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lyfe00011 edited this page Nov 28, 2021 · 26 revisions


setvar SUDO:919876543210 if number is +91 98765 43210 
also for more sudos SUDO:9876543210,9012345678
Also can change in apps settings

What do if i logout or changed whatsapp ?

No need to deploy new APP 
take new session by scanning QR
change ASENA_SESSION with new session and
set CLR_SESSION = true then after Successful login
set CLR_SESSION = false

Change ALIVE message ?

Example: .alive Hey I'm running for #uptime for text only
Example: .alive Hi for image or video

How enable anti link ?

Example: .antilink on for Enabling and off for Disabling.
Example: .antilink,, for allow any links in group.

How enable anti fake ?

Example: .antifake on for Enabling and off for Disabling.
Example: .antifake 1,994,44 for Choosing the country codes.

How enable anti bad ?

Example: .antibad on for Enabling and off for Disabling
Example: .antibad word1,word2 for adding words.

How to change sticker pack info ?

setvar STICKER_PACKNAME: name,author
STICKER_PACKNAME = name,author in heroku settings

What is difference between banbye and goodbye ?

BANBYE is when kicking from group.
GOODBYE is when left from group.

How to use mention ?

Example: .mention on to enable
Example: .mention hello to update mention message

How to set HANDLERS free ?

Example: .setvar HANDLERS:false

How to change prefix or HANDLERS ?

Example: .setvar HANDLERS:^[.!,]

What about BAN?

Don't use bot in way that against WhatsApp policies.
Don't use add command in fake number and better don't use it often.
Don't use forward or broadcast to too much jids.
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