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File metadata and controls

93 lines (80 loc) · 5.44 KB


Adding Languages

If you're not familiar with the typical GitHub (fork-edit-PR) workflow, please read the GitHub guide on the matter.

  1. Create a Docker image with the toolchain for the language, and submit it to the languages repository, based on our common base image attemptthisonline/base (which uses Arch Linux)
    • in rare cases (such as for non-open-source languages), an existing Docker image that isn't based on attemptthisonline/base may be used
    • for languages that require other languages, base the new language on an attemptthisonline/ image for the required language. For example, Jelly's interpreter is written in Python, so Jelly's image is based on attemptthisonline/python
    • the build process of the Docker image should follow the general pattern of:
      • declare a Docker build argument corresponding to the language's version; this can be used as an evironment variable throughout the Dockerfile thereafter. This allows fast updating of the Docker images
      • install any dependencies necessary to compile the language from source
      • download and extract the source code of the language
      • compile the language's source code
      • install the compiled language (if just a few binaries are provided, they should go in /usr/local/bin/; if the installation is more complex, put it into a directory in /opt/)
      • clean up any downloaded or cached files that are no longer needed
    • a fairly easy-to-follow example of this is Zsh
    • if the language is particularly complex (or just slow) to build from source, a pre-built version can be used (example: Java)
    • make a pull request to add it to the repository (from where it will be built and pushed to Docker Hub automatically)
  2. Add the language's metadata to ato/languages.go; set the key to an identifier-safe name for the language (avoid special characters); in the value, set these fields:
    • name (should be human-readable - this is what will be presented to the user in the UI)
    • image (name of the Docker image used to run the code)
    • version (set this to whatever boundary we guarantee to the user, not just the version it currently uses)
    • URL (homepage of the language)
    • SBCS (set to true if the language's code uses a single-byte character set; this will change the behaviour of the byte counter in the frontend to assume all characters comprise one byte (rather than using UTF-8))
    • SE_class (provide this only if StackExchange has built-in syntax highlighting for the language; this will be added when a CGCC post template is generated. See here for details)
  3. Create a runner script in runners/. Here is an example showing the general idea:
# There are no minimal requirements for the Docker image, as long as it doesn't contain a /ATO directory. If the Docker
# image you're using doesn't have a POSIX shell, it is always available as `/ATO/bash`. If you need to use it, make sure
# to change the `#!` (shebang) line above to match that.

# Do whatever is necessary to compile and run the code.
# - code is saved in /ATO/code
# - input provided by the user is saved in /ATO/input
# - options to pass to the compiler or interpreter are stored in /ATO/options, null-terminated
# - options to pass to the program itself are stored in /ATO/arguments

# Use /ATO/yargs to substitute in the command-line options: the first argument is the replacement string, the second is
# the intput file for the arguments, and after is the program and its arguments. The replacement string indicates the
# position of the substitution.
/ATO/yargs % /ATO/options gcc % /ATO/code -o /ATO/compiled

# Note that, while the script will always start in /ATO/, you should always use absolute paths.

# The code itself should always be run in the working directory /ATO/context
cd /ATO/context

# Pass arguments to the compiled file. Also, make sure you give the program input from /ATO/input.
/ATO/yargs % /ATO/arguments /ATO/compiled % < /ATO/input

# Make sure you retain the status code of the program! If you need to do any cleanup for whatever reason, make sure to
# store a copy of the exit code and use it again.
exit "$stored_status"

Here is another example runner for an interpreted language instead:


cd /ATO/context

# Use two levels of yargs to substitute in multiple sets of arguments:
/ATO/yargs %1 /ATO/options /ATO/yargs %2 /ATO/arguments python %1 /ATO/code %2 < /ATO/input
  • Make sure you've made the runner script executable (chmod +x runners/path)
  • Test your runner! It's unhelpful if you submit a broken runner
  • Make a Pull Request to add the runner for

Making Releases

  • Update version numbers in frontend/package.json and setup/setup
  • Upgrade dependencies (cd frontend; npm update; cd ..)
  • Stage and commit changes
  • Tag version in git, e.g. v0.1.2
  • Push main and the new tag to GitHub
  • Build package ./build
  • Upload setup/setup and dist/attempt_this_online.tar.gz to GitHub release
  • Set description etc. on GitHub release