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Kitex's dubbo codec for kitex <-> dubbo interoperability.
- Support Kitex Client to request Dubbo-Java/Dubbo-Go Server, and also support Dubbo-Java/Dubbo-Go Client to request Kitex Server.
- Generate project scaffolding based on IDL (compatible with Thrift syntax), including kiten_gen (Client/Server Stub, codec code, etc.), main.go (server initialization), and handler.go (method handler).
- IDL annotation extension: You can specify the corresponding Java Class for the an argument, the response or a field within a struct, and support non-standard Thrift types (such as
(java.util.Date)). - Support zookeeper service registration and discovery (interface level).
Full example in: samples/helloworld.
# install the latest kitex cmd tool (version >= v0.8.0)
go install github.com/cloudwego/kitex/tool/cmd/kitex@latest
# install thriftgo (version >= v0.3.5)
go install github.com/cloudwego/thriftgo@latest
Note: Customized Exception is not officially released, but you can install this version of Kitex for a try:
go install github.com/cloudwego/kitex/tool/cmd/[email protected]
Create a project directory (let's say demo-server) and initialize the go module:
mkdir ~/demo-server && cd ~/demo-server
go mod init demo-server
Write the IDL (compatible with Thrift syntax) under the directory as needed, for example api.thrift
namespace go hello
struct GreetRequest {
1: required string req,
struct GreetResponse {
1: required string resp,
service GreetService {
string Greet(1: string req)
GreetResponse GreetWithStruct(1: GreetRequest req)
Generate the project scaffold using the Kitex command-line tool (note that you need to specify -protocol Hessian2
kitex -module demo-server -protocol Hessian2 -service GreetService ./api.thrift
go mod tidy
- For interoperatability with Dubbo Java, each structure defined in your IDL should add an annotation
with the value corresponding to the Java class name.
Modify main.go
and specify DubboCodec in NewServer
import (
dubbo "github.com/kitex-contrib/codec-dubbo/pkg"
hello "demo-server/helloworld/kitex/kitex_gen/hello/greetservice"
func main() {
// Specify the address to listen
addr, _ := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp", ":21000")
svr := hello.NewServer(new(GreetServiceImpl),
// Config DubboCodec
// Config the corresponding Java Interface; other client should call with this name.
err := svr.Run()
if err != nil {
- Each Kitex Server corresponds to an instance of a DubboCodec, please do not share the same instance among multiple Servers.
- For service registry, please refer to the relevant sections later.
Add your business loginc to handler.go
, such as:
import (
hello "demo-server/kitex_gen/hello"
func (s *GreetServiceImpl) Greet(ctx context.Context, req string) (resp string, err error) {
return "Hello " + req, nil
func (s *GreetServiceImpl) GreetWithStruct(ctx context.Context, req *hello.GreetRequest) (resp *hello.GreetResponse, err error) {
return &hello.GreetResponse{Resp: "Hello " + req.Req}, nil
Compile: generate the output
directory with the binary and necessary scripts
sh build.sh
Start the server:
sh output/bootstrap.sh
(For a new project) Prepare the project directory:
mkdir demo-client && cd demo-client
go mod init demo-client
Prepare the IDL (please refer to the same section in Kitex Server
Generate the scaffold:
No need the paramteter
, only generating the kitex_gen directory
kitex -module demo-client -protocol Hessian2 ./api.thrift
go mod tidy
Code for reference
package main
import (
dubbo "github.com/kitex-contrib/codec-dubbo/pkg"
func main() {
cli, err := greetservice.NewClient("helloworld",
// Specify the targeting service
// Config DubboCodec
// Specify the targeting interface, should be same as the server side
if err != nil {
resp, err := cli.Greet(context.Background(), "world")
if err != nil {
klog.Infof("resp: %s", resp)
respWithStruct, err := cli.GreetWithStruct(context.Background(), &hello.GreetRequest{Req: "world"})
if err != nil {
klog.Infof("respWithStruct: %s", respWithStruct.Resp)
- Each Kitex Client corresponds to an instance of a DubboCodec, please do not share the same instance among multiple Clients.
