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The best description of a ruby fiber |
I'm thoroughly, utterly confused about Ruby 1.9's Fiber feature. Whilst working on Fern we have a "windowing" function, this is essentially user-controlled concurrency, and our existing, ugly as sin implementation looks something like this:
class Window < Common
def perform &block
hosts.each_slice(options[:max]) do |h|
Parallel.new(h, options).perform &block
The Parallel helper, not shown here is implemented using Threads, simple, almost-real concurrency should be good enoguh for me in this context, the performance of the host machine is unlikely to be the bottleneck in a remote SSH command library, that said I've been wanting to learn more about using Fibers for a long time and today happened upon an article that has unfortunately disappeared from the internet:
Execution of blocks and methods always begins from their first statement. Each time, their local variables are initialised anew. If they need to retain state across calls, they must do so explicitly, using either global variables or variables defined in their enclosing scope. A fiber—a lightweight, semi-coroutine—provides an alternative approach. It is effectively a block whose execution can be suspended—passing control back to its caller. The caller may subsequently resume the fiber from the point at which it was suspended. A fiber, therefore, automatically maintains state across calls: its local variables are initialised only the first time it is resumed. Only one fiber may execute at any one time, so, like threads, they merely create the illusion of concurrency.
A Fiber object is created by passing a block to Fiber.new. The block is not called until the fiber is resumed.
Resuming a fiber that has not been resumed previously, executes the block from the beginning. If the block opts to pass control back to its caller, the fiber suspends itself, and execution jumps to the statement following that which resumed the fiber. If this fiber is resumed again, it will continue executing its block from where it left off last time. A fiber may repeat this process as often as it likes.
A fiber is resumed with Fiber#resume. It passes control back to its caller with Fiber.yield—which has no relation to the yield keyword. Any arguments supplied to #resume are passed to the fiber: if the fiber had not been resumed previously, they are passed in as block arguments; otherwise, they become the return value of the corresponding Fiber.yield invocation. Likewise, any arguments passed to Fiber.yield become the return value of the corresponding Fiber#resume invocation.
When the block exits, the fiber dies. Attempting to resume a dead fiber causes a FiberError to be raised. This exception will also be raised if a fiber is created in one thread but resumed from another.
The key things that I took from this were that yield
and Fiber.yield
no common meaning, it's a classic case of unfortunate naming. Secondly resuming a
Fiber will start un-resumed Fibers at the first statement, and
fibers at the place where they relinquished control.
This makes reading the articles about fibers much easier, and in an example such as the following begins to make sense:
fib = Fiber.new do
x, y = 0, 1
loop do
Fiber.yield y
x, y = y, x + y
2_000.times { puts fib.resume }
To go through it line by line,
- Create a new Fiber, it won't run until something calls resume on it
- Initialize some variables
- Start a loop, this runs forever, but we break out as soon as we
on the next line - Return from the Fiber block with the value of
, on the first run this sends1
) as the return value offib.resume
, so we effectivelyputs 1
on line #8. - Calculate the next values, this is standard Fibonacci stuff.
- (Nothing)
- (Nothing)
- Call the fiber 2,000 times, the fiber remembers the values of
between calls, and will begin from line #4 on all calls except the first. because of the infinite loop, control will return to line #4 which will exit the fiber, returning the latest number in the sequence to the caller on this line.