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File metadata and controls

345 lines (265 loc) · 21.9 KB

GKE Infra

This Terraform module provisions a regional Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) cluster, Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), and Subnet. Optionally, you can configure it to create a service account with limited permissions for the Kubernetes Nodes if no value is provided for the service_account. For details, see Use least privilege service accounts for your Nodes.

Use the following links to navigate through the document.


  1. Run terraform version to ensure your Terraform version is at least v0.12.
  2. Run the following command to ensure that your gcloud binary is configured and authenticated:
gcloud auth login

Alternatively, download your json keyfile from GCP using these steps and export the path in your environment by running:

  1. Define the Google project where you will deploy the cluster:
gcloud config set project PROJECT_ID
  1. Configure versioning and backend information in your file:

NOTE: These values must be hard-coded as they cannot be interpolated as variables by Terraform.

terraform {
  required_version = ">= 0.12"

  required_providers {
    google = ">= 2.3.0"
    google-beta = ">= 2.3.0"

  backend "gcs" {
    bucket = "<BUCKET_NAME>"
    region = "<REGION>"
    prefix = "<PATH>"
  1. Define the providers:

NOTE: The google-beta provider is required to enable features such as private and regional clusters. For details, see this documentation.

provider "google" {
  credentials = "${file("${var.credentials_file}")}"
  version     = "~> 2.7"
  region = "${var.region}"

provider "google-beta" {
  credentials = "${file("${var.credentials_file}")}"
  version     = "~> 2.7"
  region = "${var.region}"


Basic configuration

Have a look at the basic Terraform module configuration:

module "k8s" {
  source  = "git::"
  name    = "${var.cluster_name}"
  project = "${var.project}"
  region  = "${var.region}"
  private_nodes = true  # This will disable public IPs from the nodes

NOTE: You can configure all parameters. See variables for information on each configuration option.

Create a private cluster

By default, the basic module configuration creates a Private GKE Cluster where the Nodes do not have public IP addresses thanks to the )private_nodes variable. The module deploys a GCP Cloud NAT resource to enable public egress connectivity.

Use the cluster as a Terraform provider

In the same Terraform file, you can use the cluster created by this module by adding the following resources to your file:

# Pull Access Token from gcloud client config
# See:
data "google_client_config" "gcloud" {}

provider "kubernetes" {
  load_config_file        = false
  host                    = "${module.k8s.endpoint}"
  token                   = "${data.google_client_config.gcloud.access_token}"   # Use the token to authenticate to K8s
  cluster_ca_certificate  = "${base64decode(module.k8s.cluster_ca_certificate)}"

This uses your local gcloud config to get an access token for the cluster. You can then create Kubernetes resources, such as Namespaces, Deployments or Pods on the cluster from within the same Terraform plan.

Deploy custom Kubernetes resources

This GKE module exposes two variables that allow you to create and destroy custom Kubernetes resources in your GKE cluster:

  • k8s_resources_to_create
  • k8s_resources_to_destroy

These variables expect a list of base64-encoded manifests and will apply/destroy them respectively. You can use a setup like the following in your Terraform plan:

module "k8s" {
  k8s_resources_to_create = [

  k8s_resources_to_destroy = [ "${base64encode(file("manifest-3.yml"))}" ]

Upgrade a cluster

The GKE module exposes two variables to allow the separate upgrade of the Control Plane and Nodes.

Update kubernetes-version

NOTE: This value configures the version of the Control Plane. You must upgrade it first.

The updating operation takes about 15 minutes. Once it is done, re-run terraform plan to validate that Terraform does not need any further changes. If the node pools are configured for auto upgrade, GCP automatically upgrades the Nodes within the upcoming weeks to match the master version, so that you don't need to manually adjust the node_version.

Update node_version

Once the Control Plane has been updated, set this value to the master version as you see it in GCP. You need to explicitly state the full semantic version string for the Nodes, such as 1.11.5-gke.4. Providing only the main version, such as 1.11, will cause a permadiff in Terraform.

Finally, run terraform apply for GCP to update the nodes one at a time. This operation can take some time depending on the size of your node pool. If Terraform times out, wait for the operation to complete in GCP and rerun terraform plan and terraform apply to reconcile the state. If necessart, you can provide a timeout value higher than the default 30 minutes.


For details on variables, see the this file.

