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Statistical Rethinking 2024 Resources

This is a list of resources that have been mentioned during the Statistical Rethinking course in places such as the online discussion, Discord chat, lectures, etc



Name/Link Description
Bayesian Workflow (Gelman et al 2020) 100p paper on Bayesian workflow, Gelman is also working on a book version of this
Telling Stories with Data (Alexander) post-stratification with code included, but also generally about statistical communication, programming, and modeling
Regression and Other Stories (Gelman, Hill, Vehtari 2020) Site has a link to pdf of book
Active Statistics (Gelman, Vehtari 2024) Book designed to accompany Regression and Other Stories, hundreds of stories, activities, and discussion problems on applied statistics and causal inference
Towards A Principled Bayesian Workflow (Betancourt 2020)
Bayesian Statistics without Frequentist Language (McElreath, 2017) Building a model slowly over time and then adding complexity


Name/Link Description
What Is Your Estimand? Defining the Target Quantity Connects Statistical Evidence to Theory (Lundberg, Johnson, Stewart 2021) Every quantitative study must be able to answer the question: what is your estimand?
Modeling Social Behavior: Mathematical and Agent-Based Models of Social Dynamics and Cultural Evolution (Smaldino 2023) (worldcat) How to build agent based models and interrogate them, former McElreath student
Models of Social Dynamics Intro lecture series on agent based modeling by by Paul Smaldino

Reporting Results

Name/Link Description
Hypothetical Outcome Plots Outperform Error Bars and Violin Plots for Inferences About Reliability of Variable Ordering (Hullman, Resnick, Adar 2015) 2023 Lecture 20 (slides)
How Charts Lie: Getting Smarter About Visual Information by Alberto Cairo 2023 Lecture 20 (slides)

Applied Examples

Name/Link Description
Ordinal Regression Models in Psychology: A Tutorial (Burkner, Vuorre 2019) Applied ordered categorical outcome model, general intro with practical example
Estimating Monotonic Effects with brms (Burkner 2023) Applied ordered categorical predictor model
Parkinson’s Disease Patients Treated by Subthalamic Deep Brain Stimulation (Jech et al 2019) Applied ordered categorical outcome model in clinical neuroscience, a first attempt, authors would do things differently now
Analysis of pain-intensity measurements (Skovlund, Breivik 2016) Modeling visual analog scores
A Probability Model for Golf Putting (Gelman, 2002) and Model building and expansion for golf putting (Gelman 2022) Example of getting away from interpreting coefficients
Multilevel Regression and Poststratification Case Studies post-stratification case studies
Perfect Counterfactuals for Epidemic Simulations (Kaminsky, Keegan, Metcalf, Lessler 2019)
High rate of extrapair paternity in a human population demonstrates diversity in human reproductive strategies (Scelza et al 2020) 2023 Lecture 17 (slides)

Causal Inference and DAGs

Name/Link Description
A Crash Course in Good and Bad Controls (Cineli, Forney, Pearl 2021) Lecture 6 - Good and Bad Controls (43:55)
The Book of Why: The New Science of Cause and Effect (Pearl, Mackenzie 2018) 2023 Lecture 06 (slides)
Causal Inference in Statistics: A Primer (Pearl 2016) Causal inference primer by Judea Pearl, recommended next reading after Rethinking course for more causal inference
Causal foundations of bias, disparity and fairness (Traag, Waltman 2022) 2023 Lecture 09 (slides) and 2023 Lecture 10 (slides)
ggdag R package A tidyverse extension of the dagitty R package
A Causal Framework for Cross-Cultural Generalizability (Deffner, Rohrer, McElreath 2022) Selection bias represented by DAGs
Graphical Causal Models for Survey Inference (Schuessler, Selb 2021) sampling (survey non-response) bias and post-stratification
Bayesian Networks (Scutari, Denis 2021) About Bayesian network learning, but also has other ways to draw DAGs
TikZ latex package Latex package used for drawing DAGs, can export to pdf
Causal Inference: What If (Hernan, Robins 2020) online book with printed version pending
Probabilistic Graphical Models course by Daphne Koller (Stanford) Plate notation pops up in Bayesian statistics but never really explained. It's another version of DAGs. This course does go into it
Probabilistic Graphical Models Specialization in Coursera by Daphne Koller Plate notation pops up in Bayesian statistics but never really explained. It's another version of DAGs. This course does go into it

MCMC (Markov chain Monte Carlo)

Name/Link Description
MCMC Interactive Gallery Visualization of Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC)
Bulk effective sample size (bulk-ESS) ess_bulk as a new diagnostic replacing n_eff

