- Pending changelog
- Some other changes
- Some changes for a branch milestone
- Pending changelog
- Pending changelog
- Pending changelog
- Something new
- Testing Anchore subscriptions in k8s
- This should do
- And more
- Testing more Anchore subscriptions
- Testing Anchore subscriptions
- Check milestones again for security risk
- This one surely is
- Maybe this is the one?
- This one is better!
- This one is good!
- Another weird change
- More dummy changes
- Another dummy change
- Dummy change
- Updated cd-test-parent.version to version 0.5.0-24b33af
- Adding "!" to "Hello World!"
- Trying to build a new release
- Updated cd-test-parent.version to version 0.5.0-f589efe
- This is a great feature
- A change with "quotes"
- A change for version 0.45.0
- A change for version 0.44.0
- A change for version 0.43.0
- Updated cd-test-parent.version to version 0.5.0-55bd81e
- A change for version 0.42.0
- A change for version 0.43.0
- Updated cd-test-parent.version to version 0.5.0-55bd81e
- A change for version 0.42.0
- A change for version 0.42.0
- A change for version 0.41.0
- A change for version 0.40.0
- A change for version 0.39.0
- A change for version 0.38.0
- A change for version 0.37.0
- Added testsAT pom.xml
- A change for version 0.35.0
- A change for version 0.34.0
- A change for version 0.33.0
- Another further change for 0.32.3
- A hotfix change for version 0.32.1
- A change for version 0.32.0
- This is a change for version 0.31.0
- This is a change for version 0.30.0
- This is a change for version 0.29.0
- This is a change for version 0.28.0
- This is a change for version 0.27.0
- This is a change for version 0.26.0
- This is a change for version 0.25.0
- This is a change for version 0.24.0
- This is a change for version 0.23.0
- This is a change for version 0.22.2
- This is a change for version 0.22.1
- This is another change for version 0.22.1
- This is a change for version 0.22.0
- This is a change for version 0.21.0
- This is another change for version 0.21.0
- This is a change for version 0.20.0
- This is another change for version 0.20.0
- This is a change for version 0.19.0
- This is a change for version 0.18.0
- This is a change for version 0.17.0
- This is a change for version 0.16.0
- This is a change for version 0.15.0
- Change for 0.14
- Dockerfile
- And this is the first change for 0.12
- Something else added during the milestone process
- Change added before the branching for 0.12
- Change added after branching, before the second build
- The first change for version 0.11
- Another change created during the milestone process
- Test
- Another change that was not originally in the release notes
- A third change for another version
- Changes for 0.9.0
- A second change for 0.9
- This one is version 0.8.0
- Changes for 0.7.0
- This version is also ready
- Test change for version 0.5.0
- This is the original change for version 0.4.0
- This is a change for version 0.3.0
- This is the first change
- This is the second change
- test