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File metadata and controls

1452 lines (875 loc) · 43.6 KB


The auto-mcs scripting API (amscript) is available to quickly create universal plugins for your auto-mcs servers. It functions primarily as an asynchronous wrapper which fires events from what happens in-game and uses standard Python 3.9 syntax. Because of this mechanic, a single script will work with every Vanilla, CraftBukkit (and derivatives), Forge, and Fabric server regardless of the game version. This functionality can be accessed via the amscript button in the Server Manager. Create a new script to open the built-in IDE and get started!

To see more examples of the library in action, visit our repository of amscripts to see how the objects and events work together!

Note: All of these scripts are available to download and edit directly inside the amscript manager


Note: All object attributes are read-only, but can be manipulated with their methods


Contains the server's running configuration from the, to the list of connected players.

Accessed via the global variable server



Immediately starts the server if it's not running.


Immediately stops the server.


Immediately stops and restarts the server.

server.log(message, log_type)

Sends a custom log event to the console. This output is displayed only while the server is running, and is not saved to latest.log.

  • server.log_success(), server.log_warning(), and server.log_error() methods can also be used, and only require the message parameter.

Accepted parameters:

Parameter Description
message* str of log content
log_type str can be 'info', 'success', 'warning' or 'error'. Defaults to 'info'

server.broadcast(message, color, style)

Sends a custom chat message to all players and the console. This output is displayed only while the server is running, and is not saved to latest.log.

  • server.broadcast_success(), server.broadcast_warning(), and server.broadcast_error() methods can also be used, and only require the message parameter.

Accepted parameters:

Parameter Description
message* str of content to broadcast
color str of Minecraft color ID, all values for /tellraw are accepted. List of IDs can be found here
style str, can be 'normal', 'italic', 'bold', 'strikethrough', 'underlined', and 'obfuscated'. Defaults to 'italic'

server.operator_broadcast(message, color, style)

Sends a custom chat message to all operators and the console. This output is displayed only while the server is running, and is not saved to latest.log.

Accepted parameters:

Parameter Description
message* str of content to broadcast
color str of Minecraft color ID, all values for /tellraw are accepted. List of IDs can be found here
style str, can be 'normal', 'italic', 'bold', 'strikethrough', 'underlined', and 'obfuscated'. Defaults to 'italic'


Executes any Minecraft command in the server console.

Note: Some commands are version dependent and you may need to implement a switch to execute different commands for different versions.

Accepted parameters:

Parameter Description
command* str, any Minecraft command
log bool, show execution in the console, False by default to prevent lag or clutter in the console with fast loops

server.after(delay, function, params)

Runs a delayed background (non-blocking) task. Exits before execution if the server stops, or if scripts are reloaded. Returns ServerScriptObject.AmsTimer() of the background task, which has a method AmsTimer.cancel() to end prematurely.

Accepted parameters:

Parameter Description
delay* int, delay in seconds
function* callable, any Python callable function or method
params accepts *args and **kwargs which are passed to function

server.get_player(selector, reverse, offline)

Returns PlayerScriptObject on match, else None. Only returns the first match.

Note: In versions prior to 1.13, selector can only be a username

Accepted parameters:

Parameter Description
selector* str of username, or a valid Minecraft selector that returns a single value (like @p, @s, @r). Only players will be matched
offline bool retrieves playerdata from .dat file if the target player isn't connected to the server. Defaults to False


Returns a generator of PlayerScriptObject for each online player.