thrift type | golang type | hessian2 type | default java type | extendable java type |
bool | bool | boolean | java.lang.Boolean | boolean |
byte | int8 | int | java.lang.Byte | byte |
i16 | int16 | int | java.lang.Short | short |
i32 | int32 | int | java.lang.Integer | int |
i64 | int64 | long | java.lang.Long | long |
double | float64 | double | java.lang.Double | double float / java.lang.Float |
string | string | string | java.lang.String | - |
binary | []byte | binary | byte[] | - |
list<bool> | []bool | list | List<Boolean> | boolean[] / ArrayList<Boolean> |
list<i32> | []int32 | list | List<Integer> | int[] / ArrayList<Integer> |
list<i64> | []int64 | list | List<Long> | long[] / ArrayList<Long> |
list<double> | []float64 | list | List<Double> | double[] / ArrayList<Double> float[] |
list<string> | []string | list | List<String> | String[] / ArrayList<String> |
map<bool, bool> | map[bool]bool | map | Map<Boolean, Boolean> | HashMap<Boolean, Boolean> |
map<bool, i32> | map[bool]int32 | map | Map<Boolean, Integer> | HashMap<Boolean, Integer> |
map<bool, i64> | map[bool]int64 | map | Map<Boolean, Long> | HashMap<Boolean, Long> |
map<bool, double> | map[bool]float64 | map | Map<Boolean, Double> | HashMap<Boolean, Double> |
map<bool, string> | map[bool]string | map | Map<Boolean, String> | HashMap<Boolean, String> |
Important notes:
The list of map types is not exhaustive and includes only tested cases.
Using keys of binary type in map types is not supported.
Since float32 is not a valid type in Thrift, DubboCodec maps float(java) to float64(go). You can specify the mapping of double to float in the IDL with method annotations. For an example, please refer to api.thrift.
dubbo-java does not support decoding map types that contain byte, short, or float key values. It is recommended to avoid practices incompatible with dubbo-java. You can use struct to wrap the map when defining response fields for interfaces.
Null Compatibility:
Due to some basic types in Go not supporting null values (e.g., bool, int64, etc.), it is not recommended for the Java side to pass
values to non-nullable types in Go. -
When Java-server passes a
value to a non-nullable type in the Kitex-client, it will be converted to the zero value of the corresponding type. -
Java-client does not support passing
values to non-nullable types in the Kitex-server. There are plans to add extended types in future versions #69 to support Java null values. -
If there is a requirement for
values, it is recommended to wrap non-nullable types in a struct. On the Go side, the corresponding type's zero value will be received, and the DubboCodec provides good support for null values in struct fields.
After a method in thrift, you can use the hessian.argsType
annotation tag to specify the mapping of each parameter to Java types.
Annotation Format
Here, each reqJavaType
can either be left blank or use a -
, indicating that the default type mapping will be used for that parameter.
When initializing the DubboCodec, use the WithFileDescriptor option and pass in the generated FileDescriptor to specify the type mapping from kitex -> dubbo-java.
namespace go echo
service EchoService {
i64 Echo(1: i32 req1, 2: list<i32> req2, 3: map<i32, i32> req3) (hessian.argsType="int,int[],java.util.HashMap")
// Use the default type mapping for the first 2 arguments
i64 EchoDefaultType(1: i32 req1, 2: i64 req2, 3: bool req3, 4: string req4) (hessian.argsType=",-,bool,string")
Due to the limitations of the thrift type system, there are some incompatible types when mapping kitex to dubbo-java. The DubboCodec, located in the codec-dubbo/java package, provides support for additional java types that are not supported by thrift.
To enable these types, you should add into Thrift IDL include "java.thrift"
, and generate code with the kitex scaffolding tool with the -hessian2 java_extension
You can download java.thrift manually to the targeting path (especially when you need a special version), otherwise kitex will do it for you.
