- Rename
in directive generator #63 - Added model factory support #71
- dingo/api integration with jwt auth #43
- fixed deploy.sh script to migrate in production #56
- fixed links in generators documentation #55
- updated generators to match Demo layout #54
- responsive layout on mobile by @Bodom78 - #34
- unit test coverage for artisan ng:* generators #42
- unit test coverage to safely deploy using deploy.sh #42
- remove route:clear and config:clear from deploy.sh #47
- improved description of ng:* generators
- moved planned features to github issues
- Applied Laravel 5.1.11 migration (Introduces Authorization support) #39
- Updated composer depencencies to be aligned with the current version of Laravel #40
- fixed JWT authentication bug when using Apache #38
- added unit tests for Laravel Routes. More tests are coming #42
- fixed location for main.js and routes.js
- setup code coverage (code climate)
- travis setup
- fixed deploy.sh and optimized composer install
- new demo on elasticbeanstalk (because heroku are messing up with the availability)
- JWT Authentication fixes
- JWT Auth demo page
- API versionning in documentation
- fixed issues with ng:directive generator
- New angular/directives folder
- artisan ng:directive name generator
- New demo page for Elixir
- New demo page: Rest API
- Misc demo page: angular-loading-bar, debugbar & filters
- Demo Landing page Call to Action
- New demo page for Toasts
- New demo page for Dialogs
- New demo page for Unsupported Browser
- New demo apge for Artisan Angular Generators
- implement livereload
- livereload: doing soft reload on CSS instead of a full page reload
- custom elixir ingredients setup & sample
- custom elixir task: make jshint optional
- custom elixir task: bower - much faster than the one previously used
- bower task now automatically uses mainFile from bower.json
- gulp & gulp watch are now much much faster than before
- fixed elixir watcher for less
- artisan generator for creating a new angular service artisan ng:service name
- artisan generator for creating a new angular filter artisan ng:filter name
- artisan generator for creating a new angular config artisan ng:config name
- updated bower dependencies (angular material released 0.10.1)
- added artisan generator for creating a new angular feature: artisan ng:feature name
- improve generator to call controller with StudlyCase (StudlyCaseCtrl)
- artisan generator for creating a angular material custom dialogs: artisan ng:dialog name
- Update to elixir 3.0
- fixed gulp bower task
- gulp tasks are now much faster (gulp watch is much faster)
- Setup styleci.io - fixed php code style to be inline with Laravel (Laravel is using Style CI)
- IE sidebar fix
- Unsupported browser page + IE10 conditional comment
- Added meta viewport for mobile
- updated .editorConfig to work with Laravel ([*] taken from Laravel's .gitignore)
- dialog service + update documentation
- remove changelog on composer create-project
- toast service + update documentation
- sidebar markup fixes
- removing development files using post-create-project-cmd
- added
angular filter
- Simplified installation, now using
composer create-project
- fix issue with http over https
- now using
artisan serve
- now using
artisan key:generate
instead of instructing the user to manually update it
- new documentation page: Theme
- new documentation page: Deploy
- update documentation & readme cover
- removed imagemin for now since it's not being used in elixir
- New demo & documentation
- Added angular-loading-bar which works automatically
- Added angularController to serve app (will be used later on for unsupported browser)
- fixed documentation
- fixed restangular config
- added sample restangular API call
- removed csrf token fix since we disabled CSRF when setting up JWT auth
- fix mdtabs
- Json Web Token authentication based on https://scotch.io/tutorials/token-based-authentication-for-angularjs-and-laravel-apps
- New improved demo! Using heroku instead of github pages.
- Installer script that installs all the required packages
- removed UI router HTML5 mode because it breaks when refreshing and I don't want to mess up with the routes
- UI-router HTML5 mode urls
- updated documentation
- added optimized deployment script: deploy.sh
- invalid now - jshint is now optional. Rename _jshintrc to .jshintrc. Check issue #11
- Add angular material icons
- Add SVG-Morpheus for Angular Material Icons
- Updated demo & gh-pages
- Updated angular material
- Add contributor covenant (code of conduct)
- Elixir improvements for Laravel 5.1
- Removed /resources/.tmp (not used anymore because of Elixir improvements)
- Fixed laravel 5.1 migration issue
- Laravel 5.1 Support
- Remove CSRF token fix (angular automatically takes care of it http://laravel.com/docs/5.1/routing#csrf-x-xsrf-token)
- Add sample Layout which relies on flexbox
- Update Angular, Angular ui-router and Angular Material
- Host demo on github pages
- Add sample Laravel APIs and call them using Restangular
- API response macro (to make API calls more compatible with Restangular)
- Remove unused dependency in package.json
- Material design custom theming
- Add Angular Material boilerplate for Dashboard
- Add sample UI Router conf that contains header and footer
- Sample code for Tabs
- Add Restangular
- CSRF integration with Restangular
- Add Laravel & Angular promo image (from Laravel News)
- Add Angular Material boilerplate for Landing
- Sample code for Toast and Dialog
- Disable Elixir success notifications
- Add $localStorage (ngstorage) - will be used later on for sample authentication driver
- Added basic ui-router for Landing
- Remove Entrust & Repositories since they depend on each user's preference and can be easily installed
- Fix Installation steps
- Add Changelog
- Plan future releases
- Rename resources/views/index.php to resources/views/index.blade.php for the blade syntax to work (CSRF token) PR 3
- Remove
in order to pull the latest version of vendor dependencies issue #1
- Laravel5 installation
- Basic Angular Support with Angular Material and UI Router
- Laravel 5 debugbar, Entrust and Repositories
- EditorConfig, jscs, jshint setup
- Elixir setup