A repository to keep track of problem solving practice, containing solutions from platforms:
# | Title | Solution | Tags | Submitted |
206 | B - Array Cancellation | PyPy 3 | constructive algorithms implementation *1000 |
Apr/27/2021 11:45 |
205 | A - Permutation Forgery | PyPy 3 | constructive algorithms *800 |
Apr/26/2021 13:22 |
204 | C - Friends and Gifts | PyPy 3 | constructive algorithms data structures math *1500 |
Apr/26/2021 13:04 |
203 | A - Birthday | PyPy 3 | math *1400 |
Apr/24/2021 19:46 |
202 | B - Candies Division | PyPy 3 | math *900 |
Apr/24/2021 00:58 |
201 | A - Minutes Before the New Year | PyPy 3 | math *800 |
Apr/24/2021 00:53 |
200 | B - Morning Jogging | PyPy 3 | constructive algorithms greedy sortings *1200 |
Apr/23/2021 21:03 |
199 | A - Sum of 2050 | Python 3 | greedy math *800 |
Apr/23/2021 20:12 |
198 | D - Game With Array | Python 3 | constructive algorithms math *1400 |
Apr/23/2021 12:51 |
197 | B - Valera and Fruits | Python 3 | greedy implementation *1400 |
Apr/23/2021 10:41 |
196 | A - 24 Game | Python 3 | constructive algorithms greedy math *1500 |
Apr/23/2021 03:10 |
195 | B - AGAGA XOOORRR | PyPy 3 | bitmasks brute force dp greedy *1500 |
Apr/21/2021 20:52 |
194 | A - Tit for Tat | PyPy 3 | greedy *800 |
Apr/21/2021 19:15 |
193 | D - Zero Quantity Maximization | PyPy 3 | hashing math number theory *1500 |
Apr/21/2021 11:19 |
192 | B - Most socially-distanced subsequence | PyPy 3 | greedy two pointers *1300 |
Apr/21/2021 01:34 |
191 | A - XXXXX | PyPy 3 | brute force data structures number theory two pointers *1200 |
Apr/21/2021 00:19 |
190 | B - AND 0, Sum Big | PyPy 3 | bitmasks combinatorics math *1200 |
Apr/19/2021 22:25 |
189 | A - Perfectly Imperfect Array | PyPy 3 | math number theory *800 |
Apr/19/2021 19:17 |
188 | C - Unique Number | PyPy 3 | brute force greedy math *900 |
Apr/19/2021 11:07 |
187 | D - Equalize Them All | PyPy 3 | constructive algorithms greedy *1400 |
Apr/18/2021 00:51 |
186 | B - T-primes | PyPy 3 | binary search implementation math number theory *1300 |
Apr/17/2021 14:12 |
185 | C - Registration System | PyPy 3 | data structures hashing implementation *1300 |
Apr/17/2021 13:50 |
184 | B - TMT Document | PyPy 3 | greedy *1100 |
Apr/16/2021 21:05 |
183 | A - Average Height | PyPy 3 | constructive algorithms *800 |
Apr/16/2021 20:08 |
182 | C - Rumor | PyPy 3 | dfs and similar graphs greedy *1300 |
Apr/16/2021 11:05 |
181 | C - Meaningless Operations | PyPy 3 | constructive algorithms math number theory *1500 |
Apr/14/2021 22:39 |
180 | B - Sort the Array | PyPy 3 | implementation sortings *1300 |
Apr/14/2021 11:31 |
179 | B - New Theatre Square | PyPy 3 | brute force dp greedy implementation two pointers *1000 |
Apr/14/2021 11:05 |
178 | B - GCD Length | PyPy 3 | constructive algorithms math number theory *1100 |
Apr/12/2021 21:18 |
177 | C - Yet Another Card Deck | PyPy 3 | brute force data structures implementation trees *1100 |
Apr/12/2021 20:38 |
176 | A - Review Site | PyPy 3 | greedy *800 |
Apr/12/2021 20:09 |
175 | A - Array and Peaks | PyPy 3 | constructive algorithms implementation *800 |
Apr/12/2021 00:25 |
174 | D - Corrupted Array | PyPy 3 | constructive algorithms data structures greedy *1200 |
Apr/11/2021 00:02 |
173 | B - Almost Rectangle | PyPy 3 | implementation *800 |
