diff --git a/_data/config-shimada-2024/ERS_high/exhibit.json b/_data/config-shimada-2024/ERS_high/exhibit.json index 0d9f6d84..ed0e02e3 100644 --- a/_data/config-shimada-2024/ERS_high/exhibit.json +++ b/_data/config-shimada-2024/ERS_high/exhibit.json @@ -1 +1 @@ -{"Images": [{"Name": "i0", "Description": "ERS-High sample: limited immune infiltration and reduced antigen presentation", "Path": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/www.cycif.org/shimada-updated-2024/LSP15639", "Width": 26119, "Height": 12536, "MaxLevel": 5}], "Header": "Shimada et al. analyzed HR+ breast cancer using bulk and single-cell transcriptomics and multiplexed CyCIF imaging to examine the relationship between estrogen receptor signaling (ERS) and immune dynamics. In this study, ERS was defined by a 29-gene module derived from bulk RNA-seq, capturing the transcriptional activity of ER\u03b1. ERS activity was significantly higher in HR+ subtypes compared to HR-, underscoring its role as a hallmark of hormone receptor-positive disease.\nThis image, taken from patient df2, represents an ERS-High tumor, characterized by limited immune infiltration and reduced antigen presentation. For comparison, an image of an ERS-Low sample is available [here](https://www.cycif.org/data/shimada-2024/ERS_low).\n\n## Metadata about this sample\n### Demographics\n**Species**: Human \n**Sex**: Female \n**Race**: Caucasian \n**Ethnicity**: Non-Spanish;non-Hispanic \n**Menopause Status**: Premenopausal \n### Diagnosis\n**Age at Diagnosis**: 48 \n**Site of Resection**: Breast \n**Tumor Grade**: 2 \n**Stage**: Stage IIA \n**ER+**: Yes \n**PR+**: Yes \n**HER2+**: No \n### Therapy\n**Treatment**: Untreated \n### Imaging\n**Imaging Assay Type**: t-CyCIF \n**Fixative Type**: Formalin \n**Microscope**: Rarecyte CyteFinder HT II \n**Objective**: 20X \n### Attribution \n### Associated Identifiers \n| ID Type | ID |\n| -- | -- |\n| **LSP ID** | LSP15639 |\n| **Sample ID** | df2 |\n ", "Rotation": 0, "Layout": {"Grid": [["i0"]]}, "Stories": [{"Name": "", "Description": "", "Waypoints": [{"Name": "Low infiltration of non-cancer cells in ERS-high tumor", "Description": "In samples with high estrogen receptor signaling (ERS-high), such as this one (df2), non-cancer cells are largely excluded from the tumor core, which consists primarily of cancer cells (green). Cell types are color-coded: cancer cells (green), fibroblasts (red), endothelial cells (yellow), macrophages (cyan), and T cells (pink). Our study found that low IFN-I and MHC expression in cancer cells contributes to this exclusion of non-cancer cells. (Use the right panel to toggle panCK on and off for a clearer view of infiltrated non-cancer cells.)", "Arrows": [{"Text": "\u201cNon-cancer cells excluded from tumor core (toggle panCK on and off from the right panel)", "HideArrow": false, "Point": [1.164201340814318, 0.48765788889912626], "Angle": 60}], "Overlays": [{"x": 1.0380834051255818, "y": 0.4354379208272377, "width": 0.2032495070240663, "height": 0.16829481298017274}], "Group": "Overview", "Masks": [], "ActiveMasks": [], "Zoom": 1.814162434347495, "Pan": [1.0755019402556325, 0.5401494848033799]}, {"Name": "T cell distribution and PD1", "Description": "T cells are not only fewer in ERS-high tumors compared to ERS-low samples, but they are also largely excluded from the tumor core. CD4+ (cyan) and CD8+ (pink) T cells are often found in close proximity, while T_other cells (CD3+/CD4-/CD8-, yellow) are more dispersed. PD1+ expression (blue) is higher in areas where T cells cluster together in the peritumoral stroma.", "Arrows": [{"Text": "PD1+ T cell aggregates (rarer in ERS-high tumor)", "HideArrow": false, "Point": [0.8656332097676668, 0.6913472701123077], "Angle": 60}], "Overlays": [{"x": 0.8532999255214568, "y": 0.6789920764987102, "width": 0.037414835211490804, "height": 0.03092444638095404}], "Group": "T cells", "Masks": [], "ActiveMasks": [], "Zoom": 9.18492201843128, "Pan": [0.8696912879211106, 0.6968846514222817]}, {"Name": "Macrophage subtypes", "Description": "CD68+ (pink) and CD163+ (cyan) macrophages display distinct spatial distributions: CD68+/CD163- macrophages (Mac_CD68) are localized in the tumor core, whereas CD163+ macrophages (Mac_CD163 and Mac_CD68_CD163) are more abundant in the stroma. These CD163+ macrophages frequently colocalize with CD4+ (blue) and CD8+ (red) T cells within a 20\u03bcm cellular neighborhood. (Use the right panel to toggle panCK and T cell markers on and off for a clearer view.)", "Arrows": [{"Text": "CD163+ macrophages (stroma)", "HideArrow": false, "Point": [0.8271833183622068, 0.7093620693800626], "Angle": 60}, {"Text": "CD68+ macrophages (tumor core)", "HideArrow": false, "Point": [0.8339130072294039, 0.6784831299677787], "Angle": 60}], "Overlays": [{"x": 0.793925735224209, "y": 0.6609292097530808, "width": 0.08602113055240079, "height": 0.0707399958222954}], "Group": "Macrophage subtypes", "Masks": [], "ActiveMasks": [], "Zoom": 3.098712248933615, "Pan": [0.8251881723823662, 0.7055136572492529]}, {"Name": "Endothelial cells", "Description": "In ERS-high samples, endothelial cells (CD31, yellow) in the peritumoral