- Link shrinking in tweetbar
- Show user info when hovering handler in timeline
- Show related tweet in timeline
- Use service worker to make requests snappy and reliable
- Link preview in tweetbar
- Link preview in timeline
- Save Roboto font locally
- Show new mentions notification
- Send error reports to the server
- DMs
- Add some link to my profile in the app
- Push notifications when interaction happens
- Show logged user photo
- Use keyed nodes in timeline
- Add delete option
- Software Update checklist
- Allow quoting tweets
- Send since_id when refreshing
- Reload conditionally when changing tabs // we are currently reloading all tabs on widget open
- Infinite scroll // through a load-more button
- Allow reply to tweets // Needs to show which tweet is being replied to
- User link in retweet status not working
- Links gaining underline when focused.
- Double spaces in stylised text div
- Update project README
- Open with keyboard shortcut
- Allow detatching
- Visual cues about what is possible
- Clicking user suggestion not working
- Change github project website at https://github.com/lazamar/silver-magpie
- Add Silver Magpie to lazamar.github.io
- Analytics at lazamar.co.uk/silver-magpie
- Github ribbon at lazamar.co.uk/silver-magpie
- Link chrome store at lazamar.co.uk/silver-magpie
- Make title Image link to root at lazamar.co.uk/silver-magpie
- Setup analytics
- Reload when opening widget
- Clear tweetbar after posting tweet
- Allow retweeting and favouriting
- too long text in tweetbar
- Add mentions view
- Make retweets look good
- Highlight hashtags
- Auto-complete tagging in tweetbar
- Link previews in tweets and tweetbar
- Show retweetcount and favourite count
- Logout when the server returns 401.
- too long word in tweetbar
- Cache link preview
- Cache user picture