This package provides a convenient python interface to Jerome Friedman's Fortran implementation of glmnet. It provides Elastic and Logistic net models, cross validation, and plotting utilities.
It is very much a work in progress.
- David Warde-Farley (2010)
- Matthew Drury (2014)
To create an elastic net model:
from glmnet import ElasticNet
enet = ElasticNet(alpha=.1)
(Here, alpha
is the relative weighting between the L1
and L2
regularization terms). The model can then be fit using a design matrix X
a response vector y
:, y)
glmnet also accepts sparse design matrices, using the compressed sparse column format:
from scipy.sparse import csc_matrix
Xsp = csc_matrix(X), y)
Fitting a glmnet automatically fits models for multiple values of lambda
the overall amount of regularization.
After fitting, the model can be used to generate predictions on new data:
note that this generates predictions for each lambda glmnet chose during fitting.
or get a summary of the model:
A elastic net model with alpha = 0.1.
The model was fit on 100 observations and 5 parameters.
The model was fit in 169 passes over the data.
There were 77 values of lambda resulting in non-zero models.
There were 4 non-zero coefficients in the largest model.
Passing a lambda index into describe will display the fit coefficients:
Parameter Estiamtes for elastic net model with lambda = 7.12026e-02
Varaible Name Coefficent Estiamte
C(catagorical_var)[A] -2.17143e-01
C(catagorical_var)[B] 2.13176e-01
first_var 5.43638e-01
another_var 0.00000e+00
the_last_var 2.72075e-01
The parameter paths can also be visualized, that is, the values of the model
parameters for each lambda
To select a value of lambda
cross-validation is provided:
from glmnet import ElasticNet, CVGlmNet
enet = ElasticNet(alpha=.1)
enet_cv = CVGlmNet(enet, folds=10, n_jobs=10), y)
Glmnet then fits ten models for each value of lambda
and chooses the best
model by observing which optimizes the out of fold deviance.
Once the cross validation is fit, the mean out of fold deviances for each value
of lambda
can be viewed, along with their standard deviations:
The cross validation object can then be used to generate predictions at the
optimal value of
Note: glmnet uses the joblib.Parallel function to parallelize its fitting
across folds, there is a known bug in some versions of OSX where using this
causes a race condition and the fitting will hang. Setting n_jobs=1
disable the cross validation, at the expense of fitting the models in series.
If using the anaconda distribution of python, enabling the mkl optimizations
will allow the models to be fit in parallel. The parallelization has also been
tested on various linux boxes with no issues. See
this sklearn issue for more
A build script has been provided in the glmnet/glmnet
directory, so to build
the fortran extension:
cd glmnet/glmnet
Once the build is complete, you should have a
file in the glmnet
directory. Dropping into a python shell:
import _glmnet
Should work without error.
AFAIK, this package requires gfortran
to build. g77
will not work as
it does not support -fdefault-real-8
In order to get double precision working without modifying Friedman's code,
some compiler trickery is required. The wrappers have been written such that
everything returned is expected to be a real*8
i.e. a double-precision
floating point number, and unfortunately the code is written in a way
Fortran is often written with simply real
specified, letting the compiler
decide on the appropriate width. f2py
assumes real
are always 4 byte/
single precision, hence the manual change in the wrappers to real*8
, but
that change requires the actual Fortran code to be compiled with 8-byte reals,
otherwise bad things will happen (the stack will be blown, program will hang
or segfault, etc.).
- Improved interface with cross validation.
- Pretty graphs with better knobs and dials.
- Wrapper classes for the Poisson and Cox models.
Friedman's code in glmnet.f
is released under the GPLv2, necessitating that
any code that uses it (including my wrapper, and anyone using my wrapper)
be released under the GPLv2 as well. See LICENSE for details.
That said, to the extent that they are useful in the absence of the GPL Fortran code (i.e. not very), the other portions may be used under the 3-clause BSD license.
- To Jerome Friedman for the fantastically fast and efficient Fortran code.
- To Pearu Peterson for writing
and answering my dumb questions. - To Dag Sverre Seljebotn for his help with
wrangling. - To Kevin Jacobs for showing me his
which helped me side-step some problems with the auto-generated
- J Friedman, T Hastie, R Tibshirani (2010). "Regularization Paths for Generalized Linear Models via Coordinate Descent".
- J Friedman, T Hastie, H Hofling, R Tibshirani (2007). "Pathwise Coordinate Optimization".