- Hausaufgaben (4/7)
- Queen Attack
- Raindrops
- Gigaseconds
- Vertiefung Railway-Oriented Programming
- Prinzipien des funktionalen Designs
- Refactoring (Übung)
open System
let create (row, col) = row >= 0 && row < 8 && col >= 0 && col < 8
let canAttack (queen1: int * int) (queen2: int * int) =
let (r1, c1) = queen1
let (r2, c2) = queen2
Math.Abs(r1 - r2) = Math.Abs(c1 - c2) || r1 = r2 || c1 = c2
let whiteQueen1, blackQueen1 = (2, 2), (1, 1)
let test1 = canAttack blackQueen1 whiteQueen1
let whiteQueen2, blackQueen2 = (2, 4), (6, 6)
let test2 = canAttack blackQueen2 whiteQueen2
val create: row: int * col: int -> bool
val canAttack: int * int -> int * int -> bool
val whiteQueen1: int * int = (2, 2)
val blackQueen1: int * int = (1, 1)
val test1: bool = true
val whiteQueen2: int * int = (2, 4)
val blackQueen2: int * int = (6, 6)
val test2: bool = false
let rules =
[ 3, "Pling"
5, "Plang"
7, "Plong" ]
let convert (number: int): string =
let divBy n d = n % d = 0
|> List.filter (fst >> divBy number)
|> List.map snd
|> String.concat ""
|> function
| "" -> string number
| s -> s
let test = convert 105
val rules: (int * string) list = [(3, "Pling"); (5, "Plang"); (7, "Plong")]
val convert: number: int -> string
val test: string = "PlingPlangPlong"
let add (beginDate : System.DateTime) = beginDate.AddSeconds 1e9
let test = add (DateTime(2015, 1, 24, 22, 0, 0)) = (DateTime(2046, 10, 2, 23, 46, 40))
val add: beginDate: DateTime -> DateTime
val test: bool = true
Implementiere einen Workflow (
).type Input = {Name : string; Email : string } let checkNameNotBlank input = if input.Name = "" then Error "Name must not be blank" else Ok input let checkName50 input = if input.Name.Length > 50 then Error "Name must not be longer than 50 chars" else Ok input let checkEmailNotBlank input = if input.Email = "" then Error "Email must not be blank" else Ok input
let validateInput input =
|> checkNameNotBlank
|> Result.bind checkName50
|> Result.bind checkEmailNotBlank
let goodInput = {Name="Max"; Email="[email protected]"}
let blankName = {Name=""; Email="[email protected]"}
let blankEmail = {Name="Nora"; Email=""}
[validateInput goodInput; validateInput blankName; validateInput blankEmail]
Definiere einen Custom Error Type. Benutze diesen in den Validierungen.
Übersetze die Fehlermeldungen (EN, FR, DE?).
type ErrorMessage = | ?? // name not blank | ?? of int // name not longer than | ?? // email not longer than let translateError_EN err = match err with | ?? -> "Name must not be blank" | ?? i -> sprintf "Name must not be longer than %i chars" i | ?? -> "Email must not be blank" | SmtpServerError msg -> sprintf "SmtpServerError [%s]" msg
type ErrorMessage =
| NameMustNotBeBlank
| NameMustNotBeLongerThan of int
| EmailMustNotBeBlank
| SmtpServerError of string
let translateError_FR err =
match err with
| NameMustNotBeBlank -> "Nom ne doit pas être vide"
| NameMustNotBeLongerThan i -> sprintf "Nom ne doit pas être plus long que %i caractères" i
| EmailMustNotBeBlank -> "Email doit pas être vide"
| SmtpServerError msg -> sprintf "SmtpServerError [%s]" msg
\null\hfill–Scott Wlashin: F# for Fun and Profit
- Funktionen sind Daten!
- überall Verkettung (Composition)
- überall Funktionen
- Typen sind keine Klassen
- Typen kann man ebenfalls verknüpfen (algebraische Datentypen)
- Typsignaturen lügen nicht!
- statische Typen zur Modellierung der Domäne (später mehr;)
- Parametrisiere alles!
- Typsignaturen sind "Interfaces"
- Partielle Anwendung ist "Dependency Injection"
- Monaden entsprechen dem "Chaining of Continuations"
- bind für Options
- bind für Fehler
- bind für Tasks
- "map" - Funktionen
- Nutze "map" - Funktion von generische Typen!
