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Exercise 3

~ 20 minutes

In this exercise we will configure Alexa to respond to requests for the page views metric for the day.

Step 1

Using the browser open exercises/exercise-3/alexa-skill.js in your github fork and click the pencil icon to edit it. If you are using the CLI open this file in a text editor.

Step 2

Add querySelectionHandlers to skill; these methods will handle requests while in the Query state. To start we will just handle request for page view today.

// Create a new handler for the Query state
var querySelectionHandlers = Alexa.CreateStateHandler(states.STATE_QUERY, {
    'PageViewsTodayIntent': function() {
        //Oneshot Report Started
        console.log("PageViewsTodayIntent Started");

        //Set duration to today
        var duration = "today";

        //Set metric to page views
        var metric = "metrics/pageviews";

        //Based on the duration get the start and end dates
        var durationDates = analytics.dateUtil.getDurationFromToDates(duration);

        //Store local scope
        var that = this;

        //Get selected report suite
        var reportSuiteId = this.event.session.attributes.selectedReportSuite.rsid;

        //Call get metric using the information from the intent
        getMetric(this.event.session.user.accessToken, reportSuiteId, metric, durationDates, function metricResponseCallback(err, reportResponse) {
            var speechOutput;
            console.log("in response");
            if (err) {
                //An error occured while trying to query metric
                speechOutput = that.t("API_ERROR");
                console.log("error" + JSON.stringify(err));
            } else {
                console.log("report response:" + reportResponse);

                //Verb used to describe the metric based on duration. Past or present
                var verb = getDurationVerb(duration);

                speechOutput = "The total number of page views today " + verb + " " + reportResponse;

            that.emit(':ask', speechOutput, that.t("QUERY_REPROMPT"));
    'ThankYouIntent': function () {
        //User ask for something we are unable to answer
        var speechOutput = this.t("YOU_ARE_WELCOME");
        this.emit(':tell', speechOutput);
    'Unhandled': function () {
        //User ask for something we are unable to answer
        var speechOutput = this.t("UNKNOWN_COMMAND_QUERY");
        var reprompt = this.t("UNKNOWN_COMMAND_REPROMPT_QUERY", getAllMetricsText());
        this.emit(':ask', speechOutput, reprompt);
    'AMAZON.HelpIntent': function () {
        //User asked for help
        var speechOutput = this.t("HELP_MESSAGE_QUERY");
        var reprompt = this.t("HELP_REPROMPT_QUERY", getAllMetricsText());
        this.emit(':ask', speechOutput, reprompt);
    "AMAZON.StopIntent": function() {
        //User stopped the skill
        this.emit(':tell', this.t("STOP_MESSAGE"));
    "AMAZON.CancelIntent": function() {
        //User cancelled the skill
        this.emit(':tell', this.t("STOP_MESSAGE"));

Step 3

Register querySelectionHandlers with AlexaSDK in main

alexaSDK.registerHandlers(newSessionHandlers, rsidSelectionHandlers, querySelectionHandlers);

Step 4

Add getMetric method to handle report queries

 * Queries a metric based from the Analytics API
function getMetric(token, rsid, metric, durationDates, metricResponseCallback) {
    //Debug call
    console.log("Getting metric: " + metric);
    console.log("Start Date: " + durationDates.fromDate);
    console.log("End Date: " + durationDates.toDate);

    //Format dateRange string
    var dateRange = durationDates.fromDate + "/" + durationDates.toDate;

    //Create API headers
    var headers = {
        "Authorization": "Bearer " + token,
        "x-api-key": API_KEY,
        "x-proxy-company": ANALYTICS_COMPANY

    //Instantiate Analytics API helper
    var analytics = require('adobe-analytics');

    //Query metric
    analytics.config(headers).then(function (api) {
        var args = {
            "rsid": rsid,
            "globalFilters": [{
                "type": "dateRange",
                "dateRange": dateRange,
            "metricContainer": {"metrics": [{"id": metric}]}

        api.reports.runRankedReport({'body': args})
            .then(function (result) {
                var data = JSON.parse(result["data"]);
                var total = data.summaryData.totals[0];
                metricResponseCallback(null, total);
            .catch( function(error) {

Step 5

Add getDurationVerb function

 * Get a verb to describe the duration
function getDurationVerb(duration){
    var verb = "was";
    if(duration == "today" || duration == "this week" || duration == "this month" || duration == "this year"){
        verb = "is";
    return verb;

Step 6

Add method to return a comma separated list of metrics.

 * Returns a comma separated list of supported metrics
function getAllMetricsText() {
    var metricList = '';
    for (var metric in METRICS) {
        //pageviews and page views is listed as metrics.. Don't say them twice.
        if(metric != "page views"){
           metricList += metric + ", ";

    return metricList;

Step 7

If you are editing the code in the browser commit the changes to alexa-skill.js, ignore this step if you are using the CLI.

Step 8

Change the location manifest.yaml to point to

    location: exercises/exercise-3/alexa-skill.js

Step 9

Commit changes back to github, either using the browser or the git CLI.

Step 10

Invoke your skill.

  • You: "Alexa, ask Adobe Analytics"

  • Alexa: "Welcome to Adobe Analytics.. Which report suite would you like to use? Summit Demo 2017, Template Report Suite"

  • You: "Summit"

  • Alexa: "Ok, using the Summit Demo 2017 report suite. How can I help you?"

  • You:"how many page views today ?"

  • Alexa: "The total number of page views today is ..."

  • You: "Thank you !"

  • Alexa: "My pleasure, have a fantastic day!"

If you have any errors don't forget to check out the logs.