This specification describes Flux Security IMP, a privileged service used by multi-user Flux instances to launch, monitor, and control processes running as users other than the instance owner.
Editor: Mark A. Grondona <[email protected]>
State: raw
The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.
In the traditional resource management model, a monolithic resource manager runs with the credentials of a privileged user, typically using long-running daemons with elevated privileges on compute resources. These daemons allow the resource manager to complete necessary privileged work, such as modification of containers, system preparation (such as prolog/epilog scripts), and most importantly allow the transition of credentials to that of the requesting user, so that jobs may be successfully executed in a multi-user environment.
Drawbacks to this monolithic approach include:
Total amount of code running with privilege is increased above what is strictly necessary
Testing of privileged code is more difficult
Security patches and updates require a new release of entire project
In the Flux model, however, an instance runs at most with the credentials of the instance owner (a normal, unprivileged user), including all processes running on computational resources of the instance. This design works well for single-user instances of Flux, but multi-user capable instances require some mechanism to perform privileged operations, most notably when executing work on behalf of a non instance owner (a guest).
In the Flux system, this privilege - along with all related operations - is contained within a single service, the Independent Minister of Privilege (IMP), which is responsible for allowing instance owners to run work on behalf of a guest when the guest user has authorized the instance to do so.
By placing all code running with elevated privilege into a single service, the following benefits are realized:
Code running under privilege is reduced to the logical minimum
The privileged service can be tested separately from other Flux components
The privileged software release cycle is decoupled from core Flux code, allowing updates to be applied out of band.
The privileged service is completely under sysadmin control, while still allowing users to run test or private versions of Flux even in multi-user mode.
More fine grained administrative control of privilege. For example, simple filesystem access controls may be used to limit which users are allowed to run multi-user without preventing these users from launching Flux instances altogether.
Arbitrary users can run multi-user instances of Flux, thus allowing users to share their jobs
For the purposes of this RFC there are four main user roles:
owner, instance owner, or resource owner The user under which a Flux instance is running, not privileged. This user is considered the owner of all resources to which the Flux instance is running.
system owner The user under which the system instance of Flux is running. The default owner of all resources on the system.
guest user, or guest A user wishing to use services or run work in a Flux instance when they are not the instance owner.
superuser, or root A user with access to perform required privileged operations during multi-user execution, such as gaining credentials of other users, system setup or initialization, container manipulation, etc. Typically the root user.
The Flux Security IMP SHALL be implemented with the following overall design
The IMP SHALL be an independent Flux Framework project, with the ability to be tested standalone
The IMP SHALL be implemented as an executable,
, which MAY be installed with setuid permissions in cases where multi-user Flux is required. -
The IMP SHALL accept and process data using stdin, to avoid putting sensitive data on the command line or environment.
Implementation of the IMP as a separately installed, setuid executable
allows sysadmin control over where and how the IMP is enabled. If the
executable is not installed, or installed without
setuid bits enabled, then multi-user Flux is simply not available, though
single user instances of Flux will still operate. The file permissions,
access controls, or SELinux policy of flux-security-imp
may also be
manipulated to restrict access to a user or group of users. For instance,
a site may configure permissions such that only a flux
user has execute
permissions, thus allowing a multi-user system instance running as flux
but disallowing sub-instance jobs access to multi-user capabilities.
The operation of the Flux Security IMP is based on the use of structured request tokens by both the instance owner with control of some resources and a guest user requesting use of those resources. Each of these tokens have a guarantee of data integrity and authenticity, such that these requests cannot be modified in an unauthorized or undetectable manner, and the identity of the creators may be absolutely verified.
When a guest makes a request for a job to a multi-user instance of Flux, the guest will create a message with information such as the job specification, a time-to-live, and authorized resource owner, and then uses IMP client API to sign all fields of the message. The signed message becomes the user request token J which authorizes the resource owner to execute the request at some point on behalf of the guest.
This signed request then becomes part of the user’s job. When the job is scheduled by the instance, the owner assigns a resource set to the job, and signs that data including the user’s original request. The resource owner’s signature and the assigned resources, in addition to an additional time-to-live, become a job request token R which authorizes the guest user access to the specific resources in the resource set.
This final signed job request token R becomes the input to the Flux IMP executable. This allows the IMP to verify that the resource owner has granted certain resources to a guest user, and that the guest has authorized the resource owner to execute specific work on their behalf.
The IMP verifies the integrity and authenticity of both R and J using cryptographic methods provided by plugins. Once the verification step is complete, the privileged IMP will invoke system configured plugins for setup and containment, then change credentials to the guest user, and finally execute the processes of the job as specified in J.