Required variables

Variable Description
cluster_name The name to use as a prefix for all the resources.
region The region that hosts the cluster. Each Node will be put in a different availability zone in the region for HA.

Optional variables

Variable Description Default
project The ID of the Google project to which the resource belongs. Value configured in gcloud client.
description A description to apply to all resources. Managed by Terraform
credentials_file_path Either the path to or the contents of a service account key file in JSON format. null
google_access_token A temporary OAuth 2.0 access token obtained from the Google Authorization server, i.e. the Authorization: Bearer token used to authenticate HTTP requests to GCP APIs. null
enable_legacy_kubeconfig Specifies whether to enable authentication using tokens/passwords/certificates or not. false
kubernetes_version Default Kubernetes version for the Control Plane. 1.15
private_nodes Specifies whether to create a private cluster or not. This will remove public IPs from your Nodes and create a NAT Gateway/CloudNAT to allow internet access. true
private_masters If true, the Kubernetes API endpoint will not be public. This is still work in progress. Do not use. false
gcloud_path The path to your gcloud client binary. gcloud
network_name The name of an already existing network, if you do not want a network to be created by this module. null
service_account The service account to be used by the Node VMs. If not specified, a service account will be created with minimum permissions. null
remove_default_node_pool Specifies whether or not to delete the default node pool on creation. true
cloud_nat Specifies whether or not to enable Cloud NAT. This is to retain compatability with clusters that use the old NAT Gateway module. true
nat_bgp_asn Local BGP Autonomous System Number (ASN) for the NAT router. 64514
prevent_destroy Specifies whether to prevent Terraform from destroying the GKE cluster or not. false
nat_ip_allocation Specifies how external IPs should be allocated for this NAT. Valid values are AUTO_ONLY or MANUAL_ONLY. Changing this forces creation of a new NAT. "MANUAL_ONLY"
nat_log_config Specifies the desired filtering of logs on this NAT. Valid values include: NONE, ALL, ERRORS_ONLY, TRANSLATIONS_ONLY. "NONE"
gsuite_security_group Used to grant cluster access to a GSuite group. null

Optional list variables

Variable Description Default
k8s_resources_to_create A list of Kubernetes resources to create. The module expects base64-encoded resources. []
k8s_resources_to_destroy A list of Kubernetes resources to destroy. The module expects base64-encoded resources. []
networks_that_can_access_k8s_api A list of networks that can access the Kubernetes API. By default allows Montreal, Munich, Gliwice offices as well as a few VPN networks. For details, see the variables file.
oauth_scopes The set of Google API scopes to be made available on all of the node VMs under the default service account. For details, see the variables file.
service_account_iam_roles A list of roles to apply to the service account if one is not provided. For details, see the variables file.
autoscaling_resource_limits Enables node pool autoprovisioning based on resource usage. Requires a list of resources and their min/max values. For details, see variables file.

Node pools variable

The node_pools optional list variable specifies the node pools along with their configurations to be provisioned for the GKE cluster.

By default (if the node_pools variable is not set by the user), a single node pool is provisioned with the same name as the cluster and the default configuration options listed below.

The configuration maps inside the node_pools list need to be defined in the following format:

Variable Description Default
auto_repair Specifies whether the nodes will be automatically repaired or not. true
auto_upgrade Specifies whether the nodes will be automatically upgraded or not. true
disk_size_gb Size of the disk attached to each node, specified in GB. 20
disk_type Type of the disk attached to each node. "pd-standard"
image_type The image type to use for each node. "COS"
initial_node_count The initial node count for the pool. Changing this will force recreation of the resource. 1
max_pods_per_node The maximum number of Pods per node in this node pool. 110
labels Kubernetes labels (key-value pairs) to be applied to each node. {}
local_ssd_count The amount of local SSD disks that will be attached to each cluster node. 0
machine_type The machine type (RAM, CPU, etc) to use for each node. "n1-standard-1"
max_node_count Maximum number of nodes to create in each zone. 3
metadata_concealment Specifies how to expose the Node metadata to the workload running on the Node. By default this is set to EXPOSE as the network policies block access to the metadata API by IP. EXPOSE
min_node_count Minimum number of Nodes to create in each zone. 1
name The name of to node pool. If unset, defaults to the cluster name. null
node_metadata Metadata key-value pairs assigned to nodes in the cluster. For details, see the variables file.
node_tags The list of instance tags applied to all nodes. If none are provided, the cluster name is used by default. []
node_version Default Kubernetes versions for the Nodes. null
preemptible Specifies whether or not to create cheaper nodes that last a maximum of 24 hours. false

Optional map variables

When defining maps (except k8s_options), use the following format for ALL values in each category (k8s_ip_ranges, k8s_options, deploy and so on):

k8s_ip_ranges = {
  master_cidr = ""
  pod_cidr    = ""
  svc_cidr    = ""
  node_cidr   = ""


A map of the various IP ranges to use for Kubernetes resources.

