Telemetry Manager has been bootstrapped with Kubebuilder 3.6.0. To add more APIs, use Kubebuilder.
- Install kubebuilder 3.6.0, which is the base framework for Telemetry Manager. Required to add new APIs.
- Install Golang 1.20 or newer (for development and local execution).
- Install Docker.
- Install golangci-lint.
- Install ginkgo CLI to run the E2E test commands straight from your terminal.
Other dependencies will be downloaded by the make targets to the bin
For development, use the following commands:
and lint manifestsmake lint
Autofix all automatically-fixable linter complaints
make lint-autofix
Regenerate YAML manifests (CRDs and RBAC)
make manifests
Install CRDs to cluster in current kubeconfig context
make install
Uninstall CRDs to cluster in current kubeconfig context
make uninstall
Run Telemetry Manager locally (uses current kubeconfig context)
make run
Build container image and deploy to cluster in current kubeconfig context
export IMG=<my container repo> make docker-build make docker-push kubectl create ns kyma-system make deploy-experimental
Clean up everything
make undeploy
For testing, use the following commands:
Run unit tests
make test
Deploy module with Lifecycle Manager on a k3d cluster
make provision-k3d-e2e
Run e2e tests
ginkgo run --tags e2e --label-filter="<e2e test suite label>" test/e2e
ginkgo run --tags e2e --label-filter="logs" test/e2e