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Next-Popover is a lightweight and simple popover, tooltip, dropdown library, with no other dependencies, and Typescript friendly.




npm i next-popover


yarn add next-popover


pnpm add next-popover

or via CDN

<script src=""></script>
  const { NextPopover } = window;
  const { PlacementType, EmitType } = NextPopover;
  // use `NextPopover.default`
  new NextPopover.default({
    // config


import Popover, { PlacementType, EmitType } from 'next-popover'

const trigger = document.querySelector('.trigger'); 

const content = "Hello Next-Popover";
// or
// const content = document.createElement('div'); // You need to pop up the displayed content
// content.classList.add('content');
// content.innerHTML = "Hello Next-Popover";

const appendTo = document.querySelector('.mount-container'); // default: document.body

const popover = new Popover({
  trigger, // required
  content, // required
  placement: "top", // Set the position of the popover
  emit: "hover" // Set to open the popover when the mouse hovers over the trigger

trigger.onclick = () => {
  // or
  // if (popover.opened) {
  //   popover.close();
  // } else {
  // }

// if you don't need it anymore

CSS Animation

The animationClass parameter allows you to add CSS animations when showing and hiding the popover.

const popover = new Popover({
  animationClass: 'fade'

Popover will add the following 6 classes through the animationClass.

`${animationClass}-enter-from` // Starts displaying and is removed in the next frame.
`${animationClass}-enter-active` // Added in the next frame and removed when the animation ends.
`${animationClass}-enter-to` // Added in the next frame and removed when the animation ends.
`${animationClass}-exit-from` // Starts hiding and is removed in the next frame.
`${animationClass}-exit-active` // Added in the next frame and removed when the animation ends.
`${animationClass}-exit-to` // Added in the next frame and removed when the animation ends.
`${animationClass}-${placement}` // Current popover placement

You can write CSS styles like this:

.fade-exit-to {
  transform: scale(.7);
  opacity: 0;
.fade-exit-active {
  transition: transform .1s ease, opacity .1s ease;


The closeOnScroll parameter controls whether the popover automatically closes when the trigger element is scrolled.


Popover provides rich hook functions that can execute code during various stages of the popover's lifecycle.

new Popover({
  onBeforeEnter() {
    // Executed before the CSS display animation starts.
  onEntered() {
    // Executed after the CSS display animation completes.
  onBeforeExit() {
    // Executed before the CSS hide animation starts.
  onExited() {
    // Executed after the CSS hide animation completes.
  onOpen() {
    // Executed when the popover is displayed.
  onClose() {
    // Executed when the popover is closed.



Name Type Default Description
trigger HTMLElement Required. The trigger element
content HTMLElement | string | number Required. The content element to be popped up
appendTo HTMLElement document.body The element to append the popover to.
placement top left right bottom top-left top-right bottom-left bottom-right left-top left-bottom right-top right-bottom top The placement of the popover.
showArrow Boolean true Whether to show arrow
emit click or hover click Trigger emit type
open boolean Whether to open the popover box by default
openDelay number 100 Open delay
closeDelay number 100 Close delay
offset number 8 Popover offset
enterable boolean true When emit is set to hover, can the mouse enter the popover
disabled boolean Disabled
clickOutsideClose boolean true Automatically close the popover when clicking outside
closeOnScroll boolean Whether to automatically close the popover when the trigger element is scrolled.
triggerOpenClass string The class added to the trigger when the popover is opened.
wrapperClass string The class added to the popoverWrapper.
animationClass string The CSS animation class name.
onBeforeEnter () => void Called before the CSS enter animation starts.
onEntered () => void Called when the CSS enter animation ends.
onBeforeExit () => void Called before the CSS exit animation starts.
onExited () => void Called when the CSS exit animation ends.
onOpen () => void Called when the popover is opened.
onClose () => void Called when the popover is closed.

Instance properties

Name Type Description
config PopoverConfig Popover configuration object
popoverRoot HTMLElement The popover root element
popoverWrapper HTMLElement The popover wrapper element
popoverContent HTMLElement The popover Content element
arrowElement HTMLElement The popover arrow element
opened boolean Indicates whether the popover is currently displayed



Open the Popover instance.

open(): void;


Close the Popover instance.

close(): void;


Toggle the Popover instance open or close.

toggle(): void;


Open the popover after config.openDelay time.

openWithDelay(): void;


Close the popover after config.closeDelay time.

closeWithDelay(): void;



enable(): void


Disable and close popover.

disable(): void


Update config.

updateConfig(config: Partial<PopoverConfig>): void;


Destroy the Popover instance.

destroy(): void;


Manually trigger the onScroll event.

onScroll(): void;


Manually update the position of the Popover instance.

update(): void;