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Java Parse many date strings without knowing format in advance. Inspired by Golang Project dateparse. Invoke the golang code with JNA.
// Normal parse
ZonedDateTime date = DateParse.parseAny("03/19/2012 10:11:59");
// Parse with Local Timezone
ZonedDateTime date = DateParse.parseLocal("Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 -0700");
// formate ZoneDateTime to yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss with UTC timezone
String dateStr = DateParse.format(date);
RFC-3339 is a subset/profile defined by W3C of the formats defined in ISO-8601, to simplify date and time exhange in modern Internet protocols.
Typical formats include:
2017-12-27T23:45:32Z - No fractional seconds, UTC/Zulu time
2017-12-27T23:45:32.999Z - Millisecond fractions, UTC/Zulu time
2017-12-27T23:45:32.999999Z - Microsecond fractions, UTC/Zulu time
2017-12-27T23:45:32.999999999Z - Nanosecond fractions, UTC/Zulu time
2017-12-27T18:45:32-05:00 - No fractional seconds, EST time
2017-12-27T18:45:32.999-05:00 - Millisecond fractions, EST time
2017-12-27T18:45:32.999999-05:00 - Microsecond fractions, EST time
2017-12-27T18:45:32.999999999-05:00 - Nanosecond fractions, EST time