diff --git a/party/.gitignore b/party/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1197184 --- /dev/null +++ b/party/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,170 @@ +# Logs + +logs +_.log +npm-debug.log_ +yarn-debug.log* +yarn-error.log* +lerna-debug.log* +.pnpm-debug.log* + +# Diagnostic reports (https://nodejs.org/api/report.html) + +report.[0-9]_.[0-9]_.[0-9]_.[0-9]_.json + +# Runtime data + +pids +_.pid +_.seed +\*.pid.lock + +# Directory for instrumented libs generated by jscoverage/JSCover + +lib-cov + +# Coverage directory used by tools like istanbul + +coverage +\*.lcov + +# nyc test coverage + +.nyc_output + +# Grunt intermediate storage (https://gruntjs.com/creating-plugins#storing-task-files) + +.grunt + +# Bower dependency directory (https://bower.io/) + +bower_components + +# node-waf configuration + +.lock-wscript + +# Compiled binary addons (https://nodejs.org/api/addons.html) + +build/Release + +# Dependency directories + +node_modules/ +jspm_packages/ + +# Snowpack dependency directory (https://snowpack.dev/) + +web_modules/ + +# TypeScript cache + +\*.tsbuildinfo + +# Optional npm cache directory + +.npm + +# Optional eslint cache + +.eslintcache + +# Optional stylelint cache + +.stylelintcache + +# Microbundle cache + +.rpt2_cache/ +.rts2_cache_cjs/ +.rts2_cache_es/ +.rts2_cache_umd/ + +# Optional REPL history + +.node_repl_history + +# Output of 'npm pack' + +\*.tgz + +# Yarn Integrity file + +.yarn-integrity + +# dotenv environment variable files + +.env +.env.development.local +.env.test.local +.env.production.local +.env.local + +# parcel-bundler cache (https://parceljs.org/) + +.cache +.parcel-cache + +# Next.js build output + +.next +out + +# Nuxt.js build / generate output + +.nuxt +dist + +# Gatsby files + +.cache/ + +# Comment in the public line in if your project uses Gatsby and not Next.js + +# https://nextjs.org/blog/next-9-1#public-directory-support + +# public + +# vuepress build output + +.vuepress/dist + +# vuepress v2.x temp and cache directory + +.temp +.cache + +# Docusaurus cache and generated files + +.docusaurus + +# Serverless directories + +.serverless/ + +# FuseBox cache + +.fusebox/ + +# DynamoDB Local files + +.dynamodb/ + +# TernJS port file + +.tern-port + +# Stores VSCode versions used for testing VSCode extensions + +.vscode-test + +# yarn v2 + +.yarn/cache +.yarn/unplugged +.yarn/build-state.yml +.yarn/install-state.gz +.pnp.\* + +.partykit +.DS_Store diff --git a/party/README.md b/party/README.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5981c99 --- /dev/null +++ b/party/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +## 🎈 kodaparty + +Welcome to the party, pal! + +### How to start + +You can start developing by running `pnpm dev` and opening [http://localhost:1999](http://localhost:1999) in your browser. + +### How to deploy + +Fist login using `pnpx partykit login` login via github and come back + +Now you can deploy your application on to the PartyKit cloud with `pnpm deploy` + +Refer to our docs for more information: https://github.com/partykit/partykit/blob/main/README.md. For more help, reach out to us on [Discord](https://discord.gg/g5uqHQJc3z), [GitHub](https://github.com/partykit/partykit), or [Twitter](https://twitter.com/partykit_io). diff --git a/party/package.json b/party/package.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..aff4094 --- /dev/null +++ b/party/package.json @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +{ + "name": "party", + "version": "0.0.0", + "private": true, + "scripts": { + "dev": "partykit dev --live", + "deploy": "partykit deploy" + }, + "dependencies": { + "partysocket": "^0.0.25" + }, + "devDependencies": { + "partykit": "^0.0.89", + "typescript": "^5.3.3" + } +} diff --git a/party/partykit.json b/party/partykit.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a08a6bd --- /dev/null +++ b/party/partykit.json @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +{ + "$schema": "https://www.partykit.io/schema.json", + "name": "party", + "main": "src/index.ts", + "compatibilityDate": "2024-02-15" +} diff --git a/party/pnpm-lock.yaml b/party/pnpm-lock.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4640376 --- /dev/null +++ b/party/pnpm-lock.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,694 @@ +lockfileVersion: '6.0' + +settings: + autoInstallPeers: true + excludeLinksFromLockfile: false + +dependencies: + partysocket: + specifier: ^0.0.25 + version: 0.0.25 + +devDependencies: + partykit: + specifier: ^0.0.89 + version: 0.0.89 + typescript: + specifier: ^5.3.3 + version: 5.3.3 + +packages: + + /@cloudflare/workerd-darwin-64@1.20240129.