diff --git a/luxonis_ml/data/datasets/luxonis_dataset.py b/luxonis_ml/data/datasets/luxonis_dataset.py
index 383f602c..17b7917a 100644
--- a/luxonis_ml/data/datasets/luxonis_dataset.py
+++ b/luxonis_ml/data/datasets/luxonis_dataset.py
@@ -289,7 +289,8 @@ def clone(
         self, new_dataset_name: str, push_to_cloud: bool = True
     ) -> "LuxonisDataset":
         """Create a new LuxonisDataset that is a local copy of the
-        current dataset.
+        current dataset. Cloned dataset will overwrite the existing
+        dataset with the same name.
         @type new_dataset_name: str
         @param new_dataset_name: Name of the newly created dataset.
@@ -358,64 +359,67 @@ def merge_with(
         @param new_dataset_name: The name of the new dataset to create
             if inplace is False.
-        if not inplace:
-            if not new_dataset_name:
-                raise ValueError(
-                    "You must specify a name for the new dataset when inplace is False."
-                )
-            new_dataset = self.clone(new_dataset_name, push_to_cloud=False)
-            new_dataset.merge_with(other, inplace=True)
-            return new_dataset
-        if other.is_remote != self.is_remote:
+        if not inplace and not new_dataset_name:
             raise ValueError(
-                "Merging is only supported for datasets with the same bucket storage."
+                "You must specify a name for the new dataset when inplace is False."
+        target_dataset = (
+            self
+            if inplace
+            else self.clone(new_dataset_name, push_to_cloud=False)
+        )
         if self.is_remote:
-            self.sync_from_cloud(update_mode=UpdateMode.IF_EMPTY)
+            self.sync_from_cloud(
+                update_mode=UpdateMode.ALWAYS
+                if inplace
+                else UpdateMode.IF_EMPTY
+            )
         df_self = self._load_df_offline()
         df_other = other._load_df_offline()
         duplicate_uuids = set(df_self["uuid"]).intersection(df_other["uuid"])
-        if duplicate_uuids:  # skip duplicate uuids
+        if duplicate_uuids:
             df_other = df_other.filter(
         df_merged = pl.concat([df_self, df_other])
+        target_dataset._save_df_offline(df_merged)
         file_index_self = self._get_file_index()
         file_index_other = other._get_file_index()
         file_index_duplicates = set(file_index_self["uuid"]).intersection(
-        if file_index_duplicates:  # skip duplicate uuids
+        if file_index_duplicates:
             file_index_other = file_index_other.filter(
-        merged_file_index = pl.concat([file_index_self, file_index_other])
+        merged_file_index = pl.concat([file_index_self, file_index_other])
         if merged_file_index is not None:
-            file_index_path = self.metadata_path / "file_index.parquet"
+            file_index_path = (
+                target_dataset.metadata_path / "file_index.parquet"
+            )
         splits_self = self._load_splits(self.metadata_path)
         splits_other = self._load_splits(other.metadata_path)
         self._merge_splits(splits_self, splits_other)
-        self._save_df_offline(df_merged)
-        self._save_splits(splits_self)
+        target_dataset._save_splits(splits_self)
         if self.is_remote:
-                other.media_path, self.media_path, dirs_exist_ok=True
+                other.media_path, target_dataset.media_path, dirs_exist_ok=True
-            self.sync_to_cloud()
+            target_dataset.sync_to_cloud()
-        self._merge_metadata_with(other)
+        target_dataset._merge_metadata_with(other)
-        return self
+        return target_dataset
     def _load_splits(self, path: Path) -> Dict[str, List[str]]:
         splits_path = path / "splits.json"
diff --git a/tests/test_data/test_dataset.py b/tests/test_data/test_dataset.py
index ac4ae519..ada15702 100644
--- a/tests/test_data/test_dataset.py
+++ b/tests/test_data/test_dataset.py
@@ -527,7 +527,7 @@ def generator1():
     assert df_cloned.equals(df_original)
-def test_merge_datasets_inplace(tempdir: Path, bucket_storage: BucketStorage):
+def test_merge_datasets(tempdir: Path, bucket_storage: BucketStorage):
     dataset1_name = "test_merge_1"
     dataset1 = LuxonisDataset(
@@ -572,6 +572,7 @@ def generator2():
     dataset2.make_splits({"train": 0.6, "val": 0.4})
+    # Test in-place merge
     cloned_dataset1 = dataset1.clone(
         new_dataset_name=dataset1_name + "_cloned"
@@ -579,69 +580,18 @@ def generator2():
         dataset2, inplace=True
-    all_classes, _ = cloned_dataset1_merged_with_dataset2.get_classes()
-    assert set(all_classes) == {"person", "dog"}
-    df_cloned_merged = cloned_dataset1_merged_with_dataset2._load_df_offline()
-    df_merged = dataset1.merge_with(dataset2, inplace=False)._load_df_offline()
-    assert df_cloned_merged.equals(df_merged)
-def test_merge_datasets_out_of_place(
-    tempdir: Path, bucket_storage: BucketStorage
-    dataset1_name = "test_merge_1"
-    dataset1 = LuxonisDataset(
-        dataset1_name,
-        bucket_storage=bucket_storage,
-        delete_existing=True,
-        delete_remote=True,
-    )
-    def generator1():
-        for i in range(3):
-            img = create_image(i, tempdir)
-            yield {
-                "file": img,
-                "annotation": {
-                    "class": "person",
-                    "boundingbox": {"x": 0.1, "y": 0.1, "w": 0.1, "h": 0.1},
-                },
-            }
-    dataset1.add(generator1())
-    dataset1.make_splits({"train": 0.6, "val": 0.4})
-    dataset2_name = "test_merge_2"
-    dataset2 = LuxonisDataset(
-        dataset2_name,
-        bucket_storage=bucket_storage,
-        delete_existing=True,
-        delete_remote=True,
-    )
-    def generator2():
-        for i in range(3, 6):
-            img = create_image(i, tempdir)
-            yield {
-                "file": img,
-                "annotation": {
-                    "class": "dog",
-                    "boundingbox": {"x": 0.2, "y": 0.2, "w": 0.2, "h": 0.2},
-                },
-            }
-    dataset2.add(generator2())
-    dataset2.make_splits({"train": 0.6, "val": 0.4})
+    all_classes_inplace, _ = cloned_dataset1_merged_with_dataset2.get_classes()
+    assert set(all_classes_inplace) == {"person", "dog"}
+    # Test out-of-place merge
     dataset1_merged_with_dataset2 = dataset1.merge_with(
         new_dataset_name=dataset1_name + "_" + dataset2_name + "_merged",
-    all_classes, _ = dataset1_merged_with_dataset2.get_classes()
-    assert set(all_classes) == {"person", "dog"}
+    all_classes_out_of_place, _ = dataset1_merged_with_dataset2.get_classes()
+    assert set(all_classes_out_of_place) == {"person", "dog"}
     df_merged = dataset1_merged_with_dataset2._load_df_offline()
     df_cloned_merged = dataset1.merge_with(