Clone this repo to create a new FUSE-style tool.
FUSE stands for "FAIR", Usable, Sustainable, and Extensible.
FUSE tools can be run as a stand-alone tool (see
below) or as a plugin to a FUSE deployment (e.g., fuse-immcellfie). FUSE tools are one of 3 flavors of appliances:
- provider: provides a common data access protocol to a digital object provider
- mapper: maps the data from a particular data provider type into a common data model with consistent syntax and semantics
- tool: analyzes data from a mapper, providing results and a specification that describes the data types and how to display them.
- python 3.8 or higher
- Docker 20.10 or higher
- docker-compose v1.28 a
- perl 5.16.3 or higher (for testing the install)
- cpan
- jq
Tips for updating docker-compose on Centos:
sudo yum install jq
VERSION=$(curl --silent | jq .name -r)
sudo mv /usr/local/bin/docker-compose /usr/local/bin/docker-compose.old-version
sudo curl -L${VERSION}/docker-compose-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m) -o $DESTINATION
sudo chmod 755 $DESTINATION
Note, a tool must specify a pluginType, and for tools we use type 't' (for analysis'Tool')
- To add a new repository to the RENCI organization, click here and select this repo for the template, otherwise new repo will be added to your username.
- Get your new repo using the 'recursive' tag (see below)
git clone --recursive<your-repo-name>
- Make sure the test passes (
./; prove t/test.t
- check t/test.t on how to install the test harness dependencies) - Edit this file and replace all occurrences of
with your repo's name - Update the source files appropriately:
- docker-compose.yml: replace
with your repo's name and customize accordingly - requirements.txt: add your version-locked library requirements to the list
- sample.env: add any required environmental variables, don't forget to also document them in this readme
- Search for all occurrences of
and replace - Define and add endpoints for your tool
- Create objects and functions under ./fuse to support you endpoints, with unit tests, adding the unit tests to github actions (examples coming soon!)
- Search for all occurrences of
- **write and run tests - look at t/test.t for examples
- contact the dockerhub/txscience organization administrator (email:[email protected]) to add a dockerhub repo for your container, if needed
- remove this section from the
- checkin your mods:
git status # make sure everything looks OK
git commit -a -m 'Initial customization'
git push
Get this repository: `git clone --recursive
and edit to suit your provider:
- API_PORT pick a unique port to avoid appliances colliding with each other
Start container prior to validations:
Simple test from command line
curl -X 'GET' 'http://localhost:${API_PORT}/openapi.json' -H 'accept: application/json' |jq -r 2> /dev/null
Install test dependencies:
cpan App::cpanminus
# restart shell
cpanm --installdeps .
Run tests:
More specific, detailed test results:
prove -v t/test.t :: --verbose