8.jpg
- 9.5M
- June 27 2006. Haruhi Suzumiya spinning her finger, an American flag behind. Text reads "EPIC HARUHI".
- 9.9M
- July 5, 2006. A watercolour Mudkip, with "9.9 get" scrawled on it in thin, black letters. No text. Rumoured to be fixed by mods. A mod did not do it.
- 9.987M
- July 7, 2006. Honourable mention - picture of the apparently "happy" word "Huggbees" from the cartoon Freakazoid. Text was "9987000 GET?" - guessing your post number had been done before, but to be this accurate for a minor GET was well recieved by /b/.
- 9999999
- July 7, 2006. A 17x11 picture of the Japanese flag. For those with firefox 1.5, the thumbnail image that is shown in the address bar of the image stretches and the red dot of the Japanese flag is transformed into a stick man similar to that of of a male restroom sign. Many viewed this get as a fail get, but better than the 10M get, but most people failed to see the hidden image. No text. http://macrochan.be/vjejkcep/get.py?sha1=W5OR6HMPP5UIVOF2V6OYJ3VAAF3LC6CH
- Late in the evening, the linked image was changed by mods to a Canadian flag with Keneda in the bottom right corner, but the thumbnail of the Japanese flag remained.
- 10M
- July 7, 2006. Hazuki riding a merry-go-round horse in a bikini. Text reads "hazukiget". A recent edit to this section suggests that someone named "Shii" posted the GET. However, since no name was included in the post, not even in the email field, the poster will forever be thought of as Anonymous. Currently considered the biggest FAILget of them all. ~07/07/06(Fri)18:41:05 http://macrochan.be/vjejkcep/get.py?sha1=S52QZ7DJHTW475DU3ORGO4BV7H4LD6TO (Downloaded from http://danbooru.donmai.us/post/view/484, based on the filename)
- 10001000
- July 7, 2006. Because of the failure of the 10M get, this get was well received, adored and accepted as a legitimate Get. Picture of man with smile on his face looking at computer gripping his fist with success. Caption: "INTERNET, SERIOUS BUSINESS". Text: "WHERE WERE U WHEN THE GETS FAILED DOWN" http://img177.imageshack.us/img177/7856/get1010io6.jpg
- 10100000
- July 10, 2006. A gif of the football player Zinedine Zidane headbutting an Italian player in the final of the Football WC 2006 in Germany. Includes text "THIS IS 10M100K GET .OH YES IT IS." http://macrochan.be/vjejkcep/get.py?sha1=O3F55EDVIMN7JALNTGECLPVADSGF6UFI
- 10101010
- July 10, 2006. (Binary get) Text "give her our adress, /b/" without a picture. A failget. http://macrochan.be/vjejkcep/get.py?sha1=HJQE3QAG2DS2NU57BPQEX3K4MXQTT3MM
- 10.5M
- 2 Jailbaits posing in Charlie's Angels Stance. Wrongfully accused as a CP GET http://macrochan.be/vjejkcep/get.py?sha1=VZ23UJWEQ6A4PDBJPVIVBVXP4E2Y4OTZ
- 10.7M
- Tom the Cat, a "does it win or fail" debate thread followed. http://macrochan.be/vjejkcep/get.py?sha1=7RIQLPBJML6JVNCZHQECVR6DFP2JKGCJ
- 10.9M
- July 28, 2006. A blurry close-up picture of panties belonging to a self-proclaimed trap (identified as Ender/Sarah, owner of FFShrine.org), posted in response to "please for the love of god, no one ask him to post panty pics x_X". The GET was not stickied, instead the mods chose to sticky a thread full of baby-furs comics. http://www.imgplace.net/files/13/109mget.jpg
- 11M
- July 30, 2006. Five black rangers with sunglasses and Afros with Happy Negro in the place of Zordon. Logo said Pools Closed Nigra Rangers. The text accompanying the picture said "GET'S CLOSED." Considered a Winget. http://macrochan.be/vjejkcep/get.py?sha1=CTXNFSGE4BSM2QW2ZVEXJ3WSUEMDTHKF
- 11.1M
- August 1, 2006. Text response, "You are a god." Considered a FailGET. http://macrochan.be/vjejkcep/get.py?sha1=TQ3KE4QMOCWDYADRMN3BKNFFQGLT5HDE