Note: All attributes are read-only, and thus will not change the server data when modified

  • str, server's current filename


  • AmsVersion, Minecraft version of the server, i.e. '1.16.3'
  • When used in a string, it will be formatted as '1.16.3'
  • Can be used in mathematical comparisons with another version string, returns bool.
if server.version >= '1.8':
    server.log("Server is 1.8 or newer")

  • str, Only applicable for Paper/Forge, contains build number. Else will be None


  • str, type of server, i.e. 'craftbukkit' or 'vanilla'
  • Can be 'vanilla', 'craftbukkit', 'spigot', 'paper', 'forge', or 'fabric'

  • str, filename of level-name from

  • str, full path of the directory in which the server is stored

  • dict, contains the listening IP and port
  • Structured as {'ip': ip address, 'port': port}

  • dict, current keys in the file
  • A boolean value for example can be accessed with['enable-command-block']


  • dict, contains a key and a sub-dictionary for each connected player
  • The current format is {'username': {'uuid': uuid, 'ip': ip address, 'date': datetime, 'logged-in': True}}


  • dict, contains a dictionary for each player who has ever joined the server
  • The current format is {'username': 'uuid'}


  • dict, persistent variable storage for saving information between server restarts, or script reloads
  • Assigning or updating a key in the server.persistent dictionary will automatically save it, and can be accessed via the same key persistently until it is changed again, or deleted. Data will only be saved for the server referenced in the object.

Warning: persistent data is only saved properly when the server shuts down gracefully, if the computer crashes or the server process is terminated forcefully, the persistent data will likely revert to previous values


  • str, contains the current amscript version to account for API changes


  • list, contains a formatted list of dictionaries organizing the items visible in the auto-mcs console from oldest to newest (limit of 850)


Contains current player configuration from their username, UUID, to all their NBT data

Accessed by an applicable event, or by the server.get_player() method


player.set_permission(permission, enabled)

Sets a custom permission for @player.on_alias events.

  • The player.check_permission() method can also be used with only the permission argument to return a bool if the player has the specified permission. Note that the server console has all custom permissions. Note that these are arbitrary permissions for moderating auto-mcs commands, and have no relation to Bukkit.

Accepted parameters:

Parameter Description
permission* str of the permission name
enabled bool to enable or disable the permission. Defaults to True

player.log(message, color, style)

Sends a private message to the chat of the player with formatting support. Useful for command feedback with a @player.on_alias event

  • player.log_success(), player.log_warning(), and player.log_error() methods can also be used, and only require the message parameter.

Accepted parameters:

Parameter Description
message* str of content to log to the player
color str of Minecraft color ID, all values for /tellraw are accepted. List of IDs can be found here
style str, can be 'normal', 'italic', 'bold', 'strikethrough', 'underlined', and 'obfuscated'. Defaults to 'italic'


Note: Most attributes are read-only, and thus will not change playerdata when modified.

Note: Versions prior to 1.13 load NBT from playerdata.dat, which is only updated every couple of minutes or so. Any version between 1.8-1.13 will execute save-all to force updated data. 1.13 and later retrieves all of the most recent NBT data.

  • str, player's current username


  • str, player's Universally Unique IDentifier (None pre-1.8)


  • str, currently connected IP address


  • bool, if current object was created from the console
  • This will be True if the console sends a command to a @player.on_alias event, for example


  • bool, if current object is connected to the server
  • This will be False if the console sends a command to a @player.on_alias event, for example


  • bool, if current object has operator permissions
  • This will be True if the console sends a command to a @player.on_alias event, for example


  • CoordinateObject, player's current position in X, Y, and Z coordinates
  • When assigned to a variable or persistence, it will stay a CoordinateObject
  • Can be referenced in a string (such as a command) with player.position or player.position.x, player.position.y, and player.position.z


  • CoordinateObject, player's current rotation in X, and Y values
  • When assigned to a variable or persistence, it will stay a CoordinateObject
  • Can be referenced in a string (such as a command) with player.rotation or player.rotation.x and player.rotation.y


  • CoordinateObject, player's current motion in X, Y, and Z values
  • When assigned to a variable or persistence, it will stay a CoordinateObject
  • Can be referenced in a string (such as a command) with player.motion or player.motion.x, player.motion.y, and player.motion.z


  • CoordinateObject, player's spawn position in X, Y, and Z coordinates
  • When assigned to a variable or persistence, it will stay a CoordinateObject
  • Can be referenced in a string (such as a command) with player.spawn_position or player.spawn_position.x, player.spawn_position.y, and player.spawn_position.z

