diff --git a/Src/ILGPU.Algorithms.Tests.CPU/CPUMetaOptimizerTests.cs b/Src/ILGPU.Algorithms.Tests.CPU/CPUMetaOptimizerTests.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2fdc7f98d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Src/ILGPU.Algorithms.Tests.CPU/CPUMetaOptimizerTests.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ILGPU Algorithms
+// Copyright (c) 2023 ILGPU Project
+// www.ilgpu.net
+// File: CPUMetaOptimizerTests.cs
+// This file is part of ILGPU and is distributed under the University of Illinois Open
+// Source License. See LICENSE.txt for details.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+using ILGPU.Algorithms.Optimization.CPU;
+using ILGPU.Algorithms.Random;
+using System;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+using Xunit;
+#pragma warning disable CA1034 // Do not nest types
+#pragma warning disable CA1819 // Properties should not return arrays
+namespace ILGPU.Algorithms.Tests.CPU
+ ///
+ /// Contains tests to verify the functionality of the CPU-specialized
+ /// class.
+ ///
+ public class CPUMetaOptimizerTests
+ {
+ #region CPU Functions
+ public interface IOptimizerTestFunction :
+ OptimizationTests.IPredefineTestFunction,
+ ICPUOptimizationFunction
+ { }
+ public readonly record struct TestBreakFunction(float Goal) :
+ ICPUOptimizationBreakFunction
+ {
+ public bool Break(float evalType, int iteration) =>
+ Math.Abs(evalType - Goal) < 1e-3f || iteration > 1000;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Represents the Himmelblau function:
+ /// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Test_functions_for_optimization
+ ///
+ public readonly record struct HimmelblauFunction : IOptimizerTestFunction
+ {
+ public float Evaluate(ReadOnlySpan position) =>
+ OptimizationTests.HimmelblauFunction.Evaluate(
+ position[0],
+ position[1]);
+ public bool CurrentIsBetter(float current, float proposed) =>
+ current < proposed;
+ public float Result =>
+ new OptimizationTests.HimmelblauFunction().Result;
+ public float[] LowerBounds =>
+ new OptimizationTests.HimmelblauFunction().LowerBounds;
+ public float[] UpperBounds =>
+ new OptimizationTests.HimmelblauFunction().UpperBounds;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Represents the Easom function:
+ /// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Test_functions_for_optimization
+ ///
+ public readonly record struct EasomFunction : IOptimizerTestFunction
+ {
+ public float Evaluate(ReadOnlySpan position) =>
+ OptimizationTests.EasomFunction.Evaluate(
+ position[0],
+ position[1]);
+ public bool CurrentIsBetter(float current, float proposed) =>
+ current < proposed;
+ public float Result =>
+ new OptimizationTests.EasomFunction().Result;
+ public float[] LowerBounds =>
+ new OptimizationTests.EasomFunction().LowerBounds;
+ public float[] UpperBounds =>
+ new OptimizationTests.EasomFunction().UpperBounds;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Represents the Shaffer function N4:
+ /// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Test_functions_for_optimization
+ ///
+ public readonly record struct ShafferFunction4 : IOptimizerTestFunction
+ {
+ public float Evaluate(ReadOnlySpan position) =>
+ OptimizationTests.ShafferFunction4.Evaluate(
+ position[0],
+ position[1]);
+ public bool CurrentIsBetter(float current, float proposed) =>
+ current < proposed;
+ public float Result =>
+ new OptimizationTests.ShafferFunction4().Result;
+ public float[] LowerBounds =>
+ new OptimizationTests.ShafferFunction4().LowerBounds;
+ public float[] UpperBounds =>
+ new OptimizationTests.ShafferFunction4().UpperBounds;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Represents the Rosenbrock function constrained to a disk
+ /// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Test_functions_for_optimization
+ ///
+ public readonly record struct RosenbrockDisk : IOptimizerTestFunction
+ {
+ public float Evaluate(ReadOnlySpan position) =>
+ OptimizationTests.RosenbrockDisk.Evaluate(
+ position[0],
+ position[1]);
+ public bool CurrentIsBetter(float current, float proposed) =>
+ current < proposed;
+ public float Result =>
+ new OptimizationTests.RosenbrockDisk().Result;
+ public float[] LowerBounds =>
+ new OptimizationTests.RosenbrockDisk().LowerBounds;
+ public float[] UpperBounds =>
+ new OptimizationTests.RosenbrockDisk().UpperBounds;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Represents the Gomez and Levy function:
+ /// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Test_functions_for_optimization
+ ///
+ public readonly record struct GomezAndLevyFunction : IOptimizerTestFunction
+ {
+ public float Evaluate(ReadOnlySpan position) =>
+ OptimizationTests.GomezAndLevyFunction.Evaluate(
+ position[0],
+ position[1]);
+ public bool CurrentIsBetter(float current, float proposed) =>
+ current < proposed;
+ public float Result =>
+ new OptimizationTests.GomezAndLevyFunction().Result;
+ public float[] LowerBounds =>
+ new OptimizationTests.GomezAndLevyFunction().LowerBounds;
+ public float[] UpperBounds =>
+ new OptimizationTests.GomezAndLevyFunction().UpperBounds;
+ }
+ #endregion
+ #region MemberData
+ public static TheoryData<
+ object,
+ object,