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-DfVVB5IsQLVcWPJwV019vY3nEtU88c2Qu2ST5SQxqcGivZ52imagLRK0RHCIP8PK4piSiq90qUC6ybppUsw8eg==} + engines: {node: '>=16'} + cpu: [x64] + os: [darwin] + requiresBuild: true + dev: true + optional: true + + /@cloudflare/workerd-darwin-arm64@1.20240129.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-t0q8ABkmumG1zRM/MZ/vIv/Ysx0vTAXnQAPy/JW5aeQi/tqrypXkO9/NhPc0jbF/g/hIPrWEqpDgEp3CB7Da7Q==} + engines: {node: '>=16'} + cpu: [arm64] + os: [darwin] + requiresBuild: true + dev: true + optional: true + + /@cloudflare/workerd-linux-64@1.20240129.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-sFV1uobHgDI+6CKBS/ZshQvOvajgwl6BtiYaH4PSFSpvXTmRx+A9bcug+6BnD+V4WgwxTiEO2iR97E1XuwDAVw==} + engines: {node: '>=16'} + cpu: [x64] + os: [linux] + requiresBuild: true + dev: true + optional: true + + /@cloudflare/workerd-linux-arm64@1.20240129.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-O7q7htHaFRp8PgTqNJx1/fYc3+LnvAo6kWWB9a14C5OWak6AAZk42PNpKPx+DXTmGvI+8S1+futBGUeJ8NPDXg==} + engines: {node: '>=16'} + cpu: [arm64] + os: [linux] + requiresBuild: true + dev: true + optional: true + + /@cloudflare/workerd-windows-64@1.20240129.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-YqGno0XSqqqkDmNoGEX6M8kJlI2lEfWntbTPVtHaZlaXVR9sWfoD7TEno0NKC95cXFz+ioyFLbgbOdnfWwmVAA==} + engines: {node: '>=16'} + cpu: [x64] + os: [win32] + requiresBuild: true + dev: true + optional: true + + /@cloudflare/workers-types@4.20240208.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-MVGTTjZpJu4kJONvai5SdJzWIhOJbuweVZ3goI7FNyG+JdoQH41OoB+nMhLsX626vPLZVWGPIWsiSo/WZHzgQw==} + dev: true + + /@cspotcode/source-map-support@0.8.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-IchNf6dN4tHoMFIn/7OE8LWZ19Y6q/67Bmf6vnGREv8RSbBVb9LPJxEcnwrcwX6ixSvaiGoomAUvu4YSxXrVgw==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + dependencies: + '@jridgewell/trace-mapping': 0.3.9 + dev: true + + /@esbuild/aix-ppc64@0.20.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-fGFDEctNh0CcSwsiRPxiaqX0P5rq+AqE0SRhYGZ4PX46Lg1FNR6oCxJghf8YgY0WQEgQuh3lErUFE4KxLeRmmw==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + cpu: [ppc64] + os: [aix] + requiresBuild: true + dev: true + optional: true + + /@esbuild/android-arm64@0.20.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-aVpnM4lURNkp0D3qPoAzSG92VXStYmoVPOgXveAUoQBWRSuQzt51yvSju29J6AHPmwY1BjH49uR29oyfH1ra8Q==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + cpu: [arm64] + os: [android] + requiresBuild: true + dev: true + optional: true + + /@esbuild/android-arm@0.20.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-3bMAfInvByLHfJwYPJRlpTeaQA75n8C/QKpEaiS4HrFWFiJlNI0vzq/zCjBrhAYcPyVPG7Eo9dMrcQXuqmNk5g==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + cpu: [arm] + os: [android] + requiresBuild: true + dev: true + optional: true + + 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+ requiresBuild: true + dev: true + optional: true + + /@esbuild/freebsd-x64@0.20.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-uG8B0WSepMRsBNVXAQcHf9+Ko/Tr+XqmK7Ptel9HVmnykupXdS4J7ovSQUIi0tQGIndhbqWLaIL/qO/cWhXKyQ==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + cpu: [x64] + os: [freebsd] + requiresBuild: true + dev: true + optional: true + + /@esbuild/linux-arm64@0.20.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-uTtyYAP5veqi2z9b6Gr0NUoNv9F/rOzI8tOD5jKcCvRUn7T60Bb+42NDBCWNhMjkQzI0qqwXkQGo1SY41G52nw==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + cpu: [arm64] + os: [linux] + requiresBuild: true + dev: true + optional: true + + /@esbuild/linux-arm@0.20.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-2ezuhdiZw8vuHf1HKSf4TIk80naTbP9At7sOqZmdVwvvMyuoDiZB49YZKLsLOfKIr77+I40dWpHVeY5JHpIEIg==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + cpu: [arm] + os: [linux] + requiresBuild: true + dev: true + optional: true + + /@esbuild/linux-ia32@0.20.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-c88wwtfs8tTffPaoJ+SQn3y+lKtgTzyjkD8NgsyCtCmtoIC8RDL7PrJU05an/e9VuAke6eJqGkoMhJK1RY6z4w==} + 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sha512-mlb1hg/eYRJUpv8h/x+4ShgoNLL8wgZ64SUr26KwglTYnwAWjkhR2GpoKftDbPOCnodA9t4Y/b68H4J9XmmPzA==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + cpu: [riscv64] + os: [linux] + requiresBuild: true + dev: true + optional: true + + /@esbuild/linux-s390x@0.20.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-fgf9ubb53xSnOBqyvWEY6ukBNRl1mVX1srPNu06B6mNsNK20JfH6xV6jECzrQ69/VMiTLvHMicQR/PgTOgqJUQ==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + cpu: [s390x] + os: [linux] + requiresBuild: true + dev: true + optional: true + + /@esbuild/linux-x64@0.20.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-H9Eu6MGse++204XZcYsse1yFHmRXEWgadk2N58O/xd50P9EvFMLJTQLg+lB4E1cF2xhLZU5luSWtGTb0l9UeSg==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + cpu: [x64] + os: [linux] + requiresBuild: true + dev: true + optional: true + + /@esbuild/netbsd-x64@0.20.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-lCT675rTN1v8Fo+RGrE5KjSnfY0x9Og4RN7t7lVrN3vMSjy34/+3na0q7RIfWDAj0e0rCh0OL+P88lu3Rt21MQ==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + cpu: [x64] + os: [netbsd] + requiresBuild: true + dev: true + optional: true + + 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requiresBuild: true + dev: true + optional: true + + /@esbuild/win32-x64@0.20.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-NgJnesu1RtWihtTtXGFMU5YSE6JyyHPMxCwBZK7a6/8d31GuSo9l0Ss7w1Jw5QnKUawG6UEehs883kcXf5fYwg==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + cpu: [x64] + os: [win32] + requiresBuild: true + dev: true + optional: true + + /@fastify/busboy@2.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-+KpH+QxZU7O4675t3mnkQKcZZg56u+K/Ct2K+N2AZYNVK8kyeo/bI18tI8aPm3tvNNRyTWfj6s5tnGNlcbQRsA==} + engines: {node: '>=14'} + dev: true + + /@jridgewell/resolve-uri@3.1.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-bRISgCIjP20/tbWSPWMEi54QVPRZExkuD9lJL+UIxUKtwVJA8wW1Trb1jMs1RFXo1CBTNZ/5hpC9QvmKWdopKw==} + engines: {node: '>=6.0.0'} + dev: true + + /@jridgewell/sourcemap-codec@1.4.15: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-eF2rxCRulEKXHTRiDrDy6erMYWqNw4LPdQ8UQA4huuxaQsVeRPFl2oM8oDGxMFhJUWZf9McpLtJasDDZb/Bpeg==} + dev: true + + /@jridgewell/trace-mapping@0.3.9: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-3Belt6tdc8bPgAtbcmdtNJlirVoTmEb5e2gC94PnkwEW9jI6CAHUeoG85tjWP5WquqfavoMtMwiG4P926ZKKuQ==} + dependencies: + '@jridgewell/resolve-uri': 3.1.2 + '@jridgewell/sourcemap-codec': 1.4.15 + dev: true + + /acorn-walk@8.3.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-cjkyv4OtNCIeqhHrfS81QWXoCBPExR/J62oyEqepVw8WaQeSqpW2uhuLPh1m9eWhDuOo/jUXVTlifvesOWp/4A==} + engines: {node: '>=0.4.0'} + dev: true + + /acorn@8.11.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Y9rRfJG5jcKOE0CLisYbojUjIrIEE7AGMzA/Sm4BslANhbS+cDMpgBdcPT91oJ7OuJ9hYJBx59RjbhxVnrF8Xg==} + engines: {node: '>=0.4.0'} + hasBin: true + dev: true + + /as-table@1.0.55: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-xvsWESUJn0JN421Xb9MQw6AsMHRCUknCe0Wjlxvjud80mU4E6hQf1A6NzQKcYNmYw62MfzEtXc+badstZP3JpQ==} + dependencies: + printable-characters: 1.0.42 + dev: true + + /capnp-ts@0.7.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-XKxXAC3HVPv7r674zP0VC3RTXz+/JKhfyw94ljvF80yynK6VkTnqE3jMuN8b3dUVmmc43TjyxjW4KTsmB3c86g==} + dependencies: + debug: 4.3.4 + tslib: 2.6.2 + transitivePeerDependencies: + - supports-color + dev: true + + /clipboardy@4.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-5mOlNS0mhX0707P2I0aZ2V/cmHUEO/fL7VFLqszkhUsxt7RwnmrInf/eEQKlf5GzvYeHIjT+Ov1HRfNmymlG0w==} + engines: {node: '>=18'} + dependencies: + execa: 8.0.1 + is-wsl: 3.1.0 + is64bit: 2.0.0 + dev: true + + /cookie@0.5.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-YZ3GUyn/o8gfKJlnlX7g7xq4gyO6OSuhGPKaaGssGB2qgDUS0gPgtTvoyZLTt9Ab6dC4hfc9dV5arkvc/OCmrw==} + engines: {node: '>= 0.6'} + dev: true + + /cross-spawn@7.0.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-iRDPJKUPVEND7dHPO8rkbOnPpyDygcDFtWjpeWNCgy8WP2rXcxXL8TskReQl6OrB2G7+UJrags1q15Fudc7G6w==} + engines: {node: '>= 8'} + dependencies: + path-key: 3.1.1 + shebang-command: 2.0.0 + which: 2.0.2 + dev: true + + /data-uri-to-buffer@2.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-ND9qDTLc6diwj+Xe5cdAgVTbLVdXbtxTJRXRhli8Mowuaan+0EJOtdqJ0QCHNSSPyoXGx9HX2/VMnKeC34AChA==} + dev: true + + /debug@4.3.4: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-PRWFHuSU3eDtQJPvnNY7Jcket1j0t5OuOsFzPPzsekD52Zl8qUfFIPEiswXqIvHWGVHOgX+7G/vCNNhehwxfkQ==} + engines: {node: '>=6.0'} + peerDependencies: + supports-color: '*' + peerDependenciesMeta: + supports-color: + optional: true + dependencies: + ms: 2.1.2 + dev: true + + /esbuild@0.20.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-6iwE3Y2RVYCME1jLpBqq7LQWK3MW6vjV2bZy6gt/WrqkY+WE74Spyc0ThAOYpMtITvnjX09CrC6ym7A/m9mebA==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + hasBin: true + requiresBuild: true + optionalDependencies: + '@esbuild/aix-ppc64': 0.20.0 + '@esbuild/android-arm': 0.20.0 + '@esbuild/android-arm64': 0.20.0 + '@esbuild/android-x64': 0.20.0 + '@esbuild/darwin-arm64': 0.20.0 + '@esbuild/darwin-x64': 0.20.0 + '@esbuild/freebsd-arm64': 0.20.0 + '@esbuild/freebsd-x64': 0.20.0 + '@esbuild/linux-arm': 0.20.0 + '@esbuild/linux-arm64': 0.20.0 + '@esbuild/linux-ia32': 0.20.0 + '@esbuild/linux-loong64': 0.20.0 + '@esbuild/linux-mips64el': 0.20.0 + '@esbuild/linux-ppc64': 0.20.0 + '@esbuild/linux-riscv64': 0.20.0 + '@esbuild/linux-s390x': 0.20.0 + '@esbuild/linux-x64': 0.20.0 + '@esbuild/netbsd-x64': 0.20.0 + '@esbuild/openbsd-x64': 0.20.0 + '@esbuild/sunos-x64': 0.20.0 + '@esbuild/win32-arm64': 0.20.0 + '@esbuild/win32-ia32': 0.20.0 + '@esbuild/win32-x64': 0.20.0 + dev: true + + /event-target-shim@6.