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Kubeflow Summit, October 29 Day 2 Agenda

Thea Lamkin edited this page Oct 28, 2019 · 14 revisions

Kubeflow Contributor Summit

Tuesday, October 29


Join us for Day 2 of the Kubeflow Summit, focused on Kubeflow's Contributor community. We'll have the opportunity to hear about the latest project updates (contributor experience, 1.0 workstreams, etc) from project maintainers and meet with Kubeflow's SIGs and Working Groups to plan for 2020. We'll end the day with special topics discussions around 1.0 preparation, security, and data science experience.

We'll be in the same venue as Day 1:

Google Building MP1, 1155 Borregas Ave, Sunnyvale, CA 94089


Time (PT) Activity Details
9.30am State of the Project
0.7 Release & 1.0 Roadmap Jeremy Lewi (Google)
User Survey Results & Issue Triage Josh Bottum (Arrikto)
& Elvira Dzhuraeva (Cisco)
Contributing to Kubeflow Thea Lamkin (Google)
Update from the Technical Advisory Council Debo Dutta (Cisco)
10.30am Working Group & SIG Discussions
Discussions held concurrently.
KF Serving
Product Management
12.15pm Group Presentations Quick presentations of discussions.
12.30pm LUNCH
1.30pm Working Group & SIG Discussions Discussions held concurrently.
2.45pm Group Presentations
Quick presentations of discussions.
3.00pm BREAK Coffee & Snacks
3.30pm Special Topics Discussions Discussions held concurrently.
Kubeflow 1.0 & Enterprise Readiness
Discussion and planning around preparing
Kubeflow components for 1.0 and production-readiness.
Security & Auth How can we provide better documentation
and functionality for using Kubeflow in
environments with high regulatory &
compliance requirements?
Data Science UX
What can we do to improve the data science experience on Kubeflow, natively or through better integrations with data science tools?
Cloud Integrations
What documentation and integrations are needed to make
sure Kubeflow runs well in every cloud?
Diversity How do we encourage more diversity in our contributor
and user communities?
5.00pm Group Presentations Quick presentations of discussions.
5.20pm Closing Comments Thea Lamkin & Jeremy Lewi (Google)