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- P. A. M. Dirac, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, USA
- Rosalind E. Franklin, King's College, London, UK
- Ernest M. Hemingway, The Sea, Key West, FL, USA
- Albert Einstein, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA. Contributed to discussion of dice.
- Isaac Asimov, Boston University, Boston, MA. Provided important background information about robots.
- A. Ada King-Noel, London, UK. Provided initial draft of code for computing Bernoulli numbers.
- Bruce Banner, Avengers Institute, New York, NY. Made several important changes involving gamma rays.
- Walter H. White, J. P. Wynne High School, Albuquerque, NM. Had several key suggestions on certain synthetic pathways.
This paper is being developed as a living document, open to changes from the community. You can read more about the concept of writing a paper in the same way one would write software code in the essay "Paper writing as code development". If you have comments or suggestions, we welcome them! Please submit them as issues to this GitHub repository so they can be recorded and given credit for the contribution. Specific changes can be proposed via pull requests.
- v1.2: Added discussion of recently published methods for color variation in organic synthetic pathways.
- v1.1: Added EMH as author.
- v1.0: Accepted in LiveCoMS.
- v0.9: Submitted to LiveCoMS, and posted on chemRxiv.
- 16 June 2017: Added important information about robots due to suggestions of contributor IA.
- 5 May 2017: Made it REALLY a lot better.
- 3 May 2017: EMH added as author. In addition to greatly improved discussion of best practices in marlin fishing, text made significantly more economical.
- 1 May 2017: Made it lots, lots, better.
- 12 April 2017: added information on best practices use of gamma radiation.
- 1 April 2017: Started document