stroma often form structured tubular networks, unlike in ERS-low tumors, where stromal endothelial cells exist more as premature, often monocellular, units.", "Arrows": [{"Text": "peritumoral tubular vessel", "HideArrow": false, "Point": [0.7363923849412422, 0.5614015896443967], "Angle": 60}], "Overlays": [{"x": 0.685522469930421, "y": 0.5218165682030729, "width": 0.09457561154754335, "height": 0.06612037670851267}], "Group": "Endothelial cells", "Masks": [], "ActiveMasks": [], "Zoom": 1.9613102074526245, "Pan": [0.7336290564575337, 0.5675691028886088]}, {"Name": "ER\u03b1 expression in cancer cells", "Description": "ER\u03b1 expression (yellow) is concentrated in cancer cells, with higher levels observed in the tumor core where cancer cell density is greater, and lower levels in peripheral areas or isolated tumor buds. MHC-I (HLA-ABC, red) and MHC-II (HLA-DPB1, blue) show correlated expression patterns within a 20\u03bcm cellular neighborhood. MHC expression is more suppressed in the stroma than in the tumor core. In cancer cells and macrophages, MHC expression is closely linked to ER\u03b1 activity, while in T cells and stromal cells, it is more independent of ER\u03b1. (Use the panel below to toggle ER\u03b1 on and off to better visualize MHC expression in tumor core and stroma.)", "Arrows": [{"Text": "ER-positive area", "HideArrow": false, "Point": [0.5585655718342437, 0.6028126492172735], "Angle": 342}, {"Text": "ER-negative area", "HideArrow": false, "Point": [0.6010568982942595, 0.6071920951200374], "Angle": 60}], "Overlays": [{"x": 0.5297345974522955, "y": 0.5456671129790776, "width": 0.14359574221455718, "height": 0.11961002039787305}], "Group": "ERa and MHC expressions", "Masks": [], "ActiveMasks": [], "Zoom": 1.5118020286229135, "Pan": [0.6274839361063943, 0.6589873367758012]}, {"Name": "Cell types only", "Description": "", "Arrows": [], "Overlays": [], "Group": "Cell types", "Masks": ["Cancer", "Mac-CD68", "Mac-CD68-CD163", "Mac-CD163", "NK", "B", "CD8T", "CD4T-nonTreg", "CD4T-Treg", "T-other", "Endo", "Fibro"], "ActiveMasks": ["Cancer", "Mac-CD68", "Mac-CD68-CD163", "Mac-CD163", "NK", "B", "CD8T", "CD4T-nonTreg", "CD4T-Treg", "T-other", "Endo", "Fibro"], "Zoom": 0.4731524342816298, "Pan": [1.041759731971921, 0.5000000000000001]}]}], "Channels": [{"Rendered": false, "Name": "DNA0", "Path": "DNA0_0__DNA0"}, {"Rendered": false, "Name": "PANCK", "Path": "PANCK_19__PANCK"}, {"Rendered": false, "Name": "SMA", "Path": "SMA_14__SMA"}, {"Rendered": false, "Name": "CD31", "Path": "CD31_8__CD31"}, {"Rendered": false, "Name": "CD68", "Path": "CD68_11__CD68"}, {"Rendered": false, "Name": "CD163", "Path": "CD163_21__CD163"}, {"Rendered": false, "Name": "CD3", "Path": "CD3_7__CD3"}, {"Rendered": false, "Name": "CD4", "Path": "CD4_9__CD4"}, {"Rendered": false, "Name": "CD8A", "Path": "CD8A_18__CD8A"}, {"Rendered": false, "Name": "PD1", "Path": "PD1_28__PD1"}, {"Rendered": false, "Name": "ERa", "Path": "ERa_24__ERa"}, {"Rendered": false, "Name": "HLAABC", "Path": "HLAABC_6__HLAABC"}, {"Rendered": false, "Name": "HLADBP1", "Path": "HLADBP1_13__HLADBP1"}], "Groups": [{"Name": "Overview", "Colors": ["ffffff", "00ff00", "ff0000", "ffff00", "00ffff", "00ffff", "ff00ff", "ff00ff", "ff00ff"], "Channels": ["DNA0", "PANCK", "SMA", "CD31", "CD68", "CD163", "CD3", "CD4", "CD8A"], "Descriptions": ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""]}, {"Name": "T cells", "Colors": ["00ff00", "ffff00", "00ffff", "ff00ff", "0000ff"], "Channels": ["PANCK", "CD3", "CD4", "CD8A", "PD1"], "Descriptions": ["", "", "", "", ""]}, {"Name": "Macrophage subtypes", "Colors": ["00ff00", "ff00ff", "00ffff", "ffff00", "0000ff", "ff0000"], "Channels": ["PANCK", "CD68", "CD163", "CD3", "CD4", "CD8A"], "Descriptions": ["", "", "", "", "", ""]}, {"Name": "Endothelial cells", "Colors": ["00ff00", "ffff00", "ff0000", "00ffff", "ff00ff"], "Channels": ["PANCK", "CD31", "SMA", "CD4", "CD8A"], "Descriptions": ["", "", "", "", ""]}, {"Name": "ERa and MHC expressions", "Colors": ["ffff00", "ff0000", "0000ff", "00ffff", "00ffff", "ff00ff", "ff00ff", "ff00ff"], "Channels": ["ERa", "HLAABC", "HLADBP1", "CD68", "CD163", "CD3", "CD4", "CD8A"], "Descriptions": ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""]}, {"Name": "Cell types", "Colors": ["ffffff"], "Channels": ["DNA0"], "Descriptions": [""]}], "Masks": [{"Path": "Cancer", "Name": "Cancer", "Channels": ["Cancer"], "Colors": ["0a6771"]}, {"Path": "Mac-CD68", "Name": "Mac-CD68", "Channels": ["Mac-CD68"], "Colors": ["b51b7a"]}, {"Path": "Mac-CD68-CD163", "Name": "Mac-CD68-CD163", "Channels": ["Mac-CD68-CD163"], "Colors": ["00ff00"]}, {"Path": "Mac-CD163", "Name": "Mac-CD163", "Channels": ["Mac-CD163"], "Colors": ["1f5bbc"]}, {"Path": "NK", "Name": "NK", "Channels": ["NK"], "Colors": ["45a533"]}, {"Path": "B", "Name": "B", "Channels": ["B"], "Colors": ["32e3d9"]}, {"Path": "CD4T-nonTreg", "Name": "CD4T-nonTreg", "Channels": ["CD4T-nonTreg"], "Colors": ["ff0000"]}, {"Path": "CD8T", "Name": "CD8T", "Channels": ["CD8T"], "Colors": ["ff8e00"]}, {"Path": "Endo", "Name": "Endo", "Channels": ["Endo"], "Colors": ["ff00ff"]}, {"Path": "Fibro", "Name": "Fibro", "Channels": ["Fibro"], "Colors": ["4b3a82"]}, {"Path": "T-other", "Name": "T-other", "Channels": ["T-other"], "Colors": ["af363e"]}, {"Path": "CD4T-Treg", "Name": "CD4T-Treg", "Channels": ["CD4T-Treg"], "Colors": ["ffff00"]}], "PixelsPerMicron": 