- Django 3.2 support
- Drop Django < 2.2
- Drop Python < 3.6
- Migrations for new parler versions
- Added support for Django 2.0 and 2.1
- Removed support for Django < 1.11
- Adapted testing infrastructure (tox/travis) to incorporate django CMS 3.6
- Added Django 1.11 support
- Introduced django CMS 3.5 support
- Dropped aldryn-reversion/django-reversion support
- Dropped Django 1.6 and 1.7 support
- Added Django 1.10 support
- Updated translations
- Fixed related_name inconsistency with django CMS 3.3.1
- Dropped support for djangoCMS < 3.2
- Introduced support for djangoCMS 3.4.0
- Changed name and slug fields in admin to full width
- Added support for Django Reversion v1.10+
- Added support and test coverage for Python 3.5
- Added support and test coverage for Django v1.9
- Added support and test coverage for django CMS v3.3
- Updated testing tools and matrices
- Removed unused render_placeholder configs
- Added static_placeholders where necessary
- Simplify templates
- Added Django 1.9 compatibility
- Added stripped default django templates to /aldryn_people/templates
- Improved compatibility with recent versions of django-reversion
- Added integration tests against CMS 3.2
- Added support for reversion for wizards
- Cleanup and update test configuration
- Added missing migrations
- Removed visual from wizard form
- Prevents (benign) JS errors on console.
- Better handle cases where there is no apphook present/published
- Disabled the Group wizard (too infrequently used)
- Relax Filer requirement restriction to allow v1.0+
- Reimplements vCard downloads in a Py3 compatible way (Thanks, Adam Brenecki!)
- Solved an issue where "Menus could not be loaded" messages were occurring in certain situations.
- Expands test-coverage to include Python 3.3, 3.4
- Added a CMS wizard to add a person (available when CMS 3.2.0 is released)
- Bumped CMS requirements to work with CMS 3.2
- Fixed bug with empty value in aldryn config field validation
- Added missing migration
- Fixed South migration in Django 1.6.x
- Correct documentation issues
- Fixed an issue where the CMSToolbar may fail to load
- Added revisioning
- Names (and slugs) are now translatable
- Groups are now sortable
- Users are presented alphabetically
- New option to show ungrouped people in people plugin
- New groups list view
- Added CMS Toolbar "people" when on Aldryn People views
- Numerous other UI/UX improvements
- Added documentation
- Added Django 1.8.x and django CMS 3.1.x support
- Added configuration for frontend testing
- Added static placeholders to group-list and group-detail templates
- Added another missing django >= 1.7 migration
- Fixed integrity error on automatic slug generation
- Added missing django >= 1.7 migration
- Dropped support for django 1.4 & 1.5
- Updated requirements to require aldryn-common>=0.1.3
- Use get_current_language from cms instead get_language from Django because Django bug #9340