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213 lines (151 loc) · 9.34 KB

Reproducibility Instructions

The following instructions are for reproducing the experiments we presented in our recent VLDB paper:

Beyond Macrobenchmarks: Microbenchmark-based Graph Database Evaluation. by Lissandrini, Matteo; Brugnara, Martin; and Velegrakis, Yannis. In PVLDB, 12(4):390-403, 2018.

To reproduce and extend the experiments you should clone the branch master on the Github repository at the vldb19 tag as follows

git clone --branch vldb19 --depth 1

The repository contains all code, instructions, and queries. Data should be downloaded separately as explained below.


The experiments run on a single large machine. To reproduce the experiments the suggested setup is:

  • Software:

    • A GNU/Linux distribution (with git, bash, make, and wget)
    • Python 2, pip, and virtualenv
    • Docker
    • A valid licence for Sparksee (Academic licences are available from the vendor)
  • Hardware used in the experiments (and minimum required):

    • RAM: 128 GB (minimum 64GB)
    • CPU: 24 cores (minimum 8)
    • Disk space: ~500GB free

Getting the data

We provide a copy of all our datasets in a single archive and on a mirror on Drive

You can download, unpack it in the folder runtime/data, and check the integrity with the following commands:

mkdir -p runtime/data
cd runtime/data


md5sum -c GraphDatabaseComparison_LissandriniBV_VLDB19.tar.gz.md5
sha1sum -c GraphDatabaseComparison_LissandriniBV_VLDB19.tar.gz.sha1

tar -xzf GraphDatabaseComparison_LissandriniBV_VLDB19.tar.gz
md5sum -c md5.txt
cd ../../

Software Setup

  1. Build the databases images

    cd images && make vldb19
  2. Install the python dependencies

    virtualenv -p python2 .venv
    source .venv/bin/activate
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Sparksee would require a valid license, as our graphs exceeds the limits of the free license. You can get it for free for research purposes on the product website. Then run the following:

    echo "sparksee.license=$LICENSE" >> runtime/confs/sparksee.cfg
  4. If you want to disable/enable systems, change JVM options, or other configurations, you can edit the main benchmark invocation script. Most options have been adjusted following the vendors' suggestions



All the experiments described in the paper will be executed by the provided script


The script will run all queries for each system in all the version supported on all the datasets. Queries that accept different seeds (e.g., find node by ID) will be instantiated automatically multiple times (e.g., with different node IDs). Each query instance will be run multiple times (the parameter is configurable as well), e.g., for a query to retrieve nodes by ID, the framework will select 10 different IDs and each instance will be tested 3 times for a total of 30 separate runs. This will result in some hundreds of queries run for each system. This entire process can take days or weeks!

You may want to exclude some datasets or some queries (or some systems). Specific configuration of queries and datasets are listed in the settings directory. You can comment out datasets/queries to be skipped in the respective JSON files. Yet, do not comment out queries for index creation unless you plan to not run indexed queries at all (in which case it is possible to comment out the respective steps in the script). If an entire system should be skipped, then the corresponding fragment should be commented out in the preamble of the script.

With default configuration, for each system, the experiments will run (i) micro-benchmark queries without indexes,(ii) will create images with indexes for the macro benchmark and (iv) run the macro benchmark test on those, (v) create indexes for the micro-benchmark queries and (vi) run the micro-benchmark queries on those images.

Note 1: the commands to create images with indexes (steps ii. and v. ) have no timeout set and can take many hours.

Note 2: Not all systems support indexes


The queries tested in the paper and corresponding files are listed below.

Load and Insert

#Q Query File name
1 Load Dataset loader.groovy
2 New Node insert-node.groovy
3 New Edge insert-edge.groovy
4 New Edge with properties insert-edge-with-property.groovy
5 New Node property insert-node-property.groovy
6 New Edge property insert-edge-property.groovy
7 New Node+Edges insert-node-with-edges.groovy


#Q Query File name
8 Count Nodes count-nodes.groovy
9 Count Edges count-edges.groovy
10 Count distinct Edge Labels find-unique-labels.groovy
11 Search nodes by property node-property-search.groovy
12 Search edges by property edge-specific-property-search.groovy
13 Search edges by label label-search.groovy
14 Search node by ID id-search-node.groovy
15 Search edge by ID id-search-edge.groovy


#Q Query File name
16 Update Node property update-node-property.groovy
17 Update Edge property update-edge-property.groovy


#Q Query File name
18 Delete Node delete-nodes.groovy
19 Delete Edge delete-edges.groovy
20 Remove property from Node delete-node-property.groovy
21 Remove property from Edge delete-edge-property.groovy

Graph Traversals

#Q Query File name
22 Get incoming edges of given Node NN-incoming.groovy
23 Get outgoing edges of given Node NN-outgoing.groovy
24 Get all edges (in+out) filtered by label of given Node NN-both-filtered.groovy
25 Get edge labels of incoming edges for given Node NN-incoming-unique-label.groovy
26 Get edge labels of outgoing edges for given Node NN-outgoing-unique-label.groovy
27 Get edge labels of all edges (in+out) for given Node NN-both-unique-label.groovy
28 Get nodes with out-degree >=k k-degree-in.groovy
29 Get nodes with in-degree >=k k-degree-out.groovy
30 Get nodes with degree >=k (in+out) k-degree-both.groovy
31 All nodes with at least 1 incoming edge find-non-root-nodes.groovy
32 BFS from given Node BFS.groovy
33 BFS from given Node restricted to set of labels BFS-labelled.groovy
34 Unweighted shorted path shortest-path.groovy
35 Unweighted shorted path restricted to set of labels shortest-path-labelled.groovy

Outputs and statistics

All tests will produce .csv files plus some log files.

To extract statistical information regarding dataset and images size data, use the following command

# Dataset size on disk
du -s runtime/data/*.json2 | sed 's@runtime/data/@@' | sed 's@\.json2$@@' | sort -n > notebooks/datasets.tsv
docker images --format "{{.Repository}},{{.Size}}" | grep 'gremlin-' | grep 'json2,' | sed 's@dbtrento/@@' > notebooks/images.csv
docker images --format "{{.Repository}},{{.Size}}" | grep 'gremlin-' | grep -v '_' | sed 's@dbtrento/@@' >> notebooks/images.csv 

The resulting files will be then processed by the provided python notebook used to produce charts.

Process Data

The provided jupyter notebook will run inside a Docker container. Start and play the notebook to process the result and produce the charts as described below.

docker run --rm -d -v "$(pwd)/notebooks":/home/jovyan/work -v "$(pwd)/collected/RESULTS":/results -p8888:8888 jupyter/scipy-notebook --NotebookApp.token=""

PAGE=$(ip route | grep default | awk -F' ' '{print "http://" $3 ":8888/tree/work/"}')
LAUNCHER=$(which xdg-open 2>/dev/null || which open)
$LAUNCHER $PAGE || echo "Please visit: $PAGE"

The notebook contains code to normalize, label, and aggregate the data. The main data-points processed represent running-times for each query or group of queries.