  • int, player's current health
  • Value of 0-20, but can be higher depending on attributes


  • int, player's current hunger level
  • Value of 0-20


  • str, player's current gamemode
  • Settable with player.gamemode = 'survival'
  • Value of 'survival', 'creative', 'adventure', or 'spectator'


  • float, player's current xp level


  • bool, is True if player is on fire


  • bool, is True if player is flying


  • bool, is True if player is sleeping


  • bool, is True if player is drowning


  • int, determines if player was hurt recently (in ticks)
  • Any value above 0 yields invincibilty until it reaches 0 again


  • int, how long since the player died (in ticks)


  • str, the dimension that the player is currently in
  • Settable with player.dimension = 'overworld'
  • Value of 'overworld', 'the_nether', or 'the_end'


  • dict of EffectObject, player's current effects
  • Speed, for example can be accessed with player.active_effects['speed'].duration


  • InventoryObject, organized list of all items in the player's inventory
  • Each list is full of ItemObject, which can be accessed via lowercase NBT attributes like in game, and with Pythonic logic: or if "diamond_sword" in player.inventory or player.inventory.hotbar.count("cobblestone")
  • An InventoryObject is structured in the following format:
class InventoryObject():
    # The attributes below are supported and abracted in a consistent way via amscript, regardless of the game version

    # The selected item in the inventory
    self.selected_item <ItemObject>

    # The item in the offhand slot
    self.offhand <ItemObject>

    # Items in the hotbar slots with index 0-8
    self.hotbar <list of ItemObject>

    # The items in the main inventory with index 0-26
    self.inventory <list of ItemObject>

    # The items in the armor slot
    # Keys: "head", "chest", "legs", "feet"
    self.armor <dict of ItemObject>

Note: all methods below can also be used on player.inventory.hotbar, player.inventory.armor, and player.inventory.inventory as well

  • inventory.items()

    • Returns a list of every ItemObject in the inventory
  • inventory.find(item_id)

    • Returns a list of every ItemObject which matches item_id
  • inventory.count(item_id)

    • Returns a total count in int of all item_id in the inventory.
    • If item_id is a list, it will return the count of all items in the list.
    • If item_id is not provided, it will return the count of all items in the inventory.
  • inventory.give(ItemObject, preserve_slot)

    • Gives the player the specified ItemObject. This can be helpful for transferring items between players, even with NBT data like enchantments, names, etc.
    • If preserve_slot is True, the item will be given to the player in the same slot it originated from. Defaults to False. This parameter is only compatible with Minecraft 1.8 and later.

    Note: This method is compatible with every version of Minecraft

    • Compliments ItemObject.take()
  • inventory.clear()

    • Clears the player's inventory of all items.
  • An ItemObject is structured in the following format:

class ItemObject():
    # The attributes below (except for self.nbt) are supported and abstracted in a consistent way via amscript, regardless of the game version

    # The slot in the inventory that contains the item
    # Follows the standard Minecraft slot format, e.g. "slot.hotbar.0", "slot.armor.head", "slot.inventory.0", etc.
    self.slot <str>

    # ID of the item <str>

    # Quantity of the item
    self.count <int>

    # e.g. durability of a tool
    self.damage <int>

    # Custom name of the item, or None
    self.custom_name <str or None>

    # List of strings, each string is a line of lore
    self.lore <list>

    # Dictionary of dictionaries, each dictionary is an enchantment
    self.enchantments <dict>

    # List of dictionaries, each dictionary is an attribute modifier
    self.attribute_modifiers <list>

    # Many items have extra attributes such as a book (normal NBT format: self.pages).
    # This is the raw NBT data, and is formatted differently depending on the game version
    self.nbt <dict>
  • ItemObject.take()

    • Takes the specified ItemObject from the player it originated from, and returns the ItemObject that was taken. This can be helpful for transferring items between players, even with NBT data like enchantments, names, etc.

