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189 lines (133 loc) · 5.12 KB


how to make a weapon

  • place damage components (one for each damage type)
  • place melee components for each available attack

220324 fallback to original intent is working ish need to

  • check a goals original intent for validity before taking action
  • refactor createGoal func
  • pass an original intent eid to all goals somehow

220319 Notes should not rename evt to data Evt notes will have an evt and a source notes with an evt can be process as such in the system notes without can just be a template and process simply

on try melee

  • get attacking weapon
  • look at equipmentSlots for "Primary"
  • fire getDamage event on the attacking weapon
  • collect the damage types
  • fire calcDamage on target
  • calcDamgage in health component
  • remove calculated damage from health

I want available actions to be obvious. The fun is in the variety of things you could do. Picking strange things should be rewarding. You shouldn't ever get "You can't do that!"

GetAction types "BUMP" "INTERACT" "APPLY"

Open Ignite Pick with LockPick Attack with Hammer Attack with Shield Kick with foot Punch with fists

Shift arrow to repeat action . . . . . @ g . Attack with Sword . . Bash with Shield . .

220311 Brain and Goals The only purpose of a goal is to collect possible actions from relevant components/entities

Not exactly... There can be very constrained goals. That know exactly what to do. Primative goals. Like move to target. It just needs to have a target and to attempt to path to it. Pathing could be along dijkstra or with astar. Doesn't really matter.

Feed goal Is target adjacent? No - path to target Yes - is target edible No - goal has failed - original intent Yes - feed on target

moveTo position Can move to postion? No - fail - original intent Yes - move to position

220310 Brain and Goals We have a basic brain that can process a single goal at a time. No planning ahead. We need a brain that has the capacity to plan ahead.

A goal as it currently stands is a single action, just like a bump or interaction event. It's collected by the parent entity, put in a bag and a random event is pulled and fired.

A goal SHOULD be, a collection of 1 or more events, in order, to achieve a single goal. Each event goes on the stack and the brain works through that stack.

If a goblin is hungry, they should fire a getHungry goal types event to all components it has on it's person, in it's inventory, and knows about/can see. Every component that has an onGetHungryGoals listener will add a hungryGoal to the bag. Then the goblin will pull a random hungryGoal, run the calculations to turn that in to one or many events, and then start working through them.

A goblin should look on their immediate body first. If no events found, look into their inventory. If no events found, look into what they can see. If no events found, look into what they know about. If no events found, do something else/be bored.

A hungry goal may consist of the following. Path to item. Kill/butcher/cook item. Eat item.

220224 events: bumpInteractions - possible interactions with component on bump interactions - possible interactions from component in interact applications - possible applications of an item in inventory with component

playere bumps into door. Door component contains all the logic for bump interactions. On bump the door sends out an event that is called by the bumper interactions - on moving the cursor over an entity get all possible interaction eveents - for a door, it knows that it can opened or closed in interaction. applications - a lockpick can be used to open a lock and contains all the logic needed within it to communicate that.

addLog should take into account if a thing is iwithin fov or not. things not in fov could controbute to ambiance as noises...

  addLog([{ str: `You bump into the {{NAME}}` }]);

{{SUBJECT}} {{VERB}} {{OBJECT}} You bump into the door


Inversion of control.

door is a component. locked is a component.

DOOR is an entity that has both the door and locked components.

door has events try-open try-close

try-open checks if DOOR has locked if DOOR has locked if locked display message


Lockpick if ()

verbs that item components can implement Lockpick use

component is lock key = id

openLock if (this.unlocked) return if (this.interactor has)

on bump, get a type of action from the bumpee

on bumpDoor - type=OPEN

fireEvent type=OPEN

lockpick - if type is open and object we're working oon islocked, return a tryPick action.

if type === OPEN && this.parent.locked

Aha! Locks are like combustible and fire :)

A lock can only lock itself. Door cannot be opened if it has a lock and is locked A lock pick can unlock a lock (later on a lock could respond to a break event...) A lock can be opened or closed

A lock pick introduces: materials and damage to the lock and the lock pick skills - ability to lock pick difficulty - challange of lock pick

lock if is broke return false

if is locked

if has key try unlock

For item use events Item is the interactor door is the interactee

Gonna have to split these somehow in the UI or in the code User events are different.