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Captcha Protect

lint-test Go Report Card

Traefik middleware to challenge individual IPs in a subnet when traffic spikes are detected from that subnet, using a captcha of your choice for the challenge (turnstile, recaptcha, or hcaptcha). Requires traefik v2.11.0 or above

You may have seen CAPTCHAs added to individual forms on the web to prevent bots from spamming submissions. This plugin extends that concept to your entire site (or specific routes on your site), effectively placing your entire site behind a CAPTCHA. However, the CAPTCHA is only triggered when a spike in traffic is detected from the same IP subnet. Once the CAPTCHA is successfully completed, that IP is no longer challenged, allowing uninterrupted browsing.

anti-bot decision tree
flowchart TD
    Client(Client accesses path on website) --> IP{Has client passed captcha challenge in the last 24h?}
    IP -- Yes --> Continue(Go to original destination)
    IP -- No --> IP_BYPASS{Is client IP excluded by captcha-protect config?}
    IP_BYPASS -- Yes --> Continue(Go to original destination)
    IP_BYPASS -- No --> GOOD_BOT{Is client IP hostname in allowed bot list?}
    GOOD_BOT -- No --> PROTECTED_ROUTE{Is this route protected?}
    GOOD_BOT -- Yes --> CANONICAL_URL_BOT{Are there URL parameters?}
    CANONICAL_URL_BOT -- Yes --> PROTECTED_ROUTE{Is this route prefix in protectRoutes?}
    CANONICAL_URL_BOT -- No --> Continue(Go to original destination)
    PROTECTED_ROUTE -- Yes --> RATE_LIMIT{Is this IP in a range seeing increased traffic?}
    PROTECTED_ROUTE -- No --> Continue(Go to original destination)
    RATE_LIMIT -- Yes --> REDIRECT(Redirect to /challenge)
    RATE_LIMIT -- No --> Continue(Go to original destination)
    REDIRECT --> CHALLENGE{turnstile/recaptcha/hcaptcha challenge}
    CHALLENGE -- Pass --> Continue(Go to original destination)
    CHALLENGE -- Fail --> Stuck



Below is an example docker-compose.yml with traefik as the frontend, and nginx as the backend. nginx is using this middleware to protect routes on the site that start with / (protectRoutes: "/")

Since the config values aren't specified, captcha-protect would use the default rateLimit: 20 and window: 86400 so any IPv4 in X.Y.0.0/16 (or ipv6 in /64) could only access the site 20 times before individual IPs in that subnet are required to pass a captcha to continue browsing.

        image: nginx:${NGINX_TAG}
            traefik.enable: true
            traefik.http.routers.nginx.entrypoints: http
            traefik.http.routers.nginx.service: nginx
            traefik.http.routers.nginx.rule: Host(`${DOMAIN}`)
            traefik.http.routers.nginx.middlewares: captcha-protect@docker
            traefik.http.middlewares.captcha-protect.plugin.captcha-protect.protectRoutes: "/"
            traefik.http.middlewares.captcha-protect.plugin.captcha-protect.captchaProvider: turnstile
            traefik.http.middlewares.captcha-protect.plugin.captcha-protect.siteKey: ${TURNSTILE_SITE_KEY}
            traefik.http.middlewares.captcha-protect.plugin.captcha-protect.secretKey: ${TURNSTILE_SECRET_KEY}
            traefik.http.middlewares.captcha-protect.plugin.captcha-protect.persistentStateFile: /tmp/state.json
                  - nginx
        image: traefik:${TRAEFIK_TAG}
        command: >-
            - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:z
            - /CHANGEME/TO/A/HOST/PATH/FOR/STATE/FILE:/tmp/state.json:rw
            - "80:80"
                    - traefik
            test: traefik healthcheck --ping
                condition: service_started

