All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Ensure will run both parts in separate processes
- Update dependabot config (#3)
- Update CI config (#4)
- Updated readme
- Use Elixir config to configure comments generation
- Upgrade guide in README
- Write .gitignore file when downloading inputs
- Generate zero-padded modules names and files
- Mix aoc.set will not reset unspecified values by default
- Generate user modules using modkit mounts
- README guide for newcomers
- Rewrite documentation of commands
- Generate commands docs in
- Upgrade all dependencies
- Simplify year/day defaults description
- Fix dialyzer warnings
- Added AoC.Permutations tool
- Added the AoC.Rect module to work with rectangle in grids
- Fix debug
- Added github URL in user agent
- Use new cli_mate defaults
- Added format_map to grid
- The part_two function will be commented out in generated solution
- Fixed error reporting, added test flags
- Mix aoc.url
- Print created modules paths on their own line
- Bump vsn in
- Change generated test ordering