The currently supported types include java.lang.Object
, java.util.Date
. For more details, you can refer to java.thrift.
namespace go echo
include "java.thrift"
service EchoService {
// java.lang.Object
i64 EchoString2ObjectMap(1: map<string, java.Object> req)
// java.util.Date
i64 EchoDate(1: java.Date req)
After a method in thrift, you can use the JavaMethodName
annotation tag to specify the name of the method on the Java side.
This allows you to invoke overloaded methods in Java.
By doing so, you can point multiple different methods to the same Java method. DubboCodec will call the corresponding Java method on the basis of different parameter types.
namespace go echo
service EchoService {
string EchoMethodA(1: bool req) (JavaMethodName="EchoMethod")
string EchoMethodB(1: i32 req) (JavaMethodName="EchoMethod")
string EchoMethodC(1: i32 req) (JavaMethodName="EchoMethod", hessian.argsType="int")
string EchoMethodD(1: bool req1, 2: i32 req2) (JavaMethodName="EchoMethod")
Simultaneous support Dubbo and Thrift protocols, example:
import (
dubbo "github.com/kitex-contrib/codec-dubbo/pkg"
hello "demo-server/kitex_gen/hello/greetservice"
func main() {
addr, _ := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp", ":21000")
svr := hello.NewServer(new(GreetServiceImpl),
// set the Java interface name corresponding to the Kitex service
err := svr.Run()
if err != nil {
codec-dubbo defines exceptions as error that implement the following interface. You can handle exceptions in Java as you could handle error in Go:
type Throwabler interface {
Error() string
JavaClassName() string
GetStackTrace() []StackTraceElement
codec-dubbo provides commonly used Java exceptions in the pkg/hessian2/exception directory. Currently, it supports java.lang.Exception, and more exceptions will be added in subsequent iterations. Common exceptions do not require command line tool support and could be directly referenced.
import (
hessian2_exception "github.com/kitex-contrib/codec-dubbo/pkg/hessian2/exception"
func main() {
resp, err := cli.Greet(context.Background(), true)
if err != nil {
// FromError returns a Throwabler
exceptionRaw, ok := hessian2_exception.FromError(err)
if !ok {
// Treat as a regular error handling
} else {
// If you are not concerned with the specific type of exceptionRaw, just call the methods provided by Throwabler
klog.Errorf("get %s type Exception", exceptionRaw.JavaClassName())
// If you want to obtain the specific type of exceptionRaw, you need to perform a type conversion, but this requires knowing the specific type
exception := exceptionRaw.(*hessian2_exception.Exception)
import (
hessian2_exception "github.com/kitex-contrib/codec-dubbo/pkg/hessian2/exception"
func (s *GreetServiceImpl) Greet(ctx context.Context, req string) (resp string, err error) {
return "", hessian2_exception.NewException("Your detailed message")
Customized business exceptions in Java often inherit a base exception. Here, we use CustomizedException as an example, which inherits from java.lang.Exception:
public class CustomizedException extends Exception {
private final String customizedMessage;
public CustomizedException(String customizedMessage) {
this.customizedMessage = customizedMessage;
public String getCustomizedMessage() {
return this.customizedMessage;
To define a corresponding exception on the kitex side, write the following definition in thrift:
exception CustomizedException {
1: required java.Exception exception (thrift.nested="true")
2: required string customizedMessage
Like other types, you need to add the -hessian2 java_extension
parameter when generating code with the kitex scaffolding tool to pull the extension package.
The usage is consistent with Common Exceptions.
Currently, only Interface-Level service discovery based on zookeeper is supported. Application-Level support is planned in a future release.