1.5384615948919735, "FirstViewport": {"Pan": [1.041759731971921, 0.5000000000000001], "Zoom": 0.4731524342816298}, "FirstGroup": "Overview"} \ No newline at end of file +{"Images": [{"Name": "i0", "Description": "ERS-High sample: limited immune infiltration and reduced antigen presentation", "Path": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/www.cycif.org/shimada-updated-2024/LSP15639", "Width": 26119, "Height": 12536, "MaxLevel": 5}], "Header": "Shimada et al. analyzed HR+ breast cancer using bulk and single-cell transcriptomics and multiplexed CyCIF imaging to examine the relationship between estrogen receptor signaling (ERS) and immune dynamics. In this study, ERS was defined by a 29-gene module derived from bulk RNA-seq, capturing the transcriptional activity of ER\u03b1. ERS activity was significantly higher in HR+ subtypes compared to HR-, underscoring its role as a hallmark of hormone receptor-positive disease.\nThis image, taken from patient df2, represents an ERS-High tumor, characterized by limited immune infiltration and reduced antigen presentation. For comparison, an image of an ERS-Low sample is available [here](https://www.cycif.org/data/shimada-2024/ERS_low).\n\n## Metadata about this sample\n### Demographics\n**Species**: Human \n**Sex**: Female \n**Race**: Caucasian \n**Ethnicity**: Non-Spanish;non-Hispanic \n**Menopause Status**: Premenopausal \n### Diagnosis\n**Age at Diagnosis**: 48 \n**Site of Resection**: Breast \n**Tumor Grade**: 2 \n**Stage**: Stage IIA \n**ER+**: Yes \n**PR+**: Yes \n**HER2+**: No \n### Therapy\n**Treatment**: Untreated \n### Imaging\n**Imaging Assay Type**: t-CyCIF \n**Fixative Type**: Formalin \n**Microscope**: Rarecyte CyteFinder HT II \n**Objective**: 20X \n### Attribution \n### Associated Identifiers \n| ID Type | ID |\n| -- | -- |\n| **LSP ID** | LSP15639 |\n| **Sample ID** | df2 |\n ", "Rotation": 0, "Layout": {"Grid": [["i0"]]}, "Stories": [{"Name": "", "Description": "", "Waypoints": [{"Name": "Low infiltration of non-cancer cells in ERS-high tumor", "Description": "In samples with high estrogen receptor signaling (ERS-high), such as this one (df2), non-cancer cells are largely excluded from the tumor core, which consists primarily of cancer cells (green). Cell types are color-coded: cancer cells (green), fibroblasts (red), endothelial cells (yellow), macrophages (cyan), and T cells (pink). Our study found that low IFN-I and MHC expression in cancer cells contributes to this exclusion of non-cancer cells. (Use the right panel to toggle panCK on and off for a clearer view of infiltrated non-cancer cells.)", "Arrows": [{"Text": "\u201cNon-cancer cells excluded from tumor core (toggle panCK on and off from the right panel)", "HideArrow": false, "Point": [1.164201340814318, 0.48765788889912626], "Angle": 60}], "Overlays": [{"x": 1.0380834051255818, "y": 0.4354379208272377, "width": 0.2032495070240663, "height": 0.16829481298017274}], "Group": "Overview", "Masks": [], "ActiveMasks": [], "Zoom": 1.814162434347495, "Pan": [1.0755019402556325, 0.5401494848033799]}, {"Name": "T cell distribution and PD1", "Description": "T cells are not only fewer in ERS-high tumors compared to ERS-low samples, but they are also largely excluded from the tumor core. CD4+ (cyan) and CD8+ (pink) T cells are often found in close proximity, while T_other cells (CD3+/CD4-/CD8-, yellow) are more dispersed. PD1+ expression (blue) is higher in areas where T cells cluster together in the peritumoral stroma.", "Arrows": [{"Text": "PD1+ T cell aggregates (rarer in ERS-high tumor)", "HideArrow": false, "Point": [0.8656332097676668, 0.6913472701123077], "Angle": 60}], "Overlays": [{"x": 0.8532999255214568, "y": 0.6789920764987102, "width": 0.037414835211490804, "height": 0.03092444638095404}], "Group": "T cells", "Masks": [], "ActiveMasks": [], "Zoom": 9.18492201843128, "Pan": [0.8696912879211106, 0.6968846514222817]}, {"Name": "Macrophage subtypes", "Description": "CD68+ (pink) and CD163+ (cyan) macrophages display distinct spatial distributions: CD68+/CD163- macrophages (Mac_CD68) are localized in the tumor core, whereas CD163+ macrophages (Mac_CD163 and Mac_CD68_CD163) are more abundant in the stroma. These CD163+ macrophages frequently colocalize with CD4+ (blue) and CD8+ (red) T cells within a 20\u03bcm cellular neighborhood. (Use the right panel to toggle panCK and T cell markers on and off for a clearer view.)", "Arrows": [{"Text": "CD163+ macrophages (stroma)", "HideArrow": false, "Point": [0.8271833183622068, 0.7093620693800626], "Angle": 60}, {"Text": "CD68+ macrophages (tumor core)", "HideArrow": false, "Point": [0.8339130072294039, 0.6784831299677787], "Angle": 60}], "Overlays": [{"x": 0.793925735224209, "y": 0.6609292097530808, "width": 0.08602113055240079, "height": 0.0707399958222954}], "Group": "Macrophage subtypes", "Masks": [], "ActiveMasks": [], "Zoom": 3.098712248933615, "Pan": [0.8251881723823662, 