    Note: This method is only compatible with Minecraft 1.4.2 and later

# Example of transferring all items from one player to another
player1 = server.get_player("player1")
player2 = server.get_player("player2")

for item in player1.inventory:


  • dict, persistent variable storage for saving information between server restarts, or script reloads
  • Assigning or updating a key in the player.persistent dictionary will automatically save it, and can be accessed via the same key persistently until it is changed again, or deleted. Data will be saved only for the player referenced by the object, and only for the server. Data will not persist between different servers.

Warning: persistent data is only saved properly when the server shuts down gracefully, if the computer crashes or the server process is terminated forcefully, the persistent data will likely revert to previous values


Contains the server's back-up configuration and allows you to save, restore, or configure the UI settings.

Accessed via the global variable backup


Immediately saves the state of the server to a back-up file.


Restores a back-up from a BackupObject. Use the backup.latest or backup.list attribute to retrieve a BackupObject.

  • If the server is currently running, this function will do nothing. Schedule the restore in a @server.on_stop

Accepted parameters:

Parameter Description
backup_obj* BackupObject, retrieve from backup.latest or backup.list


Migrates all the back-up files from the previous directory to the specified new_directory.

Accepted parameters:

Parameter Description
new_directory* str of a folder on the filesystem, and will create it if it doesn't exist


Configures the maximum amount of back-ups that can be saved to before overwriting.

Accepted parameters:

Parameter Description
amount* int or 'unlimited'


Enables or disables automatic server back-ups.

Accepted parameters:

Parameter Description
enabled* bool to enable automatic back-ups. Defaults to True.


Note: All attributes are read-only, and thus will not change the server data when modified

  • str, default filesystem directory to save and restore back-ups from


  • int or 'unlimited', shows the maximum amount of back-ups allowed in


  • bool, shows whether automatic server back-ups are enabled or not


  • int, contains storage utilization in bytes of all back-ups in


  • BackupObject, file details of the most recent back-up
  • Available attributes are BackupObject.path, BackupObject.size, and


  • list of BackupObject, file details of all back-ups sorted from most recent in descending order at backup.list[0]
  • Available attributes are BackupObject.path, BackupObject.size, and


Contains the server's access control configuration and manages the whitelist, bans, and operators programmatically.

Accessed via the global variable acl

The AclManager conceptualizes both users and IP addresses as AclRule objects in their respective lists in the acl.rules attribute. A majority of the methods include and modify the 'bans', 'ops', 'wl', and 'subnets' keys in this attribute.

  • An AclRule is structured in the following format:
class AclRule():

    # ID/name of the rule
    self.rule <str>

    # 'player' or 'ip'
    self.rule_type <str>

    # 'local' or 'global'
    self.rule_scope <str>

    # 'ops', 'bans', 'wl', or 'subnets'
    self.acl_group <str>

    # Extra content (ban reason, IP geolocation, etc.)
    self.extra_data <dict>

    # To be added when rule is displayed from AclManager
    self.display_data <dict>



Returns a dict of a player's connection data given their username and other rules. Use acl.get_uuid('User')['uuid'] to get their UUID.

Accepted parameters:

Parameter Description
username* str of username

acl.kick_player(rule_list, reason)

Kicks a player or list of players, optionally with a reason.

Accepted parameters:

Parameter Description
rule_list* PlayerScriptObject, str of username, or a list of either
reason str, reason for the kick displayed in the menu, and log

acl.ban_player(rule_list, remove, reason)

Bans/pardons a player, IP, list of players, or list of IP's, optionally with a reason. A subnet range such as is also acceptable. You can whitelist an IP or subnet with !w192.168.0.5.

Accepted parameters:

Parameter Description
rule_list* PlayerScriptObject, str of username/IP, or a list of either
remove bool, removes rule from effect. Defaults to False
reason str, reason for the ban displayed in the menu, and log

acl.op_player(rule_list, remove)

Ops/de-ops a player or list of players.