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-8q3LsZjRezbFZ2PN+uP+Q7pnHUMmAOziU2vA2OwoFaKIXxlxl38IylhSSgUorWu/rf4er67w0ikBqjBFk/pomA==} + engines: {node: '>=10.13.0'} + dev: false + + /execa@8.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-VyhnebXciFV2DESc+p6B+y0LjSm0krU4OgJN44qFAhBY0TJ+1V61tYD2+wHusZ6F9n5K+vl8k0sTy7PEfV4qpg==} + engines: {node: '>=16.17'} + dependencies: + cross-spawn: 7.0.3 + get-stream: 8.0.1 + human-signals: 5.0.0 + is-stream: 3.0.0 + merge-stream: 2.0.0 + npm-run-path: 5.2.0 + onetime: 6.0.0 + signal-exit: 4.1.0 + strip-final-newline: 3.0.0 + dev: true + + /exit-hook@2.2.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-eNTPlAD67BmP31LDINZ3U7HSF8l57TxOY2PmBJ1shpCvpnxBF93mWCE8YHBnXs8qiUZJc9WDcWIeC3a2HIAMfw==} + engines: {node: '>=6'} + dev: true + + /fsevents@2.3.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-5xoDfX+fL7faATnagmWPpbFtwh/R77WmMMqqHGS65C3vvB0YHrgF+B1YmZ3441tMj5n63k0212XNoJwzlhffQw==} + engines: {node: ^8.16.0 || ^10.6.0 || >=11.0.0} + os: [darwin] + requiresBuild: true + dev: true + optional: true + + /get-source@2.0.12: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-X5+4+iD+HoSeEED+uwrQ07BOQr0kEDFMVqqpBuI+RaZBpBpHCuXxo70bjar6f0b0u/DQJsJ7ssurpP0V60Az+w==} + dependencies: + data-uri-to-buffer: 2.0.2 + source-map: 0.6.1 + dev: true + + /get-stream@8.0.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-VaUJspBffn/LMCJVoMvSAdmscJyS1auj5Zulnn5UoYcY531UWmdwhRWkcGKnGU93m5HSXP9LP2usOryrBtQowA==} + engines: {node: '>=16'} + dev: true + + /glob-to-regexp@0.4.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-lkX1HJXwyMcprw/5YUZc2s7DrpAiHB21/V+E1rHUrVNokkvB6bqMzT0VfV6/86ZNabt1k14YOIaT7nDvOX3Iiw==} + dev: true + + /human-signals@5.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-AXcZb6vzzrFAUE61HnN4mpLqd/cSIwNQjtNWR0euPm6y0iqx3G4gOXaIDdtdDwZmhwe82LA6+zinmW4UBWVePQ==} + engines: {node: '>=16.17.0'} + dev: true + + /is-docker@3.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-eljcgEDlEns/7AXFosB5K/2nCM4P7FQPkGc/DWLy5rmFEWvZayGrik1d9/QIY5nJ4f9YsVvBkA6kJpHn9rISdQ==} + engines: {node: ^12.20.0 || ^14.13.1 || >=16.0.0} + hasBin: true + dev: true + + /is-inside-container@1.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-KIYLCCJghfHZxqjYBE7rEy0OBuTd5xCHS7tHVgvCLkx7StIoaxwNW3hCALgEUjFfeRk+MG/Qxmp/vtETEF3tRA==} + engines: {node: '>=14.16'} + hasBin: true + dependencies: + is-docker: 3.0.0 + dev: true + + /is-stream@3.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-LnQR4bZ9IADDRSkvpqMGvt/tEJWclzklNgSw48V5EAaAeDd6qGvN8ei6k5p0tvxSR171VmGyHuTiAOfxAbr8kA==} + engines: {node: ^12.20.0 || ^14.13.1 || >=16.0.0} + dev: true + + /is-wsl@3.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-UcVfVfaK4Sc4m7X3dUSoHoozQGBEFeDC+zVo06t98xe8CzHSZZBekNXH+tu0NalHolcJ/QAGqS46Hef7QXBIMw==} + engines: {node: '>=16'} + dependencies: + is-inside-container: 1.0.0 + dev: true + + /is64bit@2.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-jv+8jaWCl0g2lSBkNSVXdzfBA0npK1HGC2KtWM9FumFRoGS94g3NbCCLVnCYHLjp4GrW2KZeeSTMo5ddtznmGw==} + engines: {node: '>=18'} + dependencies: + system-architecture: 0.1.0 + dev: true + + /isexe@2.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-RHxMLp9lnKHGHRng9QFhRCMbYAcVpn69smSGcq3f36xjgVVWThj4qqLbTLlq7Ssj8B+fIQ1EuCEGI2lKsyQeIw==} + dev: true + + /merge-stream@2.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-abv/qOcuPfk3URPfDzmZU1LKmuw8kT+0nIHvKrKgFrwifol/doWcdA4ZqsWQ8ENrFKkd67Mfpo/LovbIUsbt3w==} + dev: true + + /mimic-fn@4.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-vqiC06CuhBTUdZH+RYl8sFrL096vA45Ok5ISO6sE/Mr1jRbGH4Csnhi8f3wKVl7x8mO4Au7Ir9D3Oyv1VYMFJw==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + dev: true + + /miniflare@3.20240129.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-GfqclPxbTnam4S8GKHRkFyr+s+szELK/ORtQ3ZFUiGBO4HNJsaeA6RhBMKBH7iHqn5ng035cyPsLZvH35lwtsA==} + engines: {node: '>=16.13'} + hasBin: true + dependencies: + '@cspotcode/source-map-support': 0.8.1 + acorn: 8.11.3 + acorn-walk: 8.3.2 + capnp-ts: 0.7.0 + exit-hook: 2.2.1 + glob-to-regexp: 0.4.1 + stoppable: 1.1.0 + undici: 5.28.3 + workerd: 1.20240129.0 + ws: 8.16.0 + youch: 3.3.3 + zod: 3.22.4 + transitivePeerDependencies: + - bufferutil + - supports-color + - utf-8-validate + dev: true + + /ms@2.1.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-sGkPx+VjMtmA6MX27oA4FBFELFCZZ4S4XqeGOXCv68tT+jb3vk/RyaKWP0PTKyWtmLSM0b+adUTEvbs1PEaH2w==} + dev: true + + /mustache@4.2.