Apr/10/2021 20:32 |
172 | A - Spy Detected! | PyPy 3 | brute force implementation *800 |
Apr/10/2021 20:07 |
171 | B - Random Teams | PyPy 3 | combinatorics constructive algorithms greedy math *1300 |
Apr/10/2021 19:18 |
170 | C - Team | PyPy 3 | constructive algorithms greedy implementation *1400 |
Apr/09/2021 01:26 |
169 | B - Nick and Array | PyPy 3 | greedy implementation *1500 |
Apr/08/2021 23:26 |
168 | C - Equalize | PyPy 3 | dp greedy strings *1300 |
Apr/08/2021 02:06 |
167 | A - Sum of Odd Integers | PyPy 3 | math *1100 |
Apr/07/2021 00:54 |
166 | D - Make a Permutation! | PyPy 3 | greedy implementation math *1500 |
Apr/06/2021 12:59 |
165 | A - Reorder the Array | Python 3 | combinatorics data structures math sortings two pointers *1300 |
Apr/05/2021 20:56 |
164 | B - Pair of Toys | PyPy 3 | math *1000 |
Apr/05/2021 10:59 |
163 | C - Balance the Bits | Python 3 | brute force constructive algorithms greedy *1600 |
Apr/04/2021 12:25 |
162 | B - Flip the Bits | PyPy 3 | constructive algorithms greedy implementation math *1200 |
Apr/04/2021 00:51 |
161 | A - Déjà Vu | PyPy 3 | constructive algorithms strings *800 |
Apr/04/2021 00:51 |
160 | A - IQ test | PyPy 3 | brute force *1300 |
Apr/02/2021 02:21 |
159 | B - BerSU Ball | PyPy 3 | dfs and similar dp graph matchings greedy sortings two pointers *1200 |
Apr/02/2021 02:14 |
158 | B - Vanya and Lanterns | PyPy 3 | binary search implementation math sortings *1200 |
Apr/02/2021 02:04 |
157 | B - A and B and Compilation Errors | PyPy 3 | data structures implementation sortings *1100 |
Apr/02/2021 01:42 |
156 | A - Fancy Fence | PyPy 3 | geometry implementation math *1100 |
Apr/02/2021 01:31 |
155 | A - GCD Sum | PyPy 3 | brute force math *800 |
Mar/29/2021 23:45 |
154 | B - Interesting drink | PyPy 3 | binary search dp implementation *1100 |
Mar/28/2021 02:11 |
153 | E - Restoring the Permutation | PyPy 3 | constructive algorithms implementation *1500 |
Mar/28/2021 01:43 |
152 | C - Double-ended Strings | PyPy 3 | brute force implementation strings *1000 |
Mar/26/2021 00:21 |
151 | B - Partial Replacement | PyPy 3 | greedy implementation *1100 |
Mar/25/2021 22:43 |
150 | A - Strange Table | PyPy 3 | math *800 |
Mar/25/2021 20:22 |
149 | C - Little Girl and Maximum Sum | PyPy 3 | data structures greedy implementation sortings *1500 |
Mar/25/2021 00:54 |
148 | B - Equal Rectangles | PyPy 3 | greedy math *1200 |
Mar/25/2021 00:20 |
147 | C - Eugene and an array | PyPy 3 | binary search data structures implementation two pointers *1700 |
Mar/24/2021 19:24 |
146 | B - Kind Anton | Python 3 | greedy implementation *1100 |
Mar/24/2021 02:29 |
145 | A - Little Artem | Python 3 | constructive algorithms *1000 |
Mar/24/2021 02:19 |
144 | C - Basic Diplomacy | Python 3 | combinatorics flows greedy implementation *1600 |
Mar/24/2021 00:12 |
143 | E1 - Square-free division (easy version) | PyPy 3 | data structures dp greedy math number theory two pointers *1700 |
Mar/19/2021 23:41 |
142 | C - Minimum Grid Path | PyPy 3 | brute force data structures greedy math *1500 |
Mar/18/2021 21:22 |
141 | B - Binary Removals | PyPy 3 | brute force dp greedy implementation *1000 |
Mar/18/2021 21:01 |
140 | A - Domino on Windowsill | PyPy 3 | combinatorics constructive algorithms math *800 |