Accepted parameters:

Parameter Description
rule_list* PlayerScriptObject, str of username, or a list of either
remove bool, removes rule from effect. Defaults to False

acl.whitelist_player(rule_list, remove)

Adds/removes a player or list of players to/from the whitelist.

Accepted parameters:

Parameter Description
rule_list* PlayerScriptObject, str of username, or a list of either
remove bool, removes rule from effect. Defaults to False


Enables or disables the server whitelist.

Accepted parameters:

Parameter Description
enabled* bool, to enable or disable the whitelist. Defaults to True

acl.add_global_rule(rule_list, list_type, remove)

Adds a player or list of players to a specified list type for every server.

Accepted parameters:

Parameter Description
rule_list* PlayerScriptObject, str of username, or a list of either
list_type* str, can be 'ops', 'bans', or 'wl'
remove bool, removes rule from effect. Defaults to False


Reloads the list type from the server .json files and refreshes acl.rules. If list_type is unspecified, all data is reloaded.

Accepted parameters:

Parameter Description
list_type str, can be 'ops', 'bans', or 'wl'

acl.edit_list(rule_list, list_type, remove)

Similar to the acl.*_player methods, but only edits acl.rules in memory without writing to disk.

Accepted parameters:

Parameter Description
rule_list* PlayerScriptObject, str of username, or a list of either
list_type* str, can be 'ops', 'bans', or 'wl'
remove bool, removes rule from effect. Defaults to False


Writes data from acl.rules to disk in their respective format. Works pre-1.8 for .txt files, and post-1.8 for .json files.

acl.rule_in_acl(rule, list_type)

Checks if a player or IP is in a specified list type. Returns bool

Accepted parameters:

Parameter Description
rule* PlayerScriptObject or str of username or IP
list_type* str, can be 'ops', 'bans', 'wl', or 'subnets'


Counts rules in the specified list type, or all rules if unspecified. Returns the total amount as int.

Accepted parameters:

Parameter Description
list_type str, can be 'ops', 'bans', or 'wl'


Retrieves all the access control data associated with a rule. Returns a new AclRule with additional data in the AclRule.extra_data dictionary.

Accepted parameters:

Parameter Description
rule_name* str of username, IP, or subnet


Note: All attributes are read-only, and thus will not change the server data when modified


  • dict, contains lists of AclRule objects with the following structure:
acl.rules = {
   'ops': [AclRule, AclRule, ...],
   'bans': [AclRule, AclRule, ...],
   'wl': [AclRule, AclRule, ...],
   'subnets': [AclRule, AclRule, ...]


  • list, contains an AclRule for every player who has joined the server in the usercache.json, or who has player data in the world


  • dict, structured similarly to acl.rules, but contains an organized list of disabled and enabled items for each list type. Used for the UI


  • AclRule, contains the rule returned from the acl.get_rule() method


  • bool, whether or not the server whitelist is enforced


Contains the server's add-on configuration. Manages both plugins and mods depending on the server distribution.

Accessed via the global variable addon

Note: Vanilla servers don't support addons, but the AddonManager is still included for compatibility with certain scripts. Because of this, the following methods and attributes will return None, and empty list or False with certain checks. Eventually, the empty AddonManager for Vanilla servers will be replaced with datapack functionality.

The AddonManager conceptualizes add-ons in a few different formats:

  • For all functionality relating to data stored locally, add-ons are abstracted as an AddonFileObject. The attributes are as follows:
class AddonFileObject():
    self.addon_object_type = "file"

    # The name defined in the '.jar' file <str>

    # Type of add-on: 'forge', 'fabric', or 'bukkit'
    self.type <str>

    # The author defined in the '.jar' file <str>

    # A short description defined in the '.jar' file
    self.subtitle <str>

    # A short, unique identifier of the add-on <str>

    # The full file path of the '.jar' file
    self.path <str>

    # Add-on version defined in the '.jar' file
    self.addon_version <str>

    # Whether or not the add-on is enabled in auto-mcs
    self.enabled <bool>

  • For all functionality relating to data stored on the internet, add-ons are abstracted as an AddonWebObject. The attributes are as follows:
class AddonWebObject():
    self.addon_object_type = "web"

