functionality for treating guarded pattern
functionality for treating guarded pattern
functionality for treating record pattern
functionality for treating record pattern
test code for EnhancedFor with Record was added
test code for EnhancedFor with Record was added
log instruments were commented out
log instruments were commented out
use goooler.shadow instead of johnrengelman.shadow
use goooler.shadow instead of johnrengelman.shadow
prepared for String Template, but this feature is still preview at jdk21
prepared for String Template, but this feature is still preview at jdk21
bug fix for record treatment
bug fix for record treatment
add executor, but still doesn't work
add executor, but still doesn't work
add methods for new program elements
add methods for new program elements
jgit and jdt was upgraded to the latest version
jgit and jdt was upgraded to the latest version
modification to treat switch statements
modification to treat switch statements