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-71ippSywq5Yb7/tVYyGbkBggbU8H3u5Rz56fH60jGFgr8uHwxs+aSKeqmluIVzM0m0kB7xQjKS6qPfd0b2ZoqQ==} + hasBin: true + dev: true + + /npm-run-path@5.2.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-W4/tgAXFqFA0iL7fk0+uQ3g7wkL8xJmx3XdK0VGb4cHW//eZTtKGvFBBoRKVTpY7n6ze4NL9ly7rgXcHufqXKg==} + engines: {node: ^12.20.0 || ^14.13.1 || >=16.0.0} + dependencies: + path-key: 4.0.0 + dev: true + + /onetime@6.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-1FlR+gjXK7X+AsAHso35MnyN5KqGwJRi/31ft6x0M194ht7S+rWAvd7PHss9xSKMzE0asv1pyIHaJYq+BbacAQ==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + dependencies: + mimic-fn: 4.0.0 + dev: true + + /partykit@0.0.89: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Eb89fYOtQQA+dUivszEG3dnZ7U7k2Mmkx6AfrIty2ldLfbn1LJNDxUrlyjBFez+spPD4LiCH/02I4WYXWHIm3w==} + hasBin: true + dependencies: + '@cloudflare/workers-types': 4.20240208.0 + clipboardy: 4.0.0 + esbuild: 0.20.0 + miniflare: 3.20240129.1 + yoga-wasm-web: 0.3.3 + optionalDependencies: + fsevents: 2.3.3 + transitivePeerDependencies: + - bufferutil + - supports-color + - utf-8-validate + dev: true + + /partysocket@0.0.25: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-1oCGA65fydX/FgdnsiBh68buOvfxuteoZVSb3Paci2kRp/7lhF0HyA8EDb5X/O6FxId1e+usPTQNRuzFEvkJbQ==} + dependencies: + event-target-shim: 6.0.2 + dev: false + + /path-key@3.1.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-ojmeN0qd+y0jszEtoY48r0Peq5dwMEkIlCOu6Q5f41lfkswXuKtYrhgoTpLnyIcHm24Uhqx+5Tqm2InSwLhE6Q==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + dev: true + + /path-key@4.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-haREypq7xkM7ErfgIyA0z+Bj4AGKlMSdlQE2jvJo6huWD1EdkKYV+G/T4nq0YEF2vgTT8kqMFKo1uHn950r4SQ==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + dev: true + + /printable-characters@1.0.42: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-dKp+C4iXWK4vVYZmYSd0KBH5F/h1HoZRsbJ82AVKRO3PEo8L4lBS/vLwhVtpwwuYcoIsVY+1JYKR268yn480uQ==} + dev: true + + /shebang-command@2.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-kHxr2zZpYtdmrN1qDjrrX/Z1rR1kG8Dx+gkpK1G4eXmvXswmcE1hTWBWYUzlraYw1/yZp6YuDY77YtvbN0dmDA==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + dependencies: + shebang-regex: 3.0.0 + dev: true + + /shebang-regex@3.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-7++dFhtcx3353uBaq8DDR4NuxBetBzC7ZQOhmTQInHEd6bSrXdiEyzCvG07Z44UYdLShWUyXt5M/yhz8ekcb1A==} + engines: {node: '>=8'} + dev: true + + /signal-exit@4.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-bzyZ1e88w9O1iNJbKnOlvYTrWPDl46O1bG0D3XInv+9tkPrxrN8jUUTiFlDkkmKWgn1M6CfIA13SuGqOa9Korw==} + engines: {node: '>=14'} + dev: true + + /source-map@0.6.1: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-UjgapumWlbMhkBgzT7Ykc5YXUT46F0iKu8SGXq0bcwP5dz/h0Plj6enJqjz1Zbq2l5WaqYnrVbwWOWMyF3F47g==} + engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'} + dev: true + + /stacktracey@2.1.8: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-Kpij9riA+UNg7TnphqjH7/CzctQ/owJGNbFkfEeve4Z4uxT5+JapVLFXcsurIfN34gnTWZNJ/f7NMG0E8JDzTw==} + dependencies: + as-table: 1.0.55 + get-source: 2.0.12 + dev: true + + /stoppable@1.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-KXDYZ9dszj6bzvnEMRYvxgeTHU74QBFL54XKtP3nyMuJ81CFYtABZ3bAzL2EdFUaEwJOBOgENyFj3R7oTzDyyw==} + engines: {node: '>=4', npm: '>=6'} + dev: true + + /strip-final-newline@3.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-dOESqjYr96iWYylGObzd39EuNTa5VJxyvVAEm5Jnh7KGo75V43Hk1odPQkNDyXNmUR6k+gEiDVXnjB8HJ3crXw==} + engines: {node: '>=12'} + dev: true + + /system-architecture@0.1.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-ulAk51I9UVUyJgxlv9M6lFot2WP3e7t8Kz9+IS6D4rVba1tR9kON+Ey69f+1R4Q8cd45Lod6a4IcJIxnzGc/zA==} + engines: {node: '>=18'} + dev: true + + /tslib@2.6.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-AEYxH93jGFPn/a2iVAwW87VuUIkR1FVUKB77NwMF7nBTDkDrrT/Hpt/IrCJ0QXhW27jTBDcf5ZY7w6RiqTMw2Q==} + dev: true + + /typescript@5.3.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-pXWcraxM0uxAS+tN0AG/BF2TyqmHO014Z070UsJ+pFvYuRSq8KH8DmWpnbXe0pEPDHXZV3FcAbJkijJ5oNEnWw==} + engines: {node: '>=14.17'} + hasBin: true + dev: true + + /undici@5.28.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-3ItfzbrhDlINjaP0duwnNsKpDQk3acHI3gVJ1z4fmwMK31k5G9OVIAMLSIaP6w4FaGkaAkN6zaQO9LUvZ1t7VA==} + engines: {node: '>=14.0'} + dependencies: + '@fastify/busboy': 2.1.0 + dev: true + + /which@2.0.2: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-BLI3Tl1TW3Pvl70l3yq3Y64i+awpwXqsGBYWkkqMtnbXgrMD+yj7rhW0kuEDxzJaYXGjEW5ogapKNMEKNMjibA==} + engines: {node: '>= 8'} + hasBin: true + dependencies: + isexe: 2.0.0 + dev: true + + /workerd@1.20240129.