Credit to [[Karl Steyaert]]. Content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
- Notice your breath
- Write out Self-Connection process: thoughts, body sensations, observations, feelings, needs, requests
- Step away from group for a pause
- Ring bell to invite one minute of stillness and silence, ended by you
- Invite group to form pairs for pair share (1-5 min per person)
- Invite group to take break (5+ min)
- Invite group to make sounds for one minute, ended by you
- Invite group to sing song
- Invite group to go around circle and name body sensations
- Invite group to practice SCOPE: slow down, connect to body, orient, pendulate, engage socially
- Invite group to pair up and go through Self-Connection process (5-10 min per person)
- Invite group to go around circle and have each person share, with/without a timer (1-3 min per person)
- Invite group to go outside, for a break or to continue group outside