Mar/18/2021 20:32 |
139 | C2 - k-LCM (hard version) | PyPy 3 | constructive algorithms math *1600 |
Mar/18/2021 09:19 |
138 | C1 - k-LCM (easy version) | PyPy 3 | constructive algorithms math *1200 |
Mar/17/2021 21:17 |
137 | B - M-arrays | PyPy 3 | constructive algorithms greedy math *1200 |
Mar/17/2021 20:45 |
136 | A - Meximization | PyPy 3 | brute force data structures greedy sortings *800 |
Mar/17/2021 20:21 |
135 | B - Fedor and New Game | PyPy 3 | bitmasks brute force constructive algorithms implementation *1100 |
Mar/17/2021 18:32 |
134 | A - Lucky Division | PyPy 3 | brute force number theory *1000 |
Mar/16/2021 22:40 |
133 | A - Twins | PyPy 3 | greedy sortings *900 |
Mar/16/2021 22:30 |
132 | B - Reach Median | PyPy 3 | greedy *1300 |
Mar/15/2021 01:16 |
131 | B - Napoleon Cake | PyPy 3 | dp implementation sortings *900 |
Mar/14/2021 01:46 |
130 | A - Alexey and Train | PyPy 3 | implementation *800 |
Mar/13/2021 23:09 |
129 | C - Diamond Miner | PyPy 3 | geometry greedy sortings *1200 |
Mar/11/2021 02:16 |
128 | A - Split it! | PyPy 3 | brute force constructive algorithms greedy strings *900 |
Mar/10/2021 20:21 |
127 | B - Max and Mex | PyPy 3 | math *1100 |
Mar/10/2021 20:18 |
126 | A - New Year Candles | Python 3 | implementation *1000 |
Mar/09/2021 19:10 |
125 | B - Xenia and Ringroad | Python 3 | implementation *1000 |
Mar/09/2021 18:38 |
124 | A - Dragons | Python 3 | greedy sortings *1000 |
Mar/09/2021 01:56 |
123 | A - Expression | Python 3 | brute force math *1000 |
Mar/09/2021 01:44 |
122 | A - Chat room | Python 3 | greedy strings *1000 |
Mar/09/2021 01:16 |
121 | B - Two Arrays | Python 3 | greedy math sortings *1100 |
Mar/09/2021 01:05 |
120 | A - Marketing Scheme | Python 3 | brute force constructive algorithms greedy math *800 |
Mar/06/2021 18:55 |
119 | A - Tokitsukaze and Enhancement | Python 3 | brute force *800 |
Mar/06/2021 18:49 |
118 | A - K-Periodic Array | Python 3 | greedy implementation math *1000 |
Mar/04/2021 22:11 |
117 | A - Buying Torches | PyPy 3 | math *1000 |
Feb/24/2021 20:06 |
116 | B - Stairs | PyPy 3 | brute force constructive algorithms greedy implementation math *1200 |
Feb/24/2021 18:58 |
115 | B - Card Deck | PyPy 3 | data structures greedy math *1100 |
Feb/23/2021 22:15 |
114 | A - Three swimmers | PyPy 3 | math *800 |
Feb/23/2021 20:18 |
113 | D1 - Sage's Birthday (easy version) | PyPy 3 | binary search constructive algorithms greedy sortings *1000 |
Feb/23/2021 02:28 |
112 | B - Rock and Lever | PyPy 3 | bitmasks math *1200 |
Feb/22/2021 23:17 |
111 | B - Putting Bricks in the Wall | PyPy 3 | constructive algorithms implementation *1100 |
Feb/22/2021 21:47 |
110 | C - Increase and Copy | PyPy 3 | binary search constructive algorithms math *1100 |
Feb/22/2021 02:40 |
109 | C - ABBB | Python 3 | brute force data structures greedy strings *1100 |
Feb/22/2021 01:25 |
108 | C - Numbers on Whiteboard | Python 3 | constructive algorithms data structures greedy implementation math *1000 |
Feb/21/2021 22:40 |
107 | B - Balls of Steel | Python 3 | brute force geometry greedy *1000 |
Feb/21/2021 22:07 |
106 | A - Dungeon | Python 3 | binary search math *1100 |
Feb/21/2021 22:05 |
105 | A - Two Regular Polygons | Python 3 | geometry greedy math number theory *800 |
