- R-side effects
- flexible RE variance; formula options for structure (|, ||, |||? us(), idh(), idv() ?)
- speed optimization
- MCMC sampler
- AGQ for complex models (nested/vector effects) (RH)
- postVar for complex models
- bootMer enhancements
- GLMMs with estimated scale
- profiling
- fit via expanded parameter vector (MLE)
- priors on
$\theta$ ,$\sigma$ - simulate/predict enhancements (newdata, newparams)
- refactor lme4 testing structures
- systematic performance comparison across packages, settings
- flexible prediction
- convergence and boundary tests (RH)
- GLMM parametric bootstrap (SH)
- double bars -- FS
- mkReTrms/flexible lambda -- FS, DB, BB, (MM) (Wed)
- predict/simulate -- BB, SH
- testing framework -- MM
- Bayes hooks -- VD, SW (Wed)
- clean pbkrtest -- SH, MM, SW (Wed)
- lsmeans/contrasts/predict -- SH, RHBC
- convergence diagostics -- MM, RHBC
- parametric bootstrap -- SH, BB (done)
- clean ordinal -- RHBC, SW