All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Improved handling of missing remote items during remote fetch
- Improved handling of missing remote items during remote delete
- Fixed issue with remote create and update due to blank attendee email
- Fixed issue creating and updating recurring events/tasks with no end in remote system
- Fixed issue creating and updating absolute yearly events/tasks in remote system
- Fixed issue translating local events to remote events with multiple months (EWS only support a single month)
- Fixed issue creating and updating events/tasks on remote system due to invalid function call
- Improved excemption handling if a collection is missing
- Fixed invalid function call issue
- Fixed spelling mistake issue
- Fixed missing class reference issue
- Improved local and remote uid and timezone handling
- Improved correlation creation cli command
- Implemented correlation creation cli command
- Improved transport logging to include errors
- Reverted changes from v1.0.27 due to doctraine issue
- Changed database remote object state field to blob to fix 65K+ character change key issue
- Disabled updated of remote DeletedOccurrences property issue #30
- Added extra spacing in transport log
- Fixed event changes retrieval bug, when calendar contains non event items
- Implemented delete filter for local collections
- Fixed null uuid issue #29
- Refactored Changes Retrieval
- Added combined short and long uuid validation
- Added remote contact uuid validation
- Added remote task uuid validation
- Fixed variable name and correlation type typo in contacts and tasks service
- Fixed php deprecation warnings
- Fixed php undeclared vaiable warnings
- Fixed remote contact attachment creation issue with Exchange 2007
- Implemented work around for NC Calendar lack of HTML event descriptions
- Fixed issue with missing alarm values
- Fixed minor issues
- Added transmission logging for EWS protocol debugging
- Improved console connect command and refactored connect process
- Improved console connect command success and failure messages
- Added error handling for remote public collections, fix for issue #28
- Fixed remote delete harmonization issue cause by remote item type check
- Imporved User UI error display
- Imporved Admin UI Layout
- Fixed remote UUID update issue
- Fixed short UUID validation issue
- Fixed local attachment creation issue
- Implemented remote duplicate uuid check in hamonization processor
- Implemented remote item type check in hamonization processor
- Improved Exchange 2007 Events and Task file attachment support
- Code and Comments clean up in common remote functions
- Removed obsolete code from Contacts, Events and Task hamonization handlers
- Implemented Support for Windows Active Directory username format
- Implemented mock ews client for offline debugging
- Fixed Basic/NTLM authentication problem when using UTF8 characters Issue #22
- Refactored Contacts, Events and Task Service initialization
- Refactored EWS client
- Improved support for Exchange 2007
- Improved Time Zone matching for EWS Time Zone Description Format
- Improved/Refactored Contact properties conversion (Birth Day, Anniversary Day, Phone Number)
- Improved Event properties conversion (All Day Flag, Reminders)
- Fixed Event recurrence concludes on date inconsistency
- Removed Obsolete Test Code
- Fixed Transport Verification Flag Issue #23
- Fixed PHP error - Undefined variable
- Fixed SOAP error caused by missing service.wsdl and types.xsd definitions
- Improved apps availability check to work with apps limited to selected groups. #jkhradil - f29d195
- Fixed UI app name correction. #jkhradil - f29d195
- Fixed autodiscovery EXPR definition logic
- Implemented Support for EXPR protocol definition in auto discovery
- Modified auto discovery logic to include EXPR
- Modified default protocol version to Exchange2007_SP1
- Modified messaging protocol version discovery regex
- Modified user email discovery to use UserSMTPAddress
- Modified connection verification to use "msgfolderroot" instead of "root"
- Updated soap definitiions - Service.wsdl, Messages.xsd, Types.xsd
- Fixed connectAccountAlternate result handler logic in User Configuration Controller
- Implemented Support for EXHTTP definition in auto discovery
- Improved UI Layout
- Minor Code Cleanup
- Improved UI Wording
- Improved On-Premise Connection Logic
- Corrected Lint Errors
- Fixed bug with code failure if parameter decryption fails
- Added migration script to change remote item id and sync token fileds to unlimited lenght
- Modified mail app provisioning mechanisim. Do not attempt to configure mail app if autodiscovery failed.
- Added ability to disable SSL verification
- Added request and response, header and body retention and retrival functionality to EWS Client
- Update node and dependencies
- Modified O365 and Alternate client creation meschanis
- Modified connection settings retieveal and deposit functionallity
- Added support for Exchange 365 user information
- Improved Oauth Refresh Handling
- Removed Test Buttons
- First implementation (still experimental)