Releases: krcools/CompScienceMeshes.jl
Releases · krcools/CompScienceMeshes.jl
refined meshes link back to their coarse parent
various minor improvements and bugfixes
v0.2.3 (2019-08-06)
Merged pull requests:
- added boundary weld and interior predicate for vertices (#17) (shakisparki)
- Update CI URLs to point to new caching infrastructure (#5) (staticfloat)
CompScienceMeshes v0.2.2
Restored compatibility with latest StaticArrays
CompScienceMeshes v0.2.1
New iterator protocol used.
Calls to parse(T,s) updated
Requirement for CollisionDetection increased
CompScienceMeshes v0.2.0
First release requiring Julia-0.7
CompScienceMeshes v0.1.2
Glue code for mesh plotting with PlotlyJS does not require Color
CompScienceMeshes v0.1.1
Glue-code for plotting (PlotlyJS) uses Requires
CompScienceMeshes v0.1.0
Minimally supported julia: 0.6.0
Basic support for subdivision surfaces
Initial Release
v0.0.1 moved waveguidwithpost to the examples dir