Feb/21/2021 22:01 |
104 | A - EhAb AnD gCd | Python 3 | constructive algorithms greedy number theory *800 |
Feb/21/2021 22:01 |
103 | B - Numbers Box | PyPy 3 | greedy math *1000 |
Feb/19/2021 19:15 |
102 | A - Lights Out | PyPy 3 | implementation *900 |
Feb/19/2021 13:02 |
101 | A - Beautiful Year | PyPy 3 | brute force *800 |
Feb/19/2021 12:30 |
100 | A - Regular Bracket Sequence | PyPy 3 | constructive algorithms greedy *1000 |
Feb/19/2021 02:44 |
99 | B - Red and Blue | PyPy 3 | dp greedy *1000 |
Feb/19/2021 01:49 |
98 | B - Eastern Exhibition | PyPy 3 | binary search geometry shortest paths sortings *1500 |
Feb/19/2021 00:02 |
97 | A - Shifting Stacks | PyPy 3 | greedy implementation *900 |
Feb/18/2021 20:31 |
96 | C - Yet Another Array Restoration | PyPy 3 | brute force math number theory *1200 |
Feb/18/2021 15:30 |
95 | B - String LCM | PyPy 3 | brute force math number theory strings *1000 |
Feb/18/2021 11:55 |
94 | E - Accidental Victory | PyPy 3 | binary search data structures greedy *1400 |
Feb/17/2021 12:50 |
93 | F - Equalize the Array | PyPy 3 | binary search data structures greedy math sortings *1500 |
Feb/17/2021 03:57 |
92 | C - Sum of Cubes | PyPy 3 | binary search brute force brute force math *1100 |
Feb/17/2021 01:23 |
91 | B - Balanced Remainders | PyPy 3 | brute force constructive algorithms math *1000 |
Feb/16/2021 20:29 |
90 | A - Dense Array | PyPy 3 | greedy math *800 |
Feb/16/2021 20:15 |
89 | C - Pluses and Minuses | Python 3 | math *1300 |
Feb/15/2021 18:38 |
88 | C - Element Extermination | Python 3 | constructive algorithms data structures greedy *1400 |
Feb/15/2021 02:32 |
87 | B - Universal Solution | Python 3 | greedy *1400 |
Feb/14/2021 22:34 |
86 | C - Create The Teams | Python 3 | brute force dp greedy implementation sortings *1400 |
Feb/14/2021 17:32 |
85 | A1 - Prefix Flip (Easy Version) | Python 3 | constructive algorithms data structures strings *1300 |
Feb/14/2021 17:00 |
84 | B - Applejack and Storages | Python 3 | constructive algorithms data structures greedy implementation *1400 |
Feb/14/2021 15:27 |
83 | C - Mere Array | PyPy 3 | constructive algorithms math number theory sortings *1300 |
Feb/14/2021 01:57 |
82 | B - Big Vova | PyPy 3 | brute force greedy math number theory *1300 |
Feb/14/2021 00:20 |
81 | B - Negative Prefixes | PyPy 3 | greedy sortings *1300 |
Feb/13/2021 17:51 |
80 | H - Huge Boxes of Animal Toys | PyPy 3 | constructive algorithms *1300 |
Feb/13/2021 15:05 |
79 | B - Replace and Keep Sorted | PyPy 3 | dp implementation math *1200 |
Feb/13/2021 14:34 |
78 | A - Add and Divide | Python 3 | brute force greedy math number theory *1000 |
Feb/13/2021 01:42 |
77 | C - Palindromifier | Python 3 | constructive algorithms strings *1400 |
Feb/12/2021 19:51 |
76 | B - Nice Matrix | Python 3 | greedy implementation math *1300 |
Feb/12/2021 18:41 |
75 | G - Years | Python 3 | data structures sortings *1300 |
Feb/12/2021 17:25 |
74 | B - Polycarp and the Language of Gods | Kotlin | *special problem implementation two pointers *1400 |
Feb/11/2021 19:05 |
73 | E - Two Round Dances | PyPy 3 | combinatorics math *1300 |
Feb/11/2021 18:07 |
72 | B - Saving the City | PyPy 3 | dp greedy math sortings *1300 |
Feb/11/2021 02:19 |
71 | B - Suffix Operations | PyPy 3 | constructive algorithms implementation *1400 |