In most cases, the IMP will execute a job shell on behalf of the user, passing the verified J as input to the shell. The shell itself is provided either by the user or by system configuration, but should not be provided or modified by the instance owner. The shell re-verifies integrity and authenticity of J before proceeding, then interprets the jobspec contained in J to determine the set of tasks to invoke on the current resource set.
It may be noted that the user’s request J is verified twice when a job shell is invoked, and this is by design. The IMP verifies J to avoid passing tainted input to the job shell, which runs as the guest user. The shell re-verifies J because it has no guarantee that the caller has already done this verification, or that J has not been changed since any past verification. |
Figure 1 below summarizes the overall role of the IMP in a multi-user Flux instance.
The proposed contents of the owner’s Job Request (R) as follows
User Request (J) (described below)
Assigned resource set
Timestamp and TTL
Owner Signature (of above fields)
Where J is the User Request or reference to such a request, which SHALL contain
Jobspec as per 14/Canonical Job Specification
Timestamp and TTL
Intended recipient (instance owner)
Allowed resource set
User signature (of above fields)
Where above fields have the following specific meanings and requirements
Assigned resource set is the list of resources assigned to this job by the resource owner
Timestamp and TTL signifies that the request in question SHALL only be valid between Timestamp and Timestamp+TTL. This puts a time horizon on request usage
UUID is a globally unique identifier
Intended recipient is set to the instance owner that is the target of the request. This ensures that the user’s request cannot be used by another arbitrary user.
The user signature signs all fields of J
The owner signature signs all fields of R including J
When the IMP is invoked and has setuid privileges, the process MAY use privilege separation to limit the impact of programming errors or bugs in libraries. For more information on privilege separation, see the paper on privilege separated OpenSSH: "Preventing Privilege Escalation". [1]
Once the privileged IMP process has obtained the Job Request R, it SHALL perform the following verification steps:
Verify integrity and authenticity of R
Verify owner has access to assigned resource set
Verify integrity and authenticity of J
Verify TTL on R and J
Verify recipient field in J matches resource owner
Verify, if included, that assigned resource set is a strict subset of the allowed resource set
Resources in Flux are initially owned by the system owner, i.e. the
user which runs the system instance. Typically, this would be some
special system user, e.g. flux
. The system owner is the only trusted
user and resource ownership of requests from this user SHALL NOT require
In order to verify resource ownership for non-system users, the following requirements should be met:
The IMP SHALL support some sort of containment strategy, implemented via plugins for maximum flexibility.
The IMP’s container mechanism MUST support, at a minimum, process tracking functionality capable of creating inescapable process groups.
The IMP’s container strategy MUST be hierarchical, such that containers for jobs within an instance are created as sub-containers of container of the parent.
The IMP SHALL keep an original copy of the request R as ancillary data for each container.
With the following requirements met, the IMP may verify resource ownership by ensuring that the current container includes the resources in the assigned resource set, and that the invoking user is owner of the current container.
Resource ownership MUST be revokable. The result of a revocation SHALL include termination of all processes currently running in the container associated with the revoked resource grant. A revocation is recursive, and removes the container and all child containers, including ancillary data.
After verification of R is complete, the flux-security-imp
invokes required job setup code as the superuser. This setup code SHALL
be implemented as system-installed and verified plugins, and MAY include
such things as
Execution of some sort of job prolog
modification of system settings
creation of directories
state cleanup
Once privileged setup is complete, the security IMP SHALL generate a log message or other audit trail for the individual request. The IMP then SHALL proceed to obtain credentials of the guest user and finally exec(2) either explicit command in J, or a job shell as specified by the user or system configuration. After the call to exec(2) the security IMP is replaced by the guest user process, and is no longer active.
A multi-user instance of Flux not only requires the ability to execute work as a guest user, but it must also have privilege to monitor and kill these processes as part of normal resource manager operation.
For terminating and signaling processes the IMP SHALL include a kill
subcommand which, using the process tracking functionality, SHALL allow
an instance owner to signal or terminate any guest processes including
ancestors thereof that were started by the owner’s instance.
On execution, the flux-security-imp
SHALL read a site configuration
file which MAY contain site-specific information such as paths to trusted
executables, plugin locations, certificate authority information etc.
The IMP SHALL check for correct permissions on all configuration
files to reduce the risk of tampering.
This section describes some attacks and their specific defenses. It is still a work in progress.
Executing arbitrary process as another user: The entirety of a user job request, including executables, arguments, working directory, environment variables, etc, has an integrity guarantee, therefore a request cannot be forged, even by the instance owner.
Replay attacks, where a user’s job request is run again without their express permission, or a request is taken to another system and executed without authority. The intended recipient field of the user request protects against users other than the instance owner using the guest request, and a fixed time-to-live prevents the request from being used indefinitely. Finally, the
logs all invocations, thereby allowing replays to be detected and audited.