+ object,
+ object,
+ object> TestData =>
+ new TheoryData<
+ object,
+ object,
+ object,
+ object,
+ object>
+ {
+ { new HimmelblauFunction(), 8192, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f },
+ { new EasomFunction(), 81920, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f },
+ { new ShafferFunction4(), 8192, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f },
+ { new RosenbrockDisk(), 8192, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f },
+ { new GomezAndLevyFunction(), 81920, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f },
+ };
+ #endregion
+ [Theory]
+ [MemberData(nameof(TestData))]
+ public void MetaOptimizationScalar(
+ TObjective objective,
+ int numParticles,
+ float stepSizeDefensive,
+ float stepSizeOffensive,
+ float stepSizeOffensiveSOG)
+ where TObjective : struct, IOptimizerTestFunction
+ {
+ int numDimensions = objective.LowerBounds.Length;
+ var random = new System.Random(13377331);
+ using var optimizer = MetaOptimizer.CreateScalar<
+ float,
+ float,
+ RandomRanges.RandomRangeFloatProvider>(
+ random,
+ numParticles,
+ numDimensions,
+ maxNumParallelThreads: 1);
+ optimizer.LowerBounds = objective.LowerBounds;
+ optimizer.UpperBounds = objective.UpperBounds;
+ optimizer.DefensiveStepSize = stepSizeDefensive;
+ optimizer.OffensiveStepSize = stepSizeOffensive;
+ optimizer.OffensiveSOGStepSize = stepSizeOffensiveSOG;
+ var breakFunction = new TestBreakFunction(objective.Result);
+ var result = optimizer.Optimize(
+ objective,
+ breakFunction,
+ float.MaxValue);
+ // The actually achievable result is 1e-6. However, as the RNG gives us
+ // non-deterministic results due to parallel processing, we limit ourselves
+ // to 1e-2 to make sure that the result lies roughly in the same ballpark
+ // what we were expecting
+ Assert.True(Math.Abs(result.Result - objective.Result) < 1e-2f);
+ }
+ [Theory]
+ [MemberData(nameof(TestData))]
+ public void MetaOptimizationVectorized(
+ TObjective objective,
+ int numParticles,
+ float stepSizeDefensive,
+ float stepSizeOffensive,
+ float stepSizeOffensiveSOG)
+ where TObjective : struct, IOptimizerTestFunction
+ {
+ int numDimensions = objective.LowerBounds.Length;
+ var random = new System.Random(13377331);
+ using var optimizer = MetaOptimizer.CreateVectorized<
+ float,
+ float,
+ RandomRanges.RandomRangeFloatProvider>(
+ random,
+ numParticles,
+ numDimensions);
+ optimizer.LowerBounds = objective.LowerBounds;
+ optimizer.UpperBounds = objective.UpperBounds;
+ optimizer.DefensiveStepSize = stepSizeDefensive;
+ optimizer.OffensiveStepSize = stepSizeOffensive;
+ optimizer.OffensiveSOGStepSize = stepSizeOffensiveSOG;
+ var breakFunction = new TestBreakFunction(objective.Result);
+ var result = optimizer.Optimize(
+ objective,
+ breakFunction,
+ float.MaxValue);
+ // The actually achievable result is 1e-6. However, as the RNG gives us
+ // non-deterministic results due to parallel processing, we limit ourselves
+ // to 1e-3 to make sure that the result lies roughly in the same ballpark
+ // what we were expecting
+ Assert.True(
+ Math.Abs(result.Result - objective.Result) < 1e-3f,
+ $"Expected {objective.Result}, but found {result.Result}");
+ }
+ [Theory]
+ [MemberData(nameof(TestData))]
+ public void MetaOptimizationScalarRaw(
+ TObjective objective,
+ int numParticles,
+ float stepSizeDefensive,
+ float stepSizeOffensive,
+ float stepSizeOffensiveSOG)
+ where TObjective : struct, IOptimizerTestFunction
+ {
+ int numDimensions = objective.LowerBounds.Length;
+ var random = new System.Random(13377331);
+ using var optimizer = MetaOptimizer.CreateScalar<
+ float,
+ float,
+ RandomRanges.RandomRangeFloatProvider>(
+ random,
+ numParticles,
+ numDimensions,
+ maxNumParallelThreads: 1);
+ optimizer.LowerBounds = objective.LowerBounds;
+ optimizer.UpperBounds = objective.UpperBounds;
+ optimizer.DefensiveStepSize = stepSizeDefensive;
+ optimizer.OffensiveStepSize = stepSizeOffensive;
+ optimizer.OffensiveSOGStepSize = stepSizeOffensiveSOG;
+ void EvaluatePosition(
+ Memory allPositions,
+ Memory evaluations,
+ int _,
+ int numPaddedDimensions,
+ int __,
+ Stride2D.DenseY positionStride,
+ ParallelOptions options)
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < numParticles; ++i)
+ {
+ int offset = positionStride.ComputeElementIndex((i, 0));
+ int endOffset = positionStride.ComputeElementIndex(
+ (i, numPaddedDimensions));
+ var position = allPositions.Slice(offset, endOffset - offset);
+ var result = objective.Evaluate(position.Span);
+ evaluations.Span[i] = result;
+ }
+ }
+ var breakFunction = new TestBreakFunction(objective.Result);
+ var result = optimizer.OptimizeRaw(
+ EvaluatePosition,
+ breakFunction.Break,
+ objective.CurrentIsBetter,
+ float.MaxValue);
+ // The actually achievable result is 1e-6. However, as the RNG gives us
+ // non-deterministic results due to parallel processing, we limit ourselves
+ // to 1e-3 to make sure that the result lies roughly in the same ballpark
+ // what we were expecting
+ Assert.True(
+ Math.Abs(result.Result - objective.Result) < 1e-3f,
+ $"Expected {objective.Result}, but found {result.Result}");
+ }
+ }
+#pragma warning restore CA1819
+#pragma warning restore CA1034