Feb/10/2021 19:36 |
70 | C - The Delivery Dilemma | PyPy 3 | binary search greedy sortings *1400 |
Feb/10/2021 18:27 |
69 | D - Add to Neighbour and Remove | PyPy 3 | greedy math number theory *1400 |
Feb/10/2021 01:58 |
68 | B - Find The Array | Python 3 | bitmasks constructive algorithms greedy *1400 |
Feb/09/2021 19:38 |
67 | C - Dima and Staircase | PyPy 3 | data structures implementation *1500 |
Feb/09/2021 01:43 |
66 | A - Plug-in | PyPy 3 | implementation *1400 |
Feb/09/2021 00:44 |
65 | B - The Great Hero | PyPy 3 | greedy implementation sortings *900 |
Feb/08/2021 10:17 |
64 | C - Fence Painting | Python 3 | brute force constructive algorithms greedy *1600 |
Feb/06/2021 21:13 |
63 | B - New Colony | Python 3 | brute force greedy implementation *1100 |
Feb/05/2021 23:40 |
62 | C - Homework | Python 3 | greedy *1200 |
Feb/05/2021 00:39 |
61 | B - Sum of Digits | Python 3 | implementation *1000 |
Feb/04/2021 23:05 |
60 | B - Caisa and Pylons | PyPy 3 | brute force implementation math *1100 |
Feb/04/2021 17:57 |
59 | A - Jeff and Digits | PyPy 3 | brute force implementation math *1000 |
Feb/03/2021 19:17 |
58 | A - Arrival of the General | PyPy 3 | implementation *800 |
Feb/03/2021 18:45 |
57 | B - Burglar and Matches | PyPy 3 | greedy implementation sortings *900 |
Feb/03/2021 18:32 |
56 | B - Bear and Finding Criminals | PyPy 3 | constructive algorithms implementation *1000 |
Feb/03/2021 15:13 |
55 | B - Petya and Countryside | PyPy 3 | brute force implementation *1100 |
Feb/03/2021 13:03 |
54 | B - Inflation | PyPy 3 | binary search brute force greedy math *1300 |
Jan/30/2021 04:02 |
53 | A - K-divisible Sum | PyPy 3 | binary search constructive algorithms greedy math *1000 |
Jan/30/2021 02:54 |
52 | B - Nezzar and Lucky Number | PyPy 3 | brute force dp greedy math *1100 |
Jan/29/2021 02:40 |
51 | C - Ball in Berland | PyPy 3 | combinatorics graphs math *1400 |
Jan/26/2021 02:01 |
50 | B - New Year's Number | Python 3 | brute force dp math *900 |
Jan/25/2021 21:18 |
49 | A - Odd Divisor | Python 3 | math number theory *900 |
Jan/25/2021 20:33 |
48 | A - Wizard of Orz | Python 3 | constructive algorithms greedy math *900 |
Jan/08/2021 20:50 |
47 | C - Strange Birthday Party | PyPy 3 | brute force greedy sortings *1300 |
Jan/07/2021 00:05 |
46 | B - Strange List | PyPy 3 | brute force greedy implementation math *1100 |
Jan/07/2021 00:04 |
45 | A - Strange Partition | Python 3 | greedy math number theory *900 |
Jan/05/2021 20:13 |
44 | B - Fair Division | Python 3 | dp greedy math *800 |
Jan/05/2021 00:46 |
43 | C - Long Jumps | Python 3 | dp graphs *1100 |
Jan/04/2021 20:52 |
42 | A - Cards for Friends | Python 3 | greedy math *800 |
Jan/04/2021 20:46 |
41 | B - Tavas and SaDDas | Python 3 | bitmasks brute force combinatorics implementation *1100 |
Jan/04/2021 00:32 |
40 | C - Canine poetry | Python 3 | dp greedy strings *1300 |
Dec/30/2020 22:32 |
39 | D - 13th Labour of Heracles | Python 3 | data structures greedy sortings trees *1500 |
Dec/30/2020 21:33 |
38 | B - Last minute enhancements | Python 3 | dp greedy *800 |
Dec/30/2020 20:37 |
37 | A - Bovine Dilemma | Python 3 | brute force geometry math *800 |
Dec/30/2020 20:28 |
36 | A - Jzzhu and Children | Python 3 | implementation *1000 |
