- ChordDictionary: added a new module for displaying all available chords
- PianoKeyboard: added target notes (for future use & dictionary)
- ChordDisplay: detect on release option
- ChordDisplay: added chord link to dictionary
- Layout: added a bottom bar with key signature and latency
- Notation: adapt centering when single stave
- CircleOfFifths: dominant sector not correclty detected
- Chord Display: increase keyboard label font-size
- Chord Display: added chordNote as a label (note name in chord with correct alteration instead of keysignature)
- chord-dictionary: fix some issue in tonal chord dictionary
- Home: correct card aspect ratio and chord-display icon
- Settings: correctly reflect startup minimized option
- Chord Display: allow keyboard key height up to 16
- Chord Display: Fully customizable Piano (sizes, colors and labels above keys)
- Chord Display: disable sustain pedal for detection or display
- Chord Display: wrap keyboard option
- window: retain window maximized, aot and path
- Chords: correctly order chord inversion vs omissions on detect
- Chords: remove M & maj notation for major chord
- chore: Use a published fork of nlf
- chore: Add flatpak build target
- disable autoupdate and add an update modal
- Chords: Custom chord dictionary with detect omissions and 3 chord notations
- Settings: allow chord omissions & change chord notation
- Chord Display:: display chord full name & highlight alterations
- chore: Upgraded tonal to v5
- ui: Rewrite UI entirely
- ui: Added settings drawer for all modules
- Home: new app launch page with startup changelog modal
- About: added Changelog
- Chord Display: multiple modules can be added
- window: retain window position on close
- chore: Upgraded all dependencies and fix security warnings
- Midi: Rewrite midi routing with @julusian/midi package
- Credits: correctly list all licenses from dependencies
- ChordQuiz: Added a quiz module with customizable difficulty, modes, and game infos
- Chord Display: Added intervals display
- Circle of Fifths: Ensure the current key is highlighted (can happen with strange key signatures)
- Music Notation: Fixed parsing for notes with multiple alterations when using strange key signatures (like B## or Ebb)
- Settings: Swapped default toggle order (N / Y instead of Y / N)
- Settings: Fixed migrations and ensure settings are always defaulted
- misc: Double-clicking the task icon opens window directly
- macos: Avoid MacOS Ventura to trigger notificatons at startup + start minimized
- Midi: Consider NOTE_ON with velocity 0 as NOTE_OFF
- Circle of Fifths: Added a Circle of Fifths module with customizable rendering
- Overlay: Circle of Fifths also available in overlay
- Settings: Moved Music Notation settings to its own section (affecting all modules now)
- Staff Notation: Added clef and transpose settings for transposing instruments
- Music Notation: Fixed notation in C# giving C instead of B#
- Chord Display: Added music notation with VexFlow
- Chord Display: Added Key Signature with note names in key
- Settings: Input for Notes + Midi Learn
- Debugger: Filter Midi Clock
- Overlay: auto reconnect websocket
- chore: Added Linux AppImage build + fix traffic lights
- Settings: Fixed Input Color accepting any text
- Chord Display: Fixed Keyboard size overflowing in some windows sizes
- Debugger: Fixed message manager being disposed in useMidiMessages hook
- Home: Wrong link to report issues
- chore: upgrade dependencies and Electron v19
- MIDI: discover, connect, routing, latency monitoring
- Chord Display: Detect chord, display piano with notes with sustain, UI customization
- Overlay: HTTP/WS server for external integration
- Debugger: Display All MIDI messages received
- General: Launch at startup, Always on Top + Window interactions