    # The name defined on the internet <str>

    # Type of add-on: 'forge', 'fabric', or 'bukkit'
    self.type <str>

    # The author defined on the internet <str>

    # A short description defined on the internet
    self.subtitle <str>

    # A short, unique identifier of the add-on (the URL slug) <str>

    # The full URL of the website hosting the project
    self.url <str>

    # Add-on version defined on the download page
    self.addon_version <str>

    # Whether or not the add-on has a version available for your server
    self.supported <bool>

    # Constains all supported Minecraft versions
    self.versions <str>

    # A long-form description of the project defined on the internet
    self.description <str>

    # A direct download link to the appropriate version for the server
    self.download_url <str>

    # Download version of 'self.download_url'
    self.download_version <str>



Returns a list of AddonWebObject that match your query, sorted in descending order from index[0].

Accepted parameters:

Parameter Description
query* str, partial search term or full add-on name


Downloads an add-on from a string of the add-on name, ID, or an AddonWebObject provided by addon.search_addons(). The file is saved in addon.addon_path.

Note: This method will automatically determine the most compatible version for your server.

Accepted parameters:

Parameter Description
addon* str or AddonWebObject to download


Imports a .jar file to addon.addon_path.

Accepted parameters:

Parameter Description
addon_path* str, full system path to the .jar file

addon.addon_state(addon, enabled)

Enables/disables an installed add-on. Retrieve an AddonFileObject with addon.get_addon() or from addon.installed_addons.

Note: The server requires a restart for changes to take effect

Accepted parameters:

Parameter Description
addon* AddonFileObject, from addon.get_addon() or addon.installed_addons
enabled* bool, to enable or disable the add-on. Defaults to True


Permanently deletes an installed add-on. Retrieve an AddonFileObject with addon.get_addon() or from addon.installed_addons.

Note: The server requires a restart for changes to take effect

Accepted parameters:

Parameter Description
addon* AddonFileObject, from addon.get_addon() or addon.installed_addons

addon.get_addon(addon_name, online)

Retrieves an AddonFileObject from the installed server add-ons, or AddonWebObject from the online repository if online is True.

Accepted parameters:

Parameter Description
addon_name* str, add-on name
online bool, retrieves online data instead if True. Defaults to False


Returns a single list of both enabled and disabled AddonFileObject from addon.installed_addons.


Checks the AddonFileObject.addon_version for all the installed add-ons against the internet to see if an update is available. Returns True if one or more plugins require an update, and the value is stored in the addon.update_required attribute.

Note: Currently, the only way to update add-ons is through the UI


Inspects installed add-ons to determine if Geyser and Floodgate are installed. Returns True if they are available, and the value is stored in the addon.geyser_support attribute.


Note: All attributes are read-only, and thus will not change the server data when modified


  • dict, contains lists of AddonFileObject with the following structure:
addon.installed_addons = {
   'enabled': [AddonFileObject, AddonFileObject, ...],
   'disabled': [AddonFileObject, AddonFileObject, ...]


  • str, full filesystem path to the server's add-ons directory


  • str, full filesystem path to the server's disabled add-ons directory


  • bool, True if one or more add-ons can be updated


  • bool, True if Geyser and Floodgate are installed


Contains the server's amscript configuration.