0.7055136572492529]}, {"Name": "Endothelial cells", "Description": "In ERS-high samples, endothelial cells (CD31, yellow) in the peritumoral stroma often form structured tubular networks, unlike in ERS-low tumors, where stromal endothelial cells exist more as premature, often monocellular, units.", "Arrows": [{"Text": "peritumoral tubular vessel", "HideArrow": false, "Point": [0.7363923849412422, 0.5614015896443967], "Angle": 60}], "Overlays": [{"x": 0.685522469930421, "y": 0.5218165682030729, "width": 0.09457561154754335, "height": 0.06612037670851267}], "Group": "Endothelial cells", "Masks": [], "ActiveMasks": [], "Zoom": 1.9613102074526245, "Pan": [0.7336290564575337, 0.5675691028886088]}, {"Name": "ER\u03b1 expression in cancer cells", "Description": "ER\u03b1 expression (yellow) is concentrated in cancer cells, with higher levels observed in the tumor core where cancer cell density is greater, and lower levels in peripheral areas or isolated tumor buds. MHC-I (HLA-ABC, red) and MHC-II (HLA-DPB1, blue) show correlated expression patterns within a 20\u03bcm cellular neighborhood. MHC expression is more suppressed in the stroma than in the tumor core. In cancer cells and macrophages, MHC expression is closely linked to ER\u03b1 activity, while in T cells and stromal cells, it is more independent of ER\u03b1. (Use the panel below to toggle ER\u03b1 on and off to better visualize MHC expression in tumor core and stroma.)", "Arrows": [{"Text": "ER-positive area", "HideArrow": false, "Point": [0.5585655718342437, 0.6028126492172735], "Angle": 342}, {"Text": "ER-negative area", "HideArrow": false, "Point": [0.6010568982942595, 0.6071920951200374], "Angle": 60}], "Overlays": [{"x": 0.5297345974522955, "y": 0.5456671129790776, "width": 0.14359574221455718, "height": 0.11961002039787305}], "Group": "ERa and MHC expressions", "Masks": [], "ActiveMasks": [], "Zoom": 1.5118020286229135, "Pan": [0.6274839361063943, 0.6589873367758012]}, {"Name": "Cell types only", "Description": "", "Arrows": [], "Overlays": [], "Group": "Cell types", "Masks": ["Cancer", "Mac-CD68", "Mac-CD68-CD163", "Mac-CD163", "NK", "B", "CD8T", "CD4T-nonTreg", "CD4T-Treg", "T-other", "Endo", "Fibro"], "ActiveMasks": ["Cancer", "Mac-CD68", "Mac-CD68-CD163", "Mac-CD163", "NK", "B", "CD8T", "CD4T-nonTreg", "CD4T-Treg", "T-other", "Endo", "Fibro"], "Zoom": 0.4731524342816298, "Pan": [1.041759731971921, 0.5000000000000001]}]}], "Channels": [{"Rendered": false, "Name": "DNA0", "Path": "DNA0_0__DNA0"}, {"Rendered": false, "Name": "PANCK", "Path": "PANCK_19__PANCK"}, {"Rendered": false, "Name": "SMA", "Path": "SMA_14__SMA"}, {"Rendered": false, "Name": "CD31", "Path": "CD31_8__CD31"}, {"Rendered": false, "Name": "CD68", "Path": "CD68_11__CD68"}, {"Rendered": false, "Name": "CD163", "Path": "CD163_21__CD163"}, {"Rendered": false, "Name": "CD3", "Path": "CD3_7__CD3"}, {"Rendered": false, "Name": "CD4", "Path": "CD4_9__CD4"}, {"Rendered": false, "Name": "CD8A", "Path": "CD8A_18__CD8A"}, {"Rendered": false, "Name": "PD1", "Path": "PD1_28__PD1"}, {"Rendered": false, "Name": "ERa", "Path": "ERa_24__ERa"}, {"Rendered": false, "Name": "HLAABC", "Path": "HLAABC_6__HLAABC"}, {"Rendered": false, "Name": "HLADBP1", "Path": "HLADBP1_13__HLADBP1"}], "Groups": [{"Name": "Overview", "Colors": ["ffffff", "00ff00", "ff0000", "ffff00", "00ffff", "00ffff", "ff00ff", "ff00ff", "ff00ff"], "Channels": ["DNA0", "PANCK", "SMA", "CD31", "CD68", "CD163", "CD3", "CD4", "CD8A"], "Descriptions": ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""]}, {"Name": "T cells", "Colors": ["00ff00", "ffff00", "00ffff", "ff00ff", "0000ff"], "Channels": ["PANCK", "CD3", "CD4", "CD8A", "PD1"], "Descriptions": ["", "", "", "", ""]}, {"Name": "Macrophage subtypes", "Colors": ["00ff00", "ff00ff", "00ffff", "ffff00", "0000ff", "ff0000"], "Channels": ["PANCK", "CD68", "CD163", "CD3", "CD4", "CD8A"], "Descriptions": ["", "", "", "", "", ""]}, {"Name": "Endothelial cells", "Colors": ["00ff00", "ffff00", "ff0000", "00ffff", "ff00ff"], "Channels": ["PANCK", "CD31", "SMA", "CD4", "CD8A"], "Descriptions": ["", "", "", "", ""]}, {"Name": "ERa and MHC expressions", "Colors": ["ffff00", "ff0000", "0000ff", "00ffff", "00ffff", "ff00ff", "ff00ff", "ff00ff"], "Channels": ["ERa", "HLAABC", "HLADBP1", "CD68", "CD163", "CD3", "CD4", "CD8A"], "Descriptions": ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""]}, {"Name": "Cell types", "Colors": ["ffffff"], "Channels": ["DNA0"], "Descriptions": [""]}], "Masks": [{"Path":"Cancer","Name":"Cancer","Channels":["Cancer"],"Colors":["0a6771"]},{"Path":"Mac-CD68","Name":"Mac-CD68","Channels":["Mac-CD68"],"Colors":["b51b7a"]},{"Path":"Mac-CD68-CD163","Name":"Mac-CD68-CD163","Channels":["Mac-CD68-CD163"],"Colors":["00ff00"]},{"Path":"Mac-CD163","Name":"Mac-CD163","Channels":["Mac-CD163"],"Colors":["1f5bbc"]},{"Path":"NK","Name":"NK","Channels":["NK"],"Colors":["45a533"]},{"Path":"B","Name":"B","Channels":["B"],"Colors":["32e3d9"]},{"Path":"CD8T","Name":"CD8T","Channels":["CD8T"],"Colors":["ff8e00"]},{"Path":"CD4T-nonTreg","Name":"CD4T-nonTreg","Channels":["CD4T-nonTreg"],"Colors":["ff0000"]},{"Path":"CD4T-Treg","Name":"CD4T-Treg","Channels":["CD4T-Treg"],"Colors":["ffff00"]},{"Path":"T-other","Name":"T-other","Channels":["T-other"],"Colors":["af363e"]},{"Path":"Fibro","Name":"Fibro","Channels":["Fibro"],"Colors":["4b3a82"]},{"Path":"Endo","Name":"Endo","Channels":["Endo"],"Colors":["ff00ff"]}], "PixelsPerMicron": 