- 11111111
- August 2, 2006. An image of two asian women and one man, fists raised as if in a cheer, and the word "PENIS" with no wordfilter colors. 11111112 was identical. A little over 2 hours after the GET was posted, the image was inexplicably deleted by the original poster, much to the confusion of the /b/tards. Later mods replaced the deleted image with Pedobear. http://macrochan.be/vjejkcep/get.py?sha1=RVJ2YUA4C4WBAMBZBMCDQDNBQXZ6D7JT http://macrochan.be/vjejkcep/get.py?sha1=OMO4Z25CKFMEY3L7TU5IS3DP5ZQRYQSX
- 11.3M
- A picture of a demon raping two women with the caption "The time has come." http://foone.yi.org/macrochan/get.py?sha1=JCYGAUBT2DLXII544MBGNGQO4VY2BMJJ
- 11.4M
- Apparently a page of "DESU DESU DESU DESU" written over and over again. http://macrochan.be/vjejkept/get.py?sha1=IBT4WYO3L4RDLXFLFRF6ZPCGUAB6ENKT
- 11.5M
- A picture of NIGRA CELL edited to say "ZA WARUDO", with the text "ZA WARUDO. Give me my internet." The OP linked to another post (allegedly made by him,) predicting that "ONCE AGAIN, THE GET IS FAIL, THANKS TO ANONYMOUS." Rapidly saged. http://foone.yi.org/macrochan/get.py?sha1=BTHZPU7T2Y7KLAF7S56CIIXESLSLBHIA
- 11.6M
- August 13,2006. Text reply, "You want rare and exotic?
- Find hentai in which the girl involved is clearly enjoying the sex. As in, none of this "emotionless", blank-look-on-her-face "stay in one spot and don't do anything" shit." (To someone requesting lesbian breastfeeding) http://macrochan.be/vjejkcep/get.py?sha1=DIZZVSM7ATK7I3MZ3RXRABMGIRYCTHIE
- 11.7M
- Text reply "Actually, yes. Everyone dies."
- 12M
- At seventy you are but a child, at eighty you are merely a youth,
- and at ninety if the ancestors invite you into heaven,
- ask them to wait until you are one hundred...........
- A supposed modget. General concensus is that this Get failed harder than 10MGet and is now considered the "poster child" of Failgets.
- 12.2M
- A response to a post of Porn from "The Iron Giant" with the text "GODDAMMIT /B/!" No image was attached.
- 12345678
- August 31, 2006. A Warhammer 40k picture depicting the Horus Heresy edited to Meximoot and Anonymous. Most of /b/ saw this as one of the worst failgets ever, inspiring 7chan members to spam the topic full of propaganda telling /b/tards to leave 4chan.
- 40k fanboys, on the other hand, saw it as the biggest win since their Lvl. 74 Cosmo-Dwarf, Namedirectlystolen Fromhistoryormythology, defeated an Interdimensional-Orc with only one hit from their +2 Magickplasma Laseraxe.
- b7
- a random letter a-h followed by a random number 1-8
- ftw, for the win
- sucks
- moot
- doug
- penis
- PENIS (displayed in wacky font and background colours)
- senip
- PENIS (achieved using the previous wordfilter and a unicode right-to-left control character)
- Rule 34
- Rule (random 10-digit number)
- :(
- :)
- :eng:
- :otterpop:
- :eng101:
- :cockbean:
- :suidream:
- :butty: (a reference to a former emoticon, which displayed a picture of Suiseiseki rotating)
- :votedrelin:
- The code to make the "5" gif appear in a post, if you are a mod. The graphic is a nod to 4chan's secret /5/ board which died.
- :zdx4875:
- :inaiinai:
- Animated GIF of "Hardgay"
- :p00p:
- Trigger for the :w00t: emoticon
- :hehe;sage:
- Animated GIF of sage in the sega logo style
- :ohman:
- Trigger for the :owned: emoticon
- :icyhot:
- Trigger for the :iceburn: emoticon
- :manbabies:
- Animated GIF of the multicoloured 5
- :4cone:
- Trigger for 4chan cone icon
- :ransom:
- Trigger for the :sweatdrop: emoteicon
- battletoads
- wapanese
- I am a retard, please tell me to leave 4chan.
- :(
- joey bishop
- 420chan.org
- a
- my
- bus
- sub
- cracky
- special, see above
- escape
- developers
- emo
- bosnian
- fur, furries, furry, anything else fur-related, including "further" to "dramather"
- drama
- gikopoi
- ohno
- gnaa
- harbl
- (previously "harbor" and "I suck Soviet Russia's cock")
- is a meme
- is fucking stupid
- is not a meme
- is really fucking stupid
- internets, innernets, internetz, innernetz
- interbutt
- jax
- moot
- legendary
- shitty
- loli
- duck and Thomas Jefferson
- meme
- cliche
- moar
- i am a moaron
- Mordor
- noes
- exploitable
- Rei
- DONATE TO 4CHAN (previously "transcendentalism")
- Repost
- rage
- rape
- sage
- bus
- source
- sauce
- teh
- fuck
- wap
- wee
- wapanese
- weeaboo
- win
- (Japanese equivalent to 'WIN', commonly used on message boards. Popularised through the series 'Densha Otoko' - lit means 'Its come')
- yaranaika
- zomg
- zing, zoomj, and Zardoz says
- airsoft
- cowboys and indians
- 8.9M
- "All I know is that Hitmonlee was a much better pokemon than Hitmonchan. Therefore, i'll wait for a 4Lee thank you very little." Copypasta taken from a random user on GaiaOnline in a thread discussing what 4chan is.
- 9M
- June 14, 2006. A picture of a fallen Haruhi Suzumiya, over the text "GAFLBLABLFABLGHAGLBLGHALBL". The picture was posted with no accompanying text. http://macrochan.be/vjejkcep/get.py?sha1=6OGNPRBZJBCEHAROQPCSP4C53BPTKLNR
- 9.1M
- June 16, 2006. A picture of a naked catgirl, leaning forwards and resting her breasts on her forearms, with the caption "BIG FAT CAT TATS". Accompanying text reads "Is it Caturday yet?" Since this was posted on a Friday, an argument immediately ensued about whether or not the GET was furry (and therefore a failget) or not (in which case it would be a successful GET). http://macrochan.be/vjejkcep/get.py?sha1=NZ2EO2ZZLJELSG5RKKY4Y6ZVOMHQSG5P
- 9.2M
- June 19 2006. Cover-Tom with no text.
- 9.3M
- June 22 2006. Lite-Brite rendition of Cover-Tom, accompanied by a USSR-themed hack (see above). Thread Archive
- 9.4M
- June 24 2006. A Picture of Meg (From Family Guy) with outstretched arms with caption, "EXCUSE ME WTF R U DOIN". It was not well received and the original poster deleted it 20 minutes afterwards. http://img243.imageshack.us/img243/9137/get94mrn8.jpg
- 9.5M
- June 27 2006. Haruhi Suzumiya spinning her finger, an American flag behind. Text reads "EPIC HARUHI".
- 9.9M
- July 5, 2006. A watercolour Mudkip, with "9.9 get" scrawled on it in thin, black letters. No text. Rumoured to be fixed by mods. A mod did not do it.
- 9.987M
- July 7, 2006. Honourable mention - picture of the apparently "happy" word "Huggbees" from the cartoon Freakazoid. Text was "9987000 GET?" - guessing your post number had been done before, but to be this accurate for a minor GET was well recieved by /b/.
- 9999999
- July 7, 2006. A 17x11 picture of the Japanese flag. For those with firefox 1.5, the thumbnail image that is shown in the address bar of the image stretches and the red dot of the Japanese flag is transformed into a stick man similar to that of of a male restroom sign. Many viewed this get as a fail get, but better than the 10M get, but most people failed to see the hidden image. No text. http://macrochan.be/vjejkcep/get.py?sha1=W5OR6HMPP5UIVOF2V6OYJ3VAAF3LC6CH
- Late in the evening, the linked image was changed by mods to a Canadian flag with Keneda in the bottom right corner, but the thumbnail of the Japanese flag remained.
