English | 中文
To run this program, Python 3 (above 3.7) is required. Yon need to install it if you don't have it on your computer.
Then, download gloss-search-master.zip
and extract it to a folder (you would need the path to this folder later).
There is a python script run_app.py
inside the extracted zip file (gloss-search-master.zip
). To use this program, you need to execute this script in the terminal. But BEFORE THE FIRST TIME you run this script, you have to edit two lines in run_app.py
that set the absolute paths to the folder of the docx files and server.py
, the script essential to this program:
SERVER_SCRIPT_PATH = r'/Users/<username>/Desktop/gloss-search-master/server.py' # path to gloss-search-master/server.py
DOCX_FOLDER_PATH = r'/Users/<username>/Desktop/Linguistic_Fieldwork/' # path to the folder of docx files
Suppose you use Mac and gloss-search-master.zip
is extracted to gloss-search-master/
on your desktop. Also, you have your interlinear glosses (.docx
files) saved in another folder, Linguistic_Fieldwork/
, on your desktop. Then the paths you set in run_app.py
should look very similar to the above example, except that you have to change <username>
to that of yours.
After this setup, you can start the program with the steps below (as long as you keep the locations of the folders constant, you won't have to repeat the steps mentioned above the next time you start the program):
Open the terminal and execute
with one of the command below (depends on your os):python run_app.py # if you're on Windows python3 run_app.py # if you're on Mac
Visit https://glosss.yongfu.name to search the docx files:
- Select
to search files on your computer (selectingWeb
searches from online database). - Select
to target the gloss lines (lines with aligned tokens)- Search with regular expression with
- Search with regular expression with
- Select
to target the free lines (those starting with#e
, and#n
) - Concatenate multiple patterns with
to get glosses that match all of them. For instance, to get glosses that contains bothNOM
, search with the stringNOM,ki
- Select
matassami su tigami ni Payan babay i Laway
ma-tas=sami su tigami ni Payan babay i Laway
AF-write=1PL.NOM ACC letter BEN Payan for NOM Laway
主焦-寫=1PL.主格 受格 信 受益格 Payan 給 主格 Laway
#e I write the letter to Laway with Payan.
#c 我跟Payan一起寫信給Laway。
#n 比較 ki Payan 和 ni Payan: ki Payan的意思為「和 Payan」,ni Payan的意思為「 Payan的信」。
si-pa-quwas=mu i yaya
CF-VBL-song=1SG.GEN NOM mother
參焦-動化-歌=1SG.屬格 名詞 媽媽
#e I sing for mom.
#c 我唱歌給媽媽聽。
#n i 可以省略。
[Original language (optional)]
[EMPTY LINE (optional)]
[Gloss line 1 (original language)]
[Gloss line 2 (English)]
[Gloss line 3 (Mandarin)]
#e [English translation]
#c [Chinese translation]
#n [Notes]