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118 lines (89 loc) · 12.1 KB

File metadata and controls

118 lines (89 loc) · 12.1 KB


Mutates a given maven or gradle project to create artificial bugs in the code for debugging research.
It first runs a test case and collects its trace using Microbat's instrumentator.jar.
It clones the project and mutates portions of the code that is covered by the test case. It then reruns the test case and returns the trace of the mutated test case.

Follow the set-up and usage sections below to use this project.


  1. install
    • Java 8
    • Java 11 (or above)
    • Maven
  2. Set JAVA_HOME environment variable to path to Java 11 (or above)
  3. Run .\scripts\setup.bat
  4. Enter %USERPROFILE%\lib\resources\java-mutation-framework\microbatConfig.json file and modify java_home argument to the path to Java 8

How the set-up works (Developers)

  1. Why are both Java 8 and Java 11 (or above) required?
    Java 8 is needed to run the trace collection jar file (microbat's instrumentator.jar)
    Java 11 (or above) is required to compile the AST Node dependency used in this project (Eclipse JDT API).
    Thus, to compile this project using Maven, JAVA_HOME is set to Java 11. If an IDE is used to run Maven, Java 11 can be set in the IDE as well.
    Java 8 is set in the microbatConfig.json file, to run instrumentator.jar for trace collection.

  2. What does .\scripts\setup.bat do?
    The project requires some external jar files to be run as a separate process, as well as the microbatConfig.json file to run instrumentator.jar. Thus, they must be copy-pasted to a system-defined location for this project to locate them.
    The script copy-pastes the files in .\src\main\resources to %USERPROFILE%\lib\resources\java-mutation-framework

To test if it is working,

  1. Ensure Java 8 path is correct in %USERPROFILE%\lib\resources\java-mutation-framework\microbatConfig.json
  2. Run jmutation.Main with -projectPath ./sample/math_70 -testCase org.apache.commons.math.analysis.BinaryFunctionTest#testAdd as arguments.

It should clone the project into %Temp%/mutation, mutate the project, and run trace collection on the same test case.


The jar file is available at .\target\java-mutation-framework-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar after setting-up.
As an external library, the public methods in jmutation.MutationFramework should be used. An example usage is provided in the trace-manager project. (See tracemanager.TraceManager in
Java docs are also available in the ./docs directory.

From the command line, the jar file can be executed with the following parameters:

  • projectPath (path to project, required)
  • testCase (test case to mutate and collect coverages, required)
  • dropInsDir (path to instrumentation dependencies)
  • microbatConfig (path to MicroBat configuration JSON file)


It is specified in a json file, with the option name as key, and its values as an array. An example is provided in sampleMicrobatConfig.json. Only certain configurations are modifiable for microbat as the rest has to be overwritten during runtime.

  • java_home
  • log
  • run_id
  • stepLimit

How it works (Developers)

The project is run from jmutation.Main. It passes the project path and microbat jar files directory (dropInsDir) into ProjectConfig class. It parses the project and obtains the test cases.

It checks for gradle files to determine that it is a gradle project, otherwise, it is maven.

Microbat configuration is obtained by parsing a json file. Path to a json file can be specified. jmutation.model.MicrobatConfig object is created, which contains the default configuration, with options specified in the json overwriting the default values. The microbat configuration and project configuration is passed into a jmutation.execution.ProjectExecutor object and ProjectExecutor#execPrecheck method is called with a test case. jmutation.execution.InstrumentationCommandBuilder is created which creates the microbat command to run.

ProjectExecutor#precheckExec method generates the microbat precheck command which runs the Junit test case, and collects diagnostic information (e.g. step over limit) as well as the test coverage. The command is then executed.

The project is then cloned into the <temp directory>/mutation directory. Using the test coverage, possible mutation ranges are obtained, and the cloned project is mutated. Precheck is also run on the mutated project for diagnostic.

The traces for both original and mutated projects are then obtained. ProjectExecutor#exec is called with a test case, which will run the test case, and collects a trace. The trace is read using microbat.instrumentation.output.RunningInfo#readFromFile.

The root causes are obtained by using the mutation history from the Mutator, and checking the buggy trace for TraceNodes that overlap in line numbers and class name stored in each jmutation.mutation.MutationCommand objects.

The various results such as the InstrumentationResults of the buggy and non-buggy traces, the 2 project roots, root causes and whether the buggy test case has passed is stored in a MutationResult object, which is returned from the jmutation.MutationFramework#startMutationFramework method.

To update instrumentator.jar

instrumentator.jar or other external libraries may require updating. Follow the steps to update them in the project's local repository.

  • Overwrite the instrumentator.jar in the src/main/resources/lib directory
  • Run:
    • mvn install:install-file -Dfile=src/main/resources/lib/instrumentator.jar -DgroupId=microbat -DartifactId=instrumentator -Dversion=0.0.1 -Dpackaging=jar -DgeneratePom=true -DlocalRepositoryPath=lib -DcreateChecksum=true -U
    • mvn dependency:purge-local-repository -DactTransitively=false
    • mvn -DskipTests=true install
  • Update the instrumentator.jar in the %USERPROFILE%\lib\resources\java-mutation-framework\lib directory