1.5384615948919735, "FirstViewport": {"Pan": [1.041759731971921, 0.5000000000000001], "Zoom": 0.4731524342816298}, "FirstGroup": "Overview"} diff --git a/_data/config-shimada-2024/ERS_low/exhibit.json b/_data/config-shimada-2024/ERS_low/exhibit.json index 7b53f2fd..4dbc6a75 100644 --- a/_data/config-shimada-2024/ERS_low/exhibit.json +++ b/_data/config-shimada-2024/ERS_low/exhibit.json @@ -1 +1 @@ -{"Images": [{"Name": "i0", "Description": "ERS-Low sample: enhanced immune infiltration and antigen presentation", "Path": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/www.cycif.org/shimada-updated-2024/LSP15649", "Width": 19906, "Height": 15646, "MaxLevel": 5}], "Header": "Shimada et al. analyzed HR+ breast cancer using bulk and single-cell transcriptomics and multiplexed CyCIF imaging to investigate the interplay between estrogen receptor signaling (ERS) and immune dynamics. In this study, ERS was defined by a 29-gene module derived from bulk RNA-seq, capturing the transcriptional activity of ER\u03b1. ERS activity was significantly higher in HR+ subtypes compared to HR-, underscoring its role as a hallmark of hormone receptor-positive disease.\nThis image, taken from patient df27, represents an ERS-Low tumor, characterized by enhanced immune infiltration and increased antigen presentation. For comparison, an image of an ERS-High sample is available [here](https://www.cycif.org/data/shimada-2024/ERS_high). \n\n## Metadata about this sample\n### Demographics\n**Species**: Human \n**Sex**: Female \n**Race**: Caucasian \n**Ethnicity**: Non-Spanish;non-Hispanic \n**Menopause Status**: Premenopausal \n### Diagnosis\n**Age at Diagnosis**: 44 \n**Site of Resection**: Breast \n**Tumor Grade**: 3 \n**Stage**: Stage IB \n**ER+**: Yes \n**PR+**: No \n**HER2+**: No \n### Therapy\n**Treatment**: Untreated \n### Imaging\n**Imaging Assay Type**: t-CyCIF \n**Fixative Type**: Formalin \n**Microscope**: Rarecyte CyteFinder HT II \n**Objective**: 20X \n### Attribution \n### Associated Identifiers \n| ID Type | ID |\n| -- | -- |\n| **LSP ID** | LSP15649 |\n| **Sample ID** | df27 |\n ", "Rotation": 0, "Layout": {"Grid": [["i0"]]}, "Stories": [{"Name": "", "Description": "", "Waypoints": [{"Name": "High infiltration of non-cancer cells in ERS-low tumor", "Description": "In ERS-low samples like this one (df27), the tumor core (green) is smaller due to the extensive infiltration of non-cancer cells. Cell types are color-coded: cancer cells (green), fibroblasts (red), endothelial cells (yellow), macrophages (cyan), and T cells (pink). Our study found that this increased infiltration is driven by elevated IFN-I and MHC expression in cancer cells, which supports greater T cell presence.", "Arrows": [{"Text": "Tumor core", "HideArrow": false, "Point": [1.0303103617213545, 0.4739318207113128], "Angle": 60}, {"Text": "Stroma", "HideArrow": false, "Point": [0.957882709216845, 0.4949836036707035], "Angle": 60}], "Overlays": [{"x": 0.9157951439754544, "y": 0.4211730421036582, "width": 0.17899121364980952, "height": 0.1320701048662452}], "Group": "Overview", "Masks": [], "ActiveMasks": [], "Zoom": 2.259016335359999, "Pan": [0.9999136487264061, 0.5003120901931685]}, {"Name": "T cell distribution and PD1", "Description": "Despite the fragmented tumor core in ERS-low samples, T cells are still largely excluded from it. CD4+ (cyan) and CD8+ (pink) T cells cluster closely together, with PD1+ expression (blue) more prominent in areas where T cells aggregate.", "Arrows": [{"Text": "PD1+ T cell aggregates", "HideArrow": false, "Point": [0.10117485741606806, 0.4574041678171933], "Angle": 60}], "Overlays": [{"x": 0.08878193732910047, "y": 0.4124206733188965, "width": 0.07597907879487589, "height": 0.06241175604860044}], "Group": "T cells", "Masks": [], "ActiveMasks": [], "Zoom": 4.518032670719998, "Pan": [0.12190696701460897, 0.45148048234117355]}, {"Name": "Macrophage subtypes", "Description": "CD68+ (cyan) and CD163+ (pink) macrophages show distinct spatial distribution: CD68+/CD163- macrophages (Mac_CD68) are localized in the tumor core, whereas CD163+ macrophages (Mac_CD163 and Mac_CD68_CD163) are more abundant in the stroma. These CD163+ macrophages frequently colocalize with CD4+ (blue) and CD8+ (red) T cells within a 20\u03bcm cellular neighborhood. (Use the right panel to toggle these markers on and off for a clearer view.)", "Arrows": [{"Text": "CD68+ macrophages (tumor core)", "HideArrow": false, "Point": [1.1401987658078876, 0.4872799510799447], "Angle": 60}, {"Text": "CD163+ macrophages (stroma)", "HideArrow": false, "Point": [1.2082806269678052, 0.4501419997584469], "Angle": 60}], "Overlays": [{"x": 1.117989640256838, "y": 0.4333127882070806, "width": 0.11164439371748336, "height": 0.07086112619435542}], "Group": "Macrophages", "Masks": [], "ActiveMasks": [], "Zoom": 3.1225861593292583, "Pan": [1.1677989702439795, 0.47616483940150345]}, {"Name": "Endothelial cells", "Description": "In ERS-low samples, endothelial cells (CD31, yellow) often form smaller or premature tubular vasculature, or exist as isolated monocellular units, compared to the more structured tubular vasculature seen in ERS-high tumors.