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-t4pnsmjjk/u+GdVDgH2M1AFmJaBUABshYK/vT/HNrAXsHSwN6VR8Yqw0JQ845OokO34VLkuUtYQYyxHHKpdtsw==} + engines: {node: '>=16'} + hasBin: true + requiresBuild: true + optionalDependencies: + '@cloudflare/workerd-darwin-64': 1.20240129.0 + '@cloudflare/workerd-darwin-arm64': 1.20240129.0 + '@cloudflare/workerd-linux-64': 1.20240129.0 + '@cloudflare/workerd-linux-arm64': 1.20240129.0 + '@cloudflare/workerd-windows-64': 1.20240129.0 + dev: true + + /ws@8.16.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-HS0c//TP7Ina87TfiPUz1rQzMhHrl/SG2guqRcTOIUYD2q8uhUdNHZYJUaQ8aTGPzCh+c6oawMKW35nFl1dxyQ==} + engines: {node: '>=10.0.0'} + peerDependencies: + bufferutil: ^4.0.1 + utf-8-validate: '>=5.0.2' + peerDependenciesMeta: + bufferutil: + optional: true + utf-8-validate: + optional: true + dev: true + + /yoga-wasm-web@0.3.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-N+d4UJSJbt/R3wqY7Coqs5pcV0aUj2j9IaQ3rNj9bVCLld8tTGKRa2USARjnvZJWVx1NDmQev8EknoczaOQDOA==} + dev: true + + /youch@3.3.3: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-qSFXUk3UZBLfggAW3dJKg0BMblG5biqSF8M34E06o5CSsZtH92u9Hqmj2RzGiHDi64fhe83+4tENFP2DB6t6ZA==} + dependencies: + cookie: 0.5.0 + mustache: 4.2.0 + stacktracey: 2.1.8 + dev: true + + /zod@3.22.4: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-iC+8Io04lddc+mVqQ9AZ7OQ2MrUKGN+oIQyq1vemgt46jwCwLfhq7/pwnBnNXXXZb8VTVLKwp9EDkx+ryxIWmg==} + dev: true diff --git a/party/src/index.ts b/party/src/index.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..832b65b --- /dev/null +++ b/party/src/index.ts @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +import type * as Party from "partykit/server"; +import type { Connection, RemoveMessage, SyncMessage, UpdateMessage, UserDetails } from "./types"; + +export default class Server implements Party.Server { + constructor(readonly room: Party.Room) { } + + onConnect(conn: Party.Connection, ctx: Party.ConnectionContext) { + console.log(`Connected: id: ${conn.id} room: ${this.room.id} url: ${new URL(ctx.request.url).pathname}` + ); + + const connections = [] + for (const connection of this.room.getConnections()) { + if (connection.id === conn.id) { + continue + } + connections.push(connection.state as UserDetails) + } + + const message = { + type: 'sync', + connections: connections + } + + conn.send(JSON.stringify(message)); + } + + onMessage(message: string, sender: Connection) { + console.log(`onMessage: ${sender.id} sent message: ${message}`); + + const data = JSON.parse(message) + + const userDetails = { + id: sender.id, + x: data.x, + y: data.y, + cursor: data.cursor, + spent: data.spent, + lastUpdate: Date.now() + } + + this.updateDetails(sender, userDetails) + + const msg = userDetails.x && userDetails.y ? { + type: 'update', + details: userDetails + } : ({ type: 'remove', id: sender.id, }) + + this.room.broadcast(JSON.stringify(msg), [sender.id]) + } + + updateDetails(connection: Connection, details: UserDetails) { + const prevDetails = connection.state + + const needsNew = prevDetails?.lastUpdate && details.lastUpdate as number - (prevDetails.lastUpdate || 0) > 100 + + if (!prevDetails || needsNew) { + connection.setState(details) + } + } + + onClose(connection: Party.Connection) { + const message = ({ type: 'remove', id: connection.id, }) + this.room.broadcast(JSON.stringify(message)) + } +} + +Server satisfies Party.Worker; diff --git a/party/src/types/index.ts b/party/src/types/index.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9846a10 --- /dev/null +++ b/party/src/types/index.ts @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +import { type Connection as PartyConnection } from "partykit/server" + +type Cursor = { + x: number + y: number + cursor?: 'touch' | 'mouse' + lastUpdate?: number +} + +export type UserDetails = { + id: string + spent?: number +} & Cursor + +export type UpdateMessage = { + type: 'update', + details: UserDetails +} + +export type RemoveMessage = { + type: 'remove', + id: string +} + +export type SyncMessage = { + type: 'sync', + connections: UserDetails[] +} + +export type Connection = PartyConnection & { state: UserDetails | undefined } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/party/tsconfig.json b/party/tsconfig.