R | Python | Notes |
LoadData.R | LoadData.py | |
NormalizeData.R | NormalizedData.py | RLE- and mean-center-normalization |
Clustering.R | Clustering.py | k-means and hierarchical clustering |
PCA_intro.R | ||
PCA.R | PCA.py |
R | Python | Notes |
KnnSim.R | KnnSim.py | compare resub vs. test performance on simulated data |
KnnSimCV.R | KnnSimCV.py | show cross-validation (cv) removes resub bias |
BadFeatSel.R | BadFeatSel.py | supervised feature selection must be done under cv |
KnnGrid.R | KnnGrid.py | compare cv acc for varying k parameter on real data |
KnnReal.R | KnnReal.py | t-test feature selection/extraction + knn on real data |
R | Python | Notes |
TTesting.R | TTesting.py | |
PredictingGeneExpression.R | PredictionGeneExpression.py | |
WhyRegularize.R | WhyRegularize.py | |
LogisticReal.R | LogisticReal.py | |
LdaIsLikeLogistic.R |
R | Python | Notes |
SvmReal.R | SvmReal.py | |
bootstrap_examples.R | mostly taken from package bootstrap examples | |
KnnSimBoot.R | ||
RandomForestReal.R | RandomForestReal.py | |
AdaBoostReal.R | AdaBoostReal.py | |
CompareModelStrats.R | CompareModelStrats.py |