\n\n", "Arrows": [{"Text": "Smaller vascular network in ERS-low samples", "HideArrow": false, "Point": [0.7378965392574367, 0.40528089354461083], "Angle": 60}], "Overlays": [{"x": 0.6967023077400009, "y": 0.3687345417343558, "width": 0.09146324351177737, "height": 0.07958619443254816}], "Group": "Endothelial cells", "Masks": [], "ActiveMasks": [], "Zoom": 3.6203091460587817, "Pan": [0.729743147825654, 0.41370712931465564]}, {"Name": "ER\u03b1 and MHC expressions", "Description": "ER\u03b1 expression (yellow) is concentrated in cancer cells. MHC-I (HLA-ABC, red) and MHC-II (HLA-DPB1, blue) show correlated expression patterns within a 20\u03bcm cellular neighborhood. MHC expression is higher in the stroma than in the tumor core. In cancer cells and macrophages, MHC expression is closely tied to ER\u03b1 activity, whereas in T cells and stromal cells, it is more independent of ER\u03b1. (Use the right panel to toggle ER\u03b1 on and off to better visualize MHC expression in tumor core and stroma.)", "Arrows": [{"Text": "ER-positive area (tumor core)", "HideArrow": false, "Point": [0.27290556810212796, 0.5778739487477865], "Angle": 60}, {"Text": "ER-negative area (stroma)", "HideArrow": false, "Point": [0.25152927843555534, 0.603920622044022], "Angle": 60}], "Overlays": [{"x": 0.23674594624687015, "y": 0.556195090082149, "width": 0.0847245726721754, "height": 0.07861646100355335}], "Group": "ERa and MHC expression", "Masks": [], "ActiveMasks": [], "Zoom": 3.17733580952938, "Pan": [0.2792240319494023, 0.6145687878377898]}, {"Name": "Cell types only", "Description": "", "Arrows": [], "Overlays": [], "Group": "Cell types", "Masks": ["Cancer", "Mac-CD68", "Mac-CD68-CD163", "Mac-CD163", "NK", "B", "CD8T", "CD4T-nonTreg", "CD4T-Treg", "T-other", "Endo", "Fibro"], "ActiveMasks": ["Cancer", "Mac-CD68", "Mac-CD68-CD163", "Mac-CD163", "NK", "B", "CD8T", "CD4T-nonTreg", "CD4T-Treg", "T-other", "Endo", "Fibro"], "Zoom": 0.6089644513137559, "Pan": [0.6361370318292215, 0.5]}]}], "Channels": [{"Rendered": false, "Name": "DNA0", "Path": "DNA0_0__DNA0"}, {"Rendered": false, "Name": "PANCK", "Path": "PANCK_19__PANCK"}, {"Rendered": false, "Name": "SMA", "Path": "SMA_14__SMA"}, {"Rendered": false, "Name": "CD31", "Path": "CD31_8__CD31"}, {"Rendered": false, "Name": "CD68", "Path": "CD68_11__CD68"}, {"Rendered": false, "Name": "CD163", "Path": "CD163_21__CD163"}, {"Rendered": false, "Name": "CD3", "Path": "CD3_7__CD3"}, {"Rendered": false, "Name": "CD4", "Path": "CD4_9__CD4"}, {"Rendered": false, "Name": "CD8A", "Path": "CD8A_18__CD8A"}, {"Rendered": false, "Name": "PD1", "Path": "PD1_28__PD1"}, {"Rendered": false, "Name": "ERa", "Path": "ERa_24__ERa"}, {"Rendered": false, "Name": "HLAABC", "Path": "HLAABC_6__HLAABC"}, {"Rendered": false, "Name": "HLADBP1", "Path": "HLADBP1_13__HLADBP1"}], "Groups": [{"Name": "Overview", "Colors": ["ffffff", "00ff00", "ff0000", "ffff00", "00ffff", "00ffff", "ff00ff", "ff00ff", "ff00ff"], "Channels": ["DNA0", "PANCK", "SMA", "CD31", "CD68", "CD163", "CD3", "CD4", "CD8A"], "Descriptions": ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""]}, {"Name": "T cells", "Colors": ["00ff00", "ffff00", "00ffff", "ff00ff", "0000ff"], "Channels": ["PANCK", "CD3", "CD4", "CD8A", "PD1"], "Descriptions": ["", "", "", "", ""]}, {"Name": "Macrophages", "Colors": ["00ff00", "ff00ff", "00ffff", "ffff00", "0000ff", "ff0000"], "Channels": ["PANCK", "CD68", "CD163", "CD3", "CD4", "CD8A"], "Descriptions": ["", "", "", "", "", ""]}, {"Name": "Endothelial cells", "Colors": ["ffffff", "00ff00", "ffff00", "0000ff", "ff0000"], "Channels": ["DNA0", "PANCK", "CD31", "CD4", "CD8A"], "Descriptions": ["", "", "", "", ""]}, {"Name": "ERa and MHC expression", "Colors": ["ffff00", "ff0000", "0000ff", "00ffff", "00ffff", "ff00ff", "ff00ff", "ff00ff"], "Channels": ["ERa", "HLAABC", "HLADBP1", "CD68", "CD163", "CD3", "CD4", "CD8A"], "Descriptions": ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""]}, {"Name": "Cell types", "Colors": ["ffffff"], "Channels": ["DNA0"], "Descriptions": [""]}], "Masks": [{"Path": "Cancer", "Name": "Cancer", "Channels": ["Cancer"], "Colors": ["0a6771"]}, {"Path": "Endo", "Name": "Endo", "Channels": ["Endo"], "Colors": ["ff00ff"]}, {"Path": "Mac-CD163", "Name": "Mac-CD163", "Channels": ["Mac-CD163"], "Colors": ["1f5bbc"]}, {"Path": "CD4T-nonTreg", "Name": "CD4T-nonTreg", "Channels": ["CD4T-nonTreg"], "Colors": ["ff0000"]}, {"Path": "Fibro", "Name": "Fibro", "Channels": ["Fibro"], "Colors": ["4b3a82"]}, {"Path": "Mac-CD68", "Name": "Mac-CD68", "Channels": ["Mac-CD68"], "Colors": ["b51b7a"]}, {"Path": "CD8T", "Name": "CD8T", "Channels": ["CD8T"], "Colors": ["ff8e00"]}, {"Path": "NK", "Name": "NK", "Channels": ["NK"], "Colors": ["45a533"]}, {"Path": "CD4T-Treg", "Name": "CD4T-Treg", "Channels": ["CD4T-Treg"], "Colors": ["ffff00"]}, {"Path": "Mac-CD68-CD163", "Name": "Mac-CD68-CD163", "Channels": ["Mac-CD68-CD163"], "Colors": ["00ff00"]}, {"Path": "T-other", "Name": "T-other", "Channels": ["T-other"], "Colors": ["af363e"]}, {"Path": "B", "Name": "B", "Channels": ["B"], "Colors": ["32e3d9"]}], "PixelsPerMicron": 