- 10M
- July 7, 2006. Hazuki riding a merry-go-round horse in a bikini. Text reads "hazukiget". A recent edit to this section suggests that someone named "Shii" posted the GET. However, since no name was included in the post, not even in the email field, the poster will forever be thought of as Anonymous. Currently considered the biggest FAILget of them all. ~07/07/06(Fri)18:41:05 http://macrochan.be/vjejkcep/get.py?sha1=S52QZ7DJHTW475DU3ORGO4BV7H4LD6TO (Downloaded from http://danbooru.donmai.us/post/view/484, based on the filename)
- 10001000
- July 7, 2006. Because of the failure of the 10M get, this get was well received, adored and accepted as a legitimate Get. Picture of man with smile on his face looking at computer gripping his fist with success. Caption: "INTERNET, SERIOUS BUSINESS". Text: "WHERE WERE U WHEN THE GETS FAILED DOWN" http://img177.imageshack.us/img177/7856/get1010io6.jpg
- 10100000
- July 10, 2006. A gif of the football player Zinedine Zidane headbutting an Italian player in the final of the Football WC 2006 in Germany. Includes text "THIS IS 10M100K GET .OH YES IT IS." http://macrochan.be/vjejkcep/get.py?sha1=O3F55EDVIMN7JALNTGECLPVADSGF6UFI
- 10101010
- July 10, 2006. (Binary get) Text "give her our adress, /b/" without a picture. A failget. http://macrochan.be/vjejkcep/get.py?sha1=HJQE3QAG2DS2NU57BPQEX3K4MXQTT3MM
- 10.5M
- 2 Jailbaits posing in Charlie's Angels Stance. Wrongfully accused as a CP GET http://macrochan.be/vjejkcep/get.py?sha1=VZ23UJWEQ6A4PDBJPVIVBVXP4E2Y4OTZ
- 10.7M
- Tom the Cat, a "does it win or fail" debate thread followed. http://macrochan.be/vjejkcep/get.py?sha1=7RIQLPBJML6JVNCZHQECVR6DFP2JKGCJ
- 10.9M
- July 28, 2006. A blurry close-up picture of panties belonging to a self-proclaimed trap (identified as Ender/Sarah, owner of FFShrine.org), posted in response to "please for the love of god, no one ask him to post panty pics x_X". The GET was not stickied, instead the mods chose to sticky a thread full of baby-furs comics. http://www.imgplace.net/files/13/109mget.jpg
- 11M
- July 30, 2006. Five black rangers with sunglasses and Afros with Happy Negro in the place of Zordon. Logo said Pools Closed Nigra Rangers. The text accompanying the picture said "GET'S CLOSED." Considered a Winget. http://macrochan.be/vjejkcep/get.py?sha1=CTXNFSGE4BSM2QW2ZVEXJ3WSUEMDTHKF
- 11.1M
- August 1, 2006. Text response, "You are a god." Considered a FailGET. http://macrochan.be/vjejkcep/get.py?sha1=TQ3KE4QMOCWDYADRMN3BKNFFQGLT5HDE
- 11111111
- August 2, 2006. An image of two asian women and one man, fists raised as if in a cheer, and the word "PENIS" with no wordfilter colors. 11111112 was identical. A little over 2 hours after the GET was posted, the image was inexplicably deleted by the original poster, much to the confusion of the /b/tards. Later mods replaced the deleted image with Pedobear. http://macrochan.be/vjejkcep/get.py?sha1=RVJ2YUA4C4WBAMBZBMCDQDNBQXZ6D7JT http://macrochan.be/vjejkcep/get.py?sha1=OMO4Z25CKFMEY3L7TU5IS3DP5ZQRYQSX
- 11.3M
- A picture of a demon raping two women with the caption "The time has come." http://foone.yi.org/macrochan/get.py?sha1=JCYGAUBT2DLXII544MBGNGQO4VY2BMJJ
- 11.4M
- Apparently a page of "DESU DESU DESU DESU" written over and over again. http://macrochan.be/vjejkept/get.py?sha1=IBT4WYO3L4RDLXFLFRF6ZPCGUAB6ENKT
- 11.5M
- A picture of NIGRA CELL edited to say "ZA WARUDO", with the text "ZA WARUDO. Give me my internet." The OP linked to another post (allegedly made by him,) predicting that "ONCE AGAIN, THE GET IS FAIL, THANKS TO ANONYMOUS." Rapidly saged. http://foone.yi.org/macrochan/get.py?sha1=BTHZPU7T2Y7KLAF7S56CIIXESLSLBHIA
- 11.6M
- August 13,2006. Text reply, "You want rare and exotic?
- Find hentai in which the girl involved is clearly enjoying the sex. As in, none of this "emotionless", blank-look-on-her-face "stay in one spot and don't do anything" shit." (To someone requesting lesbian breastfeeding) http://macrochan.be/vjejkcep/get.py?sha1=DIZZVSM7ATK7I3MZ3RXRABMGIRYCTHIE
- 11.7M
- Text reply "Actually, yes. Everyone dies."
- 12M
- At seventy you are but a child, at eighty you are merely a youth,
- and at ninety if the ancestors invite you into heaven,
- ask them to wait until you are one hundred...........
- A supposed modget. General concensus is that this Get failed harder than 10MGet and is now considered the "poster child" of Failgets.
- 12.2M
- A response to a post of Porn from "The Iron Giant" with the text "GODDAMMIT /B/!" No image was attached.
- 12345678
- August 31, 2006. A Warhammer 40k picture depicting the Horus Heresy edited to Meximoot and Anonymous. Most of /b/ saw this as one of the worst failgets ever, inspiring 7chan members to spam the topic full of propaganda telling /b/tards to leave 4chan.
- 40k fanboys, on the other hand, saw it as the biggest win since their Lvl. 74 Cosmo-Dwarf, Namedirectlystolen Fromhistoryormythology, defeated an Interdimensional-Orc with only one hit from their +2 Magickplasma Laseraxe.
- b7
- a random letter a-h followed by a random number 1-8
- ftw, for the win
- sucks
- moot
- doug
- penis
- PENIS (displayed in wacky font and background colours)
- senip
- PENIS (achieved using the previous wordfilter and a unicode right-to-left control character)
- Rule 34
- Rule (random 10-digit number)
- :(
- :)
- :eng:
- :otterpop:
- :eng101:
- :cockbean:
- :suidream:
- :butty: (a reference to a former emoticon, which displayed a picture of Suiseiseki rotating)
- :votedrelin:
- The code to make the "5" gif appear in a post, if you are a mod. The graphic is a nod to 4chan's secret /5/ board which died.
- :zdx4875:
- :inaiinai:
- Animated GIF of "Hardgay"
- :p00p:
- Trigger for the :w00t: emoticon
- :hehe;sage:
- Animated GIF of sage in the sega logo style
- :ohman:
- Trigger for the :owned: emoticon
- :icyhot:
- Trigger for the :iceburn: emoticon
- :manbabies:
- Animated GIF of the multicoloured 5
- :4cone:
- Trigger for 4chan cone icon
- :ransom:
- Trigger for the :sweatdrop: emoteicon
- battletoads
- wapanese
- I am a retard, please tell me to leave 4chan.
- :(
- joey bishop
- 420chan.org
- a
- my
- bus
- sub
- cracky
- special, see above
- escape
- developers
- emo
- bosnian
- fur, furries, furry, anything else fur-related, including "further" to "dramather"
- drama
- gikopoi
- ohno
- gnaa
- harbl
- (previously "harbor" and "I suck Soviet Russia's cock")
- is a meme
- is fucking stupid
- is not a meme
- is really fucking stupid
- internets, innernets, internetz, innernetz
- interbutt
- jax
- moot
- legendary
- shitty
- loli
- duck and Thomas Jefferson
- meme
- cliche
- moar
- i am a moaron
- Mordor
- noes
- exploitable
- Rei
- DONATE TO 4CHAN (previously "transcendentalism")
- Repost
- rage
- rape
- sage
- bus
- source
- sauce
- teh
- fuck
- wap
- wee
- wapanese
- weeaboo
- win
- (Japanese equivalent to 'WIN', commonly used on message boards. Popularised through the series 'Densha Otoko' - lit means 'Its come')
- yaranaika
- zomg
- zing, zoomj, and Zardoz says
- airsoft
- cowboys and indians
1chan - The Overchan index
420chan - Dead?
chanchan - cam whore archive board
not4chan - Fuckin' dead, holmes.
renchan - "ILLEGAL IN CANADA", possibly other parts of the world.