Accessed via the global variable amscript

The ScriptManager conceptualizes scripts in a few different formats:

  • For all functionality relating to data stored locally, scripts are abstracted as an AmsFileObject. The attributes are as follows:
class AmsFileObject():
    self.addon_object_type = "file"

    # The title defined in the script
    self.title <str>

    # The author defined in the script <str>

    # The description defined in the script
    self.description <str>

    # The file name of the script
    self.file_name <str>

    # The full file path of the script
    self.path <str>

    # Add-on version defined in the script
    self.version <str>

    # Whether or not the script is enabled in auto-mcs
    self.enabled <bool>

  • For all functionality relating to data stored on the internet, scripts are abstracted as an AmsWebObject. The attributes are as follows:
class AmsWebObject():
    self.addon_object_type = "web"

    # The title defined on the internet
    self.title <str>

    # The author defined on the internet <str>

    # The description defined on the internet
    self.description <str>

    # The file name defined of the internet
    self.file_name <str>

    # The full URL of the project on the internet
    self.url <str>

    # A direct download link to the appropriate version for the server
    self.download_url <str>

    # The script version defined on the internet
    self.version <str>

    # Whether or not the script is installed
    self.installed <bool>

    # A direct download link to required dependencies, or None
    self.libs <str>



Returns a list of AmsWebObject that match your query, sorted in descending order from index[0].

Accepted parameters:

Parameter Description
query* str, partial search term or full script name


Downloads a script from a string of the script name, or an AddonWebObject provided by addon.search_addons(). The file is saved in amscript.script_path.

Accepted parameters:

Parameter Description
script* str or AmsWebObject to download


Imports an .ams file to amscript.script_path.

Accepted parameters:

Parameter Description
addon_path* str, full system path to the .ams file

amscript.script_state(script, enabled)

Enables/disables an installed script. Retrieve an AmsFileObject with amscript.get_script() or from amscript.installed_scripts.

Note: The amscript engine requires a restart for changes to take effect

Accepted parameters:

Parameter Description
script* AmsFileObject, from amscript.get_script() or amscript.installed_scripts
enabled* bool, to enable or disable the script. Defaults to True


Permanently deletes an installed script. Retrieve an AmsFileObject with amscript.get_script() or from amscript.installed_scripts.

Note: The amscript engine requires a restart for changes to take effect

Accepted parameters:

Parameter Description
script* AmsFileObject, from amscript.get_script() or amscript.installed_scripts

amscript.get_script(script_name, online)

Retrieves an AmsFileObject from the installed server scripts, or AmsWebObject from the online repository if online is True.

Accepted parameters:

Parameter Description
script_name* str, script name
online bool, retrieves online data instead if True. Defaults to False


Returns a single list of both enabled and disabled AmsFileObject from amscript.installed_scripts.


Note: All attributes are read-only, and thus will not change the server data when modified


  • dict, contains lists of AmsFileObject with the following structure:
amscript.installed_scripts = {
   'enabled': [AmsFileObject, AmsFileObject, ...],
   'disabled': [AmsFileObject, AmsFileObject, ...]


  • str, full filesystem path to the global auto-mcs script folder


  • str, full filesystem path to the server's amscript .json configuration file


Note: Every parameter with a * in the table is required for assignment, but doesn't need to be used

Note: If you're using delay, the delay=<int> keyword must be specified

@server events


Fired upon process execution by auto-mcs, not when a player can connect.

Accepted parameters:

Parameter Description
data* dict of startup data, currently {'date': datetime}
delay int or float, waits a specified amount of time in seconds before running
@server.on_start(data, delay=0):
    server.log("Server has started!")


Fired upon process termination by auto-mcs, not when /stop or a crash is logged.

Accepted parameters:

Parameter Description
data* dict of shutdown data, currently {'date': datetime, 'crash': str}
delay int or float, waits a specified amount of time in seconds before running
@server.on_stop(data, delay=0):
    server.log("Server has stopped!")

This event is also fired when the amscript engine is restarted, either through the UI or !ams reload.

Since engine restarts create a new memory space, this is useful when an asyncronous task such as a GUI window or another server is running in the background and that process needs to be closed when scripts are reloaded or the server is stopped. There are no parameters for this event.

