All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Fixed Deprecated use of base64_encode in Observer/SalesQuoteSaveAfter.php
- Fixed profile identification on checkout page
4.2.0 - 2024-09-17
- Adds StoreId field to Viewed Product events
- Updated the klaviyo onsite javascript to the new url format
- Removes call to isLoggerEnabled() in Logger __construct to address "Area Code is already set" issue when running consumer-based jobs
4.1.4 - 2024-05-22
- Updated Added to Cart events to show preference to simple product images over configurable product images.
- Added StoreId and SimpleProductId fields to Added to Cart event.
- Properly encodes emails before search request to Klaviyo
- Updated KlaviyoV3Api to fix the profile properties sent in events to match the format required the V3 API
4.1.3 - 2024-03-29
- BUGPORT-1750: unassigned $response variable from api call during list subscription
4.1.2 - 2024-01-31
- Updated customer.js to correctly handle promise returned from isIdentified
- Updated KlaviyoV3Api to handle new response patterns returned from V3 APIs
- Fixed issue with Added to Cart events not syncing for multi-site configurations
- Fixed Added to Cart observer to check for private key instead of public key
- Fixed error handling from V3 APIs, logs out the error message instead of the stack trace on retries.
4.1.1 - 2023-12-12
- Added name to initialize block in checkout
- Added ACL rules for Klaviyo extension configuration.
- Changed system.xml sort to stop becoming default instead of core options
- Updated getKlaviyoLists() exception handling to properly print error message.
- Paginate to get all lists for account.
- Updated response handling in KlaviyoV3Sdk to not retry for falsey responses from curl_exec.
4.1.0 - 2023-09-29
- New Klaviyo onsite object
- New X-Klaviyo-User-Agent to headers to collect plugin usage meta data
- Added support for Klaviyo V3 API
- Support for V2 APIs: /track and /identify
- Removed _learnq onsite object in favor of klaviyo object
4.0.12 - 2023-07-20
- Fixed issue when viewed product block on product page caused slower response time
- Fixed issue for newletter module where new subscriptions weren't being sent to klaviyo via magento forms for stores using Magento version < 2.4.3
4.0.11 - 2023-04-07
- Fixed bug where historical sync wouldn't run for index of 0
- Fixed bug in checkout where shipping information update caused report error if email or sms consent where activated
- Fixed PHP 8.2 incompatability with dynamic properties
4.0.10 - 2023-03-01
- Continuous integration to validate pre commit, validate our versioned files, and prepare for testing
- Continuous deployment to generate a new release when PRs are merged into the 'stable/**' release branches.
- Empty test files
- Added precommit to the repository and formatted all PHP files to PSR12 style.
- Set the newsletter subscription source to Magento 2
- Fixed bug in NewsletterSubscribeObserver where customers with an unconfirmed site account were being unsubscribed
4.0.9 - 2023-01-03
- Updated default SMS consent language
- Fixed bug in logging for truncated payloads in the kl_syncs table.
4.0.8 - 2022-11-10
- Fixed bug where cleanup cron wasn't referencing correct method name.
4.0.7 - 2022-11-01
- Add a name to the Klaviyo\Reclaim\Block\Initialize block, so it can be moved around via a layout xml
- Fixed bug in Observer/SalesQuoteProductAddAfter.php passing null value to stripslashes
- Fixed bug in Block/Catalog/Product/ViewedProduct.php passing null value to number_format
- Fixed issue when Controller/Checkout/Reload.php was loading backend classes on frontend
- Fixes for Added to Cart: adds error handling to Added to Cart event processing, enforces payload size to 65k characters, adjusts cleanup crons to include failed syncs
4.0.6 - 2022-09-19
- Updated PHPDoc parameters for productinspector method in Api/ReclaimInterface.php to match signature.
4.0.5 - 2022-07-28
- Fix 404 AJAX Request on /cart/reclaim/checkout/reload
- Fixed newsletter signup on account creation. Users will now be subscribed if they check the checkbox on account registration.
4.0.4 - 2022-05-24
- Skipped 4.0.3 due to cancelled extension in magento marketplace
- Moved webhooks url to async tier
- Removed product descriptions from Added to Cart payloads
- Add indexType to db_schema.xml
- Added style-src and forms url to csp_whitelist.xml
4.0.2 - 2022-03-15
- Updated Added to Cart track request to use POST to accommodate large payloads
- Initialized observerAtcPayload to fix Undefined property error
4.0.1 - 2022-01-28
- Add store scoping to Track Requests for Added to Cart
4.0.0 - 2022-01-20
- Declarative schema, patch data scripts available for backward compatibility
- InstallData/UpgradeData and InstallSchema/UpgradeSchema scripts
- Whitelisting Klaviyo onsite scripts
- Identifying logged-in users correctly
4.0.0-beta - 2021-12-15
- Added to Cart metric collection
3.0.11 - 2021-12-21
- Error affecting customers using Magento's embedded footer forms
3.0.10 - 2021-11-10
- SMS Consent default language
3.0.9 - 2021-09-21
- SMS Consent checkbox for logged in users with default address set
- URL construction works when store URL has subdirectories
- Remove reference to deprecated _learnq functionality
3.0.8 - 2021-09-02
- Fixes infinite loop issue produced by Magento bug
3.0.7 - 2021-08-27
- Right trim trailing slash from Custom Media Url setting from Klaviyo Extension
- Properly escape the public api for onsite tag
- Handle newsletter subscriptions in all areas
- Fixing bug with newsletter subscribes for anonymous users (not registered accounts)
3.0.6 - 2021-07-01
- Add an ability to pass the Store ID during track event
- Keep existing extension attributes when extending shipping payload request
3.0.5 - 2021-06-08
- Updates composer requirement to use module quote >=101.1.3
- Add ability to retrieve config values for specified store id
- Fix issue with newsletter subscription
3.0.4 - 2021-06-08
- Use
to support Magento 2 versions 2.3.0 to 2.3.3
3.0.3 - 2021-06-01
- OAuth observer to create Magento2 Integration OAuth configuration
- Section about Setup Klaviyo User
3.0.2 - 2021-05-26
- Missing quote in module
3.0.1 - 2021-05-26
- Typo in cart rebuild constructor di
3.0.0 - 2021-05-25
- Only support Magento 2.3.* +
- Utilize masked quote ids.
- Extend cart/search getList api to contain masked Ids.
2.2.0 - 2021-05-17
- Update checkout to not use quote for rebuilding
2.1.1 - 2021-05-17
- Use store ids instead of website ids in the ProductDeleteBefore Observer
- Check for versions older than 2.0.0 in UpgradeSchema
2.1.0 - 2021-03-22
- SMS Consent at checkout
- Email consent at checkout
- Consent at checkout admin tab
- Email consent now recorded when Klaviyo list opt-in settings are used
- Escaped html for public api key
2.0.0 - 2021-01-11
- Product delete observer webhook to send to Klaviyo catalog
- Webhook secret form field for webhook validation
- Removed csp setting
- Removed csp mode from config.xml
- Added to img-src csp whitelist
1.2.4 - 2020-12-01
- Create
- Update to to share contribution guidelines
- Use List API V2 for fetching newsletter lists
- Remove JQuery UI as a dependency since it is unused
1.2.3 - 2020-10-09
- Removes unused variable and DI from Reclaim.php
- CSP now uses report-only mode
- The CHANGELOG was created on 2020-11-20 and does not contain information about earlier releases