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Arkadi Sharshevsky edited this page Mar 4, 2018 · 25 revisions
Table of Contents
  1. TC Flower
    1. Supported Keys
    2. Supported Actions
    3. Drop Action Example Usage
    4. Pass Action Example Usage
    5. Trap Action Example Usage
    6. Multi-table/Multi-chain Support
    7. Mirred Action Example Usage
    8. More Examples
  2. Further Resources

TC Flower

It is possible to offload TC flower rules with a limited set of keys and actions to netdevs which represent mlxsw ports.

Before configuring match rules on enp3s0np1, one must first create the queueing disciplines (qdiscs) to which the flower classifier is attached.

Note: Offloading is not yet supported for soft-netdevs (e.g. bridge, bond, VLAN) or the management port.

Note: For now, offloading is only supported for netdevs which are bridged or have an IPv4 address assigned.

In order to prepare for the addition of flower rules, either add the ingress qdisc or clsact qdisc to enp3s0np1:

$ tc qdisc add dev enp3s0np1 ingress


$ tc qdisc add dev enp3s0np1 clsact

The benefit of clsact qdisc is that it can be used for insertion of not only ingress rules, but also egress rules.

The rest of the examples here use the ingress qdisc. To see more examples using clsact qdisc, please see the More Examples section.

Supported Keys

  • protocol (ethertype) [4.11]
  • src_mac [4.11]
  • dst_mac [4.11]
  • src_ip (both IPv4 and IPv6) [4.11]
  • dst_ip (both IPv4 and IPv6) [4.11]
  • ip_proto ("tcp" and "udp") [4.11]
  • src_port [4.11]
  • dst_port [4.11]
  • vlan_prio [4.12]
  • vlan_id [4.12]
  • tcp_flags [4.13]
  • ip_ttl [4.14]
  • ip_tos [4.14]

Note: Packets arriving without 802.1q TCI, or ones which are only priority-tagged, are assigned a bridge PVID by the hardware. Thus, a flower match on a vlan_id of PVID will match untagged packets as well.

Supported Actions

  • drop [4.11]
  • mirred egress redirect (forward) [4.11]
  • mirred egress mirror [4.16]
  • vlan modify [4.12]
  • trap [4.13]
  • goto chain [4.14]
  • pass [4.15]

Note: Packets which arrive without 802.1q TCI, or which are only priority-tagged, are assigned a bridge PVID by the hardware. Thus, a "vlan modify" to a non-PVID tag apparently pushes a VLAN tag on such packet, and likewise "vlan modify" to a PVID tag pops it. That is unlike the software pipeline, where "vlan modify" is only meaningful on packets which are already 802.1q-tagged.

Drop Action Example Usage

$ tc filter add dev enp3s0np1 parent ffff: protocol ipv6 pref 2 flower skip_sw src_ip fe01::1 action drop

This would add a rule with priority 2 matching every IPv6 packet with the source address fe01::1. The selected action is drop. Note the parameter skip_sw which instructs TC to skip the insertion of the rule to the kernel's datapath. If this keyword is omitted, the rule is inserted in both the kernel and HW.

To see a list of inserted rules, run:

$ tc filter show dev enp3s0np1 root

In order to observe statistics related to packets, bytes transmitted, or last time used, which are maintained on a per rule basis, add the -s flag:

$ tc -s filter show dev enp3s0np1 root

Pass Action Example Usage

$ tc filter add dev enp3s0np1 parent ffff: protocol ipv6 pref 2 flower skip_sw src_ip fe01::1 action pass

This adds a rule with priority 2 matching every IPv6 packet with the source address fe01::1. The selected action is pass. The result is that matching packets are accepted and processing of further filters is avoided.

Trap Action Example Usage

$ tc filter add dev enp3s0np1 parent ffff: protocol ipv6 pref 2 flower skip_sw src_ip fe01::1 action trap

This adds a rule with priority 2 matching every IPv6 packet with the source address fe01::1. The selected action is trap.

This rule insertion instructs the hardware to send matched packets to the kernel which may then perform further analysis on them. They appear as if they come from device enp3s0np1.

Multi-table/Multi-chain Support

TC rules (filters) are put together into chains by order of priority (pref). Each chain can be looked at as a table of rules.

To insert a rule into a specific chain, one has to use the chain parameter:

$ tc filter add dev enp3s0np1 parent ffff: protocol ip chain 100 pref 10 flower skip_sw dst_ip action drop

In this example, we added the rule into chain 100. If the chain parameter is omitted, the default chain 0 is assumed. Chain 0 is also the chain which is always processed first. If we want other chains to be processed, we have to use the action goto chain:

$ tc filter add dev enp3s0np1 parent ffff: protocol ip pref 10 flower skip_sw dst_ip action goto chain 100

Mirred Action Example Usage

$ tc filter add dev enp3s0np1 parent ffff: protocol ipv6 pref 2 flower skip_sw src_ip fe01::1 action mirred egress (mirror|redirect) dev enp3s0np2

This adds a rule with priority 2 matching every IPv6 packet with the source address fe01::1. The selected action is mirred.

This rule insertion instructs the hardware to redirect/mirror matched packet to the specified interface, enp3s0np2 in the example.

More Examples

$ tc filter add dev enp3s0np1 parent ffff: protocol ip pref 20 flower skip_sw dst_mac f4:52:14:10:df:92 action mirred egress redirect dev enp3s0np19
$ tc filter add dev enp3s0np1 parent ffff: protocol ipv6 pref 10 flower skip_sw dst_ip fe01::3 ip_proto tcp dst_port 3333 action drop
$ tc filter add dev enp3s0np1 parent ffff: protocol 802.1q flower vlan_id 95 skip_sw action drop
$ tc filter add dev enp3s0np1 parent ffff: protocol all flower action vlan modify id 85

Using clsact qdisc:

$ tc filter add dev enp3s0np1 ingress protocol ip pref 10 flower skip_sw dst_ip action trap
$ tc filter add dev enp3s0np1 egress protocol ip pref 10 flower skip_sw dst_ip action drop

Further Resources

  1. man tc
  2. man tc-flower
  3. QoS in Linux with TC and Filters by Phil Sutter (part of iproute documentation)
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