Model Comparison and Selection

Name/Link Description
Nabiximols treatment efficiency - Improved LOO computation (Vehtari 2024) Example of model comparison using non-ideal models. Generally, comparisons using models with known flaws useful for incremental model development, exploring what other models to try, and informative in and of itself
Projective inference in high-dimensional problems: Prediction and feature selection (Piironen, Paasiniemi, Vehtari 2020) Procedure fitting a reference model and comparing with simpler models via algorithm that is less computationally intensive than refitting every model. Authors have a related projpred R package

Myths and Bad Habits

Name/Link Description
What's Wrong with Change In General? Explanation of why in general change scores are a bad idea. A section of Biostatistics for Biomedical Research online book by Frank Harrell
Analyzing ordinal data with metric models: What could possibly go wrong? (Liddell, Kruschke 2018) dangers of analyzing ordinal data such as likert scales with a metric model
How conditioning on post-treatment variables can ruin your experiment and what to do about it (Montgomery, Nyhan, Torres 2018) Dangers of conditioning on post-treatment variables
Randomisation is not about balance, nor about homogeneity but about randomness blog post about what randomization is for
Seven myths of randomisation in clinical trials article by same author as above
Common Probability Problems Arise from Simple Invariances (Frank 2017) technical


Name/Link Description
Bayesian Inference without Probability Density Functions (Goodrich 2021) Framework for using priors created by eliciting quantiles from subject matter experts
Quantile Function Stan Code Using priors created by eliciting quantiles from subject matter experts, Ben Goodrich is someone that works on this
Hybrid elicitation and quantile-parametrized likelihood (Perepolkin, Goodrich, Sahlin 2023) Using priors created by eliciting quantiles from subject matter experts

Probability Theory

Name/Link Description
Probability Theory as Logic (Jaynes 1990) epistemological vs. ontological assumptions in statistics. Technical
Probability Theory: The Logic of Science (Jaynes 1995 posthumously?) epistemological vs. ontological assumptions in statistics. Technical, rough, and weird in places. First few chapters relevant
Jaynes bibliography with pdfs

Survival Analysis/Event History/Time Analysis

Name/Link Description
Applied Longitudinal Data Analysis by Singer and Willett Textbook with in-depth treatment but not a modern approach to estimation
Informed Bayesian Survival Analysis (Bartos, Aust, Haaf 2022) Relevant BMC Medical Research Methodology article
Hierarchical Bayesian continuous time dynamic modeling (Driver, Voelkle 2018) Continuous time dynamic model analysis approach
Hierarchical Continuous Time Dynamic Modelling for Psychology and the Social Sciences (Driver 2017) Dissertation by same author as above (may be easier for beginner to read than above article)

Tutorials and Guides

Name/Link Description
A guide to modeling proportions with Bayesian beta and zero-inflated beta regression models Tutorial on modeling outcomes that range from 0-1
Hierarchical Modeling (Betancourt, 2020) technical, more about the funnel problem and multilevel models, examples of when centered vs non-centered models are better
Complex models and reparameterization - Box 11.2 Cholesky factorization More in-depth explanation of how Cholesky factorization works
Entropy (for data science) Clearly Explained Information entropy derivation explained as surprise

Misc Specific Topics

Name/Link Description
Steve Frank papers He has papers on which generative models correspond to which probability distributions
Regression Modeling Strategies (Harrel 2015 and 2024) Chapter 2.4 tackles splines
Visualizing the differences between Bayesian posterior predictions, linear predictions, and the expectation of posterior predictions (Heiss, 2022)
Prediction can be safely used as a proxy for explanation in causally consistent Bayesian generalized linear models (Scholz, Burkner 2022) models under misspecification
White House "Nelson" memo future requirement that publications and research data arising from US federal funds be made publicly accessible immediately upon publication
Bayesian Data Analysis (Gelman, Vehtari, et al 2021) Gaussian processes don't scale well, so fast approximations are used. This book contains a derivation of approximations of Gaussian proccesses. Also has a birthday example of Gaussian processes
Bayesian workflow book - Birthdays (Vehtari 2020) Case study page for birthday example above
Deep Neural Networks as Gaussian Processes (Sohl-Dickstein et al 2017) link between Gaussian proesses and neural networks

Misc General

Name/Link Description
International Conference on Multilevel Analysis
Elements of Evolutionary Anthropology McElreath blog, "Occasional text on evolutionary anthropology, statistical inference, and the intersection of the two."
Stan forums Online community for applied statistical models