What are the web forms?
Web forms are one of the main points of interaction between a user and a website or application. Forms allow users to enter data, which is typically sent to a web server for processing and storage.
We define a route using the GET method which will return our view of the form
app.get('/registro', (request, response) => {
We define a route using the POST method which will receive all the information supplied through the form. This information is received in the request object which has a body attribute that is where all the fields that come from our form are.
app.post('/registro', (request, response) => {
- request.body: brings all the information from our inputs except the type "files".
- request.files: brings all the information of files attached to our form. For example; pdf, images, documents.
Note: It is important to highlight that all our fields must have the attribute name defined in the label. Example:
<input type="text" name="name" placeholder="Insert name">