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..861bd89 --- /dev/null +++ b/party/tsconfig.json @@ -0,0 +1,109 @@ +{ + "compilerOptions": { + /* Visit https://aka.ms/tsconfig to read more about this file */ + + /* Projects */ + // "incremental": true, /* Save .tsbuildinfo files to allow for incremental compilation of projects. */ + // "composite": true, /* Enable constraints that allow a TypeScript project to be used with project references. */ + // "tsBuildInfoFile": "./.tsbuildinfo", /* Specify the path to .tsbuildinfo incremental compilation file. */ + // "disableSourceOfProjectReferenceRedirect": true, /* Disable preferring source files instead of declaration files when referencing composite projects. */ + // "disableSolutionSearching": true, /* Opt a project out of multi-project reference checking when editing. */ + // "disableReferencedProjectLoad": true, /* Reduce the number of projects loaded automatically by TypeScript. */ + + /* Language and Environment */ + "target": "es2020" /* Set the JavaScript language version for emitted JavaScript and include compatible library declarations. */, + // "lib": [], /* Specify a set of bundled library declaration files that describe the target runtime environment. */ + "jsx": "react-jsx" /* Specify what JSX code is generated. */, + // "experimentalDecorators": true, /* Enable experimental support for legacy experimental decorators. */ + // "emitDecoratorMetadata": true, /* Emit design-type metadata for decorated declarations in source files. */ + // "jsxFactory": "", /* Specify the JSX factory function used when targeting React JSX emit, e.g. 'React.createElement' or 'h'. */ + // "jsxFragmentFactory": "", /* Specify the JSX Fragment reference used for fragments when targeting React JSX emit e.g. 'React.Fragment' or 'Fragment'. */ + // "jsxImportSource": "", /* Specify module specifier used to import the JSX factory functions when using 'jsx: react-jsx*'. */ + // "reactNamespace": "", /* Specify the object invoked for 'createElement'. This only applies when targeting 'react' JSX emit. */ + // "noLib": true, /* Disable including any library files, including the default lib.d.ts. */ + // "useDefineForClassFields": true, /* Emit ECMAScript-standard-compliant class fields. */ + // "moduleDetection": "auto", /* Control what method is used to detect module-format JS files. */ + + /* Modules */ + "module": "ES2020" /* Specify what module code is generated. */, + // "rootDir": "./", /* Specify the root folder within your source files. */ + "moduleResolution": "Bundler" /* Specify how TypeScript looks up a file from a given module specifier. */, + // "baseUrl": "./", /* Specify the base directory to resolve non-relative module names. */ + // "paths": {}, /* Specify a set of entries that re-map imports to additional lookup locations. */ + // "rootDirs": [], /* Allow multiple folders to be treated as one when resolving modules. */ + // "typeRoots": [], /* Specify multiple folders that act like './node_modules/@types'. */ + // "types": [], /* Specify type package names to be included without being referenced in a source file. */ + // "allowUmdGlobalAccess": true, /* Allow accessing UMD globals from modules. */ + // "moduleSuffixes": [], /* List of file name suffixes to search when resolving a module. */ + // "allowImportingTsExtensions": true, /* Allow imports to include TypeScript file extensions. Requires '--moduleResolution bundler' and either '--noEmit' or '--emitDeclarationOnly' to be set. */ + // "resolvePackageJsonExports": true, /* Use the package.json 'exports' field when resolving package imports. */ + // "resolvePackageJsonImports": true, /* Use the package.json 'imports' field when resolving imports. */ + // "customConditions": [], /* Conditions to set in addition to the resolver-specific defaults when resolving imports. */ + "resolveJsonModule": true /* Enable importing .json files. */, + // "allowArbitraryExtensions": true, /* Enable importing files with any extension, provided a declaration file is present. */ + // "noResolve": true, /* Disallow 'import's, 'require's or ''s from expanding the number of files TypeScript should add to a project. */ + + /* JavaScript Support */ + // "allowJs": true, /* Allow JavaScript files to be a part of your program. Use the 'checkJS' option to get errors from these files. */ + // "checkJs": true, /* Enable error reporting in type-checked JavaScript files. */ + // "maxNodeModuleJsDepth": 1, /* Specify the maximum folder depth used for checking JavaScript files from 'node_modules'. Only applicable with 'allowJs'. */ + + /* Emit */ + // "declaration": true, /* Generate .d.ts files from TypeScript and JavaScript files in your project. */ + // "declarationMap": true, /* Create sourcemaps for d.ts files. */ + // "emitDeclarationOnly": true, /* Only output d.ts files and not JavaScript files. */ + // "sourceMap": true, /* Create source map files for emitted JavaScript files. */ + // "inlineSourceMap": true, /* Include sourcemap files inside the emitted JavaScript. */ + // "outFile": "./", /* Specify a file that bundles all outputs into one JavaScript file. If 'declaration' is true, also designates a file that bundles all .d.ts output. */ + // "outDir": "./", /* Specify an output folder for all emitted files. */ + // "removeComments": true, /* Disable