This example demonstrates how to implement a Tkinter UI that will close and re-open when the engine is restarted:

import tkinter as tk
window = tk.Tk()

@server.on_start(data, delay=0):



Fired after every interval. Loops until the server is closed, or manually cancelled by using return.

Note: The fastest loop supported by this event is 1 tick (50 milliseconds)

Accepted parameters:

Parameter Description
interval int, defaults to 1
unit str, specifies interval scale, can be 'tick', 'second', 'minute', or 'hour'. Defaults to 'second'
@server.on_loop(interval=1, unit='minute'):
    server.execute("/kill @e[type=item]")
    server.log_success("Cleaned up items!")

@player events


Fired upon player successfully connecting to the server.

Accepted parameters:

Parameter Description
player* PlayerScriptObject sent at execution
data* dict of login data, currently {'uuid': uuid, 'ip': ip address, 'date': datetime, 'logged-in': True}
delay int or float, waits a specified amount of time in seconds before running
@player.on_join(player, data):
    player.log(f'Welcome to the server {player}!')


Fired upon player disconnecting from the server.

Accepted parameters:

Parameter Description
player* PlayerScriptObject sent at execution
data* dict of logout data, currently {'uuid': uuid, 'ip': ip address, 'date': datetime, 'logged-in': False}
delay int or float, waits a specified amount of time in seconds before running
@player.on_leave(player, data):
    server.execute(f'/say Goodbye, {player}!')


Fired upon player sending a message in the chat, excluding commands.

Accepted parameters:

Parameter Description
player* PlayerScriptObject sent at execution
message* str of the message
delay int or float, waits a specified amount of time in seconds before running
@player.on_message(player, message):
    if "can i have op" in message.lower():


Fired upon player dying to the environment or another player.

Accepted parameters:

Parameter Description
player* PlayerScriptObject sent at execution of the victim
enemy* PlayerScriptObject sent at execution of the attacker (None if player was killed by the environment)
message* str of the message
delay int or float, waits a specified amount of time in seconds before running
@player.on_death(player, enemy, message):
    if enemy:
        enemy.log(f"Did you know: murder is a crime {enemy}?")
        player.log(f"You should really be more careful {player}!")


Fired upon a player earning an advancement.

Accepted parameters:

Parameter Description
player* PlayerScriptObject sent at execution
advancement* str of the advancement title. List of all advancement titles can be found here
delay int or float, waits a specified amount of time in seconds before running
@player.on_achieve(player, advancement):
    if advancement == 'Stone Age':
        player.log_success(f'Seriously {player}?? Pick on someone your own size!')


Used for registering custom commands and augmenting existing ones.

Note: Commands will start with ! therefore making them visible when executed by a player from the in-game chat, though the feedback is hidden when using the server.log() and player.log() methods. They are completely hidden if executed from the server console.

Accepted parameters:

Parameter Description
player* PlayerScriptObject sent at execution
command* str to specify the command verb
arguments dict specifying requirement for execution {'arg1': True} where True denotes a required argument. Only the last arguments can be optional
permission str, used to restrict execution to privileged users. Can be 'anyone', 'op', 'server', or a custom player permission. Defaults to 'anyone'
description str for !help menu. Command will be shown to users which meet the minimum permission level
hidden bool, defaults to False. Hides command from all users (they can still be executed) and disables the wrapper functionality described below. Useful for augmenting existing commands
@player.on_alias(player, command='test', arguments={'arg1': True, 'arg2': False}, permission='op'):
    server.log(f'{} executed {command} with the following arguments: {arguments}')

Note: Every alias automatically validates syntax and checks the player's permission level before execution

Following the above example when a player with the anyone privilege executes !test foo bar:

  • amscript will determine that the player doesn't meet the minimum permission and will fail
  • Permission tree is server > op > anyone

Following the above example when a player with the op or server privilege executes !test foo bar:

  • arguments will be converted to {'arg1': 'foo', 'arg2': 'bar'} after execution, and can be acccessed in the function as such
  • Calling arguments['arg1'] will return the value of 'foo'