Config options

Parameter Type (Required) Default Description
protectRoutes []string (required) "" Comma-separated list of route prefixes to protect. e.g., "/" protects the entire site (including file/js/css downloads, which you likely don't want). "/browse" protects its subtree.
excludeRoutes []string "" Comma-separated list of route prefixes to never protect. e.g., protectRoutes: "/" protects the entire site. excludeRoutes: "/ajax" would never challenge any route starting with /ajax
captchaProvider string (required) "" The captcha type to use. Supported values: turnstile, hcaptcha, and recaptcha.
siteKey string (required) "" The captcha site key.
secretKey string (required) "" The captcha secret key.
rateLimit uint 20 Maximum requests allowed from a subnet before a challenge is triggered.
window int 86400 Duration (in seconds) for monitoring requests per subnet.
ipv4subnetMask int 16 CIDR subnet mask to group IPv4 addresses for rate limiting.
ipv6subnetMask int 64 CIDR subnet mask to group IPv6 addresses for rate limiting.
ipForwardedHeader string "" Header to check for the original client IP if Traefik is behind a load balancer.
ipDepth int 0 How deep past the last non-exempt IP to fetch the real IP from ipForwardedHeader. Default 0 returns the last IP in the forward header
goodBots []string (encouraged) see below List of second-level domains for bots that are never challenged or rate-limited.
protectParameters string "false" Forces rate limiting even for good bots if URL parameters are present. Useful for protecting faceted search pages.
protectFileExtensions []string "" Comma-separated file extensions to protect. By default, your protected routes only protect html files. This is to prevent files like CSS/JS/img from tripping the rate limit.
protectHttpMethods []string "GET,HEAD" Comma-separated list of HTTP methods to protect against
exemptIps []string privateIPs CIDR-formatted IPs that should never be challenged. Private IP ranges are always exempt.
challengeURL string "/challenge" URL where challenges are served. This will override existing routes if there is a conflict.
challengeTmpl string "./challenge.tmpl.html" Path to the Go HTML template for the captcha challenge page.
enableStatsPage string "false" Allows exemptIps to access /captcha-protect/stats to monitor the rate limiter.
logLevel string "INFO" Log level for the middleware. Options: ERROR, WARNING, INFO, or DEBUG.
persistentStateFile string "" File path to persist rate limiter state across Traefik restarts. In Docker, mount this file from the host.

Good Bots

To avoid having this middleware impact your SEO score, it's recommended to provide a value for goodBots. By default, no bots will be allowed to crawl your protected routes beyond the rate limit unless their second level domain (e.g. is configured as a good bot.

A good default value for goodBots would be:


However if you set the config parameter protectParameters="true", even good bots won't be allowed to crawl protected routes if a URL parameter is on the request (e.g. /foo?bar=baz). This protectParameters feature is meant to help protect faceted search pages.

Overriding the challenge template file

You probably will want to theme the CAPTCHA challenge page to match the style of your site.

You can do that by copying the challenge.tmpl.html file in this repo into your docker compose project, mounting it into your traefik container

            - ./host/path/to/challenge.tmpl.html:/challenge.tmpl.html:ro

and pointing the middleware to your overridden template with

            traefik.http.middlewares.captcha-protect.plugin.captcha-protect.challengeTmpl: "/challenge.tmpl.html"

When you override the challenge template, the process probably looks like:

  1. Copying some html file from your existing site (so the challenge looks like the rest of your site)
  2. Replacing some <div> in the HTML body for the file copied in step 1 with the <form>...</form><script>...</script> HTML tags/contents in this repo's default challenge.tmpl.html. You must copy the form and script tags exactly as they are in the original challenge template. They use go's templating language to inject the proper site key and other variables into the HTML response when a challenge is presented
  3. You must also be sure to have this in the <head> of your overridden template:
    <script src="{{ .FrontendJS }}" async defer referrerpolicy="no-referrer"></script>

Similar projects

  • Traefik RateLimit middleware - the core traefik ratelimit middleware will start sending 429 responses based on individual IPs, which might not be good enough to protect against traffic coming from distributed networks. Also, this plugin (captcha-protect) allows not including files in your rate limiter to avoid static assets from being counted in the rate limit.
  • crowdsec-bouncer-traefik-plugin has a captcha option, but requires integrating with crowdsec to verify individual IPs. This plugin (captcha-protect) instead just checks the traffic actually visiting your site and verifies the traffic is from a person only when the traffic exceeds some rate limit you configure.
