Here is the set of Polars Exprs to be considered for Dan::Polars:
todos from
- head
- min,sum,mean,sort,reverse,unique,std,var
- add,sub,mul,div,true_div,rem
- first, last, backward_fill, forward_fill
- lit
- binary - cmps #(gt >, lt <, ge >=, le <=, eq ==, ne !=, and &&, or ||)
- _and,_or
- as_struct
- filter
- all (just use col("*")
- drop
- is_not, is_null, is_not_null, is_infinite, is_finite, is_nan, is_not_nan
- cast
- nulls
- str_lengths
next up - analytics:
- quantile
- clip
- rank, diff, pct_change, skew, kurtosis
- pearson, spearman_rank_corr
- entropy
- rolling_sum,min,max,mean,std,var,median,quantile,skew
- cov(ariance)
then - datetime:
- str_parse_date, str_parse_datetime - think
- strftime, year, month, week, weekday, day, ordinal_day, hour, minute, second, nanosecond - think
- duration_days, hours, seconds, nanoseconds, millisecondsi - think
- timestamp, dt_epoch_seconds - think
- interpolate - think
- arange, range - think
then - ternary:
- whenthenthen (ternary) - think
then - lists:
- list (need to add Array dtype) - think
- explode - think
then - str:
- str_strip,str_rstrip,str_lstrip - think
- str_to_uppercase, str_to_lowercase - think
- str_slice - think
- str_contains, str_extract - think
- str_replace, str_replace_all - think
- str_hex_decode,str_hex_encode - think
- str_base64_encode, str_base64_decode - think
- str_json_path_match - think
- str_split, str_split_inclusive, str_split_exact, str_split_exact_inclusive - think
- str_concat - think
- n-unique, arg_unique, unique_stable - think
- sort_with, sort_by - arity / think
- arg_max, arg_min - think
- fill_null, fill_..., fill_nan - think
- drop_nulls, drop_nans - think
- is_first, is_unique - think
- slice - think
- is_dupe,not,_xor - think
- cat_set_ordering - think
- reshape, shuffle - think
- cumcount - think
- sample_frac - arity
- ewm_mean - arity
- extend - arity
- round - arity
- over - arity
- is_in - arity
- repeat_by - arity
- pow - apply
- log - apply
- to_string (got cast(str) already)
- take - arity
- shift, shift_and_fill - arity
- tail - accessors
- agg_groups - internal detail
- value_counts, unique_counts - internal detail
- arg_sort - internal detail
- floor, ceil - apply
- abs - apply
- cumsum,cummax,cummin,cumprod - arity / daftness
- product - this is daft!
- dot, mode, keep_name - huh?
- prefix, suffix - just use alias
- lower_bound,upper_bound - internal detail
- lst_max,lengths,get,join,arg_min,arg_max,diff,shift,slice,eval
- to_physical - internal detail
- any - huh?
- struct_field_by_name,struct_rename_fields - huh?
- dtype_cols - internal detail
- argsort_by - huh?
- concat_lst, concat_str - huh?
- min_exprs, max_exprs - huh?
- align to raku methods
- no numpy ufuncs
- apply only, no map
- map is not needed since you can do apply in a select context to get same result
- viz.
- raku is anyway not as fast as rust+polars ... use that if you need map levels of performance
- filter is native rust polars, grep is via raku flood / flush
- sort on expr is native polars, sort on df (with Block) is via raku flood/flush
- embedded regex/str ops are unfriendly --- aim for this in raku
- embedded ternaries are quite unfriendly --- I would rather aim for this in raku