- wenn man einen generischen Typ definiert, dann auch eine "map" - Funktion
- Typsignaturen
- Funktionen sind Daten
let thinkOfANumber numberYouThoughtOf =
let addOne x = x + 1
let squareIt x = ??
let subtractOne x = ??
let divideByTheNumberYouFirstThoughtOf x = ??
let subtractTheNumberYouFirstThoughtOf x = ??
// define these functions
// then combine them using piping
|> ??
|> ??
|> ??
let thinkOfANumber numberYouThoughtOf =
let addOne x = x + 1
let squareIt x = x * x
let subtractOne x = x - 1
let divideByTheNumberYouFirstThoughtOf x = x / numberYouThoughtOf
let subtractTheNumberYouFirstThoughtOf x = x - numberYouThoughtOf
|> addOne
|> squareIt
|> subtractOne
|> divideByTheNumberYouFirstThoughtOf
|> subtractTheNumberYouFirstThoughtOf
thinkOfANumber 42
val thinkOfANumber: numberYouThoughtOf: int -> int
val it: int = 2
- Implementiere das Decorator-Emtwurfsmuster für
If we’d asked the customers what they wanted, they would have said “faster horses”.
\null\hfill – Henry Ford
exercism download --exercise=tree-building --track=fsharp
let buildTree records =
let records' = List.sortBy (fun x -> x.RecordId) records
if List.isEmpty records' then failwith "Empty input"
let root = records'.[0]
if (root.ParentId = 0 |> not) then
failwith "Root node is invalid"
if (root.RecordId = 0 |> not) then failwith "Root node is invalid"
let mutable prev = -1
let mutable leafs = []
for r in records' do
if (r.RecordId <> 0 && (r.ParentId > r.RecordId || r.ParentId = r.RecordId)) then
failwith "Nodes with invalid parents"
if r.RecordId <> prev + 1 then
failwith "Non-continuous list"
prev <- r.RecordId
if (r.RecordId = 0) then
leafs <- leafs @ [(-1, r.RecordId)]
leafs <- leafs @ [(r.ParentId, r.RecordId)]
let buildTree records =
|> List.sortBy (fun r -> r.RecordId)
|> validate
|> List.tail
|> List.groupBy (fun r -> r.ParentId)
|> Map.ofList
|> makeTree 0
let rec makeTree id map =
match map |> Map.tryFind id with
| None -> Leaf id
| Some list -> Branch (id,
list |> List.map (fun r -> makeTree r.RecordId map))
let validate records =
match records with
| [] -> failwith "Input must be non-empty"
| x :: _ when x.RecordId <> 0 ->
failwith "Root must have id 0"
| x :: _ when x.ParentId <> 0 ->
failwith "Root node must have parent id 0"
| _ :: xs when xs |> List.exists (fun r -> r.RecordId < r.ParentId) ->
failwith "ParentId should be less than RecordId"
| _ :: xs when xs |> List.exists (fun r -> r.RecordId = r.ParentId) ->
failwith "ParentId cannot be the RecordId except for the root node."
| rs when (rs |> List.map (fun r -> r.RecordId) |> List.max) > (List.length rs - 1) ->
failwith "Ids must be continuous"
| _ -> records
dotnet run -c release
sed -n 622,625p $benchmarks
Method | Mean | Error | StdDev | Median | Ratio | RatioSD | Gen 0 | Gen 1 | Gen 2 | Allocated |
Baseline | 8.227 μs | 0.2027 μs | 0.5618 μs | 8.147 μs | 1.00 | 0.00 | 3.3646 | - | - | 13.75 KB |
Mine | 4.889 μs | 0.1787 μs | 0.5039 μs | 4.705 μs | 0.60 | 0.07 | 1.8768 | - | - | 7.68 KB |
- funktionaler Umgang mit Fehlern (ROP)
- funktionales Design
- funktionales Refactoring
- oodesign.com
- fsharp.org
- docs.microsoft.com/../dotnet/fsharp
- F# weekly
- fsharpforfunandprofit.com
- github.com/../awesome-fsharp
- exercism.io (E-Mail bis 15.04)
- Bank Account
- Accumulate
- Space Age
- exercism.io (E-Mail bis 24.04)
- Poker (Programmieraufgabe)