1.5384615948919735, "FirstViewport": {"Zoom": 0.3793750000000001, "Pan": [0.6361370318292215, 0.5079653515034628]}, "FirstGroup": "Overview"} +{"Images": [{"Name": "i0", "Description": "ERS-Low sample: enhanced immune infiltration and antigen presentation", "Path": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/www.cycif.org/shimada-updated-2024/LSP15649", "Width": 19906, "Height": 15646, "MaxLevel": 5}], "Header": "Shimada et al. analyzed HR+ breast cancer using bulk and single-cell transcriptomics and multiplexed CyCIF imaging to investigate the interplay between estrogen receptor signaling (ERS) and immune dynamics. In this study, ERS was defined by a 29-gene module derived from bulk RNA-seq, capturing the transcriptional activity of ER\u03b1. ERS activity was significantly higher in HR+ subtypes compared to HR-, underscoring its role as a hallmark of hormone receptor-positive disease.\nThis image, taken from patient df27, represents an ERS-Low tumor, characterized by enhanced immune infiltration and increased antigen presentation. For comparison, an image of an ERS-High sample is available [here](https://www.cycif.org/data/shimada-2024/ERS_high). \n\n## Metadata about this sample\n### Demographics\n**Species**: Human \n**Sex**: Female \n**Race**: Caucasian \n**Ethnicity**: Non-Spanish;non-Hispanic \n**Menopause Status**: Premenopausal \n### Diagnosis\n**Age at Diagnosis**: 44 \n**Site of Resection**: Breast \n**Tumor Grade**: 3 \n**Stage**: Stage IB \n**ER+**: Yes \n**PR+**: No \n**HER2+**: No \n### Therapy\n**Treatment**: Untreated \n### Imaging\n**Imaging Assay Type**: t-CyCIF \n**Fixative Type**: Formalin \n**Microscope**: Rarecyte CyteFinder HT II \n**Objective**: 20X \n### Attribution \n### Associated Identifiers \n| ID Type | ID |\n| -- | -- |\n| **LSP ID** | LSP15649 |\n| **Sample ID** | df27 |\n ", "Rotation": 0, "Layout": {"Grid": [["i0"]]}, "Stories": [{"Name": "", "Description": "", "Waypoints": [{"Name": "High infiltration of non-cancer cells in ERS-low tumor", "Description": "In ERS-low samples like this one (df27), the tumor core (green) is smaller due to the extensive infiltration of non-cancer cells. Cell types are color-coded: cancer cells (green), fibroblasts (red), endothelial cells (yellow), macrophages (cyan), and T cells (pink). Our study found that this increased infiltration is driven by elevated IFN-I and MHC expression in cancer cells, which supports greater T cell presence.", "Arrows": [{"Text": "Tumor core", "HideArrow": false, "Point": [1.0303103617213545, 0.4739318207113128], "Angle": 60}, {"Text": "Stroma", "HideArrow": false, "Point": [0.957882709216845, 0.4949836036707035], "Angle": 60}], "Overlays": [{"x": 0.9157951439754544, "y": 0.4211730421036582, "width": 0.17899121364980952, "height": 0.1320701048662452}], "Group": "Overview", "Masks": [], "ActiveMasks": [], "Zoom": 2.259016335359999, "Pan": [0.9999136487264061, 0.5003120901931685]}, {"Name": "T cell distribution and PD1", "Description": "Despite the fragmented tumor core in ERS-low samples, T cells are still largely excluded from it. CD4+ (cyan) and CD8+ (pink) T cells cluster closely together, with PD1+ expression (blue) more prominent in areas where T cells aggregate.", "Arrows": [{"Text": "PD1+ T cell aggregates", "HideArrow": false, "Point": [0.10117485741606806, 0.4574041678171933], "Angle": 60}], "Overlays": [{"x": 0.08878193732910047, "y": 0.4124206733188965, "width": 0.07597907879487589, "height": 0.06241175604860044}], "Group": "T cells", "Masks": [], "ActiveMasks": [], "Zoom": 4.518032670719998, "Pan": [0.12190696701460897, 0.45148048234117355]}, {"Name": "Macrophage subtypes", "Description": "CD68+ (cyan) and CD163+ (pink) macrophages show distinct spatial distribution: CD68+/CD163- macrophages (Mac_CD68) are localized in the tumor core, whereas CD163+ macrophages (Mac_CD163 and Mac_CD68_CD163) are more abundant in the stroma. These CD163+ macrophages frequently colocalize with CD4+ (blue) and CD8+ (red) T cells within a 20\u03bcm cellular neighborhood. (Use the right panel to toggle these markers on and off for a clearer view.)", "Arrows": [{"Text": "CD68+ macrophages (tumor core)", "HideArrow": false, "Point": [1.1401987658078876, 0.4872799510799447], "Angle": 60}, {"Text": "CD163+ macrophages (stroma)", "HideArrow": false, "Point": [1.2082806269678052, 0.4501419997584469], "Angle": 60}], "Overlays": [{"x": 1.117989640256838, "y": 0.4333127882070806, "width": 0.11164439371748336, "height": 0.07086112619435542}], "Group": "Macrophages", "Masks": [], "ActiveMasks": [], "Zoom": 3.1225861593292583, "Pan": [1.1677989702439795, 0.47616483940150345]}, {"Name": "Endothelial cells", "Description": "In ERS-low samples, endothelial cells (CD31, yellow) often form smaller or premature tubular vasculature, or exist as isolated monocellular units, compared to the more structured tubular vasculature seen in ERS-high tumors.