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m0vkg edited this page Aug 19, 2011 · 5 revisions

Using the authentication mechanism

  • Import the 'users' table into your database with mysql -udbuser -p hrdlog <sql/users.sql.
  • Create a user by going to /index.php/user/add. Make sure to set the user level to 'Administrator'.
  • Turn on user authentication by setting $config['use_auth'] in application/config' to TRUE`.
  • Optionally, set the minimum user level by changing $config['auth_mode'].

Minimum user level

By default, the minimum user level is set to 0. This means that read-only areas are available to anonymous users. Changing this setting to 1 will require a user to log in before they can view the dashboard, logs, etc. Setting it to 2 will require a user to be an 'Editor' to view read-only parts of the site, and logged-in 'Viewer' users will be redirected to an 'Access denied' page.


  • The minimum user level only affects general application access. Edit/update/delete functions will always require a user with at least 'Editor' privileges, and setting the minimum user level above 2 will prevent an 'Editor' user from accessing the site at all.
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