emitting comments. */ + "noEmit": true /* Disable emitting files from a compilation. */, + // "importHelpers": true, /* Allow importing helper functions from tslib once per project, instead of including them per-file. */ + // "importsNotUsedAsValues": "remove", /* Specify emit/checking behavior for imports that are only used for types. */ + // "downlevelIteration": true, /* Emit more compliant, but verbose and less performant JavaScript for iteration. */ + // "sourceRoot": "", /* Specify the root path for debuggers to find the reference source code. */ + // "mapRoot": "", /* Specify the location where debugger should locate map files instead of generated locations. */ + // "inlineSources": true, /* Include source code in the sourcemaps inside the emitted JavaScript. */ + // "emitBOM": true, /* Emit a UTF-8 Byte Order Mark (BOM) in the beginning of output files. */ + // "newLine": "crlf", /* Set the newline character for emitting files. */ + // "stripInternal": true, /* Disable emitting declarations that have '@internal' in their JSDoc comments. */ + // "noEmitHelpers": true, /* Disable generating custom helper functions like '__extends' in compiled output. */ + // "noEmitOnError": true, /* Disable emitting files if any type checking errors are reported. */ + // "preserveConstEnums": true, /* Disable erasing 'const enum' declarations in generated code. */ + // "declarationDir": "./", /* Specify the output directory for generated declaration files. */ + // "preserveValueImports": true, /* Preserve unused imported values in the JavaScript output that would otherwise be removed. */ + + /* Interop Constraints */ + // "isolatedModules": true, /* Ensure that each file can be safely transpiled without relying on other imports. */ + "verbatimModuleSyntax": true /* Do not transform or elide any imports or exports not marked as type-only, ensuring they are written in the output file's format based on the 'module' setting. */, + // "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true, /* Allow 'import x from y' when a module doesn't have a default export. */ + "esModuleInterop": true /* Emit additional JavaScript to ease support for importing CommonJS modules. This enables 'allowSyntheticDefaultImports' for type compatibility. */, + // "preserveSymlinks": true, /* Disable resolving symlinks to their realpath. This correlates to the same flag in node. */ + "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true /* Ensure that casing is correct in imports. */, + + /* Type Checking */ + "strict": true /* Enable all strict type-checking options. */, + // "noImplicitAny": true, /* Enable error reporting for expressions and declarations with an implied 'any' type. */ + // "strictNullChecks": true, /* When type checking, take into account 'null' and 'undefined'. */ + // "strictFunctionTypes": true, /* When assigning functions, check to ensure parameters and the return values are subtype-compatible. */ + // "strictBindCallApply": true, /* Check that the arguments for 'bind', 'call', and 'apply' methods match the original function. */ + // "strictPropertyInitialization": true, /* Check for class properties that are declared but not set in the constructor. */ + // "noImplicitThis": true, /* Enable error reporting when 'this' is given the type 'any'. */ + // "useUnknownInCatchVariables": true, /* Default catch clause variables as 'unknown' instead of 'any'. */ + // "alwaysStrict": true, /* Ensure 'use strict' is always emitted. */ + // "noUnusedLocals": true, /* Enable error reporting when local variables aren't read. */ + // "noUnusedParameters": true, /* Raise an error when a function parameter isn't read. */ + // "exactOptionalPropertyTypes": true, /* Interpret optional property types as written, rather than adding 'undefined'. */ + // "noImplicitReturns": true, /* Enable error reporting for codepaths that do not explicitly return in a function. */ + // "noFallthroughCasesInSwitch": true, /* Enable error reporting for fallthrough cases in switch statements. */ + // "noUncheckedIndexedAccess": true, /* Add 'undefined' to a type when accessed using an index. */ + // "noImplicitOverride": true, /* Ensure overriding members in derived classes are marked with an override modifier. */ + // "noPropertyAccessFromIndexSignature": true, /* Enforces using indexed accessors for keys declared using an indexed type. */ + // "allowUnusedLabels": true, /* Disable error reporting for unused labels. */ + // "allowUnreachableCode": true, /* Disable error reporting for unreachable code. */ + + /* Completeness */ + // "skipDefaultLibCheck": true, /* Skip type checking .d.ts files that are included with TypeScript. */ + "skipLibCheck": true /* Skip type checking all .d.ts files. */, + }, +}