A JavaScript library for data communication between browsers
Web-P2P-Data is a part of an implementation of aSTEAM Project (Next-Generation Information Computing Development Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Science and ICT; https://asteam.korea.ac.kr)'s device-to-device event analysis system. Web-P2P-Data is a javascript library for enabling peer to peer communication of web browsers or pages. This library helps to establish a WebRTC connection with another browser or web page. For establishing the WebRTC connecting, this library tries to communicate with signal server through socket.io. After the WebRTC connection is established, a data channel is created to perform direct communication between browsers or between web pages.
- socket.io (>= 3.0.0)
p2p_data.init(room_id, url);
Start establishing peer to peer connection. Peers with the same 'room_id' are connected. The parameter 'url' indicates a signal server.
message: "hello, world!"
Send data to another peer. JSON is recommended as the data type.
var my_handler = function (message) {
// message is event.data!
In order to check and process data from other peers, some data handlers must be registered through this function.
A data handler can be removed.
p2p_data.checkIsConnected(); // true or false
See if this browser or web page is connected to other peer. The return value is boolean - true or false.