\n\n", "Arrows": [{"Text": "Smaller vascular network in ERS-low samples", "HideArrow": false, "Point": [0.7378965392574367, 0.40528089354461083], "Angle": 60}], "Overlays": [{"x": 0.6967023077400009, "y": 0.3687345417343558, "width": 0.09146324351177737, "height": 0.07958619443254816}], "Group": "Endothelial cells", "Masks": [], "ActiveMasks": [], "Zoom": 3.6203091460587817, "Pan": [0.729743147825654, 0.41370712931465564]}, {"Name": "ER\u03b1 and MHC expressions", "Description": "ER\u03b1 expression (yellow) is concentrated in cancer cells. MHC-I (HLA-ABC, red) and MHC-II (HLA-DPB1, blue) show correlated expression patterns within a 20\u03bcm cellular neighborhood. MHC expression is higher in the stroma than in the tumor core. In cancer cells and macrophages, MHC expression is closely tied to ER\u03b1 activity, whereas in T cells and stromal cells, it is more independent of ER\u03b1. (Use the right panel to toggle ER\u03b1 on and off to better visualize MHC expression in tumor core and stroma.)", "Arrows": [{"Text": "ER-positive area (tumor core)", "HideArrow": false, "Point": [0.27290556810212796, 0.5778739487477865], "Angle": 60}, {"Text": "ER-negative area (stroma)", "HideArrow": false, "Point": [0.25152927843555534, 0.603920622044022], "Angle": 60}], "Overlays": [{"x": 0.23674594624687015, "y": 0.556195090082149, "width": 0.0847245726721754, "height": 0.07861646100355335}], "Group": "ERa and MHC expression", "Masks": [], "ActiveMasks": [], "Zoom": 3.17733580952938, "Pan": [0.2792240319494023, 0.6145687878377898]}, {"Name": "Cell types only", "Description": "", "Arrows": [], "Overlays": [], "Group": "Cell types", "Masks": ["Cancer", "Mac-CD68", "Mac-CD68-CD163", "Mac-CD163", "NK", "B", "CD8T", "CD4T-nonTreg", "CD4T-Treg", "T-other", "Endo", "Fibro"], "ActiveMasks": ["Cancer", "Mac-CD68", "Mac-CD68-CD163", "Mac-CD163", "NK", "B", "CD8T", "CD4T-nonTreg", "CD4T-Treg", "T-other", "Endo", "Fibro"], "Zoom": 0.6089644513137559, "Pan": [0.6361370318292215, 0.5]}]}], "Channels": [{"Rendered": false, "Name": "DNA0", "Path": "DNA0_0__DNA0"}, {"Rendered": false, "Name": "PANCK", "Path": "PANCK_19__PANCK"}, {"Rendered": false, "Name": "SMA", "Path": "SMA_14__SMA"}, {"Rendered": false, "Name": "CD31", "Path": "CD31_8__CD31"}, {"Rendered": false, "Name": "CD68", "Path": "CD68_11__CD68"}, {"Rendered": false, "Name": "CD163", "Path": "CD163_21__CD163"}, {"Rendered": false, "Name": "CD3", "Path": "CD3_7__CD3"}, {"Rendered": false, "Name": "CD4", "Path": "CD4_9__CD4"}, {"Rendered": false, "Name": "CD8A", "Path": "CD8A_18__CD8A"}, {"Rendered": false, "Name": "PD1", "Path": "PD1_28__PD1"}, {"Rendered": false, "Name": "ERa", "Path": "ERa_24__ERa"}, {"Rendered": false, "Name": "HLAABC", "Path": "HLAABC_6__HLAABC"}, {"Rendered": false, "Name": "HLADBP1", "Path": "HLADBP1_13__HLADBP1"}], "Groups": [{"Name": "Overview", "Colors": ["ffffff", "00ff00", "ff0000", "ffff00", "00ffff", "00ffff", "ff00ff", "ff00ff", "ff00ff"], "Channels": ["DNA0", "PANCK", "SMA", "CD31", "CD68", "CD163", "CD3", "CD4", "CD8A"], "Descriptions": ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""]}, {"Name": "T cells", "Colors": ["00ff00", "ffff00", "00ffff", "ff00ff", "0000ff"], "Channels": ["PANCK", "CD3", "CD4", "CD8A", "PD1"], "Descriptions": ["", "", "", "", ""]}, {"Name": "Macrophages", "Colors": ["00ff00", "ff00ff", "00ffff", "ffff00", "0000ff", "ff0000"], "Channels": ["PANCK", "CD68", "CD163", "CD3", "CD4", "CD8A"], "Descriptions": ["", "", "", "", "", ""]}, {"Name": "Endothelial cells", "Colors": ["ffffff", "00ff00", "ffff00", "0000ff", "ff0000"], "Channels": ["DNA0", "PANCK", "CD31", "CD4", "CD8A"], "Descriptions": ["", "", "", "", ""]}, {"Name": "ERa and MHC expression", "Colors": ["ffff00", "ff0000", "0000ff", "00ffff", "00ffff", "ff00ff", "ff00ff", "ff00ff"], "Channels": ["ERa", "HLAABC", "HLADBP1", "CD68", "CD163", "CD3", "CD4", "CD8A"], "Descriptions": ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""]}, {"Name": "Cell types", "Colors": ["ffffff"], "Channels": ["DNA0"], "Descriptions": [""]}], "Masks": [{"Path":"Cancer","Name":"Cancer","Channels":["Cancer"],"Colors":["0a6771"]},{"Path":"Mac-CD68","Name":"Mac-CD68","Channels":["Mac-CD68"],"Colors":["b51b7a"]},{"Path":"Mac-CD68-CD163","Name":"Mac-CD68-CD163","Channels":["Mac-CD68-CD163"],"Colors":["00ff00"]},{"Path":"Mac-CD163","Name":"Mac-CD163","Channels":["Mac-CD163"],"Colors":["1f5bbc"]},{"Path":"NK","Name":"NK","Channels":["NK"],"Colors":["45a533"]},{"Path":"B","Name":"B","Channels":["B"],"Colors":["32e3d9"]},{"Path":"CD8T","Name":"CD8T","Channels":["CD8T"],"Colors":["ff8e00"]},{"Path":"CD4T-nonTreg","Name":"CD4T-nonTreg","Channels":["CD4T-nonTreg"],"Colors":["ff0000"]},{"Path":"CD4T-Treg","Name":"CD4T-Treg","Channels":["CD4T-Treg"],"Colors":["ffff00"]},{"Path":"T-other","Name":"T-other","Channels":["T-other"],"Colors":["af363e"]},{"Path":"Fibro","Name":"Fibro","Channels":["Fibro"],"Colors":["4b3a82"]},{"Path":"Endo","Name":"Endo","Channels":["Endo"],"Colors":["ff00ff"]}], "PixelsPerMicron": 1.5384615948919735, "FirstViewport": {"Zoom": 0.3793750000000001, "Pan": [0.6361370318292215, 0.5079653515034628]}, "FirstGroup": "Overview"}