Variable Description Default
master_cidr Specifies a private RFC1918 block for the master's VPC.
pod_cidr The IP address range of the Kubernetes Pods in this cluster.
svc_cidr The IP address range of the Kubernetes services in this cluster.
node_cidr The IP address range of the Kubernetes Nodes in this cluster.


Options used to configure Kubernetes. These include features such as enabling the dashboard, network policies, monitoring and logging.

Variable Description Default
enable_binary_authorization If enabled, all container images will be validated by Google Binary Authorization. false
enable_cloudrun Specifies whether to enable the CloudRun addon or not. It requires Istio to also be enabled. Will force cluster recreation if turned on for an existing cluster. false
enable_dashboard Specifies whether to enable the Kubernetes dashboard or not. false
enable_hpa Specifies whether to enable the Horizontal Pod Autoscaling addon or not. true
enable_http_load_balancing Specifies whether to enable the HTTP (L7) load balancing controller addon or not. true
enable_intranode_visibility Specifies whether Intra-node visibility is enabled for this cluster or not. This makes same node pod to pod traffic visible for VPC network. false
enable_istio Specifies whether to enable Istio on the cluster or not. false
enable_network_policy Specifies whether to enable the network policy addon or not. If enabled, this will also install PSPs and a CronJob to the cluster. false
enable_pod_security_policy Specifies whether or not to enable the PodSecurityPolicy controller for this cluster. false
enable_vertical_pod_autoscaling Specifies whether or not to enable Vertical Pod Autoscaling, which automatically adjusts the resources of pods as needed. false
logging_service The logging service that the cluster should write logs to. "none"
monitoring_service The monitoring service that the cluster should write metrics to. "none"


Optional Kubernetes resources that can be deployed on the cluster after its creation.

Variable Description Default
network_policy Specifies whether or not to install a Network Policy to block access to the GCP Metadata API. false
pod_security_policy Specifies whether or not to install PSPs to block running containers as root and using host network. false


Extra options to configure Kubernetes. These are options that are unlikely to change from deployment to deployment.

Variable Description Default
enable_kubernetes_alpha Enables Kubernetes Alpha features for this cluster. false
maintenance_start_time Time window specified for daily maintenance operations. 01:00
issue_client_certificate Specifies whether client certificate authorization is enabled for this cluster or not. false
enable_tpu Specifies whether to enable Cloud TPU resources in this cluster or not. false


Configurable timeout values for the various cluster operations.

Variable Description Default
create_timeout The default timeout for a cluster create operation. 20m
update_timeout The default timeout for a cluster update operation. 360m
delete_timeout The default timeout for a cluster delete operation. 20m

Output Variables

Variable Description
cluster_name The name of the cluster created by this module.
kubeconfig A generated kubeconfig to authenticate with Kubernetes.
endpoint The API server's endpoint.
cluster_ca_certificate The CA certificate used to create the cluster.
client_certificate The client certificate to use for accessing the API (only valid if enable_legacy_kubeconfig is set to true).
client_key The client key to use for accessing the API (only valid if enable_legacy_kubeconfig is set to true).
network_name The name of the network created by this module. Useful for passing to other resources you want to create on the same VPC.
network_self_link The self_link of the network created by this module. Useful for passing to other resources you want to create on the same VPC.
subnet_name The name of the subnet created by this module. Useful for passing to other resources you want to create on the same subnet.
k8s_ip_ranges The ranges defined in the GKE cluster.
instace_urls The unique URLs of the Kubernetes Nodes in GCP.
service_account The email of the service account created by or supplied to this module.
service_account_key The key for the service account created by this module.
wait_for_resource_create A dummy output to use to ensure that all the k8s_resources_to_create have finished deploying.
wait_for_resource_create A dummy output to use to ensure that all the k8s_resources_to_destroy have finished destroying.

Further information