diff --git a/client/src/components/hints.tsx b/client/src/components/hints.tsx
index e4884642..e57db5f0 100644
--- a/client/src/components/hints.tsx
+++ b/client/src/components/hints.tsx
@@ -5,15 +5,33 @@ import { DeletedChatContext, ProofContext } from "./infoview/context";
import { lastStepHasErrors } from "./infoview/goals";
import { Button } from "./button";
+/** Plug-in the variable names in a hint. We do this client-side to prepare
+ * for i18n in the future. i.e. one should be able translate the `rawText`
+ * and have the variables substituted just before displaying.
+ */
+function getHintText(hint: GameHint): string {
+ if (hint.rawText) {
+ // Replace the variable names used in the hint with the ones used by the player
+ // variable names are marked like `«{g}»` inside the text.
+ return hint.rawText.replace(/«\{(.*?)\}»/, ((_, v) =>
+ // `hint.varNames` contains tuples `[oldName, newName]`
+ (hint.varNames.find(x => x[0] == v))[1]))
+ } else {
+ // hints created in the frontend do not have a `rawText`
+ // TODO: `hint.text` could be removed in theory.
+ return hint.text
+ }
export function Hint({hint, step, selected, toggleSelection, lastLevel} : {hint: GameHint, step: number, selected: number, toggleSelection: any, lastLevel?: boolean}) {
- {hint.text}
+ {getHintText(hint)}
export function HiddenHint({hint, step, selected, toggleSelection, lastLevel} : {hint: GameHint, step: number, selected: number, toggleSelection: any, lastLevel?: boolean}) {
- {hint.text}
+ {getHintText(hint)}
@@ -31,7 +49,7 @@ export function Hints({hints, showHidden, step, selected, toggleSelection, lastL
export function DeletedHint({hint} : {hint: GameHint}) {
- {hint.text}
+ {getHintText(hint)}
diff --git a/client/src/components/infoview/rpc_api.ts b/client/src/components/infoview/rpc_api.ts
index c499e93a..3a6acbaa 100644
--- a/client/src/components/infoview/rpc_api.ts
+++ b/client/src/components/infoview/rpc_api.ts
@@ -49,6 +49,8 @@ export interface InteractiveTermGoal extends InteractiveGoalCore {
export interface GameHint {
text: string;
hidden: boolean;
+ rawText: string;
+ varNames: string[][]; // in Lean: `Array (Name × Name)`
export interface InteractiveGoalWithHints {
diff --git a/server/GameServer/RpcHandlers.lean b/server/GameServer/RpcHandlers.lean
index 61d46c8e..c815abf5 100644
--- a/server/GameServer/RpcHandlers.lean
+++ b/server/GameServer/RpcHandlers.lean
@@ -121,14 +121,45 @@ def findHints (goal : MVarId) (m : DocumentMeta) (initParams : Lsp.InitializePar
openAbstractCtxResult hint.goal fun hintFVars hintGoal => do
if let some fvarBij := matchExpr (← instantiateMVars $ hintGoal) (← instantiateMVars $ ← inferType $ mkMVar goal)
- let lctx := (← goal.getDecl).lctx
- if let some bij ← matchDecls hintFVars lctx.getFVars (strict := hint.strict) (initBij := fvarBij)
+ -- NOTE: This is a bit a hack of somebody who does not know how meta-programming works.
+ -- All we want here is a list of `userNames` for the `FVarId`s in `hintFVars`...
+ -- and we wrap them in `«{}»` here since I don't know how to do it later.
+ let mut hintFVarsNames : Array Expr := #[]
+ for fvar in hintFVars do
+ let name₁ ← fvar.fvarId!.getUserName
+ hintFVarsNames := hintFVarsNames.push <| Expr.fvar ⟨s!"«\{{name₁}}»"⟩
+ let lctx := (← goal.getDecl).lctx -- the player's local context
+ if let some bij ← matchDecls hintFVars lctx.getFVars
+ (strict := hint.strict) (initBij := fvarBij)
let userFVars := hintFVars.map fun v => bij.forward.findD v.fvarId! v.fvarId!
+ -- Evaluate the text in the player's context to get the new variable names.
let text := (← evalHintMessage hint.text) (userFVars.map Expr.fvar)
let ctx := {env := ← getEnv, mctx := ← getMCtx, lctx := lctx, opts := {}}
let text ← (MessageData.withContext ctx text).toString
- return some { text := text, hidden := hint.hidden }
+ -- Evaluate the text in the `Hint`'s context to get the old variable names.
+ let rawText := (← evalHintMessage hint.text) hintFVarsNames
+ let ctx₂ := {env := ← getEnv, mctx := ← getMCtx, lctx := ← getLCtx, opts := {}}
+ let rawText ← (MessageData.withContext ctx₂ rawText).toString
+ -- Here we map the goal's variable names to the player's variable names.
+ let mut varNames : Array <| Name × Name := #[]
+ for (fvar₁, fvar₂) in bij.forward.toArray do
+ -- get the `userName` of the fvar in the opened local context of the hint.
+ let name₁ ← fvar₁.getUserName
+ -- get the `userName` in the player's local context.
+ let name₂ := (lctx.get! fvar₂).userName
+ varNames := varNames.push (name₁, name₂)
+ return some {
+ text := text,
+ hidden := hint.hidden,
+ rawText := rawText,
+ varNames := varNames }
else return none
return none
diff --git a/server/GameServer/Structures.lean b/server/GameServer/Structures.lean
index 7b279179..49ce1879 100644
--- a/server/GameServer/Structures.lean
+++ b/server/GameServer/Structures.lean
@@ -54,8 +54,17 @@ deriving RpcEncodable
/-- A hint in the game at the corresponding goal. -/
structure GameHint where
+ /-- The text with the variable names already inserted.
+ Note: This is in theory superfluous and will be completely replaced by `rawText`. We just left
+ it in for debugging for now. -/
text : String
+ /-- Flag whether the hint should be hidden initially. -/
hidden : Bool
+ /-- The text with the variables not inserted yet. -/
+ rawText : String
+ /-- The assignment of variable names in the `rawText` to the ones the player used. -/
+ varNames : Array <| Name × Name
deriving FromJson, ToJson
/-- Bundled `InteractiveGoal` together with an array of hints that apply at this stage. -/