The configurations used for this functionality are divided into the following two levels:
- The WithXXX functions in registry/options.go and resolver/options.go provide registry-level configurations; use these functions to generate
instances. - Service level configurations are passed by
, and /registries/common.go provides Tag Keys:
Tag Key | client side effect | server side effect |
DubboServiceGroupKey | The group to which the called service belongs | dubbo supports the division of multiple services into groups under an Interface, specifying the group to which the registered service belongs |
DubboServiceVersionKey | The version of the service called | dubbo supports versioning of multiple services under one Interface, specifying the registered service version |
DubboServiceInterfaceKey | The corresponding InterfaceName of the called service under the dubbo system | The corresponding InterfaceName of the registered service under the dubbo system |
DubboServiceWeightKey | Weight of registered service | |
DubboServiceApplicationKey | The name of the application to which the registered service belongs |
Currently only zookeeper is supported as a registry.
import (
dubbo "github.com/kitex-contrib/codec-dubbo/pkg"
// this resolver is dedicated to interacting with the zookeeper in the dubbo system
func main() {
intfName := "org.cloudwego.kitex.samples.api.GreetProvider"
res, err := resolver.NewZookeeperResolver(
// specify the addresses of the zookeeper servers, please specify at least one
if err != nil {
cli, err := greetservice.NewClient("helloworld",
// configure ZookeeperResolver
// configure DubboCodec
// target dubbo Interface,this Interface should be consistent with the value of DubboServiceInterfaceKey below
// target dubbo Interface Name
client.WithTag(registries.DubboServiceInterfaceKey, intfName),
if err != nil {
resp, err := cli.Greet(context.Background(), "world")
if err != nil {
klog.Infof("resp: %s", resp)
respWithStruct, err := cli.GreetWithStruct(context.Background(), &hello.GreetRequest{Req: "world"})
if err != nil {
klog.Infof("respWithStruct: %s", respWithStruct.Resp)
Important notes:
- The
for DubboCodec should be consistent with the value ofregistries.DubboServiceInterfaceKey
import (
kitex_registry "github.com/cloudwego/kitex/pkg/registry"
dubbo "github.com/kitex-contrib/codec-dubbo/pkg"
// this registry is dedicated to interacting with the zookeeper in the dubbo system
hello "github.com/kitex-contrib/codec-dubbo/samples/helloworld/kitex/kitex_gen/hello/greetservice"
func main() {
intfName := "org.cloudwego.kitex.samples.api.GreetProvider"
reg, err := registry.NewZookeeperRegistry(
// specify the addresses of the zookeeper servers, please specify at least one
if err != nil {
// specify the address that the server will listen to
addr, _ := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp", ":21000")
svr := hello.NewServer(new(GreetServiceImpl),
// configure DubboCodec
// configure dubbo URL metadata
Tags: map[string]string{
registries.DubboServiceInterfaceKey: intfName,
// application value should be consistent with ApplicationConfig set in dubbo, this is only an example
registries.DubboServiceApplicationKey: "application-name",
err := svr.Run()
if err != nil {
Important notes:
- The
for DubboCodec should be consistent with the value ofregistries.DubboServiceInterfaceKey
CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 5118 CPU @ 2.30GHz
Memory: 192GB
Referring to dubbo-go-benchmark. Converting dubbo client and dubbo server to kitex client and kitex server. Please see this.
bash deploy.sh kitex_server -p 21001
bash deploy.sh kitex_client -p 21002 -addr ""
bash deploy.sh stress -addr '' -t 1000000 -p 100 -l 256
average rt | tps | success rate |
2310628 | 46015 | 1.000000 |
2363729 | 44202 | 1.000000 |
2256177 | 43280 | 1.000000 |
2194147 | 43171 | 1.000000 |
process_name | %CPU | %MEM |
kitex_client_main | 914.6 | 0.0 |
kitex_server_main | 520.5 | 0.0 |
stress_main | 1029 | 0.1 |
Since the dubbo-go-hessian2 relies on reflection for encoding/decoding, there's great potential to improve the performance with a codec based on generated Go code.
A fastCodec for Hessian2 is planned for better performance.
This is a community driven project maintained by @DMwangnima.
We extend our sincere appreciation to the dubbo-go development team for their valuable contribution!