Dec/24/2020 23:38 |
35 | A - Dima and Friends | Python 3 | implementation math *1000 |
Dec/24/2020 23:09 |
34 | B - Effective Approach | Python 3 | implementation *1100 |
Dec/24/2020 22:54 |
33 | B - Borze | Python 3 | expression parsing implementation *800 |
Dec/24/2020 22:38 |
32 | B - Queue at the School | Python 3 | constructive algorithms graph matchings implementation shortest paths *800 |
Dec/24/2020 22:35 |
31 | A - Young Physicist | Python 3 | implementation math *1000 |
Dec/24/2020 22:28 |
30 | B - Find the Spruce | Python 3 | brute force dp implementation *1400 |
Dec/15/2020 10:58 |
29 | C - Random Events | Python 3 | dp math probabilities *1500 |
Dec/14/2020 22:54 |
28 | A - String Generation | Python 3 | constructive algorithms greedy *800 |
Dec/11/2020 23:04 |
27 | C - Powers Of Two | Python 3 | bitmasks greedy *1400 |
Dec/06/2020 02:52 |
26 | B - Array Stabilization | Python 3 | implementation *900 |
Dec/06/2020 01:25 |
25 | A - Cancel the Trains | Python 3 | implementation *800 |
Dec/04/2020 18:46 |
24 | A - Cheap Travel | Python 3 | implementation *1200 |
Dec/04/2020 01:31 |
23 | C - Dominant Piranha | Python 3 | constructive algorithms greedy *900 |
Dec/04/2020 00:14 |
22 | B - Yet Another Bookshelf | Python 3 | greedy implementation *800 |
Dec/03/2020 23:14 |
21 | B - Valerii Against Everyone | Python 3 | constructive algorithms data structures greedy sortings *1000 |
Dec/03/2020 14:43 |
20 | A - Specific Tastes of Andre | Python 3 | constructive algorithms implementation *800 |
Dec/03/2020 14:27 |
19 | B - Present from Lena | Python 3 | constructive algorithms implementation *1000 |
Dec/03/2020 14:23 |
18 | A - String Task | Python 3 | implementation strings *1000 |
Dec/03/2020 13:11 |
17 | A - LCM Problem | Python 3 | constructive algorithms greedy math number theory *800 |
Dec/02/2020 03:06 |
16 | D - Sequence and Swaps | Python 3 | dp greedy sortings *1600 |
Dec/01/2020 03:31 |
15 | C - Ping-pong | Python 3 | constructive algorithms games math *1100 |
Nov/30/2020 22:16 |
14 | B - Jumps | Python 3 | constructive algorithms math *1200 |
Nov/30/2020 21:36 |
13 | A - Strange Functions | Python 3 | math number theory *800 |
Nov/30/2020 20:12 |
12 | A - Boring Apartments | Python 3 | implementation math *800 |
Nov/30/2020 19:39 |
11 | A - Game 23 | Python 3 | implementation math *1000 |
Nov/30/2020 02:39 |
10 | A - cAPS lOCK | Python 3 | implementation strings *1000 |
Nov/30/2020 01:23 |
9 | A - Theatre Square | Python 3 | math *1000 |
Nov/30/2020 00:47 |
8 | A - An abandoned sentiment from past | Python 3 | constructive algorithms greedy implementation sortings *900 |
Nov/29/2020 23:54 |
7 | C - Bouncing Ball | Python 3 | dp implementation *1400 |
Nov/29/2020 21:14 |
6 | B - Repainting Street | Python 3 | brute force greedy *1100 |
Nov/29/2020 13:18 |
5 | A - Prison Break | Python 3 | brute force math *800 |
Nov/29/2020 13:08 |
4 | C - String Equality | GNU C++17 (64) | dp greedy hashing implementation strings *1400 |
Nov/28/2020 18:35 |
3 | A - Word Capitalization | Python 3 | implementation strings *800 |
Nov/28/2020 00:58 |
2 | A - Beautiful Matrix | Python 3 | implementation *800 |
Nov/28/2020 00:54 |
1 | A - Petya and Strings | Python 3 | implementation strings *800 |
Nov/28/2020 00:08 |