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Retro Edition

Linar Yusupov edited this page Jul 24, 2019 · 18 revisions


Purpose of this SoftRF Edition is NOT for new users! Instead, Prime Mk II Edition is recommended for you to start with.
It has also little sense for current users of ESP- or RPi- based Editions to consider this platform as any kind of an alternative.


  1. Primary focus of this port of SoftRF firmware onto STM32 platform - is to add support for recent AcSIP's S76G single chip LoRa tracking solution ;
  2. Secondary purpose of this port - is to retrofit rapidly ageing STM32 OGN tracker's hardware and firmware (it has not been updated for almost a year). This gives a chance for current users of STM32 OGN trackers worldwide to extend service life of this hardware a little bit, then gradually transit onto leading edge SoftRF hardware solutions.


In addition to a single OGN Tracking radio Protocol that comes with standard OGN tracker,
SoftRF firmware gives three more options to choose from : 1

     Legacy    - Air V6 ;
     P3I          - PilotAware ;
     FANET    - Skytraxx .

1 - valid for RFM95W (SX1276) radio module in conjunction with native SoftRF radio driver.

And in addition to a single FLARM NMEA data protocol that comes with standard OGN tracker,
SoftRF firmware provides two more:


SoftRF/STM32 firmware operation has been validated on STM32F103C8 "Blue Pill" hardware platform.
Pins assignment and wiring was intentionally chosen to match those of that genuine STM32 OGN tracker design has.

List of components supported:

Number Component Status Comment
1 STM32F103C8 MCU revision with 128Kb of flash memory only
2 GNSS module
3 RFM95W radio
4 RFM69W radio operates through OGN driver with OGNTP protocol only
5 BMPx80 barometric sensor
6 buzzer test tones only
7 battery voltage meter (on PB1)
8 0.96 OLED display optional
9 HC-05 Bluetooth module optional, output only
10 USB port optional, Serial-over-USB mode only
11 built-in LED (on PC13)
12 SD card adapter
13 potentiometer


Different OGN tracker designs are typically using different radio modules.
Applicability of certain unit for SoftRF firmware depends on what particular radio module does it have :

RFM95W (SX1276)

The best variant.
SoftRF firmware has built-in native driver for this RF IC.
Provides access to all 4 radio protocols supported.
Genuine OGN tracker firmware does also have support for this module since year 2017.

RFM69HCW (SX1231)

SoftRF firmware has limited support for this Semtech SX1231 RF IC through genuine OGN driver.
However, this module is known to be pin-to-pin compatible with RFM95W (full article) :

Because of that, it is highly recommended to upgrade your OGN tracker's PCB with SX1276 radio by un-soldering an old RFM69HCW and soldering new RFM95W module.
It is considered as "win-win" case, since genuine OGN tracker firmware does already have support for this new module.
So if you will decide to step back - there will be no need to return RFM69HCW onto the PCB.

RFM69W (SX1231)

Cheapest one.
Most widely used in a variety of different OGN tracker designs.
Unlike RFM69HCW , this module is NOT pin-to-pin compatible with RFM95W one.
In order to use it with SoftRF firmware you should uncomment these lines in Platform_STM32.h:

//#define WITH_RFM95
#define WITH_RFM69
//#define WITH_SX1272
//#define WITH_SI4X32

then build the binary from source code.

Be aware, that OGNTP is the only protocol available for this module and driver !
To get more - think about to migrate your hardware onto RFM95W radio.


Use these firmware build instructions in order to update your "Blue Pill"'s internal flash memory.


Once you decide to initiate upgrade of your OGN tracker onto SoftRF firmware, I would recommend you to:

  1. At first, build the binary of SoftRF firmware with 'OGN radio driver' activated and flash it into your tracker.
    There will be no any hardware mods necessary in this case. After the update, the unit should work just fine, like it did before, but with no extra radio protocols available yet.

  2. if you are ready to get more and fortunate to have RFM69HCW in your tracker - upgrade the module onto RFM95W and take advantage of three more radio protocols ;

  3. Want the same plus Wi-Fi and extra features ? Move toward SoftRF Prime Edition MkII , Standalone Edition or Raspberry Edition.

And, once again, I've created this port of SoftRF firmware on STM32 not to give you a SOLUTION !
But to give you a CHANCE !
You have to decide yourself - use it or loose it...




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