This example demonstrates a simple echo
$ python -m pip install libp2p
Collecting libp2p
Successfully installed libp2p-x.x.x
$ echo-demo
Run this from the same folder in another console:
echo-demo -p 8001 -d /ip4/
Waiting for incoming connection...
Copy the line that starts with echo-demo -p 8001
, open a new terminal in the same
folder and paste it in:
$ echo-demo -p 8001 -d /ip4/
I am 16Uiu2HAmE3N7KauPTmHddYPsbMcBp2C6XAmprELX3YcFEN9iXiBu
Sent: hi, there!
Got: hi, there!
.. literalinclude:: ../examples/echo/ :language: python :linenos: