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pierrebai's solution
The Elevator Saga is a programming challenge. The goal is to write the control software for a set of elevators to efficiently serve people wanting to go from floor to floor.
Multiple challenges are provided, divided into one or more categories, with some challenges combining multiple limits.
- Time limit to move a given number of people.
- Maximum waiting time for all people.
- Maximum number of elevator-moves to serve all people.
One rapidly discovers that these limits are fighting each other. Trying to minimize elevator-moves goes against the maximum waiting time, for example.
I wrote multiple solutions to the challenge. I was trying to get better results, although the final attempt turned out worse. I'll describe each one in order I wrote them below.
The first version I wrote and did not keep, was simply sending each elevator to the top and bottom floor continually, stopping at floors where people were waiting. This works only for the initial challenges. It evolved into the next solution I wrote.
I did not keep this version as it evolved into the next one. It was simply responding to each floor button press by sending to it the nearest elevator. While it worked for many challenges, it failed when trying to minimize the number of moves or maximum waiting time.
All floor button presses are put in a queue of requests. When an elevator is idle, it will take the closest of the two oldest requests. The algorithm does not uses the idle function provided by the API, it reacts to button presses on the floors an in the elevators.
Elevators will stops at intermediary floors toward their destination if there are people requesting to go in that same direction on the floor and there is capacity in the elevator.
This means an elevator can steals waiting people from other elevators that were coming to pick them up. To fix this, the update function of the API periodically cleans up both the request queue and the elevator destinations if the requests have vanished due to other elevators picking people up en-route.
This algorithm is fair to people who already are on an elevator. Elevators won't weirdly switch direction if they have people on board, which is in line with how real elevators work. That seemed esthetically important to me.
I wondered if it would possible to get rid of the requests queue. Instead of using an explicit queue, I thought I could use the set of lit-up floor buttons themselves as the container of requests. The advantage I saw is that I would no longer need to cleanup requests if an elevator picked someone one en-route to another floor. I would still need to cancel other elevators already on their way though.
Thus my aim was to simplify the book-keeping. One negative consequence though is that requests were no longer being served in sequence. I think it makes some challenge take more attempts to pass when there is a maximum waiting time. Surprisingly, when there are enough elevators that turns out to be false and this new algorithm is actually better.
On challenge #19, the perpetual challenge, it achieves an average of 12.2s with a maximum wait time of 40.1s. Obviously these numbers can vary slightly from run to run, but I found that the 12.2s average holds up all the time. Only the maximum time vary, based on luck.
Next, afyter seeing other solutuion doing this, I tried my hand at writing a solution that did all of the work inside the update API function. This means that the algorithm no longer reacts to button presses but dynamicslly control the elevators continually to try to use them most efficiently as the dynamics of movements and state of buttons change in real time.
My goal ws to try to minimize the maximum waiting time by putting absolute priority on picking up people, at the cost of delivering them to their chosen destination.
Thus at every time tick, the state of all floor buttons is read and we try to send the closest elevator with spece left to it. Only if an elevator is full or if there are no request to serve does an elevator goes to a destination chosen by its occupants.
One consequence of this is that elevators can change course mid-way. I also struggle to make the algorithm work, as there were many subtle bugs that would leave elevators osciallting between two floors. Some of these bugs were logical mistakes, but some were due to the limitations of teh API, which we discuss in the next section.
The API has many weaknesses that makes this more difficult than it should:
It is not possible to know if an elevator is full. Unless an elevator is empty, we cannot know how many people will fit because all we have is a load factor and a capacity. People can be of various weight and the load factor is no a direct indication of how much space is left.
We don't know the precise position of the elevator. All that the API provides is the last floor the elevator passed (which it calls the current floor) and the direction the elevator is traveling. It is possible to somewhat work around this by assuming that an elevator going up is slightly above the last seeen floor, and one going down is slightly below that last seen floor.
There are many vaguely-specified things:
when is the idle function is called? Is it called only when stopped? Is it called if someone immediately hops in an elevator that just stopped and presses a button?
If a floor button is already lit and someone comes, is the button pressed again, so that the number of presses equals the number of people?
Are floors all adjacent and all floor numbers consecutive? That is, can we use the floor number directly as an index into the floor array?
What counts as an elevator-move? Is stopping the elevator and queueing the same destination it had before considered a new move? Or are only full stops at a floor counted as a move?
What is the waiting time? Is it only the time spent waiting on a floor before entering an elevator or is the ride time in the elevator until exit counted?
The challenge hint that the bottom floor receives more people than other, but we are not given the exact average statistics. This makes tuning how much we should favor the bottom floor pure guess-work.
The code I wrote tries to be clear about what it does by adding a large number of functions to the elevator objects and using long names for these functions. As always, clarity is done at the cost of program length. No attempt were made to try to fold down the functions into a mish-mash of apply/map/filter/etc.
These functions could be added to the API. Here is a short list of them, slightly modified as they could appear in the API:
realFloorNum(): provides the exact real-time position of the elevator, with fractional value when in-between floors.
dirToFloor(floorNum): return the direction ("up", "down", "stopped") the elevator would need to move to reach the given floor number.
isCompatibleDir(floorNum, direction): returns true if the current direction the elevator is traveling is compatible with picking people on the given floor wanting to go in the given direction. A stopped elevator is always compatible.
willHaveDirAtFloor(floorNum, direction): returns true if the elevator will have the given direction at the given floor. The elevator may have other direrctions too. (That is, be stopped.)
willOnlyHaveDirAtFloor(floorNum, direction): returns true if the elevator will only have the given direction at the given floor. The elevator must not have other direrctions too. (That is, it must not be stopped.)
occupantWantToGo(floorNum): returns true if the button in the elevator for the given floor it lit-up, that is has been pressed.
removeDestination(floorNum): remove the floor from the destination queue.
currentDestination(defaultIfNone): returns the current destination or the given default if there are no destinations.
updateIndicators(): updates the indicators based on the next destination in the queue. Light up both if there are no destinations.
distanceToFloor(floorNum): returns the distance to the given floor.
isOnFloor(floorNum): returns true if the elevator is on the given floor and stopped.
occupantsNearestDistance(): distance to the nearest floor chosen by the occupants of the elevator, based on pressed buttons.
occupantsNearestFloor(): nearest floor chosen by occupants of the elevator, based on pressed buttons.
spaceLeft(): the approximate number of occupants that can enter the elevator given